• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 708 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

A Guide To Griffinstone History

Morning arrived faster than expected. It could be the heavy dinner and long journey putting every creature to rest or the excitement of being one step closer to completing their journey quickly prompting the group to sleep early and rise early. Some creatures, however, preferred it if morning came and went.

Grandpa Gruff is one of those creatures who happen to be lounging in one of the castle dorms.

Gilda sighed before unlocking the wooden door with a skeleton key on her waist belt and then giving the door a firm kick. The thundering sound quickly caused Grandpa Gruff to sprout up like a spring seedling.

“W-what’s happening!? What do you want!?” squealed Grandpa Gruff as he flailed around in bed.

Gilda rolled her eyes, “Listen, you old buzzard, I order you to answer all of Princess Twilight’s questions about Griffinstone.” The heiress dug in her fur coat before tossing a few coins at the geezer.

Gilda gently pat Twilight’s back before signing off, “I’ll be with Rainbow Dash let me know if you need anything!”

Starlight quickly trotted inside as if to fill in Gilda’s absence, giving Twilight a nervous smile.

Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes before climbing out of bed, “Fine! Make yourself comfortable then!”

Through the large oak wood doors lay a fine study room full of books and, more distinctively, liquor. The scent noticeably stuck to Grandpa Gruff’s breath when he spoke.

Starlight and Twilight trotted over to a small table a few feet from the bar on the rightmost wall in the study, unsure of what to think of the old griff.

“Well, speak up!” ordered Grandpa Gruff, “I don’t have all day!”

The alicorn looked about the room in wonder, her mouth nearly watering at all of the literature bared before her. How much she just wanted to reach out and read one, just one… but the griff’s shrill voice dragged her out of her daydream.

Twilight blinked and traded an unsure look to her unicorn companion, unsure where to start.

“Well, I want to start and say that I studied some Griffin history, at least any of the books that survived in Equestria. I understand that trade has only recently flourished, and I was hoping to learn anything and everything about the kingdom from you. Gilda spoke…” Twilight paused, clearing her throat, “... highly of you.”

Grandpa Gruff scoffed as he walked over to the bar, pouring himself a scotch glass of bourbon before taking a sip of the beverage. Swishing it in his maul before speaking, “I’m sure you’re referring to the recent up-and-up Griffinstone has been going through?”

He’d continue, “Well, after the coronation of King Guto, the king went and ruled for twenty-three glorious years before the creature Arimaspi came and stole The Idol of Boreas. After the creature fell into the canyon with the Idol, King Guto thought it was a sign from the Gods of a Griffin Dark age. He then disbanded the clergy, nobles, and privy council, dissolving the Kingdom of Griffinstone, and in one last act of self-sacrifice to spare his species from what he assumed was the wrath of the Gods, King Guto took his royal dagger. Then he struck himself in the stomach ending his own life.”

Grandpa Gruff’s expression was grim for a moment, as his look bore a heavy expression. One of sorrow and dread as the old creature seemed to mourn for a moment.

Twilight’s face grew pale, and she drew away in shock. She had no idea something so dark had happened in their history. Glancing at Starlight, her expression relayed everything she needed to know.

“I… I had no idea. I knew of King Guto, Arimaspi, and the Idol of Boreas. I knew that the kingdom fell, but nothing in the texts I ever read mentioned that the king….” Twilight shivered, swallowing the lump growing in her throat, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something like that.”

Starlight bit her lip as she inhaled air through her teeth, a nervous chortle escaping her as she could barely mutter an “Oookay.”

Grandpa Gruff sniffled, flicking a dusty tear away, “It’s a great tragedy for us Griffins. The Idol is the thing that unifies most of us Griffins. It's a blessing from the Gods that gave us our wealth, and our pride. It motivates every griff to go get ’em!”

“But then Gilda found the Idol, and I couldn’t believe it. I thought she was playing a joke on me. I was only a little hatchling when I was told of King Guto’s demise. I was raised in a generation of hopelessness. To see Gilda hold our salvation was the greatest thing these old eyes will ever see.”

He’d continue, “I quickly held council with the nobles, and clergy, informing them of Gilda finding the Idol. We quickly agreed she’d be Queen, and as Gilda was informed of her new role. She quickly sought knowledge from only the wisest of noble scholars, spiritually intune monks and course, the practical knowledge of running a kingdom from yours truly and you have this beautiful city under works. Apparently, you can make cities when you hoard wealth for over a generation.”

