• Published 18th Nov 2022
  • 3,491 Views, 73 Comments

Life isn’t done with you - Kibat Grenbuku

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Chapter 9: An Adventure Already?! (Part 7: The Journey's End Draws Near.)

There is hope for your future, declares the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country.

--Jeremiah 31:17

Darkness was Psalms' world. He had plunged himself down the water vortex with no hesitation and just as his lunch threatened to eject itself from his body, darkness shadowed everything and silence reigned supreme as the vortex stilled and he was left adrift within the pitch-black ocean. Vertigo assaulted his senses, muddying his internal balance and orientation, leaving him flailing around in the dark with no sense of direction. Pressure began to mount within Psalms' chest as the urge to empty his lungs was confounded by the second. C'mon Skystar, any day now would be nice!

Just as his lungs reached their breaking point, a flash within the dark illuminated for the briefest second which was followed by the life-saving air bubble that formed around his head, leaving Psalms' to gulp down the air greedily. The bubbles themselves provided only the faintest of glows, but compared to the present sea of black, they were bright shining beacons, allowing Psalms visage of the others who were grouped up below him.

"How do I know I can trust you?" A young inquisitive voice rang out from the dark depths. Psalms' assumed Skystar's voice was magically amplified as her voice was crisp and clear despite the present conditions that should leave her sounding muffled.

A problem quickly reared its ugly head at Psalms as his attempts to swim closer to the group painted a clear picture of his water acrobatic skills, which equaled zilch. Psalms never had the chance to do any swimming while on Earth, leaving this particular skill lacking, pony form notwithstanding. Kicking and floundering his feet in every direction did little to propel him forward, and panic began to settle at the thought of being left behind by the others.

Skystar's form soon flashed into existence as she and the others continued to converse. "The Storm King?! I'm so glad I saved you guys! I'm totally taking you to my mom," her voice reverberated through the water. She hooked her fin to Twilight's hoof while the others latched on as Skystar began towing them away. "Oho! She might have an idea," Skystar responded assumingly to one of Twilight's questions.

"Hey! I'm over here! Don't leave me hanging!" Psalms cried out, hoping that Skystar could hear him as the others couldn't.

"Oh! Whoops! My bad! Almost left one of you behind." Skystar nervously laughed. With a twist and a quick turn, she scooped Psalms with her other fin before resuming her escort to the Hippogriff's Queen.

Firmly anchored to Skystar's side, Psalms couldn't help the heavy exhale that exited his depths as his nerves calmed themselves. That was close.

"Psalms, you made it!" Twilight exclaimed as she turned her view to the alicorn adjacent. "Her mother might know the whereabouts of the Hippogriffs, we're on the right path!" Twilight couldn't help the smile that followed.

Coming up on a thin rocky opening, one by one the ponies and dragon released themselves from Skystar's escort as they independently followed close behind her, save Psalms. Tightening his grip further, Skystar turned her head and flashed him a friendly yet inquisitive look.

"Never swam before in my life. If it's ok with you, I'd like to hang on just a bit further."

"Sure! No problem, just uh, don't let Shelly or Sheldon find out. They get jealous real easy." Skystar whispered the last part out, snickering to herself as she tugged Psalms through the crevice. "We're almost there!" Breaching through, the mesmerizing view of the Hippogriff's home enamors Psalms like a bug to the light. The chasm of hexagonal pillars that made the foundation of Seaquestria left Psalms wondering if the formations were natural or not. Centered right in the middle, Queen Novo's throne room stalactited or stalagmited, depending upon the orientation of your view, directly into the center of the all-encompassing chamber. At the base of the tower, the illumination of numerous structures and sea life was visible.

Ushered forth, Psalms was given little time to truly take in the view before he and the others entered through a hole adorning the ceiling or floor, again it's hard to determine when one's sense of direction is heavily skewed. Entering the Queen's chamber, the group is surrounded by vast amounts of coral, sponges, clams, urchins, seaweeds, kelp, and all other assortments of undersea life and decorations. They even had stationary bioluminescent jellyfish acting as curtains to the exterior port holes. Adorning either side of his group as well as the Queen, were two armed guards with rigid spears of sharpened coral. Situated up on a purple throne, Queen Novo reclined in her seat, eyes closed to the world. Above her, the jellyfish-looking capsule containing the Pearl of Transformation loomed, its power barely visible through the transparent membrane.

