• Published 18th Dec 2022
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My Little Pony + Rabbids Invasion: The Big Bwahing Adventures! - ShaggyBoi23

The Rabbids once sleep in their land on earth after their usual chaotic daily basis. Now they're transported to Ponyvile to cause ruckus and mayham around Equestria thanks to Discord who wants to see chaos around Equestria.

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Chatper 2: Territory Realm Adventures with Discord's Rabbids!

Ponyville had one but raving chaotic day. Without warning, some unexpected Rabbids came out of the shell and instilled panic in the town, causing chaos and commotion everywhere. Fortunately, nopony was severely injured despite all the damage the Rabbids caused by their antics. There were apparently some Rabbids walking around in Ponyville but to cause no harm or mayhem, presumably because some Rabbids aren't as chaotic, wanting to have a peaceful time around Ponyville, but are the same Rabbids in their usual sense of humor and zany antics.

While picking up Flurry Heart after their usual trip, Cadance and Shining Armor were surprised by what transpired, but they were glad that their daughter wasn’t hurt, physically speaking. The baby alicorn was still upset over what happened to her Whammy, given the stitching looked fixed by Spike, but is unamused when a Rabbid waved at Flurry and her parents, as she glared at that one Rabbid, thinking it was one of them who ruined and ripped Whammy.

After Flurry Heart left Ponyville with her parents, Twilight and Starlight placed a barrier around the town to keep the crazy Rabbids out. However, Twilight did see some Rabbids walking around in Ponyville who are in their antics but just on the passive side and didn't harm anypony else just to have fun, so she decided to play fair by letting those Rabbids stay in Ponyville as they didn't cause trouble, but gave those Rabbids a warning if they tried something incredibly stupid or chaotic. If they did, she'll eventually kick them all out in Ponyville. The princess also had to send a letter to Celestia, informing her of those chaotic bunny creatures and will try to figure out who the Rabbids are and how they ticked in their crazy zany side of themselves.

As repairs were being done across Ponyville and Starlight had to approach the Town Hall where one of the Rabbids are there to relax to explain why their other Rabbid Friends caused this racket mess with the help of Fluttershy, Twilight spent the rest of the day investigating and having to bring one of the Rabbids inside her Castle for experimentation research purposes and figuring out why the Rabbids are just chaotic.

Unfortunately, due to being incredibly exhausted after that raving mess, she had no luck acquiring anything that could help her better understand these bunny creatures and had to do her research experiment tomorrow. She swept the places that the six Firework Rabbids set hoof in, but she was able to find a single strand of their hair and examined every object that the Rabbids put their mouths on to prepare for her research tomorrow.

But... Needless to say, Twilight was left with more questions than answers to figure out about the Rabbids and was relieved that some Rabbids around Ponyville aren't as chaotic, unlike the other Rabbids who caused destruction minutes ago. She had no idea where they came from or if they had any motives. Not knowing much made it difficult for her to go to bed after Luna raised the moon with most Rabbids in Ponyville causing noises in their usual antics to stay up for the night while other Rabbids are sleeping for the night.

As Celestia’s sun rose up in the sky to reach the next day, Twilight woke up to stretch her body and spent the rest of the day prepping her breakfast and getting ready to do her research experiments on the Rabbids. While frustrated and exhausted from yesterday’s mess, she had to write a letter to Celestia to tell the Royal Guards for assistance since they would need extra help identifying the Rabbids if they were the chaotic destructive ones who caused this mess.

She also had to ask Princess Luna to investigate, finding the Rabbids that caused this mess as the Rabbids in Ponyville are passive with their antics are there but aren't the chaotic ones. She was also left with the task of finding some of their hair or other items that could help them to identify them and figure out how they ticked and start their chaos. Princess Luna had a long day in Canterlot as she has to come up with an idea to understand the Rabbids a little bit better while in the bidder to investigate their dreams.

In the Everfree Forest, there was a trio of Rabbids, apparently lost in deep contemplation and finding their way out of Everfree as they were scared of being alone in this dangerous forest. They then heard growls coming from a pair of timberwolves.

