• Published 9th Mar 2023
  • 151 Views, 6 Comments

Düzeltmek - TerribleSpeller

A Prime Minister's tongue dances to convince those in the Republic to reform it

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1 - The Reach of a Minister

“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”

- Viennoiserie Pie, Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice

The home of Canterlotian Democracy was of course, the Royal Palace.

Ever since the Sunday Coup, the Princess' castle was appropriated to be used as the home for the Canterlot Parliament - opposed to the Privy Council Room the Upper House now held. Expedient enjoyed the area with the ambience it provided, it was a calming aura of peace and regalness that only defanged monarchic structures could provide. Over the years, the place had been renovated several times for the likes of the Parliament and her Prime Ministers. A new pillar there, more white dandelions over the roses, less gold and more of the old classical chiseled marble over the royal baroque.

It made the Palace an apt representation of the Second Republic, if Expedient thought so himself as he walked through it. This hallway along had signs from the old serene Principality, and lots of signs from the past decade of parliament rule. With modern art laced together with the absolutely ancient walls of white which were decorated with gold and gold like paint. If he was drunk and naive, he might actually believe this meant the Parliament was a proper institution!

His green hoof found itself knocking on the door of an old oak quality. It sounded like oak at the very least. It was hard to tell nowerdays with the continued proliferation of liars and hacks making oak-like birch.

Expedient's ears moved forward as he could hear somepony shout from inside, something along the lines of 'come in!'. His magic moved on its own as it readjusted the tie on his suit. And he took a moment to make sure nothing was on his pants and tail before opening the door.

A small portion of his brain insisted on him doing a small prayer, a very small part. But he refused to the inkling of morality that his body still held. His magic moved and tapped a pocket on his dress jacket, a small smile escaped him as it hit something not fur beneath cloth. This was a democracy, not utopia afterall.

Expedient's eyes were greeted by a sight of an earth pony. About a decade his junior right in front of the door, their eyes widened at surprise at the door opening so suddenly.

"Ah! Opaque Bill, so nice to meet you!" Expedient's lips moved upwards, curling as he stepped in.

"Yes, nice to meet you too, mister Expansion. You needn't to open the door that quickly you know?" Opaque was a yellow coated earth pony, and with a mane so inconsistent it danced between the colours of brown and orange. It was opaque, perhaps. He smelt like old candles and eggs. "Could've almost hit me!"

Despite the exclamation of worry, Expedient could still recognize a smile on Opaque.

"Well, I suppose it'd make your mane a bit more proper wouldn't it?" He laughed, Opaque merely shook his head with a chuckle as a hoof of his moved to close the door.

Expedient took a moment to look around the room, his eyes watching over the row of cabinets that had been installed along with the couple of ferns in pots placed around the room. Opaque's desk was a tidy one, meticulously placed on it were his writing utensils along with a variety of papers and folders.

"I like what you did with the room," Expedient remarked with a smile at Opaque. Opaque returned a sheepish smile as he walked over back to his desk.

"Thanks," He nods, gesturing for Expedient to take a seat before him. Expedient's eyes wondered over the simple maple desk. Oak was the common wood for things in Canterlot. If you wanted to knock down the fact that you were important, you used mahogany! But maple? Maple was not something you see in Canterlot.

"Never seen a maple table before, mister Prime Minister?" Opaque asked.

"Never seen one this nice," Expedient remarked as his eyes traced over the rest of the desk. Noting a small package of sweets. Manehatten brand from the looks of things. Their colours more subdued compared to any Canterlotian brands he remembered.

His eyes raise back up at Opaque, "Got a friend from Manehatten?"

"Yep, had a uncle who said if I wanted something for my birthday last month, and his gift arrived yesterday," Opaque's body moved like a stiff board. His face as if wooden, but his eyes moved with a youngness that Expedient wished he could see more in the Parliament.

Expedient nodded, "I see. Now, onto our itinerary's topic, what's the issue, Opaque? The reforms the UCP is proposing?"

He nodded back, "Yes. Its about that. I... heard on the grape vine there was a fight in the UCP over it, no?"

Expedient hid his grimace as he repeated his nod, "Yes indeed. My cabinet has found that the UCP is not fully on board with the reforms we're planning..."

And that meant that he had to cross the floor to the PFEP for support, a task that would most likely tank his vote among the conservative voters. Not good, but necessary.

"That is a shame, since the PFEP is fully willing to back your reforms," Opaque leant forward on his desk as he tilted his head at Expedient. Expedient could just imagine the purring Opaque wanted to do, "But if that's the case, are you still going forward with it?"

"Of course we are!" He exclaimed, careful to not escalate to a shout but stay a declaration, "I promised the people reform, and we're giving them that even if some of the UCP can't see beyond Captain Sparkle's work."

