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Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Scrooge wandered a bit in the fog. It wasn’t long before he was faced to face with the next spirit and gasped. The figure was a female wearing a dark cloak with a skull mask (Shinigami).

“Am I in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?”

The spirit slowly nodded her head to answer Scrooge’s question.

“Spirit, I fear you more than every spirit I’ve met tonight.”

Meanwhile, Charles, Gamer, and Karai peaked out the door of the belltower.

“I think this’s a little too scary for me.” Shuttered Gamer.

“I suppose you’re right.” Karai shrugged.

Charles then told the audience. “You’re on your own, folks. I’ll still narrate, but we’ll meet you at the finally.” And with that, they went back and shut the door.

Scrooge spoke again. “I am ready to follow and learn with a thankful heart.”

The spirit just stood there, not saying a word.

“Will you not speak to me?” Scrooge asked.

The spirit then placed her hand on Scrooge’s shoulder and pointed.

“Oh, yes yes. The night is waiting. Lead on, Spirit.” Scrooge followed the spirit through a swirling vortex.

Though afraid, Scrooge followed The Spirit and soon found himself back into town, only things looked bleaker and sadder than the last time he saw it.

Scrooge looked around to see it was raining. He looked to where the spirit was pointing and saw a couple men holding umbrellas talking to each other. Scrooge curiously listened in on their conversation.

“I know nothing about it. I only know he is the dead!” one that was a rhino (Rocksteady) said.

“When?” a fish guy (Fishface) asked.

“Last night, I believe.”

“I wonder what he died of. I thought he’d never go!” a tiger (Tiger Claw) huffed.

The gentlemen laughed as one who was a giant turtle (Hun) spoke. “I frankly don’t know or care why he died. I just want to know what he’s done with his money?”

“Well, he didn’t give it to me!” the fish spoke.

“No doubt it would be a cheap funeral.” The tiger stated. “I wouldn’t know a single soul who’d go to it.”

“I wouldn’t mind going.” They all looked at rhino confused before he chuckled. “If they provided the lunch!”

They all laughed before they took their leave. Scrooge looked at the Spirit. “I know some of those gentlemen, Spirit. But what poor wretch were they talking about?”

The Spirit then pointed to a little run downed shack. Scrooge looked in and saw a warthog with worn clothes (Bebop) talking to a trio of girls (The Dazzlings).

“So back from the house of sadness, I see.” He grinned.

Adagio scoffed. “Sad that he didn’t die years ago, the old skinfit!”

“Here! Here!” agreed Sonata.

“Now, let’s see. What have you got for old Joe? What did you bring me to remember him by?” he tickled Sonata and Aria under their chins. Sonata chuckled, but Aria smacked it away.

“Get off.” She hissed.

“Now girls.” Adagio playfully scolded. “Let’s show him our loot.”

Sonata went first. “I got these collar buttons from his dresser! Mother of pearl.”

Joe looked intrigued before Aria spoke up. “Nononono. I got his bed curtains! Very fine Tanishq.”

Joe accepted them and looked at them. “Pretty cheap, Girl. But worth a few coins.”

Adagio revealed a couple bed sheets. “Well, I got his blankets.”

“His blankets?” Joe looked at them as he felt them. “Why, Dagi! They’re still warm! Don’t pay extra for warmth.”

Adagio smirked. “You should. It was the only warmth he had!”

They laughed evilly which spooked Scrooge out a little as he left and spoke to the spirit.

“I understand, Spirit. The case of this unhappy man. It might be my own. Like my life tends that way now. Merciful heavens. Please, let me see some tenderness connected with this world or I will be haunted by the compensation forever.”

The spirit led Scrooge to yet another familiar place.

Scrooge’s eyes perked up when he saw the house. “It’s Cratchit’s house! A place of joy and laughter. Thank you for bringing me here.” But then Scrooge noticed there were no sounds of happiness to be heard. “It’s quiet. Why is it so quiet, Spirit?”

The Spirit pointed to the window. Scrooge looked in to see everyone in poor spirits. Spike was lying in his bed sadly looking at a bone. Martha was sitting at the table shedding tears. Emily was sniffling as she prepared dinner. Belinda walked to her.

