• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,190 Views, 39 Comments

Beyblade: Worlds Unite - Seeker1

The world of Beyblade is always changing. Always evolving. And with change, a whole new generation of bladers steps up to rise to the occasion.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Predator vs. Predator

Twilight was jogging along the sidewalk as she turned the corner. The girl's house came into view as she slowed down; the teen entered through the house's gate as she climbed up the small stairs to her home, and took out her keys. The door opened as Twilight entered and made her way to the dining table.

"Glad you could join us," said Velvet as she saw her daughter enter the house and take a seat.

"Sorry, mom. I lost track of time," stated the girl.

"It's fine. Your father is doing some work, so he told us to eat without him. Spike!!" shouted the woman.

A few seconds later, the boy was walking down the stairs when he saw his sister and mother and joined them at the dinner table. The three of them then began to eat, as Velvet's food was something to die for. After a few minutes, Velvet asked Twilight something.

"So, Twilight. Why were you home later than usual? I don't recall any of your clubs of curriculums happening today." said the woman, as she knew Twilight's schedule by heart and could tell when her daughter would be home later than usual.

"Sorry about that, mom. I was hanging out with a friend. He was teaching me some stuff."

"What kind of stuff? Should I be worried?" asked Velvet.

"Nothing illegal, mom. Don't worry. He was teaching me how to beyblade," the girl stated to her mother.

"Beyblade?" said Spike as he looked at his older sister.

"Ohh? So you're finally taking an interest in it?" smiled Velvet. "I thought you said it was a meaningless game, and your focus should be on your studies?"

"Yes, I said that," spoke Twilight as she turned red from embarrassment, especially now that she was eating her own words. "But... my perspective changed. He showed me that Beyblade battles are more than I thought."

"Well, glad Flash was able to change your mind," stated Velvet.

"It wasn't Flash, mom. It was... someone else," said Twilight.

"Ooh," smiled the woman at seeing her daughter talk about another boy other than Flash. "And who is he?"

"He just transferred recently. His name is Emerald, and he's pretty good," said Twilight.

"Emerald, huh?" said Velvet.

At that moment, Spike's fork dropped to the floor. The two females looked at the boy, who bent down to pick up his utensil.

"Can I be excused, mom? I still got some homework to do," said Spike.

"Sure thing, sweetie," stated Velvet as Spike got up, dumped his plate in the trash, and made his way upstairs to his room.

The door was heard as it shut.

"Hmm, I wonder what's wrong?" asked Velvet.

"I think I know," said Twilight as she looked at her mother. "See... Emerald... is the one who... beat Spike."

"I see," stated Velvet as she looked at her daughter seriously. "Twilight, I want you to answer me truthfully. Did he do anything to you?"

"What, no! Mom, Emerald didn't do anything to hurt me or take advantage of me. He's a nice guy. I can tell he's still trying to fit in, but he's got good intentions. He agreed to train me after I pestered him nonstop."

Velvet didn't say anything as she continued to stare at her daughter. Moments passed as Twilight felt like she was in trouble, given how her mother glared at her.

"Alright then. I believe you, sweetie. If you say this Emerald boy has a kind heart, I trust you're making the right decision by being associated with him. Just know if he does anything to hurt you."

"He won't, mom!"

"Still... if he does anything. Let's just say there's gonna be hell to pay," stated Velvet, as that was Twilight's first-ever hearing her mother curse in front of her openly.

Speaking of Emerald, the boy had reached his place as he entered through the front door. The teen tossed his backpack on his couch as he stepped into the kitchen. A sound of gas turning on was heard as it soon erupted into flames. A pot was settled over the small fire as it was filled to the brim with water.

A cutting board and some vegetables were shown as a knife went up and down, slicing the veggies into pieces. The cupboards were open as some seasonings were pulled out. The sound of the water boiling was heard as Emerald dumped all the seasoned veggies and meat into the pot. Once the timer was set, the teen made his way to the couch. His phone went off as he looked at it and saw who was trying to contact him.