"Mother!" Skystar exclaimed as she released Psalms hoof from her fin and dashed towards Novo, but she and the others go ignored by Psalms as he remained fixated upon the luminescence dotting every corner of the room, scouring everything in a fuzzy and shaded light that left Psalms wanting nothing more than to find a nice comfy spot and nap for the next millennia. He couldn't help but be reminded of the candlelight he had back in his old Earth room, how the flames bathed the night with a soothing and warm aroma, leaving him to feel safe and secure.

The spearhead that was shoved within an inch of his eye did little to replicate those feelings as a startled yelp escaped Psalms as he and the others were forced into each other's backs. The scene proceeded to play out just as he remembered as Skystar pleaded to her mother before promptly explaining away the history of the Hippogriffs and their retreat into what is now Seaquestria, much to Novo's chagrin. "We are... well, we were the Hippogriffs! Ta-da!" Skystar finished the history lesson that had enraptured all but one.

As the guards and the Queen were distracted, Psalms allowed himself to float to the floor before extracting himself to the nearest window and getting a better view of the sea kingdom and all its wondrous beauty. The hanging homes of the residents, the grassy sea floor writhing with all kinds of crustaceans, bottomfeeders, and other undersea life along with the occasional sea turtle, the many schools of fish from all walks of the aquatic kingdom, all of these things living together in harmony, it was a blissful sight. If he was able, he'd spend hours swimming and taking in the sights, but he was content with sitting on the edge and enjoying the view.

He should be with the others, pleading their case to enlist the hippogriff's help along with the pearls' powers, but after what he did back in the air above, he couldn't bring himself to interject, at least not yet. And if he was being completely honest with himself, he didn't know what he could possibly say to change Novo's mind right then and there, so he opted to play it safely and let things run their course for the moment, waiting until the right opportunity to play his hand.

And so he sat and watched as all myriads of aquatic life lazily swam by, going about their business throughout the kingdom. He sat and watched the twinkling lights that shone through the murky dark sea, the visage presented before him leaving him in awe of the striking similarity to Luna's night. This was perhaps the closest he was going to get to floating in space, to dance within the moonlight, suspended through the void with not a care in the world. The tranquility of it all enraptured Psalms, enough so that when the pearl's magic transformed him and the others, he hardly paid it any mind.

Eventually, the tranquility was disrupted as the voice of Novo was heard overhead. "Yes, a massage, too. Mama needs her deep tissue." Novo's eye glanced to the side, eyeing Psalms for a brief moment before she halted. "Jamal, be a dear and get everything set up for me, I'll be there in a moment." Novo oriented herself and lazily swam to Psalms' side with the two eyeing each other all the while. "And who might you be? You aren't like the others."

"Well, I am a male alicorn, so I guess there's bound to be some differences in appearances."

"Don't be slick with me, boy, you know well what I'm talking about. I know transformation magic when I see it, we have been under its influence for over a decade after all. You already had some on you before I used the pearl."

Intrigued flooded through Psalms mind. "Really? What makes you say that?"

"I saw traces in you. It's not exactly the same power as the pearls, but it is transformation energy nonetheless... and yet, something else entirely different." Novo's eyes roamed every inch of Psalms form. "You weren't originally a pony, not before, but whatever you are now, you are whole. You are one with the magic. Care to explain yourself?"

A sigh escapes Psalms' lungs as he shifted his view to the open ocean. "It's a long story. Complicated, puzzling, and long, but don't worry, we'll be out of your hair before long." Silence descended between the two. "...Your home is truly beautiful. What I wouldn't give to spend a few hours exploring every inch of it."

Novo nodded away. "A lot of sweat and tears and hungry nights followed us when we abandoned Mount Aris. We put everything we could spare to starting anew. There were many sacrifices to get to where we are now."

"...You can't hide forever, your Majesty." Novo fixed him with a glare but he continued. "The Storm King has not relented since the day you escaped his wrath. He has scoured across the globe seeking magical artifacts that can enhance his power, and he has found the greatest of them all. The Staff of Sacanas. With it, he can drain the rulers of Equestria of their magic, and the power over day and night will be his. I don't think I need to explain in depth how bad that'll be for everyone."