"I'm glad that's case, mister Prime Minister," Opaque smiled, "But... there's a thing about the Reforms... I heard Minister Velvet is still working on it with her legal team correct?"

"Yes, the Ministry of Justice is still working hard on drafting up our proposal of the amendments. Cross checking with various legal scholars and making sure its air tight. What do you want to know?" His eyes tried to discern truth from Opaque's face, but all that returned was merely the reflecting windows of his soul. No answers to be found there.

A click of the tongue echoed throughout the room, "Well... the PFEP has some concerns. You believe in the prevention of another authoritarian government right?"

He nods, as Expedient could feel his fur stand on its edge, worrying of what may come.

"The PFEP has deduced and predicts that the reforms are not enough in preventing such," Opaque stated, a hoof of his moving back onto the desk, grabbing a pen as he continued. "We believe that the legislature does not have enough power in supervising the Prime Minister in their duties."

Expedient's teeth seemed to grind off each other as he looked past Opaque, trying to hide away the burning bile that was beginning to form on his tongue. Just begging to yell.

"And how does the PFEP think this should be done?" A smile as fake as maple spread across his face at his partner.

Opaque's hoof picked up a folder on the desk, with a beige colour and made an action of peeking through it before looking back up at Expedient. His mane bounced with excitement, "The Ponies' Freedom and Equality Party, formally believes that within the amendment package to the constitution of the Second Canterlot Republic, should include amendments to Article Twenty, which details regarding the powers of the Prime Minister of the Second Canterlot Republic. In such that for the Prime Minister to pass any decrees, the legislature should be required to pass an enabling act first in order to prevent the abuse of the Powers and Duties of the Office of the Prime Minister."

"You want to limit my office's powers," Expedient stated with a raised eyebrow, a sense of calm desperately hiding away the growing exasperation within him, "What exactly got the PFEP thinking this is necessary?

A slow nod accompanied his statement, "Yes... the PFEP thinks its necessary. You did say you understand the need for preventing another dictatorship right?"

"Yes, but enabling acts? That'll slow down the process of governance!" Expedient exclaimed, a hoof shooting up for dramatic effect, "If the Prime Minister's already been elected by the people, they should have a right to govern as they have demanded!"

"That is correct, Prime Minister, but wouldn't that also allow future Prime Ministers to pass more dangerous decrees in the future?" Opaque posited, "I don't think either of us needs to remember what happened to our cousins in Vanhoofer, do we? That Hoof madpony got elected, and they began to pass draconian decrees that turned it into a delusional dictatorship! Simply because their 'politburo' can't even oppose their so called general secretary."

Everypony who had access to a newspaper knew about that. It was all over the news three decades back when the revolutionaries began their so called 'liberation campaign' which had more pillaging than liberating and more murders than emancipations. Expedient merely frowned at the thought.

"And you worry that Captain Sparkle's dictatorship can repeat once more in this Republic?" He asked, his frown complimented by a raised eyebrow.

"Let's simply be blunt here, Prime Minister, the dictatorship was a mess," Opaque said with a sigh, "We cannot allow another dictatorship like that repeat here in our republic if we are ever to become the true heirs of Harmony in Equestria. Do you really want the Manehattenites to get that title?"

Opaque's eyes seemed to furrow at his own question, and Expedient's eyes seem to dance between a peaceful, polite gaze, to a very quiet glare. It was one that was rapidly escalating, and a hoof of his moved to readjust his tie again.

"Of course... we don't want the Manehattenites to win, but if we are to restrict decrees to enabling acts, then I'd have to admit that we will not get anything done, Opaque. It'll take too long for anything to get done! And we can't let that be can we?" Expedient stated, his eyes trying to light up sympathy like a rat tampering with a lamp, "I mean, executive action is blessing at times, is it not?"

That rat, now successfully jumping on the switch of the lamp, got no reflection from Opaque's own eyes, "Yes, it is. But as the writings of Tailspin Eye states, 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. We must restrict the power of the office of Prime Minister, lest we get our own Hoof Enfield. The legislative and judiciary serves to counteract the executive and vice versa."

"And allow for partisan voices to block the work of the government?" Opaque's eyes widen just a bit, and Expedient jumped at the chance, "If we leave the executive fully at the mercy of the legislature, nothing is going to get done if the legislature has an agenda against the Prime Minister."

"I... I suppose yes that is true, but, that is an inevitable part of democracy right?" He reasoned back, "People will disagree with another, and in a democracy we're supposed to be able to reach a consensus and work on it together, no?"

"And we can build a consensus fast enough in wartime? I don't think so," Expedient shook his head, "We are surrounded by potential enemies, and while consensus building is a thing we must deal with. Leaving protocols for wartime and emergencies is necessary if we are to survive."

