• Published 4th Nov 2022
  • 263 Views, 27 Comments

Reboot: New Generation - The Irish Brony

Hitch protectes the computer city of Mainframe. He gaurds against the viruses of Megabyte and Hexadecimal. What happenes when one day he is forced to hand down his guardian code to his son Sparky, so he can protect Mainframe.

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Caged In Storage

Hitch flies over the city of Mainframe on his zIp board. The wind blows threw his hair as he rushes across the sky. He takes a deep breath in before sighing. “What a beautiful cycle,” Hitch says as he looks around at the beautiful blue sky. His face turns into confusion as the sky turns a dark red. He slows to a stop as the electric sounds rings out.

“Incoming Plugin,” The announcer says, causing Hitch to be even more confused than before.

“Glitch, Vid window Phong,” Hitch says as he looks down at Glitch. Glitch beeps before a vid window appears in front of Hitch.

“Oh dear,” Phong whispers to himself as he looks down at a vid window of his own.

“Phong, what’s going on?” Hitch asks.

“You mean you don’t know?” Phong asks, looking up at Hitch. Hitch simply shakes his head before Phong sighs. “The user is plugging something into port 2, but I can’t see what yet,”

“It could be a data transfer like the net,” Hitch responds.

“I do not think that is the case,” Phon replies.

“If you figure it out, tell me,” Hitch says, pointing his thumb at himself. “I’ll head to Port 2 and check out what’s going on,” Hitch says before closing the vid window and flying towards the ports at the edge of the city.

Hitch flies down to the ground as he comes up to the ports. A row of docks lined the side of the city. He gets off his zip board as he spots Sparky and Pipp flying down on their zip boards. Hitch picks up his zip board as they fly towards him.

“Dad!” Sparky yells out as he jumps off his zip board and runs over to Hitch. “What’s going on?!” Sparky asks, sliding to a stop in front of Hitch.

“I don’t know,” Hitch says, shrugging as Pipp picks up her and Sparky’s zip board.

“Well, whatever it is, it’s got Phong worked up,” Pipp says, handing Sparky his zip board before putting her’s away.

“I wonder why that could be?” Hitch responds as a vid window of Phong shows up in front of the group.

“It is because the last time we had an external device hooked on, It brought Gigabyte,” Phong explains.

“Right,” Hitch sighs. Sadness creeps into his eyes as Pipp looks down at the ground.

“We don’t need a repeat of the twin city,” Phong says as he taps the vid window in front of him. “It looks like the plugin is almost done,” Phong says as he looks down at the vid window.

The sky turns golden as a tunnel shoots off from the side of the city and heads out into the endless sea of data. The tunnel seemed to go on forever. The group walks to the entrance of the tunnel as the sky turns back to normal.

“USB 1.0,” Hitch says, walking up to the tunnel entrance and looking down the tunnel.

“Scanning for viruses, now,” Phong says before pressing a button on his vid window. The tunnel turns purple as a laser grid starts moving down the hallway.

“I’ll head in with it just in case there is a virus,” Hitch says to Phong.

“Be careful my child. We do not know what is inside yet,” Phong warrens. Hitch nods before throwing down his zip board and jumping onto it. He follows the laser grid as Sparky tries to follow him, but is stopped by Pipp grabbing his shoulder.

“It’s too dangerous for you to go,” Pipp sternly states. Sparky sighs before nodding in agreement.

“Do not worry Sparky, he will be ok,” Phong comforts the young spirit.

“Good,” Megabyte says as he watches Hitch fly into the tunnel. Megabyte taps his finger together as the vid window closes. He pushes a button on his chair before another vid window appears with the general of his army. “Is the fleet ready?”

“Ready and waiting for your command sir!” The general says as he salutes him.

“Good,” Megabyte says with a big smile. “Bring fleet one-one, and fleet one-zero to sector six and prepare to fight for port 2,” Megabyte explains. The general nods before the vid window collapse. “Say goodbye to your guardian Mainframe, because this will be the last you see of him,” Megabyte thinks to himself before laughing.

“Dam,” Hitch says, looking around at the tunnel as he continues to follow the laser grid. “This is a long USB tunnel,” Hitch says before looking down at Glitch. “Glitch, vid window Pipp and Phong,” Hitch says before a vid window appears with a split screen of both Phong and Pipp.

“Are you there yet?” Pipp asks as Sparky tries to look at the vid window.

“Not yet,” Hitch replies.

“I think I’ve figured out what the external component is,” Phong says with a little joy in his voice.

“What is it Phong?” Hitch asks.

“It’s a ten-gigabyte hard drive!” Phong says, barely able to keep his excitement under control.

“What!” Pipp and Hitch say at the same time.

“That’s almost double our current capacity!” Pipp says with a big smile on her face. “There is so much we could do with that kind of storage!”

“That’s amazing!” Hitch replies as he gets to the end of the tunnel. He stops at the exit as he looks out into the flat doom-like system. “Wow,” Hitch says as he looks around at the empty platform. “I’ve only ever heard of this stuff in read-me files,” Hitch says before turning back to the vid window. “I’ll look around and make sure everything is…” He is interpreted when the sky turns dark purple.