"The Storm King is many things; arrogant, prideful, ambitious, ...but he is no fool." Doubt laced her words, Psalms noted. "His lust for power knows no ends, but even he knows that to mess with the celestial powers could mean certain doom for all, and all that he has worked for will be for naught..." Concern and frustration warred within her features and before long, an exasperated huff escapes her. "See, this is exactly why I need that deep-tissue massage!" Novo turns her back to Psalms as she slowly descends her kingdom's depths. "I'm sorry, but we have sacrificed enough to build our new kingdom, and to risk the pearl's capture would mean to render it all for nothing."

"Please, Queen Novo," Psalms began, halting the Queen, "we've journeyed so far, braved many dangers, and escaped the Storm King's capture time and again, all to find you. The Princesses are stone, the citizens of Equestria are under lock and key, and they plan to invade the Crystal Empire next; if there's anything you can do, even one small thing, would make a world of difference for us."

Novo held his gaze over her shoulder before turning away, a sorrowful mask adorning her face. "I'm sorry, but there's just too much at stake. Skystar is still too young to take the throne, and she can't afford to lose another parent." Their conversation ended as she disappeared below.

Water flooded Psalms' gills as he heaved a sigh. I tried, but I'm not done yet. Pinkie, work your magic.

Speaking of the devil, the pink mare herself along with Skystar and the others rushed into the dark sea, a trail of tunes and notes faded away as they drew further back. And that's my cue.Heaving himself off the edge, Psalms was quick to test his fishy appendages and found that regardless of the magical change, his aquatic proficiency had yet to improve a bit, leaving him to sigh as he crawled once more back into the throne room.

Situated up above, Twilight paced just a foot away from the starry tendrils, whispering to herself while stealing nervous glances at the pearl every other second as she steeled herself to her decision. I have to do this, I have no choice; for Equestria, for the Princesses, for Flurry Heart. Novo will understand, she has to, in time. Twilight halted her pacing and oriented herself before the pearls capsule, her face that of brittle determination. Time... if only there was more time... I'm sorry girls, this is the only way... She reached out with a tentative hoof that became a blur the closer it inched toward the tendrils.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Twilight yanked her hoof away with a startled yelp. Of course, it couldn't be this easy.Twilight heaved a sigh; she didn't dare turn her back or else she'd lose her nerve completely. "What choice do we have left, Psalms? We can't afford to waste time, not with Tempest heading for the Crystal Empire, not with Flurry Heart in jeopardy. I don't want to do this, but we have no choice. I have no choice."

"There's always a choice, Twilight, but you don't need me to tell you that." Within the corner of his eye, Psalms briefly spotted the girls dashing in between the hanging homes of the hippogriffs. "You're not alone you know, what about your friends? Haven't you always turned to them when the times get rough? Why is now any different?"

"Because we are not enough! Equestria has already faced a danger like this before, we failed then and we failed again now! The only difference is last time we weren't given the courtesy to know we were in peril, before we even knew it we were cocooned by Chrysalis, all of us, every important pony across the continent. If it weren't for Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord, we'd still be cocooned and Equestria would have fallen from within." Remorseful eyes met Psalms as Twilight finally turned to him. "We can't hitch all our bets on one little song and dance being enough to change the Queen's mind. We've come too far and endured too much to turn tail now." Twilight returned before the tendrils and her hoof stretched out once more.

"I agree," Psalms stated to the surprise of Twilight. "After we're done here, our time to return to Equestria will be upon us, but Twilight, you must understand that the weight of Equestria's fate isn't on your shoulders alone, it never has been before. Not with Nightmare Moon, not with Tirek, not with Starlight, not with anyone or anything; sure there was the occasional hiccup, like the wedding, but nobody is perfect." The music and singing began to crescendo outside. "The stress of everything has clouded your mind, but I want you to recall all those moments and remember all those who were with you every step of the way. Time and again, you six have pulled through with the power and magic of your title's namesake, and if I can help it, today will be no different."

With great strain and a few grunts, Psalms slowly swam before Twilight's side and placed his hoof over Twilight's, slowly easing it away from the tendrils. "All I ask, and all your friends deserve, is at least a little bit of trust, and I don't mean to sound like a broken record here when I say a little bit of faith would be nice as well." It took no effort for Psalms to slowly lead Twilight toward the side opening, presenting a view of all participating members within the song and dance. "After all, having a little bit of one small thing can make a big difference."

