• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 429 Views, 3 Comments

Eg: kamen rider kugga - Kamen rider accel

The evil of the past has returned to stop them a new hero emerges, see him become a new legend.

  • ...


(Canterlot Mall 2:30 pm)

The police were gathered at the mall and we're clearing the remains of the grongi after it's fight. They were removing the webs from the Mall's roof and also we're taking away the dead bodies of the people and officers.

Shining armor was at the battle place were the creature was last seen and was checking it's remains. He didn't feel any sick of holding the flesh of the thing.

"Man what could have caused this" a man said as he came in to view. He was in his 20 aswell and and had dark orange skin. He walked up to shining and seeing the flesh."it's like who ever caused this thing to explode wasn't human." He said as he looked at the marks of a foot on the ground.

Shining didn't answer him. He knew who caused this and he knew well who it was.
"Well all I can say is who ever did this did a fine we'll job" shining said trying to cover up flash identity.

"You said it, beside that thing caused a lot of damage and had killed alot of people."

Shining nodded and in truth he will need to meet flash again, cause he has a feeling he will be seeing those creatures again.

Canterlot High 8:50 am

We know see our main hero in class staring into space, going back to the events of last night.

' I transformed'


' and I fought a monster'


' but what was that?'


Flash was called out of his thoughts as his teacher spoke up to him. He looked and saw the class looking at him. His two friends on the side have a worried look.

"So glad you can finally join us." The teacher said. "You look like you have a lot on your mind. Care to share it with the class?"

"Hmm…I would like to, but you guys wouldn't believe me." Flash said, actually deciding whether or not to tell everyone what happened. His friends also stiffed at that.

"Oh really? Try us." The teacher said as everyone in the class turned to Flash.

Flash looked a little nervous but soon told them" well something happened yesterday at the mall which lead me to becoming a armor hero and then fought a spider monster." He told them the teacher looked at him and try to process what he said his friends facepalm at that.

"…Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" The teacher asked after blinking a few times.

"No thanks I'm good" he said.

"Right…Well, anyway…" As if used to flash absurdity, the teacher focused on getting back to the main topic, which was math class.

Micro and sandalwood signed in relief"That was close"

After class the three friends were in the science lab.

"So why are we hear?" Sandalwood asked his friends.

"The girls texted us saying they need to talk to us in private" Micro said.

"Is it about yesterday incident?" Sandalwood asked micro nodded.

Then soon the Rainbooms came in minus Fluttershy.

"Hey girls" flash said he then saw they were 5 of them. " Where's Fluttershy?"

"She was still a bit shaken from yesterday attack and the killing" sunset said.

"Who won't be, that thing just killed them without mercy, and what even was that" Rainbow said.

"We don't know our self rainbow but we do know that flash was the one who defeated that thing." Rarity told her friend.

"Yeah how did that happen?" Applejack asked. Before the boys could tell pinkie told her.

"Oh well you see you guys were knocked out by that thing and it was gonna come after us. But flash soon came running in trying to stop it but couldn't then sandalwood throw the briefcase at the thing to distract it but it didn't but a belt fell out and flash then put it on and it was absorb in side him. And soon flash transformed into a white armor fighter and fought the thing and finally won" she said in one breath. The two looked at flash then who simply just smiled at them.

"Is it true?" Rainbow dash asked

"Yeah it is we saw it our self" Rarity said

"Ok I wish I could've seen it" Applejack said.

"We can talk about that later but for now we need to know about the belt you wore flash" sunset asked him.

"Well I did feel power from it. And the power wasn't even equestrian magic. I could feel stronger and faster. But after the fight I went home and went to sleep I was feeling fully tired and slept like a log."
He said as he placed a hand where tye belt is.

" And we can say for sure that thing wasn't from equestrian" Micro asked sunset who shook her head. " No never seen or heard of it. I send a message to princess twilight and she said she will try to find anything about them."

"Actually there is some files from the Digsite in my mom's computer, maybe we can check from her" Flash told them." And how will we get those." Rainbow dash asked.

"Just leave it to me when I get them I send them to you Micro and then you can try to figure something out from them. Cause my mom will kill me of she found out about this." Micro then though and then nodded. " Ok I can use that juts being them when your done."

