• Published 4th Nov 2022
  • 230 Views, 10 Comments

Love, Me - BrushyBill1881

Brushy Bill's submission for the M/M shipping contest! Inspired by multiple songs: "Up On A Hill" Dan Seals 1983, "Blue Clear Sky" George Strait 1996, "Stranger in my House" Ronnie Milsap 1983, "Cold Hard Truth" George Jones 1999, and more!

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Love, Me?

The moment that Big Mac heard his sister's voice, he jumped to his hoove sending Flim tumbling back towards the window. Flim shot up and opened the window, but immediately remembered the ladder had fallen. He put on the most innocent smile he could muster and turned back to the Apple family. Slowly he walked back next to Big Mac.

"Uh hello Applejack...g-g ahem, good to see you again." Applejack just stared with her mouth wide open. Applebloom had her face in her hooves prepared to hide from her sister's wrath.

"Wait, wait hold on, I'ma getting there." Granny called slowly coming up the stairs. When she made it to the top she saw the the scene. Granny squinted at Flim and then it dawned on her.

"HA! I told you he had found himself interested in something...or was it someone?" She elbowed Applejack. Granny cackled for a second and then stopped. "But eh I don't know what this has to do with vegetables?" Flim and Big Mac side glanced at each other then back to the family.

"I don't suppose we could go down stairs and have a civil discussion?" Flim asked hopeful. Applebloom nodded furiously, Granny was still thinking about vegetables and Applejack still had said nothing.

"What about an uncivil discussion out in the pig pen?" Big Mac asked. Still Applebloom nodded and no one else responded.

"How about we have some pie?" Flim asked.

"Not now Candy Cane." Big Mac rested his hoof on Flim's shoulder. That shook Applejack out of her stunned silence.

"Candy Cane?!" she shrieked. Big Mac winced and looked at his sister.

"Yeah uh, that's, that's Flim's nickname." Big Mac said with worry in his voice.

"Awww that's so cute." Applebloom squealed. Applejack snapped her head around to her sister.

"You did know something." She glared at her. Applebloom smiled and took off down the stairs. Flim and Big Mac watched her all the way down and lowered their ears.

"There goes our ally." Flim sighed. Applejack opened her mouth say something but Granny Smith stopped her.

"Now hold on there missy. I like Flim's suggestion of civil conversating down stair."

"You do?!" Applejack yelled shocked even more than before.

"You do?" Flim and Big Mac asked simultaneously as their ears perked back up. Granny Smith nodded.

"While I'd prefer something less civil." She looked at the two stallions, "I think this requires a more civil touch." Applejack grumbled and stomped down the stairs. Granny started down too, "Come on you two. I'm sure this will be a hoot," She cackled down the stairs. Big Mac and Flim looked at each other, nodded to assure one another and together made their way down the stairs.

Granny rearranged the living room so everyone was facing each other as not to make Big Mac feel he was on trial. He and Flim were on the couch together, Applebloom on a stool across from them, Granny Smith in a rocking chair to their right and across from her was Applejack. For a while there was a long tense silence. Applebloom was the first to speak.

"So uh, how is the vegetable garden going?"

"Oh um, good so far. We have our first few sprouts poking out." Flim responded looking around nervously.

"Ah so that's why the bookshelf is all messed up eh Big Mac?" Granny teased Big Mac.

"Yup." he nodded slowly.

"Well it's a good start, that's how we-" Granny Smith was cut off by Applejack.

"Are you kidding me?" She stood up, "We're all just talking like this is normal?" Applejack pointed at Flim. "Him and his brother tried to ruin us multiple times." She then pointed to Granny Smith, "They tricked you into buying some fake potion to make you feel younger."

"Well I did feel younger." Granny scratched her head trying to remember. Applejack continued and pointed at Applebloom.

"And you. How long have you known about this?" Applebloom sat and thought.

"Um a few weeks maybe."

"Weeks!? And you didn't tell us?"

"Well you and Granny are always telling me not to interfere with other business and to let Big Mac be." Applebloom smiled smugly at Applejack. She just rolled her eyes and then turned to Big Mac.

"You're probably the worse here. How often does he come over here to makeout." Flim shifted avoiding Applejack's gaze.

"That, was actually our first kiss." he quietly laughed. Big Mac nodded and looked at his sister.

