• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 1,285 Views, 13 Comments


A series of semi-connected, possibly to-be-continued, vignettes about Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

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02.5 - Loose Ends

Loose Ends

Nopony could remember a time when it rained so hard. Then again, time itself was at the center of this mess. The Doctor stood defiant, his elegant bow tie frayed at the edges, his holographic disguise melting away as the sonic screwdriver’s power reserves focused on keeping the wormhole open.

“Bye, past mommies!” Dashie Pie waved, her other hoof clinging to Rainbow Dash’s future self. Future-Dash picked up speed, heading for the cosmic express lane the TARDIS had carved. “Sorry I broke the place-time continimimum!”

“You’d better be,” F-Dash said to the bubbly pegasus filly on her back. “Because you’re grounded for a month, kiddo.”

“Horseapples.” Dashie grumbled.

“Dashalina Joanne Pie!” F-Dash scolded. “What did we say about swearing?”

“Not until I get my cutie mark...” Dashie sighed as she and her mother disappeared from sight. The ominous, unnatural clouds lining the sky went with them.

“There we are,” The Doctor smiled. “Timestorm averted.”

“Ingenious disguise.” Twilight mused. “Though I have to say, I think your forehead is slightly smaller when you’re a pony.” The Doctor frowned, staring at the spot in the sky where the hole had been. “Something bothering you, Mister Doctor?”

“Indeed. I wonder if there’s any lingering irregularities...”

Pinkie Pie grinned and hugged Rainbow Dash. “I’m sure everything will sort itself out!”


A column made of iron and nightmares rolled mercilessly onward. Its mind churned with visions of murder. Destruction. Extermination! “EX-TER-” it cried. Then a rusty sword smashed through its armor, bisecting its pulsating brain.

“What the splow was that?” Finn asked Jake.

“Dunno.” Jake shrugged. “But check this out!” Jake tore out the mutant octopus’ voicebox, popping it in his mouth. “FINN! I-AM-A-MO-RON!”

“Gross, man.” Finn chuckled.