The two wooden predators approached the trio of Rabbids slowly and menacingly, but the trio Rabbids wasn't worried, as they were curious about looking at these wooden wolfs. One of the timberwolves lunged at the one Rabbid but missed as the Rabbid managed to dodge an attack, causing the trio to run off in a panic. One of the Rabbids dropped a TNT when they escaped from being taken by the Timberwolves and one of them stepped onto the TNT, causing a big explosion, resulting in the first Timberwolf's blow, enough to split the timberwolf into thousands of tiny pieces. The second timberwolf chased after the trio Rabbids but before it could reach them, the second timberwolf stepped into a goop of honey, getting stuck as it was too sticky. The trio Rabbids quickly turned around and threw a wrench to its attacker's mouth, causing the second timberwolf to choke and, like the first timberwolf, shredded into pieces.

The trio Rabbids proceeded with a stroll through the forest and the first thing they came across was a hut. The first Rabbid tried opening the door but was locked. The two Rabbids looked out the window to see if anyone is inside but to no avail. Just then they came up with an idea and one where it pretty much succeeded…

The one who lives in the hut, a zebra named Zecora, had returned after collecting herbs and gathering enough obscure plants. Upon her return, she noticed the broken door, causing her to be alarmed. After rushing into her home, her eyes caught her attention that there was a trio of Rabbids sleeping inside her hut. It wasn’t ransacked or a complete mess, but Zecora was shocked that the trio Rabbids managed to break the door open, but are in a need of sleep as they were exhausted running through Everfree Forest. Curious, she had an idea and a plan, one where she seeks research on these obscure bunny species from another realm and figured out that Twilight would be the answer for these Rabbids, but she’ll have to wait for them to wake up and start her research on them.

At the Rock Farm, Limestone Pie and Marble Pie prepared for a long day of work after having their breakfast. When checking on Holder’s Boulder before going to the rock fields to start work and wondering whatever happens to Maud Pie, she and her younger sister were surprised to see the trio Rabbids looking at Holder’s Boulder, with one Rabbids sleeping on top of it.

The three Rabbids were peacefully staring at Holder’s Boulder as if a guardian was in front of them for a story, but Limestone did not take kindly to anycreature coming into contact with the boulder, much less sitting on it. Marble on the other hoof was skeptical but scared of these bunnies, so she stayed behind her older rougher sister for protection.

“Hey! Stop staring at Holder’s Boulder and get your sleepy friend down from there!” Limestone yelled at the Quarto Rabbids who were growling at them.

The three Rabbids looked at Limestone and Marble for a second before turning back to Holder’s Boulder like it was as if they hear her but are focused on a bigger interest and continued gazing at the Boulder.

“Ugh, can’t you all hear me!? I said, stop looking at Holder’s Boulder, get your sleepy little friend down from there!” Limestone yelled again even louder. “You don’t want to mess with somepony, as Holder’s Boulder doesn’t want to be in the likes of you freaks!”

The Rabbids continued to ignore Limestone and one of the Rabbids decided it would be interesting to touch this Egg shaped boulder, thinking it was a wishing rock. Limestone noticed one of the Rabbids approaching Holder’s Boulder and threw a small pebble at the Rabbid’s head to get its attention. The Rabbid didn’t flinch and was about to touch the Boulder, prompting the tougher mare to throw more pebbles, with Marble looking confused at her older Sister to get the Rabbids to their attention. No matter how many pebbles Limestone threw, the Rabbid eventually touched Holder’s Boulder promoting the two Rabbids to touch the Boulder as in their usual basis for finding new items and props to play with, as they didn’t their attention to Limestone any mind, making her extremely frustrated that the Rabbids didn’t get her attention.