"Hey, Grandma."

"Okay," said Twilight as she sat at her desk in her room. "Homework is done, and now to come up with some designs on what I want my bey to look like."

The girl pulled out her drawer and some paper and set them in front of her. Twilight inserted her pencil into her pencil sharper as she blew on it. She then brought the writing utensil down, stopping inches above the paper. An expression of hesitation and unsureness came across the girl.

"Maybe I just need some inspiration," said Twilight as she leaned back and began to think.

Time passed, and Twilight had crumpled balls of paper littered all over her room. The girl was starting to go insane at how her eyes twitched, and her hair was getting frizzled, as evidenced by her bangs. Her face was planted on her desk as she banged it up and down.

"Why is this so hard?!!!" yelled Twilight as she couldn't imagine how she wanted her bey to look.

The girl made one more bang of her head, hitting her desk as she sighed. She turned her head, and there was her phone. Twilight was thinking about messaging Emerald to see if he could give her some suggestions on how to properly sketch the designs for her bey. She was reaching for it when her hand stopped.

"What if he's asleep?" said Twilight. "Besides, he said for me to come up with designs? But I can't come up with anything."

The girl sighed as she looked around her room. While she didn't want to bother the boy with her problem of not coming up with something, it was evident that by the amount of litter that cluttered her space, she was going to make any progress on her own. The teen reached for her phone; she opened her contacts and tapped on Emerald's number as she began to type.

"Hey... are you... up?"

The girl read her message before she sent it. She took a deep breath as all she could do was wait. For a while, nothing was heard. Twilight looked at her messages, hoping that the boy would respond to her. After what felt like 20 minutes or so, there was still nothing.

"Guess he's not answering," said the girl as it was starting to get pretty late.

Twilight got up from her desk and flopped on her bed as she faceplanted into her pillows. The girl remained there as she felt like a failure for not being able to come up with a design for her bey. Her phone was shown in her hand, as the screen had nothing. Soon a notification alert was heard as something came on the home screen.

The lavender girl lifted her head as she read what appeared.

"Need something?"

The message was from Emerald as he responded to the girl's message. Twilight gasped as she opened her phone and turned her back as she began to text the boy.

"Sorry if I stopped you from going to sleep."

The message was sent as she got a response back, and for the next few minutes, a string of conversations was exchanged between the two teens.

"Don't worry. Anyways, what is it?"

"I was wondering if you could help me. I need help with coming up with a design for my bey. Any advice?"

"Sketch what comes to mind. Your sketch can be simple and simple. As long as you have a basic idea of what you want it to look like, everything else will be fine. Just sketch whatever inspires you."

"Inspires me?" said Twilight aloud as she read Emerald's message.

The girl then turned her head as she saw the many posters of stars, planets, and astronomy. She then looked at some of the books on her shelves as the girl's brain began to turn.

"I think I got it. Thanks. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"You too. Goodnight, Twilight."

Twilight read Emerald's message; it brought a smile to her face. The girl then made her way back to her desk and sat down. She picked up her pencil and began to scribble on the paper. After the small talk with Emerald, the girl had found her inspiration, as within minutes, she had something.

The next morning arrived as it was the start of another day. The students of CHS were shown as they were all over the building. Emerald was shown approaching his locker as he opened it.

"Hey, Emerald!" said Twilight.

The boy peeked out behind his locker door as the girl stood there.

"Oh, hey, Twilight. Did you manage to come up with something?" asked the boy.

"I did. And I can't wait to create my bey," stated the bookworm.

"Alright then, so we'll meet up after you're done with the club fair," responded Emerald as he shut his locker door.

The pair then began to walk to their classroom as they prepared to begin their school day. It wasn't long before school ended, as the students rushed out and headed toward the auditorium. Emerald was shown standing outside the auditorium doors as he could see the many people entering.