Twilight was relieved to move past most of the dark nature of the conversation, giving the old griff a small, gentle smile. “It is impressive what you have managed to create in such a short time. Incredible, actually. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash arrived here not very long ago and gave me… an unflattering description at best. How we haven’t heard any news of this boom is beyond me.”

Slowly, Twilight would trot over to a seat, resting her hooves for a moment. “Is there anything that I should be privy to? I know Gilda wants advice from me, but it would be great to hear both sides of the issue both of you may bring up. I’d also like to ask if there is anything we can aid your kingdom with. Equestria would be happy to help, as would myself and our party.”

“Yeah, her attitude; she needs to act Kingly! Er… Queenly!” mused the Griffin.

“... Queenly?” questioned Starlight.

“Yeah, she needs to be proper and regal!” squawked Grandpa Gruff.

“Well, considering she grew up with Rainbow Dash. I think you’re outta luck.” snickered Starlight.

“Look, just give her one of those emotional pep talks about friendship and kindness or whatchamacallit. Now, do you have any more questions?”

Twilight shrugged, “Well, I’m not exactly sure what you’re looking for me to do… I don’t know Gilda very well, but like Starlight said, she grew up friends with Rainbow. I’ll try talking to her. Maybe she’ll have an idea of how to approach Gilda about the subject. But, considering how your kingdom is growing, I imagine that she’s ruling quite well.” Twilight couldn’t help but cock a brow. “What exactly is it that she’s doing wrong?”

“She’s too soft, I tell you, this generation is soft!” ranted the Griffin, making it ambigious if the old geezer was even listening earlier, “I’m sure you understand being a creature thousands of years old. But these new hatchlings? Tch! Their whining and grumbling about ‘friendship’ and ‘passions’ like a bunch of sissy grifs!.”

Twilight was somewhat surprised. She expected him to complain about her professionalism. Then her eyes widened to dinner plates. Wait– he thought she was thousands of years old like Celestia? She was just about to correct him when the door opened.

A new voice would cut through the tirade, “Please exit the study; Grandpa Gruff needs space when he gets full of hot air.” a younger Griffin would walk into the study carrying a bunch of books and writing supplies.

“Oh, hello!” Twilight stood up, approaching the young Griffin with a friendly smile. He stood out amongst the other griffins. His coat and feathers were bright blue. She wasn’t sure if she had seen a single other griffin with such a vibrant plume. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is one of my companions Starlight Glimmer. A pleasure to meet you.”

“Don’t give that one the time of day!” snarled Grandpa Gruff, waving his free claw at the Griffin while his other claw gripped his scotch glass tightly.

“Gallus,” he’d snap his claw at Gallus, “Off to your studies, archive King Grifficus logs on new scrolls– the old ones have mold, then go study old Griffish, then do the chores!”

Gallus rolled his eyes as he glanced over at Twilight, “I thought we banned slavery.”

“You hold your tongue, boy, before I yank it out of your skull! We’re nothing like Unicornica!” hissed Grandpa Gruff.

Twilight cringed at the reminder of Unicornica. She was still processing the idea of such a place and how it could have gone unnoticed by Equestria for so long. She decided she would write a letter the next chance she had, but for now, she wanted to learn more.

“I want to learn more about Unicornica. I’d only heard of it a day before our arrival. It shocks me how it hasn’t come to our attention before. Equestria wouldn’t simply allow such a wretched place to exist if we had known sooner.” Twilight said this with the utmost conviction. She knew neither Celestia, Luna, or even Cadance would knowingly allow such things as slavery. They would have done something far sooner if they had.

Grandpa Gruff tapped his claw to his chin, “Eeerrr… that’s more of the nobles thing, those knights that brought you might bring you to their Grand Master. Gallus and I handle the history and politics of Griffinstone, you see?”

Gallus rolled his eyes, “They’re evil, weird ponies, and thank Boreas for Swallowtail.”

“Swallowtail is full of unfaithful Griffs! Singing, dancing, partying!? INTERMINGLING WITH PONIES AND HARPIES!?” he scowled and hissed, “Disgusting!”

Gallus sighed before leaning against his desk as he looked to Twilight, “Talk to the clergy or noblegriffs about anything that isn’t about our [i']glorious' history.” he grumbled.

Twilight gave the young Griffin a sympathetic look before nodding to both of them, “Thank you, I think that should be all. If there’s anything that you think needs to be brought to our attention, or if you need any help, please just let me know. I’m going to try and speak to one of these clergy.”