Losing patience, she picked up a much larger rock and threw it to one of the Rabbids which finally caught their attention, making Marble flinch and cringed to see one of the Rabbids get hit by a bigger rock. But before Limestone could throw another big one at another Rabbid, the sleepy Rabbid woke up and jumped off Holder’s Boulder, and landed in front of Limestone and Marble, after hearing a crash from Limestone stopping one of the Rabbids touching Holder’s Boulder. While looking into the Rabbid’s eyes, Limestone gave a threatening glare with Marble looking gloomily.

“I don’t know where you and your freaky bunny friends come from, but listen carefully. I run this whole rock farm with my family. Cross me and you’re going to regret it.” Limestone said in an unfriendly tone while poking the Rabbid with her right front hoof. “Dare to touch Holder’s Boulder again, one of your freaky friends is getting the boot!”

While the Rabbid looked at Limestone with confusion, the Rabbid who got hit by Limestone with that big rock reached out to the two Rabbids and casually looked at Holder’s Boulder once more. The Rabbid turned around and walked towards Holder’s Boulder with a mischievous plan.

“I’m warning you! You all better stay away from Holder’s Boulder!” Limestone growled. “Or else you’ll suffer the consequences from the Rock Family!”

The four Rabbids came up with a plan and then latched on the boulder and carried it to a faraway distance. Limestone and Marble let out a long gasp as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Now enraged, Limestone grabbed her pickaxe and started chasing the four Rabbids, yelling and shouting at the Rabbids carrying the boulder as she was at her boiling point that the Rabbids are taking Holder’s Boulder away to a new home.


While Marble was still frozen with shock, one Rabbid walked around the Rock farm and looked at Marble to see what was happening.

Right outside of the weather factory in Cloudsdale, three of the workers, Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score, were taking a break after hours of work. The three were drinking smoothies and chatting as usual during a lunch break like any other.

“This sure hits the spot for our lunch.” Hoops said as he enjoyed his beverage. "At least these hamburgers are tasty."

Soon, they heard screams and laughter and saw a few pegasi flying frantically like they were fleeing from something as if that something is terrifying them.

“What on Equestria is going on right now?” Dumb-Bell asked his friends. "Why are the pegasi running away from?

The trio then saw the Pilot Rabbid with a jetpack scaring the pegasi with its RPG Launcher toy heading in their direction and blasting firework rockets at them for amusement. But as its RPG toy ran out of ammo, the Pilot Rabbid was about to get bored and threw it to the cloud as it falls straight through. Some Rabbids were running around in Cloudsdale and causes mishaps in their usual zany antics.

Moments later, the Pilot Rabbid stopped and stood a few feet in front of them. And for some reason, something shined and spawned in a megaphone to the Pilot Rabbid grabbed it and started to like the Megaphone spawned by Discord. The three pegasi were dumbfounded to see a Rabbid with a Jetpack roaming around alone on Cloudsdale. Not to mention, it was able to stand in the clouds since anycreature would somehow fall through, but pegasi are the only ponies to stand through it.

“Wait a minute. How on Luna's Moon are these weird rabbit things walking on clouds?” Score wondered. "It doesn't make any sens-"

“BWAAAAAAAH!!!” With the megaphone, the Pilot Rabbid released a powerful sound wave. So powerful, the land of Equestria can hear the 'Bwah' across its surroundings.

Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score screamed as they were blown away and launched out of Cloudsdale, crashing at Rainbow's house. Fortunately, they weren't harmed by the crash but got a glimpse at Rainbow's house and are incredibly dumbfounded by the Pilot Rabbids' scheme.

Afterward and hearing that powerful scream, Spitfire, Soarin, and Thunderlane rushed to the scene and discovered the Pilot Rabbid and the Rabbids entering the Weather Factory and meddling with the weather and clouds.

“There's those freaky bunnies!” Soarin spotted the Rabbids and Pilot Rabbid. "Those freaks that caused Ponyvile to suffer the horror!"

“Don’t let them get inside the weather factory!” Spitfire bellowed. "And we'll inform Rainbow and her friends about that Pilot Bunny that shot Derpy down!"

The Wonderbolts swooped down on the Pilot Rabbid at high speed, only to get blown away by the Pilot Rabbid’s megaphone in the fashion of a certain trio.

