• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 15-6: Lost in the Emerald Woods

Lost in the Emerald Woods

“A library that’s bigger than the one in Canterlot? What will they think of next?”

Applejack was sitting down at a table in the secret wing of the Ruby Library, looking into her video tablet with Bright Mac, Buttercup and Granny Smith looking at her. Next to Applejack were Danged Spell and Rarity, while Twilight Sparkle, Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail were at another table, looking into the piles of books stacked up on the table.

“After Danged Spell and Argyle Starshine showed us the whole place,” Applejack said. “I was amazed by it.”

“I’m no professional tour guide,” Danged Spell explained. “But at least I was able to show them how big this place is.”

“Well that’s great,” Buttercup said. “Too bad we can’t be there due to the number of La Maresa refugees coming.”

“I take it the entire town is already there,” Applejack sighed.

“Now don’t you worry,” Granny Smith said. “We have everything under control thanks to Captain Airazor of the Wonderbolts, members of the Royal Guard and Chancellor Cinch. Besides, I heard there may be some books involving secret means of apple farming.”

“Considering that this library has books that may have been lost to time,” Rarity said, “I’d say that might be a possibility.”

“Also,” Bright Mac said. “I heard word that you might be spending the night at the library instead of your rooms at the Golden Palace.”

“You can thank Twilight for that,” Applejack said. “She’s glued to those books like a nail hammered down to a wooden board.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell. “She’s the main bookmark for this group.”

It didn’t take long for Bright Mac, Buttercup and Granny Smith to break out in laughter.

“Don’t mind Spell,” Applejack chuckled. “He tends to be the class clown of the Canterlot unicorns.”

“Considering that I see him along with his friends,” Bright Mac laughed. “That’s saying a lot.”

“But I do wonder how we will cope with our friends and family at La Maresa coming by,” Rarity asked. “Truth be told, I worry for my folks and for Sweetie Belle.”

“They’re alright,” Granny Smith said. “In fact, they’re tougher than a stampede of bulls.”

“Granny,” Buttercup laughed. “No need to go overboard on the details.”

“I know,” Granny Smith smirked. “But it wouldn’t hurt to brag about how they got here.”

As Applejack, Rarity and Danged Spell communicated with Bright Mac, Buttercup and Granny Smith on the video tablet, Sunburst pulled a book from the bookpile that said “The Secrets of Evevanya,” before opening it.

“Bout time,” Sunburst said. “If it weren’t for that mess Danged Spell made, I would have gotten to it sooner.”

“Open it,” Twilight said. “I can’t wait to see what’s in that book.”

Sunburst opened the book up and flipped to a few pages with Twilight and Moondancer looking at it over Sunburst’s shoulder. Abigail jumped on the table and looked down at the book the moment Sunburst stopped turning the pages.

“This looks really interesting,” Sunburst said, looking down at the book.

“Are you talking about the drawing of that human-like character?” Moondancer asked.

“Actually, two drawings,” Sunburst said, pointing to the two humanoid drawings in the pages of the book. “One of them has these intriguing bat wings on their back, like a demon of some sort.”

“A demon?” Twilight asked.

“I think I’ve seen those kinds of wings on the back of a dragon,” Moondancer said. “So those might be an example of a dragon-like race?”

“They call themselves the Dusk,” Sunburst said before pointing to the other figure. “They are the polar opposite of their own ally race: the Dawn. Notice anything familiar?”

Moondancer, Twilight Sparkle and Abigail looked down at the figure and saw what appeared to be insect-like wings on their back.

“That looks similar to what Wanda has,” Twilight said. “What a coincidence.”

“Do you think Wanda is a Evevanyian?” Moondancer asked. “Or rather, a Dawn?”

“Good question,” Sunburst said. “But I don’t think Wanda knows what an Evevanyian is. Maybe showing her this book later tonight will clear things up.”

Meanwhile, Wanda Young is flying through the air with Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Ditzy Doo by her side, looking down at the Golden Land.

