• Published 19th Sep 2022
  • 985 Views, 14 Comments

Pink Skies at Sunset - Luminous Comet

Moments from Sunset and Pinkie's loving relationship.

  • ...

Sleepover Weekend

Sunset cast quick, searching glances around her apartment. No clothes lying around, no empty packaging or used dishes. It wasn't perfectly spot free, but clean enough for her to welcome guests. Especially guests who wouldn't judge her much for having a few things out of place.

She went over to the single large window and looked down towards the street, hoping to spot her friends already. It was almost about time now for them to show up and she was excited about this weekend. To see her friends, of course, but to see Pinkie most of all, even though their first date had been less than twenty-four hours ago.

"I'm whipped aren't I?" she asked her reflection in the mirror when she quickly looked herself over in the bathroom. "No, you're right, I'm allowed to be happy. She won't mind if I'm a little messy, right? She never did before. ... Why am I talking into a mirror?"

She would have contemplated her reasons, if the sound of the doorbell hadn't diverted her attention immediately. She quickly went back through the main room and opened the door.

Pinkie was spring-loaded. The moment Sunset opened the door, she leapt into a flying hug, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's shoulders. Sunset was, of course, already a master at catching her, taking a half step back and wrapping her arms around her waist to hold her up.

"Uh, everybody come in," she said casually, holding Pinkie while the others filed in, chuckling and making small comments.

"It's gonna be this all the time now, huh?" Rainbow asked drily.

"Oh, hush, let them enjoy their honeymoon phase," Rarity chided with a smile.

When everyone was inside, Pinkie let go and gave Sunset a kiss on the cheek before they joined the others, settling on and around the couch. It wasn't all that different. Pinkie sat beside Sunset whenever she could, always one hand on her arm, or around her back. She cuddled close now and again, but it didn't change the atmosphere much at all. She was never going to neglect any of her other friends, after all.

"Oh, yeah, I left snacks in the fridge," Sunset said eventually, after almost an hour of all of them just chatting amongst each other. Twilight had already laid out her sleeping bag and stashed her bag in the corner, but everyone else had dropped their things once they were in the door and hadn't bothered with them yet.

"Ooh, I got'em!" Pinkie hopped up from the couch to bounce over, crouching down in front of the small fridge. She grabbed the tupperware containers from inside and looked down at them on her way back, trying to guess what might be inside.

Only when she was steps away from the couch did she look up again and her expression soured. "Hey!"

"What's the problem, sugar?" Applejack asked from her spot next to Sunset, though her smirk betrayed the poor attempt at playing dumb.

"Yeah, you love snacks," Rainbow snickered. She had sat down on Sunset's other side, pointedly leaning on her shoulder. "I mean, you've been clinging to this one all day."

"Whoa, hey!" Sunset interjected, though she was smiling and chuckling along with them.

"You're in my spot!" Pinkie insisted, stomping her foot, while forcefully handing the containers off to Fluttershy, who quickly scrambled not to drop any of them.

"You snooze you lose," Rainbow shrugged, turning to fully lean her back on Sunset, putting her legs over Twilight's lap.

Pinkie fumed for a second, but it suddenly fizzled when she looked at Sunset. She was laughing, nudging Rainbow's back, to playfully make the position less comfortable for her. Because this was all in good fun, like everything they did. Pinkie shook off the sudden swell of anger and walked the last few steps over, smoothing her skirt against her legs and sitting down on Sunset's lap, sinking back against her chest.

After some nudging and shifting, they all ended up being more or less comfortable, Rarity and Fluttershy sitting on the floor in front of the couch, eating what Sunset had prepared for them all. Conversations became more fractured and Fluttershy turned on the console for Rainbow Dash - who still refused to move - and eventually they were all focused on the games.

"I hate to say this," Sunset eventually spoke up, buried under Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity, who had switched places with Applejack at some point, "but I have to pee."

The actress' shriek was quickly contested by Rarity, who clung to Rainbow's arm for the umpteenth time, digging her nails into the blue skin.

"Ouch! It's fine, the movie is over, don't skin me please!"

Rarity quickly composed herself again, nervously fixing her hair as she sat up straight. "So sorry, Dashie. But to bring that thing out another time right at the end... that's cruelty to the audience, really."