The Pilot Rabbid then entered the weather factory with the rest of the Rabbids and continued bringing disorder and disaster as they strike. All of the factory employees fled for their lives as the Pilot Rabbid repeatedly screamed through the megaphone. The worst-case scenario arrived once the group of Rabbids reached the laboratory, where clouds and snow are manufactured, the group of Rabbids damaged the machines, causing them to go haywire and laughed out loud to play with the weather and swirled out of control.

With chaotic weather forming over Cloudsdale thanks to the Group Rabbids, the Pilot Rabbids put the megaphone away and left the cloud city on a paraglider to fly where to go next to their destination.

Near the town of Appleloosa, the buffalos were doing their traditional stampede, and surprisingly had a recruit of Rabbids who joined in their group and in their clothing style. Their stampede was going smoothly as they ran on the open path through the apple orchard. But before they got past the orchard, Chief Thunderhooves noticed something up ahead.

There was a group of unexpected Rabbids standing in the buffalos’ path. It was the six Firework Rabbids and it was standing next to five cannons fully loaded with firework rockets, and they were all aimed at the incoming buffalos. One of the Firework Rabbids was carrying a match and used to light up the fuses to prepare their chaos.

The cannons fired and the buffalos and their Rabbids were met with a barrage of fireworks. As the fireworks exploded around them, the buffalos stumbled and collided with each other and their Rabbids were trying to recoup what was going on. While watching from his home, Discord and his Rabbids giggled as the buffalos piled on one another but were questioning seeing the Rabbids on the buffalo's side since they usually see normal Rabbids.

The citizens of Appleloosa were alarmed by the sound of fireworks, with the Cowboy Rabbids on their side seeing the commotion, while normal Rabbids roamed around in Appleloosa. Braeburn was about to go investigate, but three Rabbids with Racing Karts bolted into the town with a rocket attached to it and throw firecrackers around.

The Kart Rabbids zoomed around wildly, sending the ponies into a panic as they scattered, while the normal Rabbids watched the race. Anypony that was unable to dodge the Kart Rabbids were sent spiraling in the air and crashed through the floor or building/house.

A mare eventually threw an apple pie at one of the Karting Rabbid’s face, causing it to lose control of its kart. The Karting Rabbid kept going while maintaining control until it crashed into the sheriff’s office. The rocket attached to the kart exploded, setting the station ablaze and the Rabbid send flying and crashing to the ground.

As the Karting Rabbid got back up with no kart and licked the pie off its face finding it tasty for a treat, Braeburn, Sheriff Silverstar, and several other Appleloosans (plus the cowboy Rabbids) surrounded the Rabbid which caused their karting trouble with the intention to capture it and turn it in for the Mane 6. The ponies and cowboy Rabbids rushed the karting Rabbid, but the latter leaped over them and ran away at a super-quick speed and jumped with the Karting Rabbids who have their karts to escape. The Appleloosans tried to pursue the Karting Rabbids in a steeplechase in a circle to reach their speed, but it was too fast for them due to the karts Rabbids being in fast speed, increasing more exhaustion.

In Canterlot, at the library, Moon Dancer was reading a book as usual. When she turned to the next page, the Hoarder Rabbids suddenly busted through the roof, surprising Moon Dancer and everypony inside (along with some Rabbids roaming around the library). The Hoarder Rabbids erratically ran around inside the library and hoarded many books to hoard or throw away in the trash can fire they brought in and of course, attacked anypony in their path. The ponies had to either move to the side or duck to avoid getting attacked by the Hoarder Rabbids. While hoarding enough books and attacking anypony, one Hoarder Rabbids bumped into the bookshelves again and again to get more books to hoard. However, one of the Hoarder Rabbids accidentally bumped into the Fire Trash can and got the books caught fire and the flames quickly spread. All the ponies and normal Rabbids evacuated in a hurry and the Hoarder Rabbids managed to jump out through the hole with springs in the roof as the library went up in smoke.