"Well, I promised her that I'd at least check it out," stated the boy as he took a deep breath and proceeded to enter the auditorium.

Emerald was passing by many tables and booths as students of all grades rushed toward them and checked them out. To his surprise, he saw many clubs that interested him as he thought about signing up. The boy noticed the student council booth as there was Twilight, the president of the student council herself, as she was doing one hell of a job trying to draw people in. He admired how the bookworm was trying to get people to join her club, even if what they did wasn't everybody's interest.

Emerald kept moving about as he made it to the middle of the auditorium, as there was a bey stadium. The sounds of beys clanging and banging against each other were heard as it got the boy's attention.

A massive crowd of people was shown as they were watching a battle go down. The two bladers were shown near the stadium as their beys were clashing against each other. Soon one of them burst as their pieces landed around the center where a single bey was spinning.

"Ha! That's all you got, rookie! Come back when you learn some new stuff!" said the girl.

"That's number 10 for Spitfire," said Soarin as he kept track of his friend's record.

"Who's next?!" said Spitfire.

"I am," said another student as they presented their bey.

"What's going on, Soarin?" asked Emerald as he appeared next to the teen.

"Oh, Emerald. Nice to see you, bud," said the boy as the two shared a quick guy handshake. "Just doing the annual tryouts for the bey club."

"Tryouts?" said Emerald.

"Yup, for the club fair, instead of running a booth. We hold actual beyblade battles. To see who's got what it takes. Spitfire here is the gatekeeper. If you can beat her, you got potential." responded Soarin as both looked at the girl just in time to see her win again.

"Sorry, rookie. But no shot," stated Spitfire with a cocky smile.

"Number 11. Damn, looks like we won't be getting any new recruits," said Soarin, as it seemed Spitfire herself was proving to be too much of a challenge.

"Come on! We're looking for the best this school has to offer! I want somebody to give me a challenge. Come on! Who's got the balls to take me on?!!" announced Spitfire.

The crowd of students who wanted to try out was now starting to think twice about taking on the girl, given how dominant she'd been. Spitfire glanced at the crowd while waiting for someone to step up. Soon, she got her answer.

"Let's battle!" stated Emerald as he appeared a few meters away from the girl with his bey out for all to see.

"Emerald, hold on!" said Soarin, as he didn't expect his friend to step up and challenge Spitfire.

"You know this kid, Soarin?" asked Spitfire to her friend.

"Y-yeah. I battled him the other day, and he beat me," explained the boy.

"Is that right? Emerald's your name, huh? I'll say this, kid. You got more balls than anybody right now. But don't expect this to be an easy battle. When Sky Striker and I are in sync, nothing stops us." stated Spitfire as she showed off her bey, which was an Attack-type bey.

"Then let's Blade!" smiled Emerald.

The crowd settled in as they were prepared to watch the two teens battle. Soarin stood off to the stadium as he decided to be the ref.

"The first to two points wins," said Soarin.

Alright, kid. Let's see what you got.

An Attack-type, huh? That means she's gonna come at us right from the start. So I should expect her attacks to be powerful.

"First battle Ready... set..." said Soarin as Spitfire and Emerald attached their beys to their launchers and bent a knee.

"Three... two... one...!" shouted the crowd.

"Let it rip!" yelled Spitfire and Emerald as they pulled the ripcord of their launcher.

Their beys were launched into the stadium as they took off. As Emerald expected, Spitfire had Sky Striker immediately go for the attack. Her bey was hitting and clashing against Lunor as it tried its best to cover up against the attacks trying to pierce its defenses.

Striker let up as it circled back for an attack. Emerald took that moment to have Lunor zip out of the way as it circled back for its own attack. The two beys were repeatedly striking at one another, landing blow for blow as they tried to get the upper hand.

"You've lasted longer than anybody else, kid. I'll give you that," said Spitfire. "But don't think you're gonna win. Especially thanks to Air Blast!"