“Warning, Incoming Game,” The announcer says as a Gamecube starts to fall into the empty hard drive.

“Looks like I have a game to win,” Hitch says, pointing over his shoulder at the game.

“Go for it!” Sparky yells as he jumps up to be seen on the vid window. Hitch closes the vid window before flying toward the game. Hitch gets into the game before it lands as Pipp’s and Sparky’s vid window closes.

“Looks like we’ve got a new place to expand,” Pipp says, looking down at Sparky. Sparky looked up at her with a big smile.

“I’m sorry to say Mis Petals, but that’s not going to be yours,” Megabyte says. Pipp and Sparky turn to see a fleet surrounding the port with Megabyte on a vid window above the fleet.

“Hitch!” Pipp quickly says, looking over at the vid window. The vid window shows static.

“Sorry, but your guardian will never be returning,” Megabyte says with a wicked smile. “Delete them and everyone else who gets in the way!” Megabyte commands before the fleet fly toward the port.

“Run!” Pipp yells as she and Sparky throw down their zip boards before jumping onto them and flying out. A couple of ships follow them as they try and leave. “Shit,” Pipp whispers as she looks back to see the three ships following them. They start shooting at them as they fly along the port. The two start to dodge as Pipp says, “We need to lose them,”

“I know a way!” Sparky yells before sharply turning into an alleyway. Pipp quickly follows as one ship follows them down the alleyway as the other two go up above them.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Pipp asks as they turn down another alleyway.

“I’ll explain later, just trust me,” Sparky asks, looking back at Pipp with a pleading look. Pipp sighs before nodding. Sparky smiles before flying on into the open street. The two ships fly down to block their way. “Crap!” Sparky yells as they turn sharply so as to not run into the ships. Pipp ducks as a laser bolt flies over her head and delete a pole.

“We’re almost there,” Sparky says before looking back. He jumps up into the air as a bolt runs past his feet. He lands back onto his zip board before turning hard into another street. Pipp follows behind him as the two ships plow past them before turning around and following after them. Sparky turns sharply again with Pipp almost directly behind him. Sparky quickly opens up a manhole cover and flies down it. Pipp grabs the cover and places it back in place as she follows Sparky down.

“They won’t be able to come down here,” Sparky says as the two fly above the data waist. The tunnel was made out of stone with dim lights drilled into the ceiling. Flowing below the two is a stream of trashed data. “I know a safe place we can exit from,”

“How do you know this?” Pipp asks as she flies up next to him.

“Dad made me train for when I become a guardian,” Sparky starts to explain. “He would chase me like Hack and Slash do, so I found ways around the city to get away,”

“You really are a clever spirit,” Pipp says with a smile.

“It’s dad that helped me learn,” Sparky responds.

“Pipp!” Phong yells in distress as the vid window pops up in front of them. “I can’t get a hold of Hitch!”

“It’s Megabyte. I think he is jamming our signal to him,” Pipp explains.

“He’s even taken over the port,” Sparky adds.

“Are you two ok?” Phong asks.

“Thanks to Sparky,” Pipp says, looking over at Sparky with a kind smile. Sparky smiles back as he puffs up his chest a bit.

“Are you in the trash deposit?” Phong asks.

“One of the many lines that lead to old man Pearson's data dump,” Sparky responds.

“Is that where we are going?” Pipp asks.

“You bet ya,” Sparky responds.

“Have at thee user!” Hitch yells as he takes a swing with his sword at the user. The user jumps away from Hitch before holding up his shield. Hitch is covered from head to toe in yellow iron armor. In his right hand is his sword, and on his left arm is Glitch extended out into an energy shield. The user is a sentient set of blue armor with a sword and shield.

Hitch stares down the user as the user readies himself to run. The user charges Hitch with its shield. Hitch holds his shield in front of him before the two shields crash into each other. Hitch grunts as he tries to push against the user. He digs his feet into the ground as he slows down. He looks back to see he is standing at the edge of a cliff.

Hitch looks back right as the user swings at him. He ducks before rolling in between the user’s legs before quickly standing up and turning around. He slashes at the user, but his sword is blocked by the user’s shield. It then strikes back but is also stopped by Hitch’s shield.

“Look’s like we have come to an impasse,” Hitch says before pushing his shield again the user’s sword, sending the user to stumble back and lose his sword. Hitch takes a few deep breaths as the user raises its shield up in front of it. Hitch smiles and he straightens up. “That shield isn’t going to help you from fall damage,” Hitch says. The user looks behind it at the cliff before turning back to Hitch.

With a big smile on his face, Hitch raises his foot up and kicks the user's shield, causing him to fall off the ledge and into the cannon. “This is Mainframe!” Hitch yells as the user falls to the ground. The user hits the ground and falls into a million pieces. The announcer says game over as the Gamecube raises off the ground and leaves the system.

“That was easy,” Hitch says as he watches the Gamecube leave. Glitch returning back to normal. “No annoying binoms to get in the way of me winning really helps,” Hitch says as he throws down his zip board before jumping on it and heading back towards the tunnel. “Glitch, vid window Phong,” Hitch says before a vid window appears in front of him, following him as he flies.