"This isn't how we wanted you to find out. I actually wanted to wait a while. It was Flim who wanted to tell you." He looked to Applebloom.

"You did nothing wrong little sister. Flim and I really appreciate what you've done for us the past few weeks." He then turn back to Applejack. "This is why I wanted to wait. I knew you were still mad as a hornet about them two moving here. I was hoping to wait till they proved they were sincere in there intentions. But now that we're here, I'll tell you." Big Mac took a deep breath. "Family, Flim is my colt friend. We started talking about a little over month ago, meetin' at my sittin' spot. I helped them with the vegetable garden. I was with Flim when you ran into him at the store. It was all my idea. After spending so much time together, we grew closer and well here we are." Big Mac crossed his front legs in defiance of whatever Applejack had to say. She stared at her brother. It was probably the most he had ever spoken at one time.

"Big Mac," she sighed "It's him." Big Mac nodded.

"And that's why I love him." There was a shocked silence in the room. Even Flim was shocked at Big Mac's words. He stared at his colt friend.

"Love, me?" he asked. Big Mac turned to his colt friend and nodded with a gentle but nervous smile. Flim smiled back. He felt empowered and more confident. He looked at Applejack.

"Applejack, you might not understand, and I know you don't like me none." He stopped himself, "Look at me, talking like you." He poked Big Mac and returned his attention to Applejack. "You may not like me, but I love your brother so." Applejack was taken aback by the honesty in his voice. Being the element of honesty she knew a thing or two about it. Flim continued "We made some plans on how to go about this. One crazy one was to run away together. Since I've started seeing your brother, we've grown in so many ways. I knew I liked him before he knew he liked me. I got there before he did but I didn't give up on him. I didn't know how long he'd be, but I knew he wouldn't let me down. Until now and then, I always hoped he'd say he loved me." Flim smiled at Big Mac with tears in his eyes. Big Mac let a tear fall from his face.

That was perhaps Applejacks's biggest shock of the night. Knowing Big Mac all her life she had never seen him cry, but as Flim said those words to him, his eyes filled up with tears.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww," Applebloom swooned watching it play out. Granny Smith simply rocked and smiled. Applejack didn't know what to say. She began to feel immense guilt. Blinded by past events she had failed to see how much Flim had actually changed, and how happy he made her big brother. Applejack hung her head and sat down.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. The others stared at Applejack. Flim stood up and walked towards her. He took her hoof. Applejack looked up with tears in her eyes.

"I forgive you Applejack. Prior to my brother and I moving here, we gave you no reason to trust us. I am sorry for all the past things we have done. But we can now start fresh." He smiled. Applejack nodded and smiled.

"Sure thing, friend."

"Yay! That means more cute moments for me!" Applebloom jumped up. Big Mac laughed and shook his head as Flim returned to the couch.

"Well now that that's over, how about-" Granny Smith was interrupted by a knocking at the door. They all looked at each other and Big Mac got up to open it. It was Flam looking quite panicked.

"Oh thank goodness you answered the door Big Mac." He sighed in relieve. "Have you seen Flim, he never came home and it's getting late and-" Flam stopped when he saw his brother on the couch with the rest of the Apple family. "Oh...hello everyone." They all waived. Applejack got up and walked to the door.

"Howdy Flam, want to join us for some pie?" Applejack asked sincerely, "As an apology for how I acted last time, and make up for the first one."

"Well sure, but Big Mac already made up for the first one." Flam smiled. Applejack glared at her brother.

"You made them a pie too?" Big Ma smiled innocently. Applejack just laughed and shook her head.

"Come on in Flam." Everyone walked to the kitchen. Flim sat on the couch until Big Mac came back to him.

"Love me?" He asked Flim. Flim smiled and nodded. Big Mac leaned in a kissed him. They pulled away from each other and smiled.

"Less exciting than the first." Flim said. They both laughed and walked into the kitchen together.

And here is where our story ends. A question that every pony wants answered has been for these two. Was it predictable? Maybe, but it sure was fun wasn't it? That's how love should be, fun. Now go through life and find that special some pony who will answer your question; Love me?

Author's Note:

Hello y'all
Don't worry this is not the end. There's a fun little epilogue coming
-Brushy Bill