• Published 18th Sep 2022
  • 1,778 Views, 63 Comments

Reconnection - GeekCat

Fluttershy struggles to help free Discord from the reforming spell Twilight put him under. Friendships and love bloom...but will they be enough?

  • ...


Fluttershy and the rest of the remaining Elements had been summoned to Canterlot Castle, with orders to come as quickly as possible. On the train ride there, they learned that Thorax was also summoned, though he was too nervous to tell them what exactly was going on, or if he happened to know.

Discord also joined them on the train ride, though Fluttershy assured him that he didn't have to attend the meeting if he didn't want to. He assured her that he would be content with haunting the upper levels of the castle.

As soon as they were in Canterlot, they all galloped off of the train and through the town, Discord and Rainbow flying above them. At the castle, they were quickly shown into a meeting room, where Celestia was pacing nervously while Luna sat and glared at a map in front of her.

“Please try not to cause too much trouble,” Fluttershy said to Discord. He just smirked, giving her a small wave before floating towards a set of stairs.

After watching him for a few seconds, to be sure he was okay, Fluttershy entered the room, closing the door behind her. She approached the table and took one of the last few empty seats, and seeing that they were all there, Celestia stopped pacing and turned to address them.

“I'm sure you're all wondering why I've asked you to come,” she said. “I'm afraid that I have some rather grave news. We've just received word that Chrysalis has reappeared, along with a large number of supporters, and is currently attempting to retake her old hive.”

All of them gasped, and Thorax began to shake. Luna slammed a forehoof on the map, which showed the Badlands and the Hive. “The new changeling rulers are doing their best to defend themselves,” she said. “But while they have some advantage in numbers, Chrysalis is powerful and has her greatest soldiers behind her. It's only a matter of time until they can seize an advantage…and with it, the throne.”

Everyone's face was pale, their eyes wide with fright…but none more so than Thorax, who looked almost ill from how scared he was. “This is bad,” he whimpered. “If she takes back the hive, we're all in danger!”

They all turned to look at the nervous changeling. “Could you please explain what you mean, Thorax?” Celestia asked gently.

Thorax gulped, taking a few deep breaths before being able to speak clearly again. “Well…there are lots of reasons why we made our home there,” he said. “It was close to our original birthplace, apparently, so they didn't need to travel far. But there's a series of caves under there that have the perfect conditions for brooding eggs, and that we've expanded to the very edge of Equestria, at least.”

“So…if Chrysalis retakes the hive…” Luna said, eyes widening.

“She can quickly raise an army under perfect brood conditions,” Thorax said, ears drooping. “And march them all the way to Equestria without anyone realizing.”

Celestia sighed, standing up and looking out the window, gaze unfocused on a hive that was too far away to see. “So,” she said. “For the safety of Equestria, and to protect our new changeling allies…we must not let Chrysalis retake her old hive.”

“B-But what can we do!?” Thorax said. “The best changelings in her army stayed loyal to her…I’m sure the ones trying to build the hive are already having a hard time holding her off! And even if you sent an army, Chrysalis…she's very good at confusing attackers. So much so that they let their guard down and get captured.”

Celestia kept staring out at the horizon. “There is…one thing that's always helped us in our times of need,” she said. “One thing that's almost always succeeded…one thing representing the most powerful magic we have.”

“…the Elements of Harmony,” Luna said with a small gasp. Fluttershy felt her blood run cold, and she exchanged uneasy glances with everyone else. Celestia just gave a small nod of confirmation.

“But, um…Princess Celestia?” Fluttershy said nervously. “To use them, wouldn't we…need Twilight with us?”

Celestia stepped closer, wrapping one of her wings around Fluttershy. Her embrace was warm and soft. “I understand that you're worried,” she said. “My former student hurt Discord—hurt all of you—terribly. But using the Elements could be our only chance to stop Queen Chrysalis.”

Her head drooped. “Twilight…will receive a form of parole,” she said quietly. “A chance to do good again…and if she does well, she might have a few years taken off her sentence. She will still have to wait until Discord's full recovery before we can think about releasing her, though, I promise you that.”

Fluttershy swallowed. Even if the words were reassuring, her wings still wouldn't stop trembling. “O…okay,” she said.

Celestia gave her one last comforting squeeze, then let go and stared down at the map. “I'll…be the one to talk to Twilight,” she said quietly. “Luna, take charge of the guards and prepare a strategy to get the Elements in and out safely. Thorax, any knowledge of the land you can give will be invaluable.”

