• Published 17th Oct 2022
  • 262 Views, 12 Comments

Parental Glideance: TLC Timeline - AizakkuHorooee

Aita and Scootaloo come across Rainbow Dash's parents. Afterward however, the map calls Aita to solve a problem between those same parents and the Wonderbolts.

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Chapter V

Rainbow Dash and I look to see Bow and Windy each holding a megaphone in the right hoof, the former of us being the first to approach them.

“Mom… Dad… so… good to see you…” Rainbow Dash sure feels pretty awkward about meeting Bow and Windy in the middle of practice. I don’t blame her.

Windy embraces Rainbow Dash the moment she hears, taking what Rainbow Dash said at face value. “Oh honey! It’s great to see you too! And wow! You were so amazing up there with all that FLYING!!”

“Well, it did blow me away… literally,” I add as I come closer to Rainbow Dash and Windy.

“Uh, how did you know I was here?”

“AITA!!!” Windy exclaims, letting go of Rainbow Dash and turning to me. “Fancy meeting you here!”

“Wait, did you have something to do with this?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Me? I was just here to solve a friendship problem. I had no idea Windy and Bow would be here.”

Spitfire now joins in. “Alright, Wonderbolts. Let’s hit the showers so that Aita can sort this out with Rainbow Dash and her parents.”

“Okay yeah, uh great practice. I’ll, uh, catch up with you guys in a minute.”

So, the rest of the team go on and leave the area for the showers and us to discuss this in relative private, except Fleet Foot takes a quick second to compliment Bow and Windy.

“Sir, ma’am, you two really raised a great flier.”

“Aw, thank you so much, Bow and I certainly made sure that happened.”

Bow starts tearing up with joy at the compliment, prompting Windy to comfort him.

Rainbow Dash starts pushing me away from them with her wing. “Uh, could you excuse us for second?” she asks Bow and Windy. She turns to me as we make some distance from them. “Aita, do you want to explain why my parents are here?”

“That’s just it. Scootaloo and I never told them where HQ was; I even tried to show them myself how you got to be a Wonderbolt, which took place in Ponyville.”

“Ugh, if you and Scootaloo never revealed that I was a Wonderbolt, the map never would’ve called you here. You had to’ve known they’d reach HQ somehow.”

“Okay fine! I had a feeling they were on their way here when the map called me. I never knew for sure then, but now I do.”

Rainbow Dash is now taken aback at what I just said. “WHAT?!? Aita, not only did you just LIE to me about your involvement with my parents, but you also lied in front of all the Wonderbolts! That could get you in serious trouble! What were you THINKING?!?”

The thought of getting in trouble with the Wonderbolts for accidentally lying starts getting to me, putting me in the same position I was in back at the birthday party.

“I-I wasn’t trying to! Bow and Windy arrived on their own! For all I know they had a map on hoof!”

Rainbow Dash sees my reaction, and stops to take a deep breath and pull me closer to her with her wing. “Look… kid, even after telling me the truth, I can tell you weren’t responsible. The map called you here at a time you were behind on your homework; I get it. That has nothing to do with my parents. I just can’t fathom how all of that was any excuse to lie when it was clear you weren’t responsible to begin with. You could be barred from further friendship problems for doing that, especially if it got into public hooves.”

“I… I’m sorry. I’ll make sure I can be as rational as I can, even if it means stepping back to clear my mind.”

“Okay, good… now why don’t we go talk to the team and confess what happened.”

“What about Bow and Windy?”

Rainbow Dash looks the way I point, toward her parents. “But they’ll understand. Like you said, neither you or Scootaloo led them here, and they know it already.”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Rainbow Dash proceeds to lead me over to the showers at HQ, but not before detouring to get Bow and Windy.

Spitfire is the first to notice when Rainbow Dash comes into the locker room with me and her parents behind.

“Haha, you got things sorted out, huh Crash?”

I suddenly smell slight concern coming from Bow and Windy upon hearing Rainbow Dash’s nickname.

“Yes ma’am. It’s come to my attention that Aita lied on accident trying to say Mom and Dad arrived uninvited. He knew he’d see ‘em coming here, but forgot all about it when his involvement was first brought up.”

“I mean that much is clear,” Spitfire replies. “No child is gonna think rationally if they’re being confronted with that. Just be glad that you cleared that up before it could spiral out of control.” She now walks over to me. “I would appreciate if you avoided pulling that stunt again, Aita. Serious consequences can happen if you aren’t careful. I’m proud of Crash for saving you from all that trouble, because I seriously wouldn’t wanna ban someone so important from coming to HQ.”

“I understand, Spitfire.”

There she goes again, I hear Bow whisper to Windy as I speak.

Spitfire now walks to the locker benches. “Well now that all that’s been resolved, why don’t you go hit the shower, Rainbow Dash? We’re gonna need everypony in tip-top shape for the rest of practice.”

“Yes ma’am!” Rainbow Dash salutes before flying past everyone else in the locker room.

Now that Rainbow Dash is out of the room, Spitfire looks to Bow and Windy for a split second, then to me. “You think you should talk to them?”

“Absolutely,” I answer. “I could tell just by smelling the air in here.”

“Well just in case, good luck out there, kid.”

So I lead Bow and Windy out of the locker room in HQ, and back to the field next to the runway.