Canterlot High 2:30pm

Flash was then walking home. His car was not good cause it was also damaged in the fight so he will have to walk for now till he can get the money to fix it.

While he was walking home. There were something else happening in the city. People are walking hear and there doing there own business but there is a strange man who has white curly hair and wearing weird clothes he had a tattoo of a chameleon on his arm. He looked around and saw the people in weird way.

Another weird man was walking at the street and had a rhino tattoo on his hands and was getting angry by the minute because of the car horns and noises. He started to scratch him self and then soon faster and faster but soon he couldn't control his anger and yelled.

(Canterlot street 7:09pm)

Flash was able to get the data on the flash drive and was going to micro house but soon he heard sirens of police cars going to another place in high speed he saw this and knew it's trouble so he ran to the cars direction.

Police screamed as one of their own was thrown back at them.

"Hey! Are you alright!?" One officer asked, but the dead officer did not reply, his neck bleeding as two bite marks could be seen as if he were attacked by a vampire.

In fact, the one who attacked him could be considered a vampire in a sense. Standing on top of one of the buildings looking down at the officers was a being crossed between a man and a bat. Its skin was muddy brown. Cloth was wrapped around its legs as a loincloth covered its lower body. Its arms were that of bat wings as its head was that of a bat itself. This was the Bat Grongi, Zu-Gooma-Gu.

Gooma smiled sadistically as he stared down at the cops below. Frightened by his appearance and what he did earlier, the cops opened fired, but they had no affects as Gooma jumped, swooped down, and knocked down the policemen before flying up in the air.

More police cars arrived as more officers and none other than Shining armor stepped out and went to their comrades.

"Run! Hurry and run!" He told the fallen men. Doing as they told, the still alive policemen retreated with the new officers helping them as shining was left alone to deal with the Grongi. He unloaded bullets at the Grongi, but some either missed or had no effect at all. He could only curse. "Damn!"

In the background, Flash finally arrived at the scene and gasped at what he saw. Dead policemen on the floor and the Bat Grongi.

"Henshin!" With that said, Flash charged towards Gooma, passing by shining who was surprised to see him.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Get away! It's dangerous!" But those words never reached Flash ears as he punched Gooma in the chest, sending the Grongi skidding back a bit who was surprised at Flash strength. Not letting up, Flash went and knee rushed him in the face, punched him in the gut, spun around to give him an elbow strike, and finished it off with a strong back kick before quickly turning around as Flash armor finally finished equipping.

"Kuuga!?" Gooma said in surprise.

"Alright!" Flash said…until he saw that his armor was still white. He don't know why but he thought his armor should be red as he saw in the vision.

"Kuuga! So the rumors of you being here were true!"

Putting the question of why he was still in Growing form and not the desired Mighty form aside, Flash raised his hands to ffight

Flash threw a punch at Gooma's chest and then his gut, making the Grongi stumble back. Angry, Gooma fought back, swinging his arm to claw at Flash, but he brought up his arm and blocked the attack before he pushed the arm back and punched Goom'a face and spun to give him a spinning back heel kick or a wheel kick as some would call it. Gooma fell down to the ground, but soon got back up.

'Looks like this guys more sturdier than that spider. My attacks look like they barely have an effect.' Flash thought as he thought up of a different battle plan.

But before he could do that, Gooma suddenly jumped and took to the air and attacked Flash from above. Unprepared, Flash was stuck and hit the ground. He got back up only to be attacked from behind, making him stumble forward as Gooma landed in front of him and swiped his face. Thankfully, the helmet protected him as he rolled back to Shining.

Shining wanted to ask Flash if he was okay, but set his attention back at Gooma and opened fired. But like last time, the bullets had no effect.

"Damn! Doesn't this thing have any kind of weakness!?" What shining said made something click in Flash head.

'Weakness…Of course! he's a bat so he must be weak to sunlight.

With a new plan in mind, Flash quickly got up and went to one of the police cars.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Shining shouted as Flash got in the nearest car and quickly turned on the headlights. The effects were just as he hoped for.

"GYAH! Too…bright!" Spreading his wings, Gooma quickly took to the skies and flew away, disappearing into the night sky.

