• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 800 Views, 4 Comments

Punkbabii! - HelloPussy

Rainbow Dash is living the worst life ever, but things can always get worse. In three days she goes from making the most of a bad situation to losing it all.

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Spike Collar!

“You weren’t lying about the bathroom door.” Rarity takes a seat on my bed. Her eyes are all over my room just scanning all the trophies and soccer, tennis and baseballs. I got rackets in the closet, bats against my dresser, hockey sticks hanging on the wall. I collect sports equipment like a junkie collects needles, and like a junkie I over use the shit too. It’s my vice, and I’m not living if I’m not beating an opponent on a field. Can’t wait to get back to that life. Windy immediately pulled me from the school’s basketball team—and I was on the boy’s team—when the doctor confirmed I am pregnant.

Rarity plays with the medals dangling from my bedpost. I got a lot, and I’m damn proud of them. Rainbow Dash, the fastest girl in Ponyville—no all of Equestria, and soon everyone will fucking know it.

“Told ya. They are legit crackheads.” I take my beanie off to let my scorpion stinger breathe, plus my head is sweating like crazy. Rarity screams when she sees it. “What?” I say.

She’s pointing at me like I got a giant tumor growing out of my neck. “What happened to your hair!?”

Applejack sits crisscrossed on the carpet despite us not allowed to do that while pregnant, or so Ms. Luna claims, but she’s never had a baby so what the hell does she know? “She shaved it this morning.”

“Yup! Everything but the blue since it matches my skin.” I shake my hair so it can run wild like a herd of horses. Despite my better efforts someone could still see where the red, and yellow, and orange is supposed to grow. I definitely didn’t achieve the shiny bald look like I wanted.

“I just…” Rarity holds her face in horror.

AJ pulls a few books from her bag. She opens up a history textbook like we’re really gonna do that made up project. “I learned not to question her.”

“And you love me for it too.” I tackle AJ from behind in a suffocating hug. She fights to get me off her back. And we do this roughhousing often, but I know we would absolutely never fight for real.

“Quit it, Dash!” The both of us start wrestling. She flips me over, pins me down. She’s way stronger than me, taller too, but I’m short just like Windy. I curse my midget genes since it often means I have to push even harder in every sport I try. But AJ is stronger than most girls our age. She's built like a draft horse, and it could be because she lives on a farm. I’m about to say uncle to get her sweaty pits from my nostrils when her phone rings. She lets me go to look at it, then she sits up as she lets it ring.

“Who’s that?” I wipe sweat from my cheek.

AJ doesn’t say anything, but I watch her place her phone face down on my carpet. Clearly she’s trying to hide something from me but failing miserably at it. I go to reach for her device but she snatches it before I can. It stops ringing then.

“It was Mac, wasn’t it?” Oh, I’m mad enough to punch her for that.

“Is Mac your boyfriend?” Rarity gets up from the bed then crawls to sit next to us on the ground. Her belly hangs below her, it looks bigger now that her shirt isn’t pressed against her body. She dusts off a spot beside AJ. “Is he the father?”

She’s asking too many questions. I don’t give her an answer, but I do place my finger to my lips to shush her. “Not so loud.” Then I point at my lack of a door. Bow must’ve taken it down when I was at school. I’ll need to put a curtain up for privacy.

Rarity cups her mouth and nods.

She’s trying so hard to please us that I feel kinda bad about AJ’s cold demeanor, so I decide to answer one of her questions. I motion for her to get close and we all make a huddle. “He is my boyfriend.”

Rarity giggles. “Oooo…I gotta see him.” I nudge AJ to get her phone. She hesitantly slides it over and I punch in her passcode before scrolling through the gallery. I find my favorite picture of Big Mac; him showing off his new tattoo on his ripped bicep. It’s his mother’s name and it’s in the exact same location of his father’s. They got identical tatts; Mac at a parlor and his dad in a cell. It’s so fucking metal, and that doesn’t even begin to describe the cute look on his face, the lifted pickup in the back, or his sexy hair. He looks like a majestic stallion.

“Oh my god, he’s hot as fuck.” Rarity takes the phone to get a better look. “How old is he?”

I try to stop my face from getting all red. “23.”

