• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 247 Views, 3 Comments

Blossom Of Snow - Drunk Luna

Luna’s granddaughter, Princess Edelweiss, must forge her own identity as she grows.

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Nestled in Luna's hooves, the tiny alicorn filly slept peacefully. Luna marveled at how blindingly white her newborn granddaughter's coat was; not even Celestia's coat could boast such a striking resemblance to snow. In fact, Luna only knew of one other pony who shared that trait with little Edelweiss, and that pony had died well over a thousand years ago.

"What does the night sound like?" Luna asked Snowdrop as they sipped tea in one of Canterlot Castle's many drawing rooms. The white mare stood silently and walked towards the French doors that led to the castle gardens, motioning for Luna to follow. Luna obliged, and once the two mares had found a spot in the center of the gardens, Snowdrop raised her head, her ears swiveling daintily as she listened. The moon was full, a glowing white orb in a royal blue ocean of stars. After a moment, Snowdrop spoke.

"It sounds like a concert," she said. "The moon is like a choir of a thousand singers in a massive cathedral, singing works by history’s greatest composers. None of the sections overpower each other; as the sopranos add light, the basses add coolness and depth. The stars are like an orchestra, and they complement your moon perfectly. Your night sounds beautiful, Princess." A lump formed in Luna's throat at Snowdrop's explanation.

"If only everypony could see my night the way you do," she said. "Others eagerly await my sister's daylight. They don't seem to realize that the most beautiful magic is made in moonlight. Couples fall in love beneath my night sky. New foals are created under my moon. Young lovers meet under the cover of my night, and they share secrets and wish on my stars. It only more ponies could appreciate the beauty of my stars, my moon, my northern lights." She sighed in frustration and turned to walk back inside.

Suddenly, the foal stirred, rousing Luna from her memories. Stretching, Edelweiss yawned and began to fuss, her small whimpers quickly crescendoing into full-on cries as she opened her ice-blue eyes.

"Sssshhh, little one," Luna cooed, rocking the filly. "Nana Lulu is here, but you want your mama, don't you?" She smiled and gave Edelweiss to her waiting daughter, Neoma, who promptly began to nurse the foal.

As she walked out of the nursery, Luna unsuccessfully tried to return her painful memories to the most desolate recesses of her mind. Her life couldn’t be any better, so why was she dwelling on the past?