Flash breathed out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the car only to be greeted with the sight of Shining pointing his gun at him.

"Whoa!" On instinct, Flash raised his hands into the air in surrender. He may be in armor that could withstand a bullet, but the natural human instinct was afraid of getting shot by a gun.

"How did you do all that?" Shining questioned as he slowly advanced towards Flash who in turn slowly backed away.

"Hehehe, well, um…" Flash had never been in this kind of situation before so he didn't know what to say. So he did the next best thing. He ran "Sorry, gotta go!"

"Ah! Stop!" But before shining could even fire his gun, Flash jumped up high onto the roof of another building and ran for it. "Tch!" Shining said as he put away his gun and went back to his car. Well, he had gotten his name, he got his face.

(Canterlot High 2:30am)

Flash was walking with his friends and the girls with Fluttershy and explain about yesterday

"You mean one of those things appeared last night? And you fought it? With the police around?" Rainbow asked after being told by Flash what had happened last night.

Flash nodded. "Hai. I stepped in without thinking when I saw how much trouble the police were having."

"I was wondering why you haven't come to my house last night" micro told him after his friend never came last night to give him the data.

"But that's not the thing I'm mostly thinking about my armor"

"Why's that flash" sandalwood asked.

"Well before I put on the belt I had some visions and I saw the armor which I used but it was red in my vision"

"Red?" The others asked.

"Yeah, it was red but the one I'm using is white." Flash said" I thought of changing into red but still can't"

"Maybe it has something to do with your emotions" Pinkie said as the others looked at her.

"Why's that pinkie" Fluttershy asked.

"It's just a hunch but I think if you want to access that form it will have something to do with your emotions" she said" it's like a comic book hero, you gonna have to be determined to help others so you can unlock that power."

"But I am determined" he replied

"Well we don't see it, I think you gonna have to have a reason for it"

Before he could reply. A car horn was heard, they all turned to see it was shining armor standing there with his police car. He was waiting for Flash. He came to the teens as they were puzzled on why he was hear.

"Flash sentry" he said calling out the teen. Flash then went to him."I need to have a chat with you" he demanded and it looks like he didn't have any other option.

The others were about to intervene but shining raised his hand Infront of them telling them to not. He got in to his car so with flash and went off.

The others were dumbfounded and only thought of one thing in everyone's mind.
'Flash has been taken by the police'

(Police Department, Questioning Room 3:03pm)
"Flash sentry born in the year 2003,3,03. You were raised in Canterlot and live in 218 Hoofhill street with your mother and little sister and are a student of Canterlot high." Shining read flash file." Am I missing something"

Flash shook his head. It was his first time in the questioning room. And he was nervous.

"I get to the point then." Shining bluntly said." What are you?"

"I'm human"

"I don't see it, after you had out on the belt you got an armor and fought those monsters, our bullets couldn't even scratch it."

"I don't know, but i just did." He said casually.

"This isn't something to joke about." Shining said in serious toon."all that power and you can't even use it well."

"But I can still help I was able to defeat the spider monster."

"But you got your ass nearly handed to you by the bat monster if it wasn't for the idea" he pointed out. " You got lucky in beating that spider monster but this one is different and I don't want to waste my time with you any longer" Shining said as he got up and went out of the room. Flash fallow him.

"Wait but what about the bat monster" flash asked shining armor while he was going to the lift.

"It's a non of your business one" he said in harsh toon.

"But I can help" but shining grabbed flash by his hoodie and pin him to the wall.

"Listen hear, we police do everything in our power to save the people, you just want to help by saying is the right thing to do, get real what can a half-hearted person like you know anything about our work." Shining told flash as he let go of flash hoodie and went towards the lift. As the door closed flash sat on the floor thinking of what shining said.

(Micro chips house 5:30pm)
Micro is working on the computer trying to find the language translation. Sandalwood is with him.

"You think flash will be ok" he asked his friend.

"He will, I think he was just asked for questioning from the attack and the officer did saw flash transform and fight the monster." Micro said to the echo teen.

"I know but I'm just worried for him you know." Sandalwood said.

