• Published 13th Nov 2022
  • 936 Views, 34 Comments

The Tallmare (being reworked) - hus

Twilight was studying the wildlife and plant of the Everfree for a personal project. But wasn't aware of the disappearances that happened there and she was going to spiral down a rabbit hole

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Ch11 Brutal Honesty

The current time was 12:30 pm when the unicorn and the pegasus arrived at Sweet Apple Achors. The midday sun beamed above the farm while the wind blew against the branches of the many apple trees with their autumn leaves flying in the wind. Twilight looked over to Fluttershy with an uncertain grimace, the pegasus looked back with a more serious look in her eyes and looked more informed about why the very air seemed troubled as the farm mare who they were about to visit.

They trotted with uneasy movent in their hoves as they approached the barn. The barn and the house of the Apple family had an unusual silence as they got closer, non of the lights were on and it seemed like the life of the house had vanished. "Umm Fluttershy, why does this seem like AJ called us here for a more serious matter?" Twilight looked at the house as she asked, a nervous shiver running down her back as she saw aj looking out of her window.

Fluttershy looked up at where her friend was looking, feeling the same feeling of dread, like an encroaching storm was in front of them. "She didn't say much, just said she knew what we were doing."

Twilight continued to look at the house that loomed over them, sensing that something bad had happened there. The 2 slowly started to walk to the house again, and as they arrived at the front doorTwilight knocked on it. They waited for a couple of minutes, before hearing hoof steps heading downstairs before a familiar country mare opened the door and looked at them with a scowl.

"Get the fuck inside." AJ demanded before walking back upstairs and leaving the door open for them. Twilight and Fluttershy glanced at each other and shrugged, both equally clueless. They headed upstairs to follow her, then as soon as they reached the second floor they saw her standing still in Applebloom's bedroom with a frown of anger.

Twilight, being the more reasonable one walked into the empty bedroom
"Look Applejack, we can't fix loose, but we can help with-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME! I know what your meddling with." AppleJack cut Twilight off with pure anger and rage in her voice.

Twilight slowly backed with confusion. "AJ, I don't know what you mean? what do you mean meddling?"

"Don't get me started. After your little spike dissaperiead, you started acting all suspicious and shit." She said, walking in circles around Twilight with hate. "I didn't know what the fuck was up with you and your fucking brain, but I knew it was related to those disappearances."

"You only know half of the story, so shut up," Twilight said with anger, not happy about the eavesdropping

"HAHAHA, Oh you think I know half?!? Oohhh boy! What if I told you I saw what you fuckers are seeing too! Thats right! I was farming apples 2 days ago and I thought I saw a tall mare, a Tall Mare!! And oh then I found a threatening note on my tree with some wired magick shit on it, before I found that faceless bitch right behind me and I FUCKING RAN!" at this point the tan mares emotions were erupting out her like a toxic volcano of grief.

Both Fluttershy and Twilight looked at their friend who raved with laughter and tears rolling down her face. "Be honest, are you hurt?" Asked kindness.

"NO SHIT! Twilight you were only going down this rabbit hole because of your little sibling, how fucking selfish!" AJ yelled mocking Twilight, trying to deflect the blame to her friend.

The only unicorn in the room felt great offense to the insult and punched AJ hard in the snout. "How about you calm the fuck down! yes the tallmare is real and we have been trying to figure out what it is!"

AJ got up and laughed blood covering her muzzle. " Yeah, and I know it's real. PLUS! I am the element of honesty so let's BE FUCKING HONEST! Luna is here probably here for the same reason you have gone sherlock-hoofs on this bitch, and it's making you sooo self-centered! And my honest emotion is PAIN! I tried all of the wards grannysmith taught me about, and they don't work! So ya'll are going to help me kill this BITCH!"

Both Twilight and Fluttershy stared with concern at their distressed friend. there were silent for a long amount of minutes, not knowing what to do or say.

"So are you going to help me or sit on your flanks and gawk?"

Twilight took a deep breath before walking up calmly to her friend. "Where is the rest of your family? Are they safe?"

"Yeah, they are in a hotel, why you ask?"

Twilight sighed and looked down at into her friend's emerald eyes. "I'm asking because we don't know the scope of this thing's capability. And sorry to say but you are just as helpless as we are, were lost and there are no clear directions. Then there are the dangers of this cult-like thing, or whatever you call it, heck they're probably watching us right now!"

AppleJack looked at Rwilight with weary eyes, seaming to take her words in carefully. The mares stood in that room while looking blankly at each other. Their emotions were uncertainty and caution and they didn't even need to speak to understand what they all were thinking.

What now?

"I think we should stay close to each other just in case things go wrong." spoke Fluttershy

"Yeah but who else? Rarity and Rainbowdash are doing their own thing and we don't know how Rarity is dealing with Spike being gone thing. I mean I get her, he is quite the charming little cutie but she is such an ass about it!." AJ explained her thoughts while going on a small rant at the end.

Twilight made a slight awkward chough at the mention of Spike's awkward relationship with The element of generosity. "As Spike's guardian, I would say Rarity is only doing this out of kindness for him and I still have to consider who is a good candidate and actually cares about him." She finished while scowling at aj.

Honesty groaned and slumped her head against the ground. The other 2 looked at her and sighed feeling why she was frustrated. Sure dragons reach their equivalent to young adulthood than ponies, but Twilight didn't want his emotional insecurities to be exploited. Then after another moment of silence, both Fluttershy and Twilight got up and started to leave.

"Well AJ, we can meet tomorrow if it's, uhh, safe." Fluttershy said softly as she looked back at the emotionally disheveled mare on the floor.

AppleJack raised her head slowly and nodded. "yeah..sure ya can."

then the two left the house and heard back down the dirt road. They had many things that would happen and affect their life, they may have fought great villains through the arcane principles of harmony and friendship and a great war, but this threat was personal. As they walked they all felt like eyes were on them, indeed there were, one being the mare in the woods, a serial killer behind an apple tree and oh such more. But they continued to walk as they got their time to decompress