“Mother? You’re crying again.”

“It-it’s just the lamp light hurting my eyes.” Emily sniffled.

Scrooge realized the reason why for this sadness. “No. not Tiny Tim!”

Emily fixed herself up. “There. My eyes get weak in the dim light. I would not want to show weak eyes to your father when he gets home for anything in the world. I’m sure he’s on his way back by now.”

“I… think he’s been walking a little slower these past two evenings.” Peter sighed as he was turning the spit.

Just then, Bob Cratchit sadly entered the home. “Hello, my dears.”

“Daddy.” The children all came up and softly hugged their father.

“Hello, girls. Hello, Peter. Hello, Martha.” Cratchit even bend down and pet Spike. “You too, Spike.”

“C’mon, Children. Go wash up for dinner.” The children did as they were told. “Thank you.” Emily turned to Cratchit. “How was the churchyard, dear?”

Cratchit put on a fake smile for his wife. “It’ll be lovely, Emily. You’ll love how green the place is. I picked a perfect spot on the hill for Tiny Tim. You could see the ducks on the river.”

“Tiny Tim always loved watching the ducks on the river.” Emily remembered as she held her husband tightly.

Scrooge turned to the Spirit. “Oh Spirit. Must there be a Christmas that brings this awful scene? How can be endure it?”

As they sadly sat down to dinner, Cratchit spoke up. “It’s alright, Children. Life is full of meetings and partings. That is the way of it. I’m sure we will never forget Tiny Tim for this first parting that there was among us.”

Scrooge then looked and saw Tiny Tim’s chair next to the fireplace. On it was his hat and scarf along with his crutch. Just as the previous spirit foreseen.

Scrooge then saw they were back in the cemetery.

“Must we return to this place?” he asked the still silent spirit. “There’s something else I should know. Is that not true? Spirit, I know what I must ask. I fear to, but I must. Who was the wretched man whose death brought glee and happiness to others?”

The Spirit pointed at a direction. Scrooge looked to see two guys just finishing digging a grave. One was a boy with black hair and missing his two front teeth (Casey Jones) and the other was a turtle wearing a red mask (Raphael). The boy spoke.

“I tell ya, this was probably the quickest we’ve ever buried anyone.”

“I agree. I never seen a funeral like this one! No mourners, no friends to bid him farewell.” The turtle pointed out.

“That guy had to have been the most stingiest man in town!” the boy chuckled.

“No doubt about it.” The turtle checked his watch. “Cmon, let’s rest a minute before we start on that Tiny Tim lad.”

“Good idea.” The boy smirked. “At least this stingy guy won’t bother any of us anymore!”

The two laughed as they walked away. Scrooge walked up to the tombstone. “Spirit? Are these the shadows of thing that will be? Or are they the shadows of that may be if only?”

The spirit pointed to the tombstone. Scrooge walked up and saw the name of the wretched man was covered in snow. “These events can be changed.” He walked a little further to the tombstone the spirit pointed to. “A life can be made right!”

He stood in front of the tombstone and started to wipe off the snow. Thunder rumbled as he looked in horror as he saw the name more.


Scrooge trembled in horror and disbelief. For the writing on the tombstone was in fact...

“My name! It’s Ebeneezer Scrooge!”

As he said those words, a raging snowstorm suddenly began, flurries swarmed all around him as he crawled over to the ghost. “Spirit, I beg of you, tell me are these the shadows of things that will be? Or these the shadows of things that may be? Oh, please Spirit! Nevermore will I be greedy and selfish! And I will help the one's less fortunate!”

He held onto the ghost's cloak and cried out, “Please, spirit! Say that I am not past all hope! I will honor Christmas past, present, and future, and I'll not shut out the lessons the spirits have taught me! Tell me that I may sponge out the writing on this stone! Oh spirit, please speak to me!”

The ghost stared down at Scrooge with a cold icy look for a long moment. Then at last, she spoke but two words...

“Wake up!”

To be Continued

Author's Note:

This took quicker than I thought! Almost done. I may get this done before Christmas!

Again, Special thanks to Jebens1 for dialogue for the last part of the chapter.

And I think that's it. Almost done!