Turning to Starlight and nodding, she began to head for the door before glancing back to the rather depressed-looking Griffin. She halted, trotting back around.

“Actually, would you happen to know where they are? If you do, it’s better than running around trying to find the knights.” Twilight hoped he would pick up the offer to leave the grumpy older Griffin’s company and the work he would have to do. That was the least she could offer him.

Gallus smirked as he quickly shuffled toward Twilight, “Oh yeah, I know exactly where they are, I can take ’em right to yah.” He’d gestured the ponies forward as he quickly slipped out of the room.

Starlight sighed as she looked at Twilight with a worn smile, “You never change, do you?”

Twilight gave her a cheerful smile in reply, “What can I say? My friends rubbed off on me.”

Turning to Gallus, she gestured a hoof forward. “Go ahead and lead the way and don’t worry, we have time.” she chuckled, shaking her head, “Also, would you mind telling me a little bit about the clergy, just so I know who I’m meeting?”

Gallus snickered, “They’re a bunch of stuffy old buzzards. But at least they’re pretty nice, or the least greedy Griffins around. Which is funny because they’re the richest Grifs from all those temple donations. They believe in the authority of the Gods and spend time praying and sometimes conducting worship or ceremonies for the Gods. Or maybe some griff died or was born. They do all sorts of junk, or you’re visiting them because you got hurt and can’t afford a doctor.”

Twilight nodded, that was pretty much what she expected from the clergy, and it was similar to Celestia’s many divisions and groups that made up her zealous theocrats. However, the only ‘God's’ they worshiped was Celestia and Luna herself, with the ocassional groups that even worshiped Twilight herself and Cadance. Even if the monarch's discouraged such a thing. With Celestia having not awknowledge any form of worship in thousands of years despite their feverous nature.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight nodded. She paused for a moment before chuckling and shaking her head. She glanced back to Starlight, “Can you believe he thought I was as old as Celestia herself?” She suddenly looked worried, “Do I look that old?!”

Starlight snorted, “Does Celestia look old? No, do we know she’s old? Yes, he might have thought you were older, but you look great.” She’d say confidently before nervously stammering, “I mean not to say you don’t usually look… good.” she’d clear her throat.

Gallus slowly clacked his beak, “Awkward.” he’d beckoned the pair forward, “At the temple, the Bishop will ask you a question, “Salvation or Sanctuary,” say the second one. It will let you inside to seek council with the highest leader of the temple.”

Twilight chuckled good-naturedly, not picking up on Starlight’s faux pas. That was until Gallus decided to make it evident to her. Her cheeks colored slightly, but she brushed it off. Starlight was still getting used to being around her after all.

Starlight scoffed as she rolled her eyes at Gallus, “What? I can’t muck up occasionally?”

Twilight quickly cut in, stiffling Starlight's question, “Thank you, Gallus, you’ve been a great help. And again, if you need any help, just look for one of my friends or me.” Twilight gave him a friendly smile, “Also, you might as well take the long way back. Just say I was asking a lot of questions.” Giving him a good-natured wink, she trotted along.

Gallus smirked, “Will do. I’ll see you guys later tonight after our 'tour’. If you need me, I’ll be at the tavern.” the Griffin signed off before flapping away and quickly out of sight.

Ahead lay a massive stone building with pillars of rock. Unlike the buildings surrounding it, it had a cold, practical, and near-primitive look compared to the rest of the advanced city. Specific engravings lined the wall.

Az élet istennője, Goddess of Life.”

A griffin with a black face, clad in purple robes, approached, carrying a golden chalice akin to the Idol of Boreas, “Salvation or Sanctuary?” he inquired in a gentle, welcoming tone.

“Sanctuary,” answered Starlight.

Twilight approached the Griffin with a gentle, if slightly intimidated, smile. The architecture, while dark, was as beautiful and impressive as she had expected. She knew it was ancient. She could practically feel it. That, and her giddiness to see the inside.

“We would like to speak to the clergy, if possible.” She asked softly as they stepped forward.

There was a Gothic, grim, heavy feeling surrounding the temple. Stained glass depicting a gentle eagle tending her hatching and then battling with a fearsome wolf, before dying for the future of her hatchlings. The representation of life and death. Eyr and Maar.

Candles surrounded an altar where a scroll lay on a podium. An image of a beautiful eagle rested in a photo frame surrounded by flowers.