Spitfire commanded her bey to use its move as it was racing along the stadium, slowly picking up speed and doing laps around Lunor.

"Lunor, head to the center!" commanded Emerald.

"That won't work! Do it, Sky Striker!" shouted Spitfire as her bey reached its top speed creating a barrier due to how fast it spun along the stadium that it shot upward.

The creature inside Spitfire's bey emerged as it let out a fierce screech with the bird of prey spreading its wings out. It then began to fall as both gravity and momentum were on its side, as it turned into a huge ball of energy. The bey was heading right for Lunor as it was directly above it.

"Lunor, let's do this!" shouted Emerald as his bey quickly began to spin outward of the center in a half-circle.

The two beys collided as their power was fully displayed for all to see. The two creatures were shown clashing as they didn't once let up. Both were pushed back, with Sky Striker touching the stadium and moving back, as some of its speed was lost. Lunor was pushed back and looked to do the same, but its tip stopped before spinning in the other direction.

"Emerald reversed the spin!" said Soarin as even Spitfire noticed that with the two being shocked.

"Now you'll understand the power and agility of Lunor! Let's go!" shouted Emerald with his hand thrust out. "Counter Break!"

Lunor came around with more power than before as the wolf was shown with its jaws ready to lunge. The bey came crashing into Sky Striker, and within a second, it was burst clean.

"He burst!" stated Soarin as he was in disbelief at seeing Spitfire lose.

The girl herself was shocked as her grip on her launcher fell and hit the ground to signal how surprised she was. Everything was moving in slow motion as Spitfire looked at Emerald, who had a confident expression. The girl had her mouth wide open as her bey burst into pieces in the air in front of her. Time resumed as the pieces fell to the stadium and made a noise as Lunor kept spinning.

"Emerald wings with a classic Burst Finish!" stated Soarin as he pointed in the boy's direction.

"A Counter Break, huh? I hate to say it. But this guy is legit." muttered Spitfire to herself.

"Good game, guys. Good game," said Emerald as he held Lunor in his hand and smiled at Spitfire.

"Hey, don't get too comfortable, rookie. Cause you're not done!" said Spitfire as Soarin looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Alright, if you want to join the Bey Club, all you have to do is beat this guy!"

"What?!" said Soarin as he approached the girl.

"Beat him in a battle, and you're in!" said Spitfire as the crowd started to like that idea.

Soarin appeared behind Spitfire as he grabbed the girl's shoulder and turned her around to address her.

"What the hell are you doin', Spitfire?" asked the boy.

"Duh, what does it look like. I'm getting us new members. I'll admit, I was a bit too much for these guys. But hey, he's an easier challenge."

"Yeah, easier if you consider him beating you," said Soarin.

"Shut up, Soarin. Remember your place among the team!" the girl told her friend. "Besides, this is also a test. If the kid is as good as he shows, we may ask him to join the club. So either way, it's a win-win for us."

"I feel like you're just trying to get some anger out for losing," stated Soarin.

"Shut it!" said Spitfire, as that was partially true.

One by one, Emerald was now forced to run the gauntlet. Each student that wanted a chance to join the bey club took Spitfire's words to heart, seeing as how she was one of the best bladers in the school. Soon it was underway, one by one, battle by battle; Emerald was tearing through the competition.

Each of his battles ended in a Burst Finish, which shocked everyone around, especially cause now the crowd of people had gotten bigger. So much so that the students running the many booths all left to see what was going on as they saw Emerald and Lunor run roughshod.

"Well... don't stop. Keep'em coming," said Emerald as he had just defeated his latest challenge.

The boy kept taking the next of challengers that Spitfire managed to convince him to fight that Emerald was taking them down faster than they could line up. At the same time, one of their friends, High, was shown outside in the back of the school. The girl was running toward Flash, who was with Thunderlane.