“This place is amazing,” Rainbow Dash said. “Almost like it’s the perfect place to fly.”

“I know,” Wanda said. “Mommy lets me fly around in the Golden Land. But I wish Sunset Shimmer could fly like me and big sis.”

“Well how come Sunset Shimmer isn’t a pegasi like us?” Ditzy Doo asked.

“It’s the way she was born,” Wanda replied. “Though the only alternative I can think of for her to fly is to become an alicorn like Mommy, Aunt Luna and Big Sis.”

“That reminds me,” Spitfire said. “How come you have the ability to fly?”

“You know,” Wanda said, “I honestly don’t know why I can fly compared to the rest of the humans I belong to. Mommy told me that humans aren’t supposed to fly.”

“So does that mean you might not be a human?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Maybe so,” Wanda said. “But it still doesn’t explain why I am human, and yet not.”

“Wanda,” Ditzy said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re human or not. What you are is my friend.”

“Ditzy?” Wanda said as she paused in place.

“You may not be a pony like us and you may not be a human,” Ditzy Doo replied. “But what matters is you care for us, just like how Princess Celestia trained you.”

“Ditzy’s got a point,” Rainbow Dash said. “Even if you aren’t human, you’re still our friend, one hundred and twenty percent. Never forget that.”

Spitfire turned to Wanda with a smug on her face and said “So. Think you can fly fast with those wings of yours?”

“I never flew fast like you would,” Wanda replied. “But I’m game.”

With a flap of her insect wings, Wanda flew off in the distance, with Spitfire flying right behind her. Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo looked at the duo fly off in the distance and then an idea popped up in their head.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We chase after them?” Ditzy Doo responded.

“Exactly,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin on her face.

Flapping their wings as fast as possible, Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo took off, chasing after Wanda Young and Spitfire.

Meanwhile, somewhere within the middle of a nearby forest, Princess Cadance was walking through while observing a map, all while carrying a heavy saddlebag on her back. Behind her was Shining Armor, who looked concerned for his alicorn girlfriend. Walking alongside Shining Armor were Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“Caddy,” Shining Armor said. “Are you sure you know the way through the Emerald Woods?”

“I’m sure of it,” Princess Cadance said. “I’ve been through these woods with Wanda and Sunset before. In fact, there’s a neat spot we like to go to as our destination.”

“Neat spot?” Golden Lace asked.

“Well,” Pinkie Pie said, “It’s a hidden location that they go to as a place to relax and meditate.”

“How do you know about this?” Trixie yelled. “You never met them until they came to La Maresa?”

“Guess,” Pinkie Pie said in a smug tone.

“Oh right,” Trixie said. “You’re Discord’s reincarnation.”

Golden Lace just shook her head and said “At least these fillies aren’t big bullies like the ones back at Daisy Joy Tech.”

“I heard it was horrible back there,” Shining Armor said.

“Horrible is an understatement,” Golden Lace replied. “Many of the students there were just plain mean and sadistic.”

Princess Cadance looked down at Juniper Montage and asked “And I take it you had the same experience at that horrible school, correct?”

“I did,” Juniper said. “After my school was shut down, my parents transferred me to this horrible place. They treated me along with a few other fillies like dirt. And the two ponies who take pleasure in these moments were Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, who picked on me and Lace, along with Wallflower Blush, Gloriosa Daisy and Vignette Valencia.”

“That’s horrible,” Princess Cadance said. “And the headmistress there doesn’t mind it?”

“Doesn’t mind it?” Juniper replied before she stopped in place and stomped her hoof on the ground. “She encourages it to her students, as if it were the moral thing to do.”

“Wow,” Adagio Dazzle said. “And here I thought Gold Banks gave us all a hard time after she brought down the orphanage we used to live in. Never thought how messed up this world truly is.”

“That being said,” Sonata Dusk said. “Do you know where we are right now?”

“That’s easy,” Princess Cadance said. “We’re lost.”

Immediately, everyone came to a stop as they yelled out “SAY WHAT?”