The bishop laughed, “Well, my dear, you are talking to a clergy member. I assume you’d like to speak to our Elder Grover Elijah?”

Twilight’s head was on a swivel as she took everything in, committing it to memory, determined to make her recount in the journal as accurate as possible. She was beginning to regret not bringing Spike along, but the poor thing needed his sleep. She only snapped out of her trance when the bishop spoke, shaking her head.

“O-Oh, heh, sorry,” the alicorn blushed, shaking her wings out awkwardly, “Yes, that’s what I meant. I was just distracted by how beautiful this place is. I don’t believe Equestria has any documentation of it.”

The bishop mused, “My dear, the temple of Eyr is indeed beautiful. She is, after all, our Goddess of life, fertility, and agriculture. The epitome of life and family.”

The bishop shook his head, “But your alicorn kin refuse to acknowledge their purpose. They are servants of Boreas, and they neglect their role of spreading his message. Which is why you ponies don’t worship and adore the Gods or even know them.”

Twilight blinked, not comprehending at first what he had just said before it slowly sank in. Twilight wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or not. She glanced back at Starlight, unsure of what to say. Slowly, she did her best to fake a smile and nod.

“Right…” she’d have to note that down and ask a few questions later, “Sorry, we don’t have much time. Could you please direct me to the Elder? I have a few questions for him.”

Starlight shrugged, unsure of commenting since it was on the basis of religion, not even as a dictator had she touched that topic with a ten-foot pole. She remembers the waffle pony… it sent a shiver down her spine. She was content with holding her tongue for now.

The bishop nodded before slipping behind a set of cloth before a gray and white Griffin clad in ivory robes, wearing a hood with gold trimming, approached. His beard was snow white and reached to the floor. The Griffin paused and mused at Twilight.

“The immortal heiress, it is an honor to meet such a being of sheer power before I die. Thank you for granting me the privilege of meeting you. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Twilight smiled softly, trying to side-step the dark tone of his possible imminent death. At least he was friendly...

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elder Grover, and yes, I have a few questions for you about the kingdom.” she tipped her head down in respect before meeting his gaze, “I was hoping to help in any way I can, and I’ve been asked to give your new Queen advice on how to rule. Before doing so, I want every perspective I can so I have the whole picture.”

Elder Grover smiled gently, patting the pony’s back, “Dear child, Gilda is the Queen. We are but her humble advisors. I will not question the authority of the holder of the Idol of Boreas.”

He’d continue walking over to the podium, “I have a feeling you have some questions about our culture and maybe the region itself? I know that eager look in your eye, the desire, and hunger for knowledge.”

Twilight’s brow crinkled, unsure of how to continue. She wanted to get advice for Gilda, but at the same time, it was true. She was incredibly curious.

“Of course, you don’t want to question her authority, but she asked for my advice. I just want to make sure it’s in her kingdom’s best interest. I don’t want to wrongfully influence her in any way.” She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, “But… yes, I am curious.”

Twilight slowly sighed before fessing up to the Elder, “Your culture is fascinating to me, and I am sure there have been some massive changes in the time between now and the state Griffinstone was in not too long ago. It must have been mind-boggling.” Perhaps she could at least still get some context that might help her.

The Elder cleared his throat as he gestured for Twilight to follow him around the temple. He'd then disclosed their history, “Griffinstone’s culture, and more importantly, wealth, was divided among the clergy and nobles. We did not trust the privy council, not to self-service themselves. We studied and kept up the traditions of worship.”

Grover continued, “See when Guto abolished the kingdom, we held out hope that our survival and dedication to Boreas and the Gods traditions would eventually aid in the recovery of the Idol. When Gilda found it, we quickly informed the nobles and knights and used our collective wealth and knowledge to rebuild the city and train Gilda to be a monarch. She will be ready in due time.”

“So… what did you mean about alicorns?” questioned Starlight.

Grover smiled, gesturing to some golden tapestry dedicated to a giant lion named Boreas, “Ah, the ancient scribes read that Boreas is the master of all things and Gods. Ponies and other creatures claim that Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight are gods.”

Elder Grover gestured to another tapestry on the opposite wall, with an Eagle surrounded by hatchlings and eggs, “We are the followers of Eyr and Boreas. We believe that Boreas originally made the pony race to aid in Griffish ambition and, unfortunately, broke away from his teachings. Most rigid of the clergy believe associating with other species is a sin. But I and many others disagree. I believe you are serving Boreas in the best way you possibly can.”