While watching the Hoarder Rabbid’s movements and their tactics as they bounced around with springs, Discord snapped his finger and teleported the Hoarder Rabbids close to the royal castle and soon flew and crashed through a stained-glass window, alerting the guards.

The Hoarder Rabbids ran around in random directions and bounced off the walls multiple times to collect and hoard items. The guards were at a loss of what to do since there were ten Rabbids bouncing into the palace with springs in their foot was the last thing any of them expected. Eventually, the springs got loose, and the ten Rabbids dropped down and tumbled on the floor.

The ten Hoarder Rabbids swiftly rose back to its foot nonchalantly but found themselves surrounded by the guards, all pointing their spears at the ten Rabbids, as they prepare for an unlikely battle.

“Halt, intruders!” One of the guards commanded. "So you're one of those bunnies Princess Twilight witnessed, Stand down or you'll all be sent to the dungeon!."

A circular bubble shield suddenly materialized on the Hoarder Rabbids'. The ten Rabbids then hurl the bubble shield and roll around like a pool ball hitting each ball, and bumping at the walls. It hit one guard and ricocheted into another guard. The shield bounced around like a pinball, striking many more guards. Discord and his Rabbids snickered as the guards were getting knocked out by the Horder Rabbids' mischief, one after another as the ten Rabbids high-five and cheered for their mischief but the shield.

“ENOUGH!!!” A certain alicorn shouted in her royal Canterlot voice.

Appearing before the Horader Rabbids is the ruler of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia, who has witnessed the chaos and ruckus.

“Stand down, strange bunny creatures!” Celestia demanded. "I heard you and you're bunny friends causing disturbance around Ponyville."

The Hoarder Rabbids responded by throwing books at Celestia, who put up a magical barrier and deflected the shield back at the ten Rabbids, knocking it down and having no luck to stop the Alicorn. The sun alicorn then used her magic to pin the Hoarder Rabbids down to the floor.

“It’s time we find out who you unexpecting species are.” Celestia declared. "And will bring Twilight and her friends to inspect you all."

Discord secretly intervened by conjuring a swirling vortex beneath the ten Rabbids. The creature then vanished from the palace, leaving Celestia baffled. And Discord decided to spawn in thirty Rabbids falling down like rain right at Celestia for a silly trick to slow her down as it accidentally knocked her down. But as Celestia got up, she used her magic to try and identify one of the Hoarder Rabbids.

The Hoarder Rabbids reappeared in front of the Canterlot Carousel. It gazed at the boutique briefly before walking in through the front door. After hearing the door open, the boutique’s manager, Sassy Saddles, went to greet the new arrival.

“Hello, welcome to...” The unicorn was bewildered to see that the visitor wasn’t a pony. "Wait, what are you do-"

A group of guards arrived at Canterlot Carousel after receiving word of a public disturbance occurring there. They found Sassy Saddles in great distress but she was unharmed and a couple of Rabbids roamed around the Casrousal that was wrecked. However, everything in the boutique was in tatters, as if a storm went by. As for the Rabbid perpetrators, it was long gone as they've hoarded enough for their pile to the Moon.

At the Crystal Empire, the Crystal Ponies were having a peaceful time around the town, but their peace came to an unexpectedly quick end when two duo Rabbids with a shopping cart came in and caused major damage around the town and bringing in more Rabbids to the empire.

The Shopping Kart Duo Rabbids started to ‘Bwah’ their way, scaring the Crystal Ponies away, stealing and hoarding enough Crystals around the empire in Townsville, and destroying the homes and buildings to hoard enough for their tower to the moon. Not to mention, breaking into the spa and library, and entering through the Equestria Games as the Rabbids raced through the stadium to cause more mayhem and chaos, leaving the Shopping Cart Duo Rabbids to their next destination in the Crystal Empire.

