• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 326 Views, 1 Comments

Around A World: Equus - Dragon Shimmer

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Cake festival

Spike enters the room with the shield. He only sees the darkness around him with some light balls floating above him. Some of the light balls suddenly drop on the ground and create a garden inside the cave. All of them are white. The purple dragon tries to touch it but it disappears when his claws get near.

The purple dragon feels uncomfortable with it. He looks around and finds the memory shards in the middle of the room. The purple dragon smiles and he walks to it through the 'garden'. When he is walking, he feels that something is pulling him back as he looks at his feet. It is wrapped in vines. Spike tries to get away from this but a light ball hits directly his body. Spike coughs and looks around. Many ice balls are floating in front of him.

Spike breathes fire at the vine but it is not burned or disappears. A light ball struck his stomach, making him grunt. Many light balls are flying toward him from above. Spike raises his shield to block them. Suddenly, a horn is rushing toward him. Spike manages to dodge the horn but it stabs at his leg. He falls and many light balls continue to hit him from above.

The purple dragon tries to get up. He sees the light ball is formed like Princess Celestia but without her mane color. It sits in front of the memory shard. Spike tries to get up but the vine wraps his body. The light balls continue to fly toward the purple dragon at high speed. Spike takes a deep breath and forms a magic circle in front of him, then denotes it. Create smoke over the room.

'Celestia' stands up and prepares for anything that happens. Suddenly, a claw grabs the memory shard and tries to yank it out. 'Celestia' calls their light balls to fly toward him while the white alicorn rushes to him, but they all go through him. 'Celestia' looks back and sees the dragon is becoming fire.

Spike yanks the memory shard out, holds it tight, and creates a fireball around it. The light ball slowly faded and the garden slowly disappeared. Spike watches his wound. It is quite deep in his leg because of the stab. He wraps his wounds with the bandage and tries to return to the wagon with the wounded legs.

Rainbow Dash is sitting on the cloud. She feels so worried about Twilight and Spike when they are sent on an adventure but she also worries about them too. Twilight lands behind the blue pegasus and smiles. "You don't need to worry about us like that. We will be fine."

"Fine? You two are going to die if you don't be careful." Rainbow holds Twilight's face. "And then, how can you get along with her?"

Twilight pushes the blue pegasus. "We will be fine. Don't worry."

"I don't believe that."

Twilight taps her back. "So... shall we go to a cake festival? I heard Pinkie Pie and Diana are selling some cake."

"That rude cat." Rainbow huffs. "She stabs me in my chest without any hesitation."

"But she is helping us with this quest." Twilight chuckles. "You should enjoy the festival. It's fun out there."

Rainbow Dash rolls her eye and flies to the festival zone. Twilight follows her to enjoy the festival. When the duo is coming there, many tents are participating with many cakes. The cakes have many shapes. Rainbow Dash rushes to the playing zone to play some games.

After 45 minutes, they see a long line of ponies when heading to the cake zone. The duo starts flying up and sees Diana and Pinkie Pie struggling to sell their cake in their tent.

Pinkie Pie announces to her customer. "Sorry, I am out of the material to make the cake."

Diana raises her paw. "Me too. Sorry about that. These cakes will be the last cakes we sell."

The ponies murmur and start breaking the line. Pinkie Pie sighs in relief while Diana just looks at the big bag of money. Pinkie Pie giggles. "That was fun. Told ya, the taste is more important than the looks."

"Yeah yeah." Diana waves her paw to Pinkie. "Just don't drag me into this."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash stare at them in disbelief. Pinkie Pie hugs Rainbow Dash, then she starts cleaning her tent.

Rainbow Dash glances at Diana. "I don't believe that you are good at baking."

"Want some?" Diana takes out the eyeball. "3 bits for this cake."

Rainbow Dash steps away from the eyeball. "No thanks."

"What a shame." Diana eats the eyeball. "These are not real eyeballs."

"So... " Twilight coughs. "Can Rainbow Dash join us?"

Diana facepaws. "Rainbow Crash, can you stop using 'relationship', please?"

"Hey," yells Rainbow Dash, "what do you mean by that? And I am not Rainbow Crash."

"My answer is still the same." Diana turns around and grabs her bits. "You are just holding us back

Rainbow Dash frowns at the black cat. Pinkie Pie hugs the cat and asks. "Can you join the best cake competition with me?"

Diana sighs. "Sure," then she whispers to Twilight. "I have no choice."

Twilight giggles. Pinkie Pie bounces around the black cat. "Oh right, see you in the competition," then the pink pony bounces away.