The bishop scoffed as Grover chuckled, “I am sort of a rebel despite my old age… see, my name was Grayson Elijah Gruff, but when I became an Elder, I changed it to Grover to honor the first King of Griffinstone and who was blessed by Boreas himself.”

Twilight listened intently, and while she disagreed with the Elder, she could respect his views. Twilight herself was considered somewhat of an outcast with the more religious ponies who saw Celestia as some untouchable being. It was difficult to give the same reverence that they did. Not that she didn’t revere Celestia, of course. She was just too familiar with her to scold ponies for using her name in vain or being frightened of her potential wrath.

“It’s strange that Equestria has not had any of this recorded. I assume many texts have been lost to time, but… would it be possible to borrow or perhaps allow me to transcribe one or two of your texts? I promise I will use the utmost care.” She asked gently, not wanting to offend.

The Elder nodded, “I can hand you the scribes that we have made for converts around the territory and Swallowtail. Some pony converts come back at times to thank us for showing them the truth of Boreas. Our teachings tend to spread via word of mouth through griffin traders and missionaries.”

The Elder quickly fetched a set of scrolls for Twilight, explaining the origin of the Gods and the world from a Griffin perspective.

“Twilight, right? I heard your name echoed through the Celestial and Lunarist circles. You are the immortal heiress, right? The successor to Celestia?”

“I, err…” She wasn’t sure how to answer that, “I was her student, but I don’t know….” She shook her head, “It’s pleasant to meet you. Thank you so much for bringing this to me. I promise I’ll be careful.”

She took the scrolls gently into her magical field, gently unrolling them one by one, recording each text in her journal. It didn’t take much time. Twilight had done this time and time before during her studies. It was practically second nature to her now.

Grover nodded, eagarly observing Twilight scawl the scrolls into her journal, “Interesting, so interesting to experience an exchange of culture like this. This is a new era for griffins.”

“Perhaps you should venture to Swallowtail to speak to the more religious ponyfolk. Although it is strange, you don’t carry much zeal for your God. Considering your position.” shrugged Grover, “Please let us know if we can do anything to help.”

Grover bowed before walking back behind the cloth door and vanishing into the room.

Starlight looked over to Twilight, “Want to talk to the nobles or go back and read those scrolls?”

Twilight stared at the Elder as he walked away, raising a brow at his quip. Was she supposed to come in hailing Celestia as the one true god or something? Shaking her head, she turned back to Starlight and smiled.

“As much as I’d love to read through these, it’s probably best to speak to the nobles before heading back. Want to give Gallus enough time, so it seems reasonable for him to be late.” She chuckled, throwing Starlight a wink.

Starlight sighed as she rubbed her temple with a set of magic hands, “Alright…” the pair departed from the temple and quickly trotted down the walkway before bumping into a patrol of knights.

Starlight quickly perked up, “Hey! We’d like to speak to the nobles!” shouted Starlight.

The patrol leader stopped for a moment, staring at the ponies strangely. Before marching up to Twilight, “Your highness, how may we be of service?”

Twilight grimaced and stepped forward, “Like my companion said, we’d like to speak to the nobles. It is a matter of importance, something your Queen has requested of me.” She tried to speak with as much authority and respect as she could muster.

The patrol leader nodded, “I will guide you to the Grand Master. The rest of you! Maintain discipline and continue the route!”

The other knights nodded before marching forward.

“I will take you to the castle wall where our nobles plan and reside.” informed the Griffin.

Soon they’d be let inside the castle wall, and after a climb up dozens of spiraling stairs, they made it to a small candle-lit war room where a circle of knights murmured around the table at the top on of the city walls guard towers.

“Twilight Sparkle seeks council!” thundered the patrol leader. He'd then turn to Twilight, giving the alicorn a small bow, before turning to the nobles and saluting. Before walking out of the room.

The griffins grew silent before they turned to examine her, their bucket helmets obscuring their vision and expressions. But the iron and tin helmets stared back like scowling eyes at the pair of ponies.

They finally answered when the Griffin at the far most part of the table rose up, clad in black armor with a blue sash and robes adorning his breast piece. Taking off his helmet, a graying brown griffin revealed himself underneath the helmet.

“I am Grand Master Gascon Griff. How may I be of service, pony?” Gascon said in a posh and haughty voice, reminiscent of a Canterlot accent with a Griffish accent.