As the duo Rabbids with the shopping cart approached the Crystal Castle, they were approached by the Crystal Guards, who stopped them in their tracks. Much to the guards' dismay, they got the Bwah’d by the Shopping Cart Duo Rabbids as they entered the Castle to hoard enough luxury goods. And as they reached the throne, Flash Sentry stopped them in from of them and demanded to stop the duo Rabbids, but in the same fate as the guards, he got the bwah'd by the Shopping Cart Rabbids.

Entering the throne, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance with Flurry Heart were caught off guard and defended their territory as the Shopping Cart Duo Rabbids. Flurry was telling her mommy that these Rabbids were the ones who ripped Whammy. Just then the Shopping Cart Duo Rabbids used a fire extinguisher and crashed through Shining Armor, making Cadance flinch and before she could use her magic to stop the troublemaking Rabbids, her Wings and Horn vanished thanks to Discord's part to help his duo Rabbids, thus, the Princess of Love got captured by the Shopping Cart Duo Rabbids. Shining got up and saw the duo Rabbids with their shopping cart capture her, making Flurry wail loudly that her mommy got captured.

At the Castle of Friendship, the Mane Six and Spike gathered in the Castle of Friendship for an important meeting with the Rabbids hanging around with them. After doing some experiments and research on the Rabbids, they got in mixed results during their Rabbid Research Experiment and figured out how they ticked and act in their antics. Fluttershy detailed how the Rabbids communicate with their gibberish language, Rainbow with how one Rabbid was riding on her and attached to her as glue and obnoxiously used her as a ridable crazed animal, Applejack trying to scold them for ruining their Apple House and Farm but got answers of laugher, Pinkie Pie getting along with the Rabbids with no problems as she has interactive with them and the Rabbids gotten used to Pinkie Pie's antics, Rarity trying to get some of the Rabbids to wear in clothing which some did and some refused, and Twilight using a Moon hologram to catch the Rabbids attention which surprised her to write her notes. Just then, Twilight brought in devastated news to share.

“Girls, I have important news that I need to relay to you,” Twilight said. "After our bunny experiment, I've gotten some news from Princess Celestia herself."

“What is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as she pets one of the Rabbids.

“Those freaky chaotic bunnies have struck again, in different territories across Equestria,” Twilight answered with a serious tone. "I assume it's those firework bunnies, race karters, the pilot bunny with a jetpack, hoarder bunnies, and that supposed Shopping Cart bunnies.”

Naturally, the rest of the Mane Six were concerned and some of the Rabbids were just laughing it off as their Rabbid Friends are doing a splendid job on their chaos.

“What did those ruffians do this time?” Rarity inquired. “I hope it’s not worst than Ponyville.”

“At Appleloosa, the Firework Bunnies disrupted the buffalos’ stampede with their bunny friends and the Karting Bunnies destroyed the sheriff’s station and they’re all trying to find one of those kart perpetrators as they search each and every one of them as the bunnies they’ve searched are the passive ones. The Jetpack bunny attacked the weather factory at Cloudsdale and had multiple bunnies steal multiple clouds to use for their mischief and destroyed the weather factory. And the bunny hoarders stirred up trouble at Canterlot.” Spike explained.

“Nopony was seriously hurt, thankfully,” Twilight added. “And some of those bunnies that were around during the chaos didn’t cause harm to anypony, only the ones with their chaos deviousness were doing it for their own twisted minds to cause destruction again, but didn’t harm anypony but some attacked them with no serious injuries.”

“We need to stop them before these freaks could do something worse!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “And there’s way too many of them to identify the chaotic bunnies.”

“What about the shopping cart bunnies?” Pinkie chimed in. “You only mention them as one bunny told me they took Diamond Tiara and my Sister, Maud, to their home somewhere.”

“No major incidents concerning the shopping cart duo reported so far,” Twilight stated. “But at least they have Diamond Tiara and Maud Pie in their possession in their home and aren't causing them harm.”

Spike belched up a burst of green fire that formed into a scroll, which the dragon then caught in his hand. He then handed it to Twilight.