"Hey, Flash!" said the girl as she jogged and came to a stop. "You might want to check this out. Someone is running roughshod among the entire school in the auditorium."

"It's no use, High. Flash is concentrating, so he can't hear you anyway," stated Thunderlane as he was off to the side with his arms crossed.

The pair were watching Flash Sentry, who was preparing to launch his bey.

"But Thunderlane-"

"Let it rip!" shouted Flash as he launched his bey into the stadium, as it took off.

"Nice!" said Thunderlane as he saw that Flash nailed a perfect launch, and his bey spinning was incredible.

Flash was shown sweating as he wiped his forehead. At the same time, Emerald was still strong as he defeated another batch of bladers.

"Any more?" asked the boy to Spitfire, who he now figured was out to get him because she lost.

"Oh, Spits. Your plan backfired," chuckled Soarin as he looked at the tablet. "Emerald already defeated 85 Bladers."

"So, who's my next opponent?" asked Emerald as he looked at Spitfire.

The girl was seething at how the boy in front of her was still going and managed to win consecutively. As for Emerald, he had started to pant a bit heavy as the battles were starting to catch up to him. He wasn't the only one who saw how tired he was becoming as a certain person who noticed the massive crowd formed had also been watching and was concerned for him.

"That makes his total 99," said Soarin to Spitfire as the girl was this close to battling the boy again, just to shut him up.

Before she could do that, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Step aside, Spits. I got this," said another one of their friends as she approached the stadium.

Emerald saw the girl as he took in her features.

"My name is Misty Fly. You're gonna be battling me next!" stated the girl with a cocky smile.

"Alright then," said Emerald.

"I'll defeat you using my Spiral Stratos," declared the girl as she showed off her bey to the boy.

"Ready... set..." stated Soarin.

"3, 2, 1..." countdown the crowd.

"Let it rip!" shouted both teens.

Both beys were launched as they landed in the stadium. Lunor circled the outer lane as Spiral Stratos had made it to the center and was spinning.

"Let's finish this in one blow!" stated Emerald to his bey.

Lunor went for the attack as it made contact with Stratos. However, instead of bursting as Emerald wanted, it held the attack as the part it made contact with glowed for a bit before knocking back Emerald's bey and kept spinning.

"It's not gonna be easy. Your Bey is strong, but Stratos can convert attacks from any direction into spin power!" stated Misty Fly as it showed Lunor constantly attacking Stratos, only for it to absorb the attacks to boost its own power. The tip of Misty Fly's bey was shown as it was perfectly spinning along the stadium's surface.

"Alright, Stratos, Spiral Counter!" shouted the girl.

Her bey heard the command as it began to spin outward from the center and collided with Lunor, who was coming back around and knocked the bey out of the stadium, to the surprise of everyone.

"All right!" said Misty Fly as the crowd cheered, especially Spitfire, as she felt like she got some revenge on Emerald for beating her.

"Gees, you're a sore loser, Spits," stated Soarin at how the girl was acting like she beat Emerald. "Spiral Stratos earns one point with a Ring Out Finish."

"Heh. Not too shabby," smiled Emerald as he picked up his bey.

"Got that right. The next one's gonna be a Burst!" declared Misty Fly.

"Second battle!" announced Soarin.

So it can absorb attacks from any direction, huh? I got an idea.

Emerald's hands fidgeted as his bey's parts clicked to indicate that he did something.

"Huh?" said Soarin as he noticed Emerald's hands move.

"Ready. Set!" said Spitfire as Soarin was too distracted and trying to figure out what Emerald did.

"3, 2, 1..." countdown the crowd.

"Let it rip!" shouted both Misty Fly and Emerald.

The beys were launched as they landed. Immediately, Spiral Stratos made its way to the center, looking to do the same strategy.

"This time, we're ready!" said Emerald as Lunor collided with Stratos. Instead of absorbing and converting the attacks into spin power, it was pushed back.