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to soothe her anxiousness in front of these strangers by soothing down her mane in a manner reminiscent of Fluttershy. She gave the council a small, nervous smile before clearing her throat.

“Ahem, well, Queen Gilda has asked me for advice, and I wanted to learn everything there is about your great kingdom before I begin recommending anything. It should be for the good of your people and not something that just works for ponies.” Twilight began, “I will admit, it is also a personal curiosity of mine. If you are willing, I want to learn as much of your culture as possible.”

“If she seeks your council, then it comes with the presumption that your culture and way of life would be shared, no?” Gascon raised a brow at Twilight, the old battle bird squinting curiously at the princess.

Twilight subtly adjusted her wings, signaling her discomfort to any of those watching. Which was plenty.

“As for your quest to find knowledge, I will oblige you. Long ago, our ancestors used to bully each other around thoughtlessly and without purpose. Fighting for territory, food, and resources like savage animals. Then the missionaries spread the message of Boreas. When we discovered Boreas and what it meant to be civilized we cultivated our combative ways into foraging weapons and armor. Then soon after King Grover showed us the Idol, and we submitted our loyalty to him.”

The Griffin stretched as he continued, “But after King Guto abolished the kingdom, we were forced into exile into the woodlands, training and defending local griffins the best we could from bandits and, of course guarding the kingdom’s wealth. Waiting. After that old bird brain, Grandpa Gruff told us the Idol was found, we quickly collected our coffers and intended on rebuilding the old capital of the Griffin motherland.”

Twilight nodded, “And that you have. It’s incredible what you have managed to accomplish so quickly. Two of my friends visited not long ago, and their description is wildly different from what I see now. It’s miraculous. I only wish I could have been here to see it myself.”

The griffins smirked, beaming pridefully at the mention of their now glorious city, “Yes, thanks to the heiress, our pride was restored and the kingdom with it.”

Twilight smiled softly. Then another thought came to mind, “I’ve heard of a place called Unicornica, which deeply troubles me. Do you have anything you can share about them?” Her expression grew serious, her brow furrowing.

Gascon stroked his long greying beard as he pondered, “We don’t encounter the unicorns. Swallowtail provides a buffer between them and us. But from what we hear from Swallowtail traders coming and going to the city. There is a border war is constantly being fought.”

He’d sit up and place his claws on the table before pointing to his map of the city-state, surrounded by forest with a massive tree standing in the center. Westward lay a river and mountains, providing natural defense for both armies, mainly the unicorns.

“They seem to hold the eastern part of the continent and, from what I hear, trade in slaves.” stated the Grand Master.

Twilight’s nose crinkled in disgust at the mention of slaves. She couldn’t bear the thought of the countless ponies and other creatures imprisoned and forced into labor. If she could get more information on it, she could better inform Celestia and Luna.

“Thank you, I will make sure the Princess is made aware of this.” she tried to relax her face, not wanting to scowl any further, “You’ve been a great help. Is there… anything else you might be able to tell me? Or anything we can do for you?”

The Grand Master shook his head as he took a long drink from a pint of mead resting on the wooden table before speaking, “No, Griffinstone is in the safe claws of The Knights of Kerekasztala guard over the nation. But I advise you to speak to Gilda and give her the best advice you can. We may be educated in the traditions of faith and nobility, but you have experience ruling creatures,” Gascon nodded at Twilight, offering a confident smile, “You will do fine, your highness.”

The alicorn smiled at Gascon, flattered by his words– although, frankly, she wasn’t sure if she really ruled anything. “Thank you, I’ll do my absolute best.”

Gascon would look around Twilight, examining Starlight curiously, “A shadow hiding in obscurity does not equate to a proper meeting of two creatures.”

Starlight stepped forward, giggling nervously, “Sorry, I’m just the princess’s friend, assistant, thing.”

Gascon snorted, “Alright, well, best be off then, less you care to join us for dinner. It’s hassenpufel.”

“Hassenpufel?” Twilight attempted to pronounce it correctly, doing a manageably good job of it. She glanced back at Starlight before her stomach loudly made the decision for her.

Blushing, she chuckled nervously. “Well… I don’t see why not. What do you think, Starlight?”

Starlight rubbed her leg awkwardly, “What does hasselpufel mean?”

“Rabbit stew,” smirked Gascon.