"Hey I gonna ask when did you and flash ever became friends before you meet me in the school" micro asked

Sandalwood looked at him and then soon explain"Well it all started when I was still a kid. The others will always pick on me saying I'm a tree lover. But flash came and made those bullies ran away. I asked him why and he said.'cause I don't like others getting bullied for the thing they love to do' he said that and gave me a thumbs up. From that day he and I had each other's back then before we met you." He told micro who was surprised.

"Wow guess flash is like that fron the beginning" micro said smiling.

"Yeah that why I have his back even in a tuff time." He said in determination.

Soon the computer beeped getting there attention and they soon looked at the translation they got. After reading it both were puzzled.

"When the evil rises, the red worrier will rise. Watch as he fight with the blaze in his heart" micro read.

"What does that mean?"

" I think it has something to do with flash form. He said he saw a armor warrior in red. So maybe this is about him."

"But how will this help."

Micro didn't know but still thought about it.

"Half-hearted…" Flash muttered to himself as he walked alone the side walk, thinking about what Shining said to himself back at the station. He didn't think there were things he could do half-heartedly, but he guessed he was just proven wrong. When he thought about it, the only reason why he fought was because he wanted to help.

"What should I do?" Flash thought out loud as he looked up into the blue sky. He always did this whenever he was lost and didn't know what to do.

"Hey, did you hear?"

Flash came to a stop when he overheard some people talking. It was two women talking just outside of a house with a moving truck driven next to the side walk as people were loading stuff into the back.

"Both the mom and dad were killed last night."

"I heard the killer was some sort of vampire monster."

Flash instantly knew what the two women were talking about. Crying then reached his ear and he turned to the house where two girls exited it. The one crying was a girl who couldn't have more than 6 years older and her older sister, the same age as The girls, Flash guessed, was trying her best to comfort the girl as the two entered a car.

"Poor girls. They're all alone now. Who will take care of them?"

"Relatives maybe? They'll be transferred to an orphanage until someone can take care of them."

Flash drowned out the conversation the two women were having as he watched the girls drove away with a man. Flash focus was mostly on the crying girl and suddenly, he was brought back to the past.

(Flashback, 10 years ago)

A crying Flash tears mixed in with the rain as he and his mom holding a young scootaloo in her arms were standing at the tomb of a person and there was a picture of a man who looked like an older version of flash but with a beard.

"Let's go flash" his mother told him.

(Flashback end)

Flash clenched his hands so hard that he almost drew blood.

'Kids her age should be smiling, not crying!' flash shouted in his head. As he hit the wall.

Canterlot church 8:30pm
Shining rode his car and stopped Infront of church. He heard from a drunken man that he saw a bat monster entering in the church. He figured he found the bat monster.

Inside the gooma was in a human form. And was hanging upside down from the ceiling but soon he heard a door open and saw a man enter with a gun. He smirked and found a new prey. He transformed into his original monster form and then came down from behind surprising shinning. He fired at the Gooma but like last time this gun was no avail. He try to keep him back but the Gooma grab his gun and throw it away he then hit shining making him hit the wall. The candles on the table dropped and hit windows shade and caught them on fire. The fire soon start to spread on the others furniture. Shining was having a tuff time trying to fight the Gooma. But soon his coat got on fire he quickly throw it off him and on the Gooma who was blinded for a second but throw the coat off.

He then flew and grab shinning by the throat and fly outside and throw him on his car. Shining crashed and soon grunted. As the Gooma was coming closer to him. Shining brought out his pistol he won't go down without a fight. But suddenly a voice was heard.

"Hey!" Both Shining and Gooma turned to see Flash who was breathing heavily, having just run all the way here. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size!?"

"What are you doing here!? I told you, you have no business here!" Shining shouted as he got up.

"I'm going to fight!" Flash said.

"Are you still saying that!?"

"I've decided!" Flash said as he slowly walked towards the Grongi. "I…don't want to see anymore tears! These monsters will continue to take away the smiles of the people if I leave them alone! I know it sounds cliché, but it's why I'm fighting! As it is now, only I have the power to take these guys down so I will fight! So please, witness…my transformation!"

With that said, Flash spread his arms and summoned the Arcle belt. He placed his hands over it before he corssed his arms in front of him and extended outward.