“As for the rest of you…wait here, and make whatever preparations you must.” With that, she took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

For several long moments, they were all silent. Fluttershy gulped, and began edging closer to the door. “I'm…I'm going to go find Discord,” she said quietly. “To let him know what's going on.”

The others all nodded in approval, and she headed out the door to search for her friend.

She eventually managed to find Discord staring at long rows of stained-glass windows. Once she had explained everything to him, he was torn between worry and anger. “They're letting out Twilight?” he growled. “And sending you out onto a battlefield!?”

“Celestia has a plan to keep us all safe, I'm sure,” she tried to assure him. “Besides, we need to use the Elements to stop Chrysalis.”

Both of them were surprised when Discord quickly scooped her up into his arms, pressing her close to his chest and pressing his cheek against hers. “Well, I'm not letting you get hurt by anything,” he declared. “That changeling and that…alicorn will have to go through me if they want to hurt you.”

Her eyes widened. “Discord, you don't have to come,” she said.

“I do,” he responded.

“…are you sure?” she asked. “I mean, it could be…dangerous. Or difficult for you. You really don't have to come if you don't want to.”

“I want to,” he said, pressing even more against her cheek. “I want to protect you.”

Her heart lifted and ached at his words, and her lips twisted into an unsure frown. “…well, I doubt Celestia will stop you,” she said. “And I can't force you to stay.”

He smiled, a gleam in his eyes. “I'd like to…see anyone try,” he said. Fluttershy chuckled.

She snuggled against his chest for a few more moments before sighing and extracting herself from his hold. “We should get back to the meeting room.” Discord hummed and walked behind her as she trotted through the hallways.

The others were all still in the room by the time they returned. Luna was pouring over maps spread across the table, while Thorax shakily wrote warnings and slid changeling figures into place. Celestia still hadn't returned.

Fluttershy explained to the others that Discord was adamant about coming with them. They were shocked, and they asked a few times if he really wanted to join them, but he remained stubborn on the matter.

Luna looked up at him with a hint of annoyance, but muttered to herself about troops and stealth before rearranging a couple of her figures on the map. Discord stared at the map, reaching forward and twisting one figure so that it was at a slight angle compared to the others. He smirked.

Fluttershy sat down with the others, and Discord soon sat next to her. None of them said anything, and Fluttershy slowly wrapped her wings around herself.

The door opened, and her head snapped up. Princess Celestia stepped inside, a somber expression on her face…followed by Twilight Sparkle, who still had a metal clamp over her horn.

She raised her head for a second, eyes narrowing at Discord before she dropped her gaze again without a word.

“Luna, have you prepared a strategy yet?” Celestia asked.

“We have,” Luna answered with a nod, gesturing to the battlemap. “With enough magic, we can teleport the Elements into the thick of battle—here.” She pointed toward the center of the map, where a cliff lay. “They'll be able to easily confront Chrysalis there, for her temporary throne is here.” She tapped at a point on the edge of the cliff.

“Our forces will attack from the northeast and northwest, drawing most of the changelings away from the Elements,” she continued. “With luck, the hive will also strike to buy us time.”

“B-But we can't rely on that,” Thorax pointed out. “And there's no way to send a message that Chrysalis won't intercept somehow.”

“Yes…but if all goes well, the Elements should have just enough time to defeat Chrysalis,” Luna finished. “From there, our forces will take care of the remaining army. Any further concerns?”

The room was silent for several long seconds. “…why is Discord here?” Twilight suddenly asked. All attention snapped to her, and Fluttershy took a step forward, prepared to get between her and Discord.

Luna and Celestia looked up at Discord, who briefly scowled. “…protect…Shy…” he managed to force out.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, then sighed and dropped her gaze. “…I suppose I have no right to discuss what Discord should or shouldn't do.”

“No, you do not,” Celestia said firmly. Twilight flinched, and Celestia's hard look softened just a fraction. “…I'll prepare our troops. We shall attack soon, before Chrysalis's position changes. You should all prepare yourselves.”

She left, and the room fell into silence…aside from Luna mumbling quietly to herself as she worked out the finer details of her strategy.

Fluttershy glanced over at Twilight, who had taken a seat near the door, keeping her head low…though she occasionally glanced over at Discord. Fluttershy glanced up and saw that Discord was staring right at Twilight, rage clearly burning in his eyes.

She slowly wrapped a wing around him. The tension left his body, and some of the fire in his eyes was extinguished, but he still stared at Twilight.