“No, thank you,” chuckled Starlight, “Twilight, let’s go back to the castle and review what we learned.” she nervously chuckled as she tugged the princess along.

Twilight suddenly went pale and chuckled, “Ehehe, never mind, you’re right. Thank you anyways for the gracious offer. Perhaps some other time. I bid you a good day.” She gave the council a bow before slowly trotting out with Starlight. Slipping into the dimly lit hallway before departing from the guard tower.

“Well, that could have gone worse.” Twilight let out a long sigh as soon as they were out of earshot.

Starlight sighed, quickly collecting her copies of the scrolls and scribbling down information into her saddle bags, “Well, at least we’re well-versed in the local culture. Now what?”

Twilight looked around before turning to Starlight, giving her a light shrug. “Why don’t we get something to eat and then head back? Hard to think on an empty stomach.”

“Yeah… that seems like a good idea. Maybe get something sweet.” Starlight smiled to herself at the thought of something frosted or loaded with chocolate.

After exiting the guard tower and trotting into the street, the pair could see a cafe and street vendors selling scones down the road fom them. Able to smell all the recent scents and flavors from the dozens of bakers.

“That sounds good to me. We should get some for the others, too. Pinkie wouldn’t forgive me if I got something sweet and she didn’t.” The alicorn chuckled before trotting to one of the vendors, ordering plenty to feed their group as a nice treat.

Twilight bit into one of the pastries, letting out a groan of satisfaction. She levitated one of them to Starlight, her magenta aura enveloping it.

Starlight quickly snagged the pastry with her lilac aura encompassing the treat, “Looks like another case of you doubting yourself again, Twilight.” Starlight said with a worn smirk, “But at least your book will be more detailed,” added Starlight.

“I’m just surprised they trust me so thoroughly. I was expecting at least a little skepticism. Really, all I wanted to know was if there were any barriers or lines I shouldn’t cross, but I suppose I don’t have to worry too much about that.” Twilight shrugged, “But that’s true. I can’t wait to keep transcribing everything. Perhaps it can be published!”

Starlight scoffed, “Twilight, these creatures believe Gilda has the blessing from powerful Gods. Of course, they trust you. Because Gilda trusts you,” Starlight cleared her throat, On another note, “If you want, I could donate my time and help you with your book….”

Twilight looked up, her brow slightly raised, but she simply smiled and nodded. “That would be really kind, Starlight, and I’m sure Spike would be relieved to have a break this time. Usually, he transcribes things for me. Plus, it would be nice to get to know you a bit better.”

Starlight chuckled awkwardly, “I think you know enough about me, eh heh…so Uhm....is Spike like a pet or your brother?”

Twilight spat a chewed-up scone, nearly choking on it before turning to face the unicorn. She wasn’t sure if she should be furious or easy on her due to her lack of self-awareness. Closing her eyes, Twilight sighed.

“Spike is like a brother to me. Please, never say something so hurtful like that again, especially in front of Spike. I know you didn’t mean it, but… there were a lot of rude Canterlot ponies who called him names like that….”

Turning away, the alicorn’s face twisted, feeling herself cringe as she wasn’t sure how to escape this incredibly awkward situation they were thrust into. Rubbing her forehead, she turned to Starlight and attempted a smile.

“C’mon, we should start heading back before it gets too dark.” offered Twilight.

Starlight quietly apologized before looking around the city idly, “Yeah… let’s get going….”

There was a long moment of silence before Starlight broke the tension, “I am really terrible at talking in hindsight.”

Twilight snorted before giggling, glancing back at the unicorn as they trotted toward their lodgings, “Don’t worry; at least you’re trying. When I lived in Canterlot, I didn’t want to be friends with anypony, and I could hardly hold a conversation. Not that I wanted to. Of course, the only ponies I spoke to were my family… and Spike. It’ll take time, Starlight, but you’ll figure it out.”

Starlight smiled timidly at Twilight, “Well, at least you’re willing to tolerate me. Thanks…”

Twilight turned around and stopped, giving the unicorn an encouraging look. “I’m not tolerating you, Starlight. You’re my friend. You’re going to make mistakes. Sometimes friends get mad at each other, upset with each other. But they work through it because their bond is stronger than one little spat.”

“I expect you to make mistakes, and I’m not going to blame you for something so insignificant when you’re still learning. Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay?” She smiled softly, gently laying a hoof on her shoulder before turning around. “Now, let’s get going.”

Author's Note:

Edited 12/30/22