"I assure you, Prime Minister, the PFEP will ensure that you will get the emergency powers needed if any emergency arises," Opaque's hoof placed itself upon the table, "But you must understand, that not every prime minister to come after you, is going to be a correct prime minister."

A small silence descended, Expedient let out a long sigh as he slumped back into his seat. Opaque tensed as he moved forward...

"Please, Expedient, this is necessary for the safety of the republic," Opaque pleaded.

Expedient sighed as his hoof laid next to his pocket, "There is nothing I can say that convince you otherwise on this can I?"

A shake of the head from Opaque confirmed such and Expedient considered the alternatives... the UCP was split, and his alternatives were either the independents which he doubted he could get, or the nationalists.

"Fine. I'll inform Minister Velvet about the changes... but I expect the PFEP to back this fully."

"Cross my heart, hope to will, stick a sword in my eye, Prime Minister," Opaque promised, letting a wide smile appear on his face, "You will get your votes."

Expedient raised an eyebrow, as he leant back into the seat. It was a comfy seat, but it wasn't that much to comfort him...

"And what if I didn't?" He asked, the room's feeling dropped to a mild cold. Both of their expressions turned hollow as they both prepared their knives for a duel. A duel of wits, reasoning, threats, and most importantly, blackmail.

Opaque reclined back, mimicking Expedient's position, "Then, the reforms will not pass."

"You're willing to risk the lifeblood of your party in order to make a point towards me?" Expedient inquired. His face molded into a sense of calm. This was the part of politics where charisma and poker faces came to reign, a game of dick measuring and bluffing. And Expedient was confident in Expedient Junior.

"What type of idealist idealogue would I be if I folded to my opposition's compromise without advancing my agenda?" Opaque said with a soft bark of a laugh.

Expedient's eyes glanced over at his pocket on his clothing and back at Opaque, "And nothing can convince you otherwise?"

"What matter of the dark arts are you going to do if I don't?" His own eyes having following Expedient's.

"Twelve Hemmingway Street, 7th and a Half Mercantile Bank of Canterlot?" Expedient countered, observing as Opaque paused just a bit, his lips quivering before the earth pony opened his mouth.

"Meeting with Liquor Race, 15th of Septober, 1049. Around nine o'clock," Opaque said with a recall as he leant back, "Wonder how you got the vast funds to invest into Overhall the day after."

Silence fell between the two as Expedient raised an eyebrow at Opaque, contrasting heavily with his own internal screaming. Expedient wondered if Opaque was doing the same before he shook his own head.

A long sigh escaped out of his mouth as he looked back up at Opaque, "It seem we both have a gun at our heads, so let have bygones be bygones?"

"I... agree," Opaque nodded at him, "Bygones are bygones."


The two looked at each other, mildly awkwardly before once more Expedient spoke up first, "I'll contact Minister Velvet to have what PFEP's revisions installed into our amendment package to ensure that the Office of Prime Minister's decrees to enabling acts permitted by Parliament."

"And the PFEP will back your administration in ensuring that such an important package can get through the hoops of the rebelling UCP and the rest of Parliament," Opaque gave a curt nod at him, "I can assure you that."

Expedient smiled, once more genuine, "Good, and how can we be sure that we won't immediately throw each of us under once this is done?"

Opaque shrugged, "Well, your excellency, what we both know, only we know..."

"The PFEP bent you over?" Minister Velvet was frankly a boring looking mare. Whilst Glory Cane was outstanding in a field of Canterlotians, Velvet Circuity was the top of the bell curve. A plain old unicorn with the colours of a beige mane along with a brown coat. Boring enough that she could have been lost in a pile of beige envelopes.

"Mister Bill is a very convincing stallion," Expedient remarked as he took a swig of the mug of beer. The cabinet room was - some time ago - a dining room for noble guests back in Canterlot's history, since then it had been renovated to become a meeting room for the various administrations of the Republic. The room's history brought with it a sense of elegance and a smell of... royalty to it, "Very convincing."

"I'm sure," Velvet nodded, taking up her clipboard and checking over it, "Very sure..."

"You want me to twist this in a way so you can get away with a more flexible version?" Velvet offered, to which Expedient nodded at.

"Yes please, I don't think I can handle having to wrangle the Parliament if I have to force it through them to declare emergency measures during a crisis," Expedient grumbled, "But it's either that or us needing to compromise with the NF for votes on the Amendments. And honestly I rather deal with the PFEP than them."

"Still sucks nonetheless," Velvet voiced, to which Expedient could only take another swig, "Not even enough to secure the absolute majority needed for the amendments to get ratified."

"But enough for a simple majority," Expedient shook his head, placing his empty mug on the table, "We just need to find more supporters among the Regionalists and some of the independents perhaps. That should be enough right?"

"That..." Velvet flipped through her clipboard, "I think that's enough. Yes..."

"Great, now how do I get them on my side?"