The rest of their friends shifted a little closer. They all exchanged nervous glances, sometimes looking up at Discord or over at Twilight, but none of them said anything.

Hours later, Celestia returned, carrying the chest with the Elements in her magic. “We're ready,” she announced. “Many of our troops are ready to teleport to the edges of the battlefield once they receive the signal. Others are already en route in case backup is required.”

Luna nodded in approval, and Fluttershy and the others approached the chest as Celestia opened it. Each of them picked up their respective Element and placed it around their neck.

Twilight was the last to step up. Her horn flickered momentarily with magic before sputtering out, and her face fell. But she quickly took a deep breath, setting her face in a neutral expression. She used her forehooves to pick up the Element of Magic, placing it on top of her head.

All of them clumped together, with Twilight at the front and Discord in the middle. Fluttershy stuck close to the draconequus's side.

“As soon as we have sent you, the rest of our troops will strike…but they will be closer to the edges of the battlefield,” Celestia told them. “You will face Chrysalis on your own, but the simultaneous attack should buy you some time to act.”

“We shall teleport you as close to Chrysalis as we can…but you must act quickly,” Luna stressed. “In the best-case scenario, you’ll be able to use the Elements before she even realizes that you're there. But, if she does notice you…”

Fluttershy gulped. Rainbow leaned over, draping a wing over her back. “Don't worry,” she assured. “We've faced bad guys before and come out on top. We can do this!”

Her words lifted everyone else's morale. “I take it that you're ready, then?” Celestia asked. All of them gave a determined nod…even Discord.

With that, Celestia lifted a small key up with her magic, quickly unlocking the clamp around Twilight's horn and pulling it off. As Twilight reached up to rub at her horn, the older alicorns' horns glowed brightly, magic surrounding the seven of them.

With a flash of bright light, they were all teleported.

There was an almost-silent pop, and a flash of blue and yellow light, as the seven of them reappeared at the very base of a cliff. The soil under their hooves was brown and dry, the sky overcast…and filled with several buzzing swarms of changelings.

Just seconds after they appeared, there were louder pops not far behind them, and bright flashes of light. The gathered changelings hissed, many swarming in that direction, and Fluttershy couldn't help but wince at the sounds of battle that echoed behind them.

“Come on, girls,” Twilight said, cantering up the cliff. “…and Discord.”

The rest of them cantered along after her. The cliff they were heading up was surrounded on all sides by a changeling army, though they were now all focused on the army of ponies attacking them from behind. At the very top of the cliff was a throne crudely carved out of grey stone, two changelings in blue armor flanking either side of it.

The soldiers noticed them as soon as they approached, quickly holding up their spears and hissing. Before they could attack, Twilight blasted them both with magic, sending them flying off of the cliff.

A loud, angry hiss came from the other side of the throne. “Who dares!?”

Two black forehooves marred with holes gritted onto the top of the throne…and Chrysalis pulled herself over to glare at them. A shudder traveled down Fluttershy's spine.

We dare!” Rainbow declared proudly, puffing out her chest.

“Ah…the heroes of Equestria,” Chrysalis hissed. Her wings buzzed, and she hovered up into the air, horn pulsing with green light. The changeling army that wasn't currently fighting rose up into the air with her, all of them glaring hungrily down at their small band.

“You think you can stop us? Stop me?” Chrysalis reared her head back and laughed. “Oh, you little morsels…I'd love to see you try.”

“We won't keep you waiting,” Twilight said with a smirk, holding her head high. The rest of them took battle stances beside and behind her, Fluttershy puffing out her chest. She could feel the presence of her friends…including Discord, whose sharp gaze she could feel on her back.

She closed her eyes as they all floated up and into the air. Her Element glowed against her chest, emitting a soft, warm light that felt right to her. A warmth that felt like it came from her heart, and not the pink gem.

But the light of the gem flickered, and she felt herself wobble in the air. Her eyes snapped open, though she could feel they weren't glowing with the magic of Harmony. She looked around in confusion, as did the rest of her friends.

All of their eyes finally landed on the one who was out of place—Twilight. Though her horn glowed brightly, and her eyes were scrunched in determination, not even a single flicker of light came from the Element of Magic.

Seconds after they had started the spell, the lights in the rest of their Elements went out, and they all yelped as they fell to the ground.

One thing was very clear—the Elements had failed to work. They all exchanged terrified glances. Chrysalis's cackling laughter filled the air. “Was that your plan?” she said. “To deliver yourselves right into my hooves? The six most beloved…or formerly beloved…ponies in Equestria, a welcoming gift for the rise of my new kingdom?”