“Cadance,” Shining Armor said. “Are you out of your mind? You said you knew your way around the Emerald Woods.”

“I do,” Princess Cadance said with a grin as she rolled up her map. “And we’re lost.”

“I think I know what it means,” Pinkie Pie said. “This is a place called Lost.”

“That’s correct,” Princess Cadance giggled.

Everyone looked around at the surrounding environment and were awed. There was an open space in front of them with log-like stones surrounding a spot for a campfire. The trees that surrounded the place looked perfect for climbing. Behind them was the only path out.

Shining Armor just laughed and said “So this is what you meant by lost. It’s more of a secret hideout that you, Wanda and Sunset liked to go to.”

“You got it, Shining,” Princess Cadance said before using her magic to take the saddlebag off. “As a matter of fact, it’s time you all experienced the same thing that I gave to them.”

With a pulse of magic from Cadance’s horn, the saddlebags opened and stuff flew out of it. Tents unfolded in an instant and lined up around the circle of stones. A table landed nearby with a number of chairs lined up around it. Other items like pots, mugs, sleeping bags, and even ice chests full of food lined up next to the table. The younglings all stared at the newly set-up camp, unable to take their eyes off of it.

“That was amazing,” Aria Blaze said.

“All of that in one go,” Juniper Montage replied. “I’m stunned.”

“Even the Great and Powerful Trixie pales in comparison to this,” Trixie said.

Shining Armor walked up to the campsite and observed for a bit before turning to face Princess Cadance.

“You are such a showoff,” Shining Armor said.

Princess Cadance let out a playful raspberry before she said “I wasn’t born with it. But at least it has its uses.”

Shining Armor turned towards the younglings and said “So now that we have camp set up, who wants to get some firewood?”

Immediately, Fluttershy flew into the air and screamed with delight, causing everyone to cover their ears in pain.

“Is she like this all the time?” Golden Lace yelled.

“Not really,” Pinkie Pie replied with a loud voice. “She’s more of a timid pony. But she has the assumption that she’ll find animals to befriend.”

As soon as Fluttershy touched the ground, she blushed for a bit before she said “Oops. My bad. I mean I will go get some firewood.”

Pinkie Pie uncovered her ears before she walked up to Fluttershy and stood next to her. Starlight followed suit, looking almost as eager as Fluttershy.

“I’ll volunteer to help Fluttershy out,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Ditto,” Starlight replied.

“Alright you little filly scouts,” Shining Armor said. “Find us some firewood and bring it back here. You got it?”

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer saluted Shining Armor before they said “YES SIR!” Immediately, they turned tail and marched off in the opposite direction.

“It’s this scene that makes me wish I did make it into the Royal Guard,” Shining Armor said, watching the three fillies march off.

“I dunno,” Princess Cadance said, placing her arms around Shining Armor. “You would make a far better prince.”

“Don’t push your luck.” Shining Armor smirked.

Trixie watched as Starlight marched alongside Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy deep within the woods.

“Please be careful,” Trixie said.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer were gleefully marching through the Emerald Forest, looking around for firewood.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Starlight asked. “How come you were eager to look for firewood?”

“Well it’s not just that,” Fluttershy said, coming to a stop. “I heard there were some cute and cuddly critters living here.”

Fluttershy turned her head towards a nearby rustling bush, to which a raccoon emerged, staring at the pegasi while rubbing its ear with its hand.

“See what I mean?” Fluttershy responded, pointing to the raccoon.

“Wow,” Starlight said. “I didn’t know.”

“Well you do now,” Pinkie Pie said, giving Starlight a hoof noogie.

Fluttershy bent down and held her right front hoof out, holding some blueberries on top, and mimicking the sound of a raccoon with her tongue tapping the roof of her mouth. The raccoon looked at Fluttershy for a moment, blinking twice.

“I don’t think that’s…” Starlight said before Pinkie Pie placed her hoof on Starlight’s mouth.

“Wait for it,” Pinkie Pie said. “Fluttershy’s known to attract animals to her.”