Twilight turned her eyes back to the pearl's resting place before she heaved a heavy sigh. "You know best, don't you? I can't fight against your premonitions."

"Premonitions have nothing to do with the here and now, Twilight, all of this rests solely on you. We are treading new ground as we speak. I won't stop you if you wish to snatch the pearl, but all I ask is for you to look at yourself and everything you've experienced and learned until now, and ask yourself if what you're doing is the right thing."

Silence filled the immediate void around as Twilight mulled over Psalms words. As usual, a myriad of emotions reflected rapidly across her features as she continued to exchange her view between the pearl, Psalms, and the dancing others. Instead of exploding with overflowing emotions, Twilight sucked in a breath, and calmly blew it out, settling her nerves and straightening her posture as she reflected Psalms with a calm, yet small, smile. "You're right. You're right. The power of friendship has always been enough before, and whether we have the pearl or not... I believe it will be enough now. I let fear and desperation control me all the way here... but with friends like them, and with friends like Thomas and you, all of us together, will be enough."

Psalms flashed her a smile of his own. "I'm proud you overcame your inner turmoil. We may not get the help of the pearl or the hippogriffs, but we got Captain Celaeno, her crew and ship, Capper, and each other." Psalms turned his gaze upon the others. "Looks like the songs coming to a close. Would you be a dear and help escort this poor frail feeble man down? My fins just aren't as they used to be."

A light chuckle escaped Twilight as she hooked her hoof with Psalms and the two descended down to the party.

The song peaked and ended as just as they arrived with Queen Novo and her daughter striking a pose which was soon followed by laughter and cheers all around, Queen included. As the girls grouped up into a giggling bundle, Twilight hesitated for a brief moment before Pinkie forcefully pulled her right in, eliciting giggles from the Princess a second later while Psalms settled himself by Spike off to the side. The Queen's laughter petered out as she fixed the group with a gleam in her eye. "Well, I guess there is one small thing we can do."

Twilight couldn't help the gasp that escaped her as she maneuvered herself to be forefront to the Queen with a gleaming ray of hope twinkling in her eye. "You'll let us have the pearl!?"

An amused snort escapes the Queen. "Girl, did you not hear me say the word 'small'? No, the pearl stays here, that is final." Twilight's features visibly withered, but Novo held a fin up before she could continue with her dismayed performance, and with her other, the pearl was summoned from its capsule and drawn into her palm. "But, that doesn't mean its magic can't accompany you back home, however, there is a catch. The pearl's power is great, but it is not limitless. I can use it upon you all and transform you into great and powerful beings, but the magic will last no more than a day. I'm sorry, but it's all I can offer."

Twilight took the Queen's hoof into hers while sharing a look of deep gratitude. "Thank you. It's more than enough."

"You can thank me by taking the Storm King down for good. Once he's dealt with, I'll finally be able to breathe easier at night. Now, let's get all of you back to the surface and send you on your way home." Her statement earned more whoops and cheers among the ponies and they along with Queen soon began the trek back to the surface, that is until it was halted as the Queen took note of one accompanying individual. "And where exactly do you think you're going?" Novo questioned her daughter with a fixed glare, one that goes ignored by Skystar.

"What do you mean, Mother? I'm going with my friends, to take down the Storm King once and for all!"

"Are you insane!?" Novo screamed out. "Absolutely not!"

"But, Moth-" Skystar began, but she was swiftly shut down.

"No buts! How could you even consider such a thing!? One song and dance and you're ready to lay down your life for a bunch of strangers!?"

"But Mom, they're not strangers, they're my friends! They need all the help they can get, it's why they came here in the first place! With the power of the pearl, we have a fighting chance!"

"That's exactly what your father said and look what happened to him!" Novo shouted out. Silence descended throughout the Kingdom as her words registered within all present, herself most of all as her ire sizzled away and made way for sorrow to replace it. Novo's eyes shut themselves away from the world.