"Why isn't Stratos absorbing the attack?" asked Misty Fly as she saw her bey being knocked about.

"What the hell did you do, cheater?!" shouted Spitfire to Emerald.

"He's not cheating, Spits," stated Soarin.


"Take a look."

Soarin showed his friend his tablet, which had an image of Emerald's bey and the schematics. He had a side-by-side comparison of how Emerald's bey was in default mode and how it looked now.

"He changed something on his bey. By lifting it up, it can attack its opponent from above," explained the boy as Spitfire was stunned to learn and see that.

"Lunar Whip!" shouted Emerald as he gave his bey the finishing command.

Lunor raced and crashed into Stratos as it burst. Misty Fly gasped at what she saw, as did Spitfire.

"Lunor claims it with a Burst Finish. The winner is Emerald!" said Soarin as he smiled at his newly made friend.

The crowd began to murmur at that what was announced.

"That makes 100 wins," said Soarin to Spitfire, who was about to blow a gasket.

Emerald panted a bit more as the signs of exhaustion were more than present on the boy. Soaring could see that Emerald had been through a lot and was about to end it there, mainly because it was getting late. Spitfire was starting to pull out her bey once more to challenge Emerald to one final battle when footsteps belonging to someone were heard.

The shoes of someone were shown as they stood in the doorway of the auditorium.

"It's Flash!" said Misty Fly as she looked toward the entrance.

Everyone heard that, and they all turned as well to see the teen who was being flanked by High and Thunderlane.

"So, you're Flash Sentry?" said Emerald as he heard Twilight mention how he was considered the top blader in the school.

Flash walked in as everyone stepped aside and allowed him to walk through. He saw Emerald as he glared at the teen.

"So, you're causing a ruckus?" said Flash.

"My name is Emerald. They say you're the strongest Blader. Let's see how strong you really are!"

"Very well. I'll shatter that confidence of yours!" declared Flash.

"Interesting, Flash doesn't usually take challenges from new students," said Thunderlane, as he knew how strong Emerald was. To think that his buddy, Flash, was willing to accept Emerald's request must have meant he saw something in the teen.

"Well, Spitfire, you said Emerald had balls. He just challenged the big dog in the yard to a fight," said Soarin.

"I don't know whether he's stupid or he's brave. Maybe both. But if he thinks he can beat the top predator in this jungle, he's got another thing coming." stated the girl as Flash approached the stadium and looked at Emerald.

"Please check each other's Beys before we start," said Thunderlane as he substituted for Soarin to be the ref.

Both boys handed their beys to their opponents as they began to inspect them.

Leonis. An attack-type, but with incredible defense. Time to see if this predator becomes our prey.

Emerald looked at Flash, eyeing and inspecting Lunor.

"I made Lunor myself."

"You actually made this Bey yourself?" said Flash as he was shocked to learn that from Emerald.

"Yup," smiled Emerald as Flash and he traded their beys back.

"What's the old saying? The irresistible force meeting an immovable object," said Misty Fly as she and the rest of the Wondercolts were set to watch a fierce battle between two top predators.

"First Battle!" said Thunderlane as both teens attached their beys and got into position. "Ready. Set!"

"3, 2, 1..." countdown the crowd.

"Let it rip!" shouted Emerald and Flash as they pulled their ripcords.

Their beys were launched as they took off.

"Leonis, take the center!" shouted Flash.

"I don't think so!" said Emerald.

His bey crashed into Flash's, stopping it from reaching the center. A brief stalemate occurred as both beys tried to push the other back before Leonis managed to get the upper hand as it took the center and held its position.

"Leonis, use Flash Shield!" instructed the teen.

Leonis heard Flash's command as the blades on it shined, and soon a barrier was formed as it spun. Emerald's bey crashed into it, but Leonis held its ground, not once wavering from holding the center.

"He's about to face Flash's perfect defense," snickered Spitfire.