Immediately, the raccoon ran up to Fluttershy and sniffed the blueberries. It immediately picked one up and threw it right into its mouth, chewing it before swallowing it whole. The raccoon cooed loudly before taking a few more blueberries and eating them.

“Wow,” Starlight said. “I didn’t know she could do that.”

“Oh you have no idea,” Fluttershy said as the raccoon ate more blueberries out of her hoof. “Ever since I got my cutie mark, I have always been fascinated by the animals of Equestria. My Uncle Wegefrolick took notice of this and actually invited me to his famous zoo at San DiNeighgo. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. He had monkeys, flamingos, snakes, rhinos, cheetahs, kangaroos, elephants, lions, tigers and a variety of bears.”

“Oh my,” Starlight said.

“Oh my indeed,” Pinkie said with a grin. “Anywho, while you two talk, I got firewood to gather.”

With that, Pinkie Pie hopped off in another direction, leaving Starlight and Fluttershy behind.

“Tell me more,” Starlight said.

“Uncle Wegefrolick wanted to show all of Equestria the various wonders of the world,” Fluttershy explained. “It was long ago that a special exposition happened at Balbronco Park, long before my time. Wegefrolick was still a young lad who had taken a career as a surgeon. But during his time, he was fascinated by the animals that were on display. When the exhibition came to an end, he petitioned Princess Celestia into opening a zoo in San DiNeighgo.”

“I think I read all about it,” Starlight said. “Mommy gave me a book about the San DiNeighgo Zoo, which told about how Wegefrolick petitioned Princess Celestia into donating land for a zoo.”

“That’s right,” Fluttershy said. “Princess Celestia negotiated with the council of San DiNeighgo to put some land to good use for a proper zoo. One that did not use cages, but created special enclosures to keep the critters satisfied. She even paid some of them to give fish, hay bales and even fruit for the creatures. In fact, he allowed some of the animals to pay a visit to the Ponyville Providence fair early ago this year.”

“That sounds really fascinating,” Starlight said.

“Oh it is,” Fluttershy replied, shuffling her hooves in excitement. “I enjoy paying a visit to my uncle’s famous Zoo. In fact, I can’t wait to invite you and your friends there. I bet you’ll enjoy all sorts of critters like bats, tortoises, hippos, and even a variety of pigs.”

Starlight Glimmer froze for a bit before she said “Did…did you say…pigs?”

“Yes I did,” Fluttershy said. “Why’s that?”

Starlight shuffled back for a bit before she said “Pigs scare me.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “I didn’t know you were afraid of pigs.”

Immediately, Pinkie Pie zipped right back in, with her tail holding a huge bunch of firewood.

“Got as much as I could,” Pinkie Pie said. “How was your end?”

Fluttershy immediately pointed Pinkie Pie towards Starlight Glimmer, who was cowering next to the tree.

“Let me guess,” Pinkie Pie said. “Starlight’s afraid of pigs.”

“Yeah,” Starlight shivered. “Pigs are heavy creatures that want to smash you to pieces.”

“No they’re not,” Pinkie Pie giggled. “In fact, Applejack works with pigs on the farm and they’re nice creatures. After all, they’re great for digging up truffles.”

“Besides, Starlight,” Fluttershy said. “You weren’t afraid of the pigs when you came down to the Ponyville Providence fair.”

“That’s because they were behind a steel pen,” Starlight whined. “And that meant I couldn’t get crushed by them.”

“Are you sure about that?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Because not long ago, you were happy and content with petting the pigs at the Ponyville Providence Fair. Did you get some kind of nightmare after you left La Maresa? Maybe that explains why you’re afraid of pigs.”

“Well,” Starlight said nervously. “I can’t really describe it well, but…”

“Well don’t worry,” Fluttershy said. “I think one day, we’ll help you like pigs again. But look on the bright side, I don’t think you will have to worry about pigs in the Golden Land.”

Suddenly, they all heard the sound of a bush rustling nearby. Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy turned towards the bushes, with Starlight still shivering in fear.