Some moments passed before the silence was broken. "...I'm Princess Skystar, heir to Seaquestria's throne... one day I'll have to lead our people, and they will have no choice but to put all their trust and faith into me. I will be the keeper of the pearl, the guiding light of our kingdom, and the ruler of our citizens." Skystar fixed her mother with a determined glare. "As royalty, our duty is to our subjects, to our kingdom, to our safety, but how can I call myself Princess let alone Queen one day if I stand aside here and now while our friends go out and risk their lives fighting the one who drove us from our home? The one who took Dad from us..." Both royals choked up a bit upon mentioning the former monarch.

Her daughter's words struck hard, but true. "...Please... Sky... I can't lose you too..."



"Then she won't go alone, your Highness."

Among the crowd of hippogriffs, one armored individual swam before the group. With a rigid posture and a rock-solid stony face, the guard cleared his throat as he continued. "If the Princess is willing to drop everything and fight for us and her newly affirmed friends, then we'd be doing the Crown and the late King a great disservice by not fighting by her side, for it is our duty as their subjects to preserve the kingdom no matter the cost." The guard turned his attention to the gathered crowd. "For too long our kind have dwelled within our shadow, for too long we have lingered within the depths of our own fear, for too long we have weathered this storm. This may be our only chance to rid ourselves of it once and for all. The King sacrificed himself for our safety many years ago, I say it's about time we pay our debts." The guard turned to the Queen once more. "With you're permission, my Queen, we'll see to your daughter's safety and the return of our original homeland, and bring an end to this nightmare, once and for all."

Novo fixed her eyes on the pearl, then onto Skystar, before settling on the guard and the gathered crowd, before pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. "Heavens above, Skystar, you are going to be the reason I start greying so soon. The moment you are finished with your little adventure in pony land, you get your keister straight back here, and don't think for a second you won't be grounded for an entire month, do you understand me?"

Novo's threat and snarling face goes ignored as Skystar squealed into her mother's side as they shared a longing hug.

"Lieutenant Reef," Novo called forth the outspoken guard as Skystar was released from her embrace. He fixed her a salute upon presenting himself. "I am putting all of my trust in you and your team to keep my daughter and our friends safe. See to it that the Storm King finally falls... and give him a kick or two courtesy of yours truly, call it a cultural exchange between rulers."

Reef thumped his chest as she finished her statement. "Your will is our command, my Queen."

"Now tighten it to the left."


"No, no, no, not my left, your left."

"Squaw squaw."

"No, that's right!"

"Squaw? Squaw squaw!"

"No, you feather brain, not right as in correct, I mean right as in the direction, you have to tighten the bolt going left!"


"I know it's confusing, but it's a left-threaded screw, so you need to turn it left to tighten it... that's it... that's it... one more turn and... done." Boyle wiped away the grime adorning his forehead and turned to give Celaeno a thumbs up. "Installation of the last piece complete, Captain. She's ready to go."

"And not a moment too soon," Mullet commented to Celaeno's side as the visage of numerous creatures warped into existence upon exiting the mist of the mountain's entrance.

Capper peeled his sweaty goggles away as he eyed the newest strangers with surprise. "Well, I'll be," He began as he closed the distance between the two, "You actually managed to find the hippogriffs? I thought they were gone gone. Everybody did, nobodies seen them for years."

"Well, they're back, and they're willing to help." Psalms' eyes wandered to the floating hunk of wood and steel. "What's the status of the ship?"

"She's badder and better than ever. Take a look at what we managed to scrounge from Tempest's ship." Celaeno indicated her claw towards the four freshly installed Tesla cannons adorning each corner of the ship with the greatest installment being the harpoon gun situated directly on the bow of the ship. "With these babies, we can go toe to toe with any skiffs that get in the way."

"So," Celaeno began, "We ready to set sail?"

Movement was caught within Psalms' peripheral and upon turning, he is presented with the huddled group of the captured storm beasts and one forlorn-looking Grubber. "What about them?"

"Oh... them... gonna be honest, I kinda forgot they were there. We had to move them out of the ship to get repairs underway." Celaeno turned her gaze upon the hippogriffs. "Guess the only thing we can do is leave them here under the hippogriff's supervision."

Grubber's watery eyes invoked something within Psalms. Upon confirming the contents of one of the food crates, he dumped said crate at the little guy's feet, earning the attention of all captured individuals. "You look like a guy who knows his snacks. What is it you're craving right now?"