The changeling army started to slowly close in on them. With a gasp of horror, Twilight's horn glowed brightly, and a magenta bubble appeared around all of them, keeping the army at bay. Chrysalis just laughed. “You know you can't hide in there forever!” she mocked. Her army started to pound on the shield with their hooves, hissing loudly and exposing all their fangs.

They all looked at each other, then turned to Twilight with worried expressions. Her eyes were shut tightly, her horn glowing brightly with the effort of holding up the shield. Each pound made her flinch, and caused the light on her horn to flicker for brief moments—never enough to drop the shield, but enough that they all knew they had minutes, maybe only seconds, of safety.

Fluttershy squeaked in fright, shifting over and huddling close to Discord's legs. She wrapped her forehooves around them, squeezing tightly and closing her eyes, trying to ignore the pounding hooves against the shield. “I won't let them get you, I won't, I won't,” she said in a hushed voice. “I-I-I can't let you get hurt…”

Above her, she heard his fingers snapping. She opened her eyes and raised her head, just in time to see Twilight's shield flicker out for three seconds…only for another shield to appear just inside it before the changelings could come any closer.

This new shield looked a lot like a soap bubble—clear, with rainbows dancing across its surface wherever light struck it. But it was much sturdier. Even as changelings pounded their hooves against it and blasted it with magic, parts of it would wobble, but it never burst. Twilight panted, her horn flickering as she tried to set up her own shield again despite of the assault on Discord's.

“Ah, I see,” Chrysalis snarled. “So, now that your most powerful weapons have failed, you've resorted to using your next most powerful tool.”

“Discord isn't a tool!” Fluttershy snapped, slowly relaxing her grip on his legs, but still staying close.

Chrysalis laughed. “Oh, you poor, naïve little pony,” she said, shaking her head. “All that's left of Discord is powerful magic and a spell to control it. I doubt there are any thoughts even in his head.”

Discord glowered at the queen, lip pulling back into as much of a snarl as he could manage. The queen was lying to demoralize them, or thought she was telling the truth but still trying to demoralize them. But he could still feel Fluttershy and the rest of his friends at his side, all of them glaring defiantly at the fallen monarch.

Still, even he felt nervous when the changeling's eyes lit up with an idea. “Yes…a tool,” she murmured, grinning wickedly. “And what good is a tool if no one is willing to use it?” Her eyes locked with his, and he felt his blood boil…it was like she was looking through him and not at him.

Her eyes and horn glowed an eerie green. “Discord,” she said in a siren-like voice, keeping direct eye contact with him. “Why do you help these little ponies? After all they've done to you!”

He saw Twilight flinch out of the corner of his eye. But the queen’s eyes…they were so mesmerizing that he couldn't look away. He swallowed thickly and found that he couldn't even blink. His heart started racing in his chest, the static buzzing in his head.

“Join me, Discord,” she said, still in that alluring voice. Her voice hissed inside his head, too. “Lower your shield and help me retake my hive!”

The static buzzed, but it felt…different. It was compelling him to obey Chrysalis. Lower the shield. Retake the hive, it whispered over and over. The queen looked at him, her eyes still glowing.

His fist shook at his side. He had come so far, broken so many rules of the spell…he wasn't going to lose to it and put Fluttershy and her friends in danger!

But the static was buzzing so loudly…and the queen’s eyes were compelling him to listen…

He took a breath. His back stiffened as he straightened up, his face relaxed as his expression became blank…and he raised his fingers into a snapping position.

Fluttershy tried to be brave. She resisted the urge to cower behind the others, even when the army had surrounded their shield, even when Chrysalis was speaking to Discord. But Discord had become so quiet and still, his expression unreadable, and all of the changelings were staring at them with fanged, hungry grins…she swallowed, her knees starting to knock together.

She turned to Discord, who still hadn't done anything more than raise his fingers in preparation to snap. His face was cast in shadow, making it impossible for her to tell what his expression was…or if he even had one right now.

“Yes…yes, Discord!” Chrysalis hissed, her eyes gleaming. “Follow me, help me…I can do so much more for you than these pastel puffballs ever did!”

“…oh, no,” Twilight moaned. Fluttershy and all the others (sans Discord) turned to look at her, and saw that she had become very pale.

“She's…she's trying to take over the spell,” Twilight continued, her eyes wide. “She's trying to take control of Discord…”

Fluttershy gasped in horror, her head whipping back around to Discord. His hand was still trembling in a snapping position, something holding him back from using his magic…but was he trying to obey the changeling queen or protect them? Which did he really want, and which would ultimately win?

