• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 240 Views, 3 Comments

Future one shots - Kamen rider accel

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Kamen rider Zero

Life, what is it?

People ask them self why there born

They try to find a meaning in life of what to do

They travel, fight, adventure, or just try to fit in life

Some even try to explore life of how others live it and try to copy them.

It sometimes turns out for the best or worst

But the important question of all is what can we do with our life

We see a figure trying to run from something that was chasing him. He was running fast in the forest and couldn't be seen well because of the darkness. He ran fast as he could but the thing which was chasing him was getting closer to him.

He ran as fast as he could he was breathing heavily as he was being chased. He then reached a water fall which lead down to a stream. He stopped and looked back and saw the thing finally came to stop. It was a humanoid bug type kaijin with monsters face with big black eyes and a insect mouth. It had blades on its arms and had wings strapped in his back. It looked at the figure he was chasing.

"Give up project zero, there's no way to run." it said in deep voice and in neighponese."come quietly or else I'll do it with force and I don't complain on both ways"

The figure in question was a boy in a white hospital gown and had blue hair who was know as zero looked at the kaijin and then at the stream. He knows what they'll do to him if he goes back and he knows what will happen if he falls but he won't go down easily. He then looked at the fall and finally he jumped down. The bug kaijin saw this and ran but when he looked down he saw the boy hone in the stream.

"Tsk, our lord won't like this not one bit" the kaijin said. He then went back to his base. But he didn't know that boy was hanging on a branch down below where it couldn't see him. He then took a few minutes then climbed up and reached there. He then breaths heavily. He survived and he's free from his captive but now he needs to get back. To his family.

The Rainbooms are now seen in a abandoned warehouse where the girls were breathing heavily as they were running from something with them was a young girl with orange skin and lavender hair. She was also breathing heavily as she was with them.

"You ok now scootaloo" Rainbow dash asked the little girl.

"Yeah I'm fine now" she said as she calm down." But still what was that thing and why was it chasing me and twilight."

She was normally going home after having tuition with swi twi. Both were coming home but suddenly they were attacked by a mysterious bug monster. It spoke in neighponese. It was after them as they both ran twilight try to use her magic against her but he easily deflect it and was chasing them. Her friends were on the way to the arcade but soon meet them and saw they were being chased by the bug thing. The others try to fight it off but like twilight no avail and it only was enjoying this for a while and soon got tired and went for the kill. The girls then ran cause that was the only thing left to do.

"I don't know scootaloo but where safe in hear for now." Twilight said." I called shining and send him my emergency request he'll be hear in no time."

"Yeah but we weren't able to do anything to that thing, how will the police fight it" sunset said." And I'm pretty sure it wasn't any equestrian being I ever seen before"

"Yeah no kidding. It was equally mach my strength." Applejack said.

"I know girls but what I'm more weird out that it spoke neighponese." Fluttershy said in confusion.

The other looked at her and we're gonna ask but soon the roof of the warehouse exploded and down came the kaijin. He then landed and glared at the girls.

"Enough games, I just have to take those two by your corpses" it spoke as Fluttershy understood him and soon got worried and feared for her life and the others have got the message from seeing the animal lover like this. They then got on guard and took twilight and scootaloo and got Infront of them. They won't go down without a fight. The kaijin just smirked and went towards them. But before he could come closer. The warehouse wall exploded and came a figure on a motorcycle and drove fast and hit the kaijin making it fall back as it was taken by surprise.

The girls saw there saviour and saw a teen in black jacket, blue pants, and his face was covered by a helmet. He soon got off the bike and took the helmet off. The girls then saw his face. It was a yellow orange skin teen with blue spiky hair. The two girls scootaloo and twilight recognize him as he was the one spying on them a while back they thought he was some stalker or something. He soon was gone before they could call help. Sunset recognize him to well.

"Wait a minute Flash?!" Sunset said getting the other girls attention.

"Wait flash as in the one who disappeared years ago." Rainbow dash said seeing the missing teen.

The kaijin got up and glared at the teen. He recognized the teen."so this is where you were na zero." he said.

"Wait he knows him" Fluttershy said. The others also heard her.

Flash didn't say anything as he ran and kicked the kaijin on the side and punched him on the face and side kicked him. Making it tremble back but it still was ok.

"Heh don't make me laugh you think you can stop me, Blazer. The Biden empire strongest fighter." it said.

"Biden empire?" Fluttershy muttered.

"I won't let you have your ways hear blazer." Flash spoke in neighponese. He then took a pose as he put his hand up the other side. He was doing the rider pose as he then yelled.

"Henshin" he said and soon a light surrounding him as the girls and the kaijin cover there eyes and when the light died down. They girls saw something bewilderment which surprised and shocked them.

Standing in the team place was now an black armor worrier with his upper chest had gloves had green marking lines and he was wearing a bug mask with two large red eye lenses and two antenna making a V syne and had a black mouth plate.

The girls were dumbstruck seeing this a teen turn into a superhero they only saw this at comics and tv shows. He and the kaijin then took a battle posting as both got ready to fight.

Author's Note:

Yup it's my own kamen rider story I had an idea about and I soon am planning to release it soon just need more time so any way like and comment.