“What do you suppose that is?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Whatever it is,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t think it will be a danger to us all, like a wolf or a cougar.”

“At least that’s nothing to worry about,” Pinkie Pie said.

The bushes stopped rustling as a pig jumped out, oinking loudly. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked at it with an “Awe.” But Starlight looked straight at the swine, and her eyes shrunk down.

“PIIIIIIIG!” Starlight yelled before turning around and frantically climbing up a tree.

Pinkie Pie looked up at Starlight and said “Yup. Somehow, Starlight now has Swinophobia: A fear of pigs. I dunno how that happened, but it looks like she doesn’t want to be near those oinkers.”

The pig curiously looked at Starlight Glimmer, who still held onto the nearby tree, before walking up to her. Starlight looked down and screamed even louder.


“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “This is far worse than we imagine.”

Fluttershy flew right up to Starlight Glimmer and grabbed onto her, holding the twin-tailed filly tight. Starlight felt Fluttershy’s arms wrap around her before she opened her eyes.

“Don’t worry,” Fluttershy said in a comforting voice. “If you’re afraid of the pig, I’ll hold onto you tight and won’t let you go. You can trust me.”

Starlight slowly released her grip from the tree as Fluttershy gently pulled her away. She looked down at the pig, who just stared at her curiously.

“Please don’t let me go, please don’t let me go, please don’t let me go,” Starlight cried.

Pinkie Pie looked at the pig nearby and said “I think we need to let Princess Cadance and Shining Armor know about this.”

Fluttershy nodded, holding Starlight close. She turned around and flew off, holding the twin-tailed filly close by, while Pinkie Pie bounced from behind, still holding all that wood in her tail. But unbeknownst to the fillies, the pig followed Pinkie Pie from behind.

Meanwhile, up in the air, Wanda was flying around with Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo and Spitfire when she heard Starlight’s scream fill the air.

“That sounded like Starlight,” Wanda said.

“You think something happened to her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I did promise Trixie I would keep her safe,” Wanda said. “Though Trixie said she was gonna let me off for the time being.”

“It does sound like something bad happened to her,” Spitfire said. “Wanna go check it out?”

“Sure,” Wanda said. “If I recall, the scream came from the Emerald Woods. And I think I know where to go.”

“I hope Starlight doesn’t get eaten by pigs,” Ditzy Doo said.

Everyone just looked at Ditzy with an awkward look on their faces.

“What?” Ditzy replied. “Starlight told me that she recently had a fear of pigs.”

“That sounds rather surprising, considering our precious trip to the Ponyville Providence Fair,” Rainbow Dash said. “But just in case, we should check up on her.”

“I think I know where she will be,” Wanda said. “And it’s a place called Lost. Something that my sisters and I came up with.”

“Sounds like a scary name,” Ditzy Doo said.

“It is,” Wanda said. “But it’s a place we go to just to be lost from the noise of Canterlot.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Spitfire said. “Let’s get ourselves lost.”

With that, Wanda, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Ditzy Doo flew towards the center of the Emerald Forest.

Meanwhile, deep within the Emerald Woods, within the lost area, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were preparing some food on the table, while Trixie, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage and the Dazzling Sisters all waited with anticipation.

“What do you think she’s making?” Juniper Montage asked.

“I hope it’s tacos,” Sonata Dusk said.

“Sonata,” Aria said. “You have tacos on the brain.”

Golden Lace’s ears picked up the sound of Starlight Glimmer wincing in fear. She turned to her left to see Fluttershy fly in, holding the timid Starlight Glimmer. Behind them was Pinkie Pie, bouncing in with the wood tucked away in her tail.

“Hey guys,” Golden Lace said. “I think there’s something wrong with Starlight.”

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance turned towards Fluttershy, who sat Starlight down next to Trixie.

“Starlight,” Princess Cadance said. “What happened?”

“P-p-p-p-pig,” Starlight cried. “Wanted to crush me.”

“Wait,” Shining Armor said. “Since when were you afraid of pigs?”