“Can't you do somethin', Twilight!?” Applejack said, scuffing a hoof against the ground. She still looked ready to fight if she had to, but with enemies on all sides…Fluttershy gulped.

“…there's no other choice,” Twilight said with a heavy sigh. “I need to recast the spell. Strengthen it so that we're in control, but not her.” She turned to Discord and closed her eyes, magenta magic slowly welling around her horn. Everyone's eyes widened in shock and horror.

Fluttershy's heart dropped into her stomach. The memory of that day on the lake flashed into her mind…Discord's horrifying scream. Everything that changed happened afterward, the changes in both him and Twilight…were his only options really just a matter of who would have control over him?

No…no, she refused to believe that! “Stop!” she shouted to Twilight. He had come so far, made so much progress…she couldn't let that be reset!

Twilight was still gathering her magic around her horn. “Stop, Twilight!” Still nothing, and Twilight's eyes were closed in concentration. “Stop!”

Fluttershy rushed towards Twilight and crashed into her side, tackling her to the ground. The air was knocked out of Twilight, and the magic around her horn sparked out, her concentration lost. “No!” she gasped, her horn swelling with magic as she tried to restart.

Biting her lip, Fluttershy pressed her horn down with her hoof, trying not to yelp or pull away from the hot magic. Twilight flinched and shuddered, her magic sputtering as her horn was pressed into the ground. “I can't let you do this to him!” Fluttershy sobbed.

“It's the only way!” Twilight snapped, her magic flaring. Fluttershy still refused to budge.

“Um, it's…it's a little too late, anyway,” Rainbow said. Both of them looked up, and she pointed to Discord, who was pressing his fingers together to snap.

All eyes were on Discord as he snapped his fingers, magic rushing out of him. Every creature held their breath, watching and waiting for whatever would happen.

The air around Queen Chrysalis exploded in a ball of pink fire. The changeling queen shrieked, clearly surprised, and fell to the ground in front of their shield. By the time she reached the ground, before she could even be burnt, the flames transformed into vines covered with large, pink flowers. Roots dug into the ground, and the queen was tightly held in place.

“No!” she shrieked, twisting every which way. “Someling, tear me free and capture—!” One of the vines wrapped around her muzzle and squeezed it shut, reducing her shouting to muffled growling and hissing. Another wrapped around her horn, flowers blooming on it every time she tried to use her magic.

Before the changeling army could react, even more vines, all covered in multicolored flowers, burst from the ground, grabbing and pinning down anything they could grab. Many hissed in surprise and took to the air. But Discord snapped his fingers again, creating gigantic sheets of fly paper that fluttered in the wind and snagged them all.

There were growls, hisses, and angry chittering from all around them as the army tried to break itself free. Discord set his face in determination and took a step forward, his dragon foot creating a loud booming sound as it slammed to the ground. The whole army went silent, staring at him with wide eyes.

“You thought you could control me?” he said, his eyes focused on Chrysalis, though his voice was loud enough for all to hear. “You thought that I was just another drone to command, a pawn to move forward on your chessboard?”

He threw his arms outward, gesturing at the fallen army. “Well, you thought wrong!” he said. “I am not a tool to be…to be used by anyone who wants to! I'm Discord, the master of chaos, the spirit of disharmony, and…”

He glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes locking with Fluttershy's. He gave her a soft, warm smile. “…and a friend to Fluttershy and the Elements,” he said, his tone much gentler now.

With that said he turned around a clasped his hands together. “Now, if you’ve all gotten that particular lesson good and stuck in your heads like a fly in honey…” The analogy made several changelings growl and writhe around, but Discord ignored them. Instead, he snapped his fingers and summoned a bugle, which he then blew into.

The sound of a foghorn echoed through the battlefield…and with magic, several legions of Canterlot's army appeared, looking quite confused. After several moments of confused gasping and shouting, though, some captains seemed to realize where exactly they were. They quickly barked orders, gesturing to all the changelings. The army rushed forward, keeping their weapons and magic focused on each trapped changeling until something came along to place a metal clamp on their horn, much like the one Twilight had been wearing for the last several months.

Chrysalis hissed and writhed as her army slowly lost their magic and were placed in hoofcuffs, one by one. Eventually, a captain approached her with an extra-large metal clamp, the perfect size for her long, twisted horn. Discord snapped his fingers, and the vine on her horn slithered down to her neck, pressing her head down against the ground.