True to the girl's word, Leonis deflected every attack Lunor was throwing at it as Emerald expressed concern and struggle.

"Now the real battle starts, Lunor!" shouted Emerald as his bey shined.

The boy let out a cry as his aura awakened his partner. The bey glowed as the wolf inside was revealed and howled at the moon above. It was heading straight for its target.

"Leonis!" yelled Flash as he did the same.

His aura was being tapped in as it transferred to his bey. The lion inside growled as it roared through the jungle behind him. The two beys collided with each other as the two creatures met in the middle, trying to see who was the top predator.

"Upper Launch!" yelled Emerald.

The two beys poured more power and strength into this struggle before being flung back. The two were soaring out of the stadium, and everyone was shocked. However, as the beys were falling, it showed a side-by-side screen in slow motion, showing Leonis touching the floor by a mere second.

Even Thunderlane was shocked as he saw the result of the battle with a clear eye. Knowing he had to do his job, he hesitantly pointed his arm toward the winner.

"Lunor with a Ring Out Finish. The score is one to zero!" said Thunderlane as he acknowledged Emerald scoring a point on Flash.

A massive gasp was heard over the crowd as even Flash's eyes widened.

"The first one to two points wins, right?" asked Spitfire as her friends nodded. "Then Emerald must be tired after battling 100 Bladers. But... he's still going. This kid is insane."

"Are you panicking that he might beat Flash?" snickered Soarin as Spitfire didn't answer, which was more than enough proof for the boy.

"Emerald," muttered Flash as he acknowledged the teen as a powerful foe.

"Time to win this," said Emerald as he adjusted his bey once more as the parts clicked.

"Seems he made his bey a little taller now," replied Misty Fly to her friends as they could see that Emerald was looking to burst Flash's bey in this battle.

"Second Battle!" said Thunderlane as both teens attached their beys. "Get ready! Set!"

"3, 2, 1..." countdown the crowd.

"Let it rip!" shouted both Flash and Emerald.

Both beys were launched as they landed and took off. Like before, they were opposites circling each other as soon as Leonis took the center.

"Let's end this! Fury Rush!" instructed Emerald as his bey was attacking from all sides and angles to either burst or send Flash's bey flying.

"Flash Shield!" instructed the boy to his bey.

The bey heard the command as it tightened up its defense power. Now it was tanking all the hits and attacks that Lunor was dishing out while holding its position.

"Lunor!" shouted Emerald.

"Leonis!" yelled Flash.

Both beys shined with the aura of their masters as they were unleashed. They collided with each other once more as they held their position.

"Unleash, Lunar Whip!" said Emerald as he waved his hand in a slash attack.

The bey put more into its power as it was starting to overtake Leonis. However, underneath them, Leonis was titling itself so that its spring tip center was pushed against it as it stored some energy. Soon it released it as it slid out from Lunor's attack and managed to avoid being burst.

"What the?" said Emerald as he was shocked to see Leonis escape while glowing.

"Finish this with Flash Drift!" shouted the teen.

The bey heard the command as it spun but then did some sharp corner turns as it circled back quickly and collided with Lunor. In a matter of seconds, it burst.

"Leonis claims it with a Burst Finish. Flash Sentry wins!" announced Thunderlane.

The crowd erupted into cheers as they celebrated Flash beating Emerald.

"I knew he couldn't beat Flash and win," scoffed Spitfire, as it felt good to see Emerald lose.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," said Soarin to his friends as they all looked at him.

While Flash may not have heard what Soarin said, he knew what the boy was referring to as he saw Emerald bent over as he breathed heavily.

He used up a lot of energy battling 100 opponents already. If I'd face him when he was in perfect condition...

At that moment, Emerald began to sway from side to side. From the boy's perspective, his vision became blurry as he soon felt himself fall back.

"Emerald!" shouted someone as it belonged to a familiar bookworm who watched the whole thing go down.

Soon Emerald's eyes closed as there was nothing but darkness.