“It might have been some nightmare she had,” Pinkie Pie stated as she sat the wood down near her. “And I believe it may have been sometime after she joined us at the Ponyville Providence Fair.”

“Well that doesn’t make any sense,” Trixie said. “I know Starlight didn’t have a problem with the pigs at the fair. So what kind of nightmare would cause her to fear pigs?”

But before Princess Cadance could say anything, everyone heard the sound of a pig oinking. This caused Starlight to scream loudly and jump right into Princess Cadance’s arms. Everyone else looked to see the same pig walk up to them.

“Wow,” Sonata Dusk said, looking at the pig. “I have never seen a pig before. What a cutie.”

“Daddy used to have some pigs around where I lived,” Juniper said. “Truth be told, I actually miss em.”

“You used to have pigs where you live?” Golden Lace asked.

“Yeah,” Juniper replied. “While my uncle is into cinematography, my mom and dad are farmers. Though I’ll still never understand why they shipped me to the city just for that stupid school.”

“Honestly,” Golden Lace said. “Neither do I.”

But as most of the younglings’ focus were on the adorableness of the pig, Starlight just stood there in Cadance’s arms, quivering in fear.

“I don’t want that pig anywhere near me,” Starlight cried as she buried her head in Cadance’s chest. “Just make sure it doesn’t.”

“Well don’t worry,” Princess Cadance said. “I think that’s the only pig that we have to worry about.”

Suddenly, Starlight and Cadance heard the sound of bushes rustling. They turned their heads to see more pigs emerge from the bushes. Starlight looked at them as her eyes shrunk down before screaming really loud.

“GET THEM AWAY FROM ME!” Starlight cried as she buried her head in Cadance’s chest once more. “TOO MANY PIGS!”

“Oh dear,” Princess Cadance said. “I wanted to assure Starlight that it was going to be alright, only for more danger to show up.”

“Poor Starlight,” Shining Armor said. “If only there was a way to ease her mind.”

Shining Armor’s ears picked up the sound of wings flapping. He looked up and saw Wanda Young, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Ditzy Doo fly down from above and land down.

“Big sis,” Wanda said. “We heard Starlight cry from afar. What happened?”

“You’re not going to believe this,” Princess Cadance said as she held Starlight. “But Starlight Glimmer is afraid of pigs.”

“Pigs?” Rainbow Dash said. “That’s a rather silly fear.”

Ditzy flew up to Starlight, who continued to cry while Cadance held onto her.

“I feel sorry for her,” Ditzy Doo said. “All this over being afraid of pigs.”

As Wanda looked up at Starlight, she felt a hoof touch her right had. Wanda looked down and saw Trixie look up at her.

“Thanks for coming by, Wanda,” Trixie said. “I knew you would keep your promise.”

“Starlight’s my friend,” Wanda said. “Just like everyone else is. And in a way, Starlight reminds me of myself. I’ll see what I can do to help her.”

Wanda walked up to Princess Cadance before flying up and placing her hand on Starlight’s shoulder. Starlight pulled her face out and looked at Wanda in the face.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “You came back for me.”

“I wouldn’t want to let you be scared,” Wanda said. “After all, we’re friends, and friends help one another.”

“Then,” Starlight cried. “Get me out of here. I don’t want to be here if there’s going to be a ton of pigs in this world.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Cadance and nodded towards her big sister.

“Starlight,” Princess Cadance said. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a fun time here within the Emerald Woods. If I had known there were pigs and that you recently had a fear of pigs, I would have left you with Princess Celestia. So I’m going to let Wanda take you back to her.”

“Thanks,” Starlight said. “But I’m sorry you’re going to be down a pony.”

“That’s okay,” Rainbow Dash said. “As a matter of fact, I’d like to stay here and help out with the camping.”

“So do I,” Spitfire said. “Captain Airazor told me I should consider camping out to be the best of the best. And I’d say this makes a great location.”

“And I’ll be happy to remain here,” Ditzy Doo said. “I love camping.”