The alicorn then unfolded the scroll and began reading it. “It’s a detailed report of all the damages the hoarder bunnies did at Canterlot and the report of the shopping kart duo bunnies from the Crystal Empire.”

As she read through the scroll, she discovered what happened to the Canterlot library and growled that her Sister-in-law was ponynapped by the Shopping Cart Rabbids

“Seriously! What do these hoarder freaks have against libraries by stealing books and destroying them with flames?!” Twilight thought out loud in shock. “And… THAT SHOPPING KART DUO BUNNIES PONYNAPPRD MY SISTER-IN-LAW?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?!?”

“So, is there a plan to catch these varmints?” Applejack questioned. “This is gonna be too hard to identify one of them.”

“Princess Celestia has posted guards at every town and city in Equestria. And they have checked and identified each of the bunnies who are either passive or chaotic as they roam around in Equestria. We’ll be notified right away the next time those Chaotic Bunnies show themselves. When they do, we’ll be there to stop them in any way we can.” Twilight replied before turning her head to Spike.

“And Spike, if we see the shopping cart bunnies and hoarders again and if capture proves to be extremely difficult, you may have to bring in Princess Celestia to banish them to Luna’s Moon.” Twilight said sternly.

“Uh, isn’t that a bit excessive and a little far, Twilight?” Spike asked. “And didn’t your study shows these rabbits were obsessed with Luna’s moon as they’ve been incredibly dumb but the Moon somehow became their obsession during the study?”

“Those troubling mischievous bunnies creatures have committed the gravest of sins and ruined what I love the most! Not a once at all, not a double twice of my hobby, but a triple thrice of what they ruined the most! I swear, it's going to be hard to identify the chaotic ones because there are too many of them, but they must be punished for all the innocent books it harmed!” Twilight bellowed. “And that shopping cart duo bunnies are going to have a word with me and my brother, Shining, because the report shows that Flurry is now even sad and crying louder that Cadence is now in the hand of those bunny freaks.”

“Twilight, darling, aren’t you getting a bit too over-melodramatic and overreacting about the situation?” Rarity interjected. “You must remember that Cadence can definitely defend herself, so you wouldn’t worry about your Sister-in-law. But those hoarders at least didn’t destroy all the books.”

“Oh really… If you think I'm overreacting in any shape about crazy bunnies causing mayhem and giving books all the harm, then there’s something you need to know.” Twilight then showed Rarity the part of the report revealing that Canterlot Carousel was vandalized, robbed, and destroyed by the Hoarder Rabbids.


“TWILIGHT!!!” Trixie rushed into the castle with the Magician Rabbid on her side, waving at the Mane 6, Spike, and the Rabbids.

“Trixie?” Twilight was taken aback. "What are you doing, and why is there a Magician bunny with you?"

“He's on my side, don't worry, BUT... When you go searching for those dastardly chaos bunny freaks, please let me join you and my magical bunny companion will help me out with my upcoming show. I need a score to settle with one of them chaotic crazy bunny freaks!" Trixie bellowed dramatically and glared at the Rabbids inside Twilight's Castle. "Those three little freak rabbits ruined my precious wagon by turning it into a home cabin and treated Trixie like a CLOWNY TRANSPORTER FOR THEIR MISCHIEVOUS SCHEMES AD TOOK MY WAGON AWAY! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE NEEDS ABSOLUTE JUSTICE FOR THEM FREAKY BUNNY ENDURERS!!!!”

“O-okay... You may assist us with your bunny companion joining the way to find those perpetrators to appear again.” Understanding where Trixie was coming from, Twilight accepted her request.

Unbeknownst to the ponies, Rabbids, and dragon, Discord and his Rabbids were spying on them.

“Good luck, my little ponies. You’re all going to need it for the day.” The Lord of Chaos said with a grin. “And this time, I’m going shake my Rabbids up with an upgrade to them. One where they will need a merge with my chaos and their appearance.”

Author's Note:

Originally, Mad Rabbid and some familiar Rabbids from the TV Show were going to make their appearance here but they's going to be saved later in the future.