"Anything! Anything!" Grubber pleaded as he latched his arms around Psalms' leg. "Never before have I gone this long without something to eat, I'm starving, I'll take anything!"

"And in return, you'll give me...?" If Grubber was as desperate to sate his hunger as Psalms believed... well, never let an opportunity slip by.

"I'll tell you everything I know about the Storm King! I'll draw you a map of all our forces across Equestria and beyond! I'll share with you my Nana's famous cockatrice casserole, anything you want!"

Psalms cuffed a hoof to his chin as he pursed his lips and furrowed his brows. "Hmm.... how about... a promise."

"Yes! A promise! Sure! Anything! Say the word and it's guaranteed!"

"Great! Then you and your beasts promise to aid us in the battle against the Storm King."

Grubber stopped his groveling and fixed Psalms a puzzled look. All the other beasts did so as well, along with a fair few of his own friends. "Say what now?" the little creature voiced out.

"You will help us command your beasts into battle against the Storm King and his forces in Canterlot."

Grubber fixed Psalms a wonderous look, twinkling eyes and open jaw and all. Soon enough, his eyes began to water and his lips quivered in a very dramatic manner.

"Uh... what's wrong?" Psalms tentatively inquired.

"N-n-nothing-" *Hicup* "-I-i-it's just-" *Hicup* *Sniff* "N-nobody has ever given me command over anything before... Bawhahahah!" Grubber's theatrics, which barely tugged at Psalms' heart, had a profound effect on the local beasts as one by one they fell victim to his little 'heart-wrenching' scene and they too burst into tears.

"Uh... well... help us defeat the Storm King... and you will be in charge of not only all of his beasts and fleets, but also his entire... empire... prior to his campaign of conquest, of course."

Grubber's jaw could not drop any lower. "...Me... my own... empire?" Fresh tears welled up once more. "Mama will be so proud!" Grubber then began to mash his lips against the bottom of Psalms hoof, much to his disturbance. "*Muah* Thank you! *Muah* Thank you! *Muah* Tha-"

"OK!" Psalms dislodged his hoof away from the strange little creature, shaking his leg afterward to rid it of the saliva. "Ok, ok, we get it, you can stop whatever you're doing... so, that is a yes...?"

Grubber clambered to his knees and fixed Psalms a sloppy salute. "We got your back, Pony! Right, fellas?" Turning to the beasts, they each nod away at Grubber's words. "They're in too. None of us really liked the Storm King anyway, and Tempest is just plain rude... and bossy... and scary."

Well, that was relatively easy. "Right, well, welcome aboard. See if you can find yourself some green paint and mark yourselves as allies." Psalms turned back to Celaeno and inclined his head at the beasts. "Captain Celaeno, would you be so kind as to have our new friends released from their binds?"

Celaeno's face was not without concern. "Are you sure about this, Psalms? You really think we can trust him?"

"You'd be a fool not to keep an eye on them along the way to Canterlot, but yes, I think we can trust him and his cohorts, for the most part. And besides, if they become more trouble than they're worth, there's only eleven of them and forty-one of us, we can handle them." With his piece said, Psalms turned towards Queen Novo and the girls, who had been patiently waiting to the side for his report. "Ship's armed, repaired, and ready to depart on our word. Let's get you gals juiced up and we'll make way."

The Queen nodded at Psalms' words before turning to face Twilight and the others. "Remember, the pearl's magic will only last one day, so don't waste it. You kids ready?" Upon hearing the group's various confirmations, Novo pitched the pearl forward to the group, and with a flick of her fin, the pearl's magic cascaded forward, shrouding them in a blinding flare.

As the searing light receded, a gasp left Psalms' lungs as where only one alicorn was previously present, now there was six total. Their forms shivered with visible rippling magical energy and each Element Bearer gained a few inches in height as well as having their manes and tails acquiring a certain magical aspect shared only by the royal sisters. Shouts of surprise, glee, and intrigue filtered out from each individual, but one last surprise was in store when a hulking figure's shadow loomed over the group.