Diana glances at Twilight. "Twilight, you should bring 'Skittle' home. I am not going to deal with the blue pinata that has candy hair."

Rainbow yells. "Hey, can you say my name at least one time?" Diana ignores her and flies to the wagon. Rainbow Dash is very angry about this cat. "That's why I never feel safe when you two come with her. She's so rude and brutal."

Twilight rolls her eyes. "If you get along enough, that's normal for her. She once called me a grape towel."

Twilight glances at Rainbow and sees that the blue pegasus is inhaling and exhaling hard. The purple alicorn leads her to an empty room and goes out immediately, then she puts the 'keep out' sign in front of the door. After a while, many wrecking sounds are inside that room. Twilight shakes her head and sighs. This is worse than she supposed.

Sunset is wrapping bandages around his wound with some medicine. Matt stares at the memory shard, then he tries to put it into Sunset's head but her tail slaps his hand away. The orange dragon shakes her head. "Please, I don't want to have a headache here."

"Okay... maybe we will do something." Matt keeps the memory shard. "Like farming."

"Thank you."

Sunset keeps wrapping the bandage around Spike. The purple dragon smiles and feels so good. Suddenly, Matt trips on the floor and the memory shard flies directly to Sunset's head. Sunset holds her head as the pain is coming to her while Spike is trying to comfort her.

After a while, Sunset stands up and glares at the swordsman. "Be careful what you are walking next time, okay."

"Okay. I promise," then Matt requests. "Can you cook something nice, please? My stomach is demanding food."

"You are just having breakfast."

"Eh yeah..." Matt rubs his head. "But not enough."

"Fine. I will make you one."

Sunset goes inside the kitchen to prepare some food. The swordsman sighs in relief but he is slammed by a giant hammer. Diana flies inside and huffs. "At least you get some money from the mine. Anyway... " Diana turns to the purple dragon. "You two feel that, right?"

Spike nods. "Yes. Her mana is so large and unstable. I will buy some tools to prevent that."

"It's no use." Diana folds her paws. "Because that mana can break any tools easily, and you look so dope, Spike."

Spike drinks some water. "Not gonna lie, but I am struggling to get that crystal. It is shaped like Princess Celestia."

Matt gets up. "Okay, I don't understand what these crystals are?"

Spike slams the table. "It just mimics her memory to fight against everything. First is the filly, now Princess Celestia, except the second one."

Diana rubs her head. "If that's true, then..." she turns to Matt. "I am going to see myself and my sister in here, except someone can control it."

"And Nolegs." Matt sits next to Spike. "Damn it, we need a better place to train. Spike is quite injured right now."

"Ah... you're afraid of being beaten by my husband," teases Diana. "I will laugh if that's true."

"Wonder why you and your sister married him in the first place.'" Matt takes the phone and starts playing a game. "He can't talk after all."

Diana smiles. "He can talk in human language." Matt drops his phone and turns to the black cat. Diana explains. "He can talk and understand human language before you meet him."

"Great. Too great." Matt throws his arm. "Now I need a break."

Diana giggles. "Sure."

Diana goes inside the kitchen to get some materials for baking the cake. She wonders where the heck is that dragon right now.

Angra is looking at himself in the mirror. It reveals a round wound in his chest. A yellow Abyssian comes inside his room with a lot of papers. She looks at him and reports. "Angra, the village is secured. The Storm Army has to retreat."

"Good." The white dragon wears his cape. "Geez, I think I'll never get that orange dragon out of my head."

"Is she just losing?"

"I might lose at that time," Angra smiles. "The moment that one of us can be knocked out by one strike, I want to do that again."

"Tell me you like her, and I will laugh all night."

"Sure." Angra leaves the room. "You can laugh right now."

Sound huffs and puts the papers down on the table. "Fine, anyway, what will we do now?"

"Make sure the villagers will be relaxed, and protect them." Angra takes the map. "The Storm Army won't try to retake it anyway."

"The Storm Army." Sound balls her paw. "I want to destroy them so much."

"What about Sunset's group? Where are they?"

"They were in Cloudale last time." Sound takes a report paper. "They are being caught by the black cat. You sound like you care about her too much."

"Why not? They will be the key to destroying the Storm Army." Angra turns around. "Time for the unicorn who doesn't have many inside to work."

"I see. Where are you going?"

"Training room." Angra sighs. "I need to be stronger to face her again. You should prepare to deal with the villagers, make sure they are happy and will cooperate with us."

Sound bows. "Yes, master."

Angra stops and opens the room. The yellow Abyssian sighs and starts walking to the meeting room.