“Then it’s settled,” Shining Armor said. “Wanda, you’re free to take Starlight back to Princess Celestia.”

“I’ll inform Princess Celestia of this change through my personal video tablet,” Princess Cadance said. “She’ll understand.”

Wanda nodded to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance as Starlight Glimmer looked down at Trixie.

“No matter what happens,” Trixie said, “You’ll always be my Great and Powerful Friend.”

Starlight giggled as Wanda ascended towards the upper clearings of the forest. Starlight looked down and waved good-bye, with everyone else waving back at her.

“By the way,” Wanda said. “I’m heading by the library, and I’ll let mommy know about what happened. Are you up for it?”

“Am I?” Starlight cheered. “I am.”

But at the Ruby Library, as most of the younglings there were busy reading, Argyle Starshine was writing once more in his journal.

“Early this morning,” Argyle wrote. “I went for a walk in the Emerald Woods, and I got myself lost. Well lost is a harsh word, because I was amazed by the flora of this place. The leaves of the trees shined brighter than emerald jewels. The way the light just shined in the place created an ambience that felt relaxing and cathartic. Even the flowers were more precious than jewelry and gold. Why we choose to destroy nature in favor of stripping its resources for money and power is a tragedy onto itself.”

As Argyle Starshine dipped his quill pen into the inkwell, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Just a heads up,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Princess Celestia was informed by Princess Cadance that Starlight Glimmer is coming back here courtesy of Wanda. Seems she has Swinophobia: A fear of pigs.”

“Thanks for letting me know, Twilight,” Argyle said. “And as a matter of fact, you may have given me some inspiration.”

“Inspiration?” Twilight asked.

“Fear,” Argyle Starshine replied. “The fact that we are often afraid. That is something I wish to add to my journal.”

Twilight giggled and said “I hope it turns out great, and I bet I’ll be glued to it. Looking forward to the completed book.”

As Twilight Sparkle walked off towards the others, Argyle placed his quill back on the paper.

“But as beautiful as the forests are,” Argyle wrote. “They can also be scary places for the inexperienced. Sometimes we develop a fear for the place, based on its flora or fauna, or far worse. Sometimes it is okay to be afraid. It’s natural for us to do that. But friends help us with our fears, how to deal with them, and how we can adapt to our own fears. Sometimes the fears can be silly, while other fears are serious. The friends or family that help us with our fear are the ones we look up to, who we are comforted by. Though fear can weigh us down, it takes the help of friends and family to help us conquer our fears, and to become stronger in spirit.”

With that, Argyle Starshine placed his quill in the inkwell before blowing on the page a bit.

“It sure is hard work,” Argyle Starshine said. “But writing about these stories is what keeps me going. I hope this story does inspire future generations. Maybe a foal of my own if I do choose to marry.”

To Be Continued in…

Two Slumber Parties for the Price of One

Author's Note:

Originally, this was going to be a far more dramatic part. But I chose to tone it down and let the younglings have a little fun in the forest(Well, except for Starlight).

Now, the character of Wegefrolick was inspired by Dr Harry M. Wegeforth, the founder of the real life San Diego Zoo(Who was a surgeon, believe it or not). He served as a surgeon during the second year of the Panama-California Exposition at Balboa Park, and took a fascination with the animals there. With his brother Paul Wegeforth, naturalist Frank Stephens and doctors Fred Baker and Joseph Cheesman Thompson, Harry started the Zoological Society of San Diego on October 2, 1916, and it was months later that the first San Diego Zoo was born.

If you want to read more about this zoo, here are some links

Now, as for Starlight's Swinophobia, I looked up a previous part of the series that I did, and I realized that she didn't have this fear of pigs back then during the Ponyville Providence Fair. So I had to implement it as something new to her. But why does she fear pigs now? Princess Luna may have the answer in the next part.

Oh. And as a little bonus, here's a little something I did of Starlight Glimmer's fear of pigs. https://www.deviantart.com/daimando/art/Starlight-Glimmer-Swinophobia-952177127

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