"All-hah-hah-right! Now this is what I'm talking about!" Spike's deep voice drummed out as all turned to inspect his transformed figure which elicited more shouts and gasps. Whereas he was a puny little runt of a dragon before, Spike's now elongated, scaley, and spikey figure screamed apex predator. His Discord-esque-looking physic along with his impressive new wings left Psalms comparing him to the dragons of Europe's fables.

"Ok, now that is an upgrade." Psalms turned his eyes towards the rest of their companions. "Think you can spare a little more power for the others?" Psalms asked, despite knowing the obvious answer that followed.

"I'm sorry, but this took significantly more magic than I thought it would out of the pearl, it barely has enough power to get us back to Seaquestria. You will have to do with this for now."

Skystar embraced her mother's side once more. "It's enough. Thanks, Mom."

"Don't you thank me just yet, little Missy. When you come back, I'll be sure to have a little list of chores you can do the entire month through. It'll serve you right for leaving me worried sick." Novo's stern expression melts away into a serene smile as she gazed upon her daughter. "Your father would be very proud, I know this because I am. Good luck, my little Shining Star."

A shrill whistle pierced the air which was followed by a shout from Capper. "All aboard! Next stop, Canterlot! Repeat, last call for Canterlot! Let's get a move on people!"

The royal hippogriffs shared one final hug before Skystar booked it for the airship. As the others made their way to board, Twilight shared final words with the Queen. "Equestria cannot thank you en-"

"I don't care what Equestria, or you, have to say." Novo's heavy tone silenced Twilight's throat. "You have our magic, you have our guards, and you have my daughter." Darkness loomed deep within Novo's eyes as her gaze left Twilight paralyzed, something Novo capitalized on as her face closed in against the Princess's. "I expect all three to be returned by the day's end. If anything happens to one of them, I will personally see to it that the Storm King's reign of terror be little more than child's play compared to what I'll do." Novo was quick to turn on her heels, retreating into the mist but not before calling out one more time. "Best of luck, now get off my mountain."

"I'm an Alicorn... never in my life would I have thunk them words would leave my mouth... Big Mac would be all colors of jealous if'n he saw me now." Applejack marveled as she and the other freshly turned alicorns examined and re-examined and re-re-examined their new appendages as the ship made way for Canterlot.

Psalms couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "You're preaching to the choir, yer 'Highness.' At least you've always been a pony, talk to me when you struggle to do any basic functions while in an alien body."

A rainbow blur streaked past the group as Rainbow made a rough landing off to the side. "This magic is amazing! It's like my Pegasus powers have been dialed to eleven! I could pop every cloud this side of Equestria, no, this side of the entire planet in ten seconds flat!"

"I must concur with Rainbow Dash, these wings are truly divine!" Rarity did a little twirl to show off to the others. "My butterfly wings from years back absolutely do not hold a candle compared to these beauties!" Rarity's features visibly droop as she heaves a sorrowful sigh. "It is quite the shame they will last only for a single day. Oh well, at least I am a Princess like I always wished as a foal for the time being."

"Rarity's right, we only have this magic for one day, so we need to stop ogling and start working them." Rainbow turned her gaze to Psalms. "You most of all."

Psalms pointed his hoof to himself while fixing her a quizzical look. "Me? What're you talking about?"

"You've been hoofed an alicorn body, dude, and not once this entire trip have you or Thomas used your wings." Rainbow cast her eye among the various transformed members present. "And seeing as how we're heading back to liberate Canterlot, a bit of practice with your wings is exactly what you guys need right now, while we got time to spare. Luckily for you, you have the fastest Wonderbolt for a teacher and all the room in the world to work out the kinks."

"Er, Um, Rainbow Dash, what about our horns?" Fluttershy meekly asked.

She received a raspberry in return. "There's no time for foal's magic one-oh-one, and besides, we're going up against an army of magicless furballs, all you need is speed and a wham and a bam, and they're down."

Psalms mulled it over in his head before he relented with a shrug. "Well, I suppose it's about time I learned how these things work." A hint of dread settled within Psalms' core and he voiced his worry out. "Uh, Rainbow? I know speed is your whole shebang, and we admittedly don't have a lot of time to spare, but can we take these lessons all slow and steady like?"

"Don't worry, we'll be taking baby steps, I promise." The malicious grin that settled on Rainbow's face did nothing to ease Psalms' worries, and it wouldn't be long before those worries blossomed into full-blown panic.