Flash could feel it. He could hear it. His heart beating.


This was it. It's now or never.



Flash was off the second he said that, throwing a hay maker at Gooma who took it. He didn't expect the power behind flash attack as he stumbled back, looked up and was met right a right hook to the face that sent him back. Now angry, Gooma swung, but flash easily blocked it and quickly wrapped his arm around it, preventing him from escaping as he punched and punched at Gooma's face until one by one, his body started to feel heavier and when his eyes was tinted red before becoming clear, he threw Gooma over him with enough force to make Gooma crash into a car, making a sizable dent.

Flash breathed in and out before he looked at himself.

His armor was now red. The chest and shoulder armor were still the same, the gauntlets, knee pads, and wrist bands were all the same, but what was once previously white was now red as the horn on his helmet was bigger, extending longer over his head than when in Growing form. Not only that, but he felt stronger, faster, and his senses boosted. He was now in Kuuga's default form, the Mighty Form.

"I did it! I turned red!" Flash said as Shining stared in amazement. He had seen what Flash looked like in growing form and he was barely impressed. Mighty form looked the same, but the feeling that came off it told him that this was not the same thing."shining get to safety, this is between me and him."

As much as Shining wanted to disagree he couldn't so he nodded and went off to a safe distance.

"So, finally taking me seriously, are you, Kuuga?" Gooma said as he looked at kuuga.

Silence over took the both of them until they both got into battle stances and circled one another. No words were spoken. In fact, they were not needed. This wasn't a spar or a brawl, this was a death match. The winner lives and while the loser dies. Small talk had no place here. After circling one another for a while, they finally kicked off the ground and charged towards one another.

Flash took the first action and jumped over Gooma, landing behind him before he turn and threw a punch. Gooma dodged it and went to swipe Flash, but he back away to dodge before he spun and gave a back heel kick to Gooma's face. He spun back, disoriented which Flash took advantage of as he went and wrapped his arms around Gooma before he suplexed Gooma hard into the ground, getting back up quickly and jumped back, waiting for the Bat Grongi to get back up as he knew that something like that would not finish the Grongi.

Minutes later, Gooma brought his head out of the ground and glared at the red warrior. Flash simply extended his hand out and made the gesture saying, 'bring it.' Gooma roared before he flew towards Flash. But Flash was prepared this time as he quickly flipped back and kicked Gooma in the stomach, making Gooma lose control as he crashed into another car.

"Is that all you got!?" Flash said as he got back into a stance.

Gooma removed his head from the car window and glared at Flash. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was no match for this Kuuga. So he did what he did best. He ran or in this case, flew away.

" Oh no you don't" Flash was prepared he jumped up and grabbed Gooma by the wings making him fall. He wasn't gonna let this murder get away.

Flash then grabbed both his wings and start to pull them.

The Gooma saw this and was shocked"please no stop!"

But flash did stop his assault and pulled harder.




A brief gushing of blood spilt as Flash removed his foot off of Gooma and threw away his wings as Gooma got up and withered in pain from both the sun's rays and his removed wings.

"This is for taking away there smiles." He said as he took the stance and then ran at the grongi and jumped up and kicked it on the chest. The Gooma was send back by the force and soon the mark glowed on his chest and reached his belt and soon the Gooma exploded in to peaces. Flash was now standing proud. He breathed in out and calmed his anger he looked and saw his foot smoking again. But this time he didn't care he took down the Grongi.

Shining saw the hole thing from a safe distance and couldn't help but be impressed and scared. Impressed that the kid manage to beat the bat. But scared of what power he has but soon he remember what flash said for his reason to fight so he believes that he will use it for good.

"Just who are you flash sentry"

Kuuga was gazing up in the night sky and the stars were reflecting on his bug eye lenses. And with his new found reason he will keep on fighting for the smiles of others. That's his promise.

Author's Note:

Yup so Gooma is dead. Well he will be a problem for the future so getting rid of him was a best idea. So for the next chapter guess who will come to play.

Comments ( 2 )

I wonder what will happen next?

Please change the rating so the red tags stays or just remove those red tags from the story tags. Rated E stories don't have red tags at all. Eldorado please correct the rating for this story or any story that have red tags on rated E stories.

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