“Phong?” Hitch says. The vid window shows static. “Glitch, vid window Pipp,” Hitch says before the vid window changes to a very bad picture of Pipp. “Pipp!” Hitch yells as the image cuts in and out.

“Hitch!... You…” Pipp tries to speak but keeps cutting out.

“Glitch,” Hitch says, stopping before looking down at Glitch. “Boost signal,” Glitch beeps as the orange rod sticks up off of Glitch before extending up a bit. Hitch looks at the vid window as it stabilizes.

“Hitch!” Pipp yells. “Can you hear me?”

“Now I can,” Hitch responds before Pipp sighs. “What’s going on, I can’t reach Phong?” Hitch asks as he continues to fly towards the tunnel.

“Megabyte must be scrambling our vid windows,” Pipp explains.

“He attacked us at the port,” Sparky pips in as he flies up to Pipp.

“You two all right?” Hitch asks with worry in his voice.

“Of course we are,” Pipp responds. “All thanks to Sparky,” Pipp says, pointing at him with her thumb. Sparky smiles and puffs up his chest as Hitch smiles at him.

“Training came in handy?” Hitch asks.

“Very much,” Sparky responds, relaxing back to normal.

“So what happened at the port?” Hitch asks.

“I told you to get out!” an old man-sounding voice yells at Pipp and Sparky.

“Hold on, we have to talk to Hitch, then we’ll leave you alone!” Pipp responds back to someone off vid window. Pipp turns back to Hitch as he hears grumbling in the background. “Sorry about that, we are hiding in old man Pearson's data dump,”

“That explains the trash,” Hitch says. “Butt what happened at the port?”

“Megabyte attacked us and now has control of the port!” Sparky yells as he grabs the vid window. “He’s blocking the port so you can’t get out!”

“What!” Hitch says before an energy beam breaks the connectors on his zip board, sending him screaming toward the ground. He lands with a loud thud as the ground cracks around him. He quickly sits up and sees a few of Megabyte’s ships coming out of the tunnel. “Shit!” Hitch yells as he stands up quickly. “Glitch, energy shield!” Hitch yells as the ships fire at him.

Glitch’s gear extends out to fill up his entire arm before the screen turns yellow and sends out an energy pulse that ends a few feet away from the gear. Hitch holds the shield in front of him before the beams hit him. The shield deflects the beams away from Hitch as he slowly starts to walk back words.

Hitch looks over at the two pieces of his zip board reforming not too far from him. He turns and points Glitch towards the zip board in a way that he is still covered by the shield before yelling, “Glitch! Tractor beam!” Hitch says as the orange part goes up to Hitch’s hand before expanding a bit. An orange color and a loud hum emit from the rod's tip. The zip board comes flying towards Hitch. Hitch grabs it as the rod returns back to normal.

Hitch throws down the zip board as he deflects the laser beams. “Glitch! Energy barrier!” Hitch yells before the gear, with the shield, goes shooting toward the tunnel. Hitch jumps on the zip board and flies up and out of the range of the ships. The gear stops in front of the closest tank before the energy shield expands out and blocks the tunnel entrance and any other ship in the area.

“Glitch, vid window Pipp,” Hitch says as he takes deep breaths. A vid window pops up in front of him as he catches his breath.

“What happened?!” Pipp yells in distress.

“A few of Mebagyte’s ships have gotten threw the USB tunnel and shot at me,” Hitch starts explaining. “I’ve got them trapped with an energy shield, but that won’t hold long,”

“I’ll see if we can patch Phong threw with us,” Sparky says as he taps on the vid window. The screen splits in half as static shows on the other side. The image slowly clears up to show Phong frantically tapping on the vid window in front of him.

“Oh dear,” Phong says as he taps his finger together.

“Phong, what’s going on?” Hitch asks.

“Oh!” Phong says in surprise as he looks up at Hitch. “Hello Hitch, Pipp, Sparky,” Phong greets the group before pushing his glasses up his nose.

“What’s happening Phong?” Pipp repeats Hitch’s question.

“Well,” Phong says, looking down at his vid window. “It looks like Megabyte has complete control of sector six,” Phong says before looking up at the group.

“No!” Hitch yells with worry clearly on his face. “That’s all of the ports from one to seven!” Hitch says as he runs his hand threw his hair.

“Not good,” Sparky says as he slowly shakes his head.

“No, not at all,” Phong says, looking back down at his vid window. “Pipp, Sparky, come to the principal office,” Phong requests. Pipp nods before closing the vid window, leaving Hitch and Phong. “Hitch, just…”

“Hang in there,” Hitch interrupts. “I know, and I’ll try,” Hitch responds before closing the vid window. Phong sighs as he looks down at the remaining vid window in front of him. On the vid window shows the new hard drive with a corruption bar on it. The bar is at one percent.

“This is not good,” Phong sighs to himself.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the chapter being a bit shorter than the others. I hope you liked the first chapter based on the show but with a plot I came up with. Also, cliffhanger! What's going to happen? You're just gonna have to wait and see.

And if you see anything wrong with the spelling, grammar, or you see anything else wrong with the chapter, please tell me.