"Okay, guess we're done with horror movies for the night," Sunset decided, gently moving Pinkie so she could get up and retrieve the disc from her console. Fluttershy let out a quiet sigh of relief, relaxing her hold on her pillow a little.

"So, we watched movies, played video games, had marshmallows..." Twilight counted on her fingers. "Another sleepover activity would be telling scary stories?"

"No!" Rarity quickly said sharply.

"Ya'll know what another sleepover activity is? Sleepin'." Applejack gestured at the clock on Sunset's wall. "Especially when it's already several hours past midnight."

"Oh, that's right. School starts again on Monday, so we better not shift our sleep schedule too much," Twilight agreed, standing up to go to her bag.

"Ugh, don't remind me! Fall break is already as good as over," Rainbow groaned, slumping on the couch while everyone else was now getting ready for sleep, changing if they hadn't already.

"Whoops, I didn't even unpack my sleeping bag!" Pinkie said cheerfully, hopping up to get it. Sunset quickly reached out and gently caught her hand.

"Actually, you could... sleep in the bed. With me. If you want." She looked only at their clasped hands at first, at the matching charms on their wrists, before looking up at her. "I was hoping you would, actually."

A bright grin spread over Pinkie's face, making Sunset's heart flutter, despite the "Oooh~" coming from Rainbow and Rarity, in varying degrees of teasing. She put her hands on both of Sunset's cheeks and gave her a soft peck on the lips. The sweet, sugary scent clinging to her crept into Sunset's nose again.

While Pinkie got her bag and moved it up the steps to the bed, Sunset quickly made sure everyone else was comfortable and didn't need anything else.

"You're so red," Fluttershy noted in a whisper as she zipped herself up in her sleeping bag.

"Yeah..." Sunset couldn't help but smile to herself.

"I'm kind of jealous." Fluttershy closed her eyes with a soft smile of her own.

After checking on everyone, Sunset turned off the main lights, leaving only the fairy lights providing soft illumination around her bed and desk, then went up the steps to where Pinkie was waiting, already sitting under the covers. After a short back-and-forth of mumbled "Good Night"s, they all settled in and went quiet.

Under the covers, Pinkie cuddled up to her almost immediately, wrapping her arms around her back and resting her head in the crook of her shoulder. Sunset put one arm around her waist and looked at her in the relative darkness, before hesitantly moving her other hand to Pinkie's side.

Pinkie's pyjamas consisted of a small shirt and shorts. It almost didn't matter where Sunset put her hands, she could feel warm pink skin under her fingers. The urge to hold her didn't go away even while she did and so she turned on her side and pressed her to herself as hard as she could, at least for a long moment. Pinkie hummed quietly and they shifted a little until they found a comfortable way to hug lying down, their legs entangled and Sunset's hungry heart sated, at least for now.

Applejack was up first and soon everyone else had a mug of coffee waiting for them. Sunset smelled it as soon as it was set down, before AJ tried to go back down the steps as quietly as possible. But she wasn't ready to be awake yet. She was too comfortable.

Pinkie was still clinging to her, and so was she in turn, holding each other close. She was warm, probably too warm soon with the both of them under the blanket. But right now, it still felt just right. Their friends were getting up one by one and quietly wishing each other good mornings, taking turns in the bathroom to brush their teeth, and talking amongst themselves quietly, to not disturb those still resting.

"Are they still asleep?" Fluttershy asked groggily. The answer was no, but Sunset kept quiet.

"I think so," Twilight answered softly.

"It's cute, isn't it?" Rarity asked between the rustling of her make up kit.

"I'm kind of jealous," Fluttershy noted, repeating the sentiment from the previous night.

"Romance isn't necessary to have a full life," Twilight said, then quickly added "Though I guess that's easy for me to say now. And of course I'm happy for them."

"Don't know much about romance or nothin', but if they're happy, I'm happy," Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash contributed with a sudden, sharp snore, followed by shuffling onto her side on the couch, which was met with a few stifled giggles, before the conversation moved to classes and other topics.

Sunset stayed still, listening to her friends chat, and to Pinkie's breath, dozing off again for a bit, before the heat did start to get to her. She pushed the blanket down a bit and carefully disentangled herself from her girlfriend, giving her half of the blanket into her arms when she whined softly.

Author's Note:

Yes, I did run out of ways to keep the chapter titles consistent three chapters in, thanks for noticing.