She gasps. “Rainbow Dash, naughty.” Then playfully smacks my thigh, and I gotta hide my face under my t-shirt to stop from smiling so much. For a moment she’s chuckling and AJ just sits there with that annoyed look on her face. “Do you guys wanna see my BD?” Rarity is digging in her pockets now to retrieve her phone. There’s a cat chain that hangs off her fake marble case. It says Vaycay Bea. Her long nails tap on the screen while she types. It makes those clickty clackty sound like a pair of heels.

“What’s a BD?” Applejack asks as she wipes crud from her eye.

“Baby daddy. Oh! Here he is.” Rarity turns her phone around so we can get a good look, and Applejack gets super fricking flustered. I’m talking tomato, fire truck, strawberry juice red.

I can’t stop laughing when I realize it. “Oh my God, AJ! He looks dead on like you!” I hold my gut and roll around like I’m an escaped mental patient.

Rarity rubs the back of her neck. “Does he?” And I can tell she knows he does. It’s so fucking obvious. “I met him on a cruise in the Celestial Sea last spring break. We sailed by crystal glaciers and the sun was always so high in the sky.” There’s stars in her eyes. “It was absolutely beautiful, might I add.” Then she tucks more hair behind her ears. “And romantic.” And she’s looking down now from slight embarrassment. We kinda get the picture. A boat, a glacier, two lovers? She’s just lucky their little trip didn’t end with some impromptu scuba diving. “He currently lives in Los Pegasus, so I haven’t seen him since then.”

Whipping a tear from my eye, I ask, “Does he even know you're pregnant? What’s his name? Flapjack?”

But before she could respond, AJ shuts her textbook. “I ain’t wanna hear any more of this.” Her face is so red she looks like her brother. I can’t stop laughing, so she shoves me. “I’m gonna leave if you don’t stop, Dash.”

“I can get the makeup and show you some easy, yet mature, looks now.” Rarity quickly says. She obviously doesn’t want AJ to go, and it’s probably because she looks like her BD. I stop laughing when Rarity empties her bag on my carpet. There’s a bunch of tubes of lipstick and sticks of mascara. She has a whole case of eyeshadow as big as AJ’s textbook. “Unfortunately, I do not have your foundation shade, but I can buy a few swatches sometime tomorrow, and then bring it to school on Friday just so we have time before the concert.”

“That’s really kind of you, Rarity.” Makeup is so not my thing, but listening to blasting rap music with Mac is, so I’ll compromise.

She starts preparing her brushes. “Close your eyes for me, dear.” And I do as she says. Honestly I’m kinda curious to see how this will turn out.

“How are ya even gonna go when your parents are a pair of hawks? They hover over your every move. They ain’t gonna allow it.” Applejack’s thigh bumps against mine. I can feel her prickly hairs poke me. Neither one of us shave, not like Rarity’s bald legs. Fuck that, but AJ’s hairs hide better than mine since they are blonde over macaroon skin.

“I got my ways.” And that’s all I’ll tell her. She doesn’t mean to, but it’s hard for AJ to keep a secret with her curse. All my dad has to do is call her grandmother, get her on the phone, and ask the right questions and she’ll reveal everything. “How much is this all gonna cost? Like the foundation and stuff?” I turn my attention back on Rarity. She’s brushing something over my eyelids. It actually feels pretty relaxing.

“Don’t worry about it, dear. Consider this my civil duty to help a fellow lady out.” She picks up another brush and I peek behind my eyelids to see her do it. “Have you guys picked a name yet?”

I purse my lips. This is not a question I wanna answer, so I don’t even bother with lying. I just shake my head.

“Dash suggested Apple Bloom, and I like it a lot. I’m gonna tell my granny about it to make it official.” Applejack places a hand on her stomach before snatching it away like it hurts. I know the feeling. I don’t blame her. “What about you?”

Rarity lights up when she gets a question thrown back at her. She’s probably excited because her female BD is finally giving her some attention. I smirk.

“Yes! I knew it the moment I found out I was expecting.” Rarity picks up a pencil next, only it’s way darker and shorter than a regular pencil. It’s like a sharpened down colored pencil. It’s like a makeup pencil, or whatever. “I’m going to name her Sweetie Belle.”

“That’s a darn cute one. Bet she’ll be as sweet as a muffin.” AJ leans back and uses her hands to prop her torso up. “Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity is giggling. “Our babies are gonna be the best of friends. I’m calling it now!”