Her horn glowed brightly, and green flames flared around her, changing her into shapes that were horrifying and large or small and agile. But no matter her form, the vines kept pressing her down, limbs pressed to her sides and mouth clamped shut. Eventually, she tried transforming into Celestia…and the guard quickly snapped the metal clamp in place. Her form flickered and faded, and soon she looked like her true self again.

Fluttershy watched in amazement as each changeling was arrested and led away, the process going even more quickly as allied changelings showed up to help. “Did…did we do it?” she said, a bit unsure. “Did we win?”

“I'd say we did,” Applejack said with a nod, adjusting the hat on her head.

“And we couldn't have done it without Discord!” Rainbow said, flying over and giving the draconequus a playful punch on the shoulder. “Now that's one thing I never thought I'd say.”

“She's right, Discord,” Fluttershy said, flying up and wrapping him in a hug. “You saved the day…you saved us. You're a hero, Discord!”

The others all gave cheers of agreement, the soap bubble shield popping as they all enveloped Discord in a group hug. Fluttershy felt him hug her, Rainbow, and Pinkie back, as they were the closest…and for a moment, things felt right. It felt just like old times, before…

She blinked and scanned the area around them, remembering Twilight had been with them. After a few moments, she saw that the alicorn had wandered away from the group, sitting near the edge of the cliff with her head hung low, facing away from them.

“Discord, girls,” she said quietly, nodding in her direction. They all stopped hugging, Discord setting the three ponies he was holding down as they all looked at Twilight. A few of them scuffed a hoof against the ground, and they all exchanged awkward glances.

“You…reckon we should talk to her?” Applejack said.

“Probably,” Rarity said. “But, after what she just tried…I mean, I know I was too shocked to do anything, but…I don't know if I could…” A few others mumbled in agreement, looking guiltily down at the ground.

“…I can see if she wants to talk,” Fluttershy said, trying to hold her head high and keep her wings from shaking.

“We'll be right behind you,” Applejack said. The others nodded, even Discord, who was already starting to step closer to Twilight.

After a deep breath, and with some hesitation, Fluttershy approached. Her friends followed, but stopped a short distance away…except for Discord, who only stood a foot away. She patted his side once as he clenched and unclenched his fists, then took the last few steps.

“…Twilight,” she murmured.

The alicorn's ear twitched. “…Fluttershy,” she responded. “How's your hoof?”

Fluttershy blinked, then glanced down at her forehoof. An angry red mark still sat there, thanks to the magic. “…it'll heal,” she said. She could barely even feel it at the moment, anyway. She paused to gather her thoughts. “…what are you thinking about?”

Twilight glanced at her. “Just…realizing some things,” she said. “I…Discord, could I talk to you, too?” Discord narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “I won't try anything, I promise. But I think that you deserve to hear this, too.”

Though still eyeing her with distrust, Discord stepped a bit closer, sticking close to Fluttershy's side. Twilight mumbled a thanks and looked down, hesitating for a few moments.

“…I still haven't changed,” she finally said sadly. “No matter how much I try to convince myself that I have, no matter how many hours I put into trying to find a cure for him…I'm still the same unicorn who chose dark magic over the magic of friendship."

She sighed, taking her element off of her head. “That's why this wouldn't work,” she said. “I had given up on friendship…like the first time we faced Discord.” She turned to the others with a tight grin, tears welling in her eyes. “Isn't it funny? By using that spell on him, he won. I became exactly the kind of pony he wanted me to turn into.”

Discord crossed his arms. “You were meant to…to be a depressed, hopeless wreck, not a…a villain,” he said. “But yes, I win and you lose. Not that it, it, it…actually fixes anything.” He swallowed, and Fluttershy patted his side.

Twilight hung her head. “…I know,” she said. “But…I want to start. Helping, I mean. Not just with knowledge and magic, but with the magic of friendship. And I might have…one idea.”

She wiped the tears out of her eyes, staring long and hard at the element in her hooves. After several moments of hesitation, she flew up and placed the crown on Discord's head. “There,” she said. “I know that you're Disharmony, but…I think you deserve this Element more than I do.”

He stared at her with wide eyes. He reached up and tapped the crown, as though trying to confirm it was really, really there. “…you know I probably can't use this, right?” he said. “I mean, even if you think that, Harmony might not…”

“Maybe," she said. “Still, I…want you to keep it. Even if it won't work…it's still better than me having it.” She slowly landed on the ground, her wings folding to her sides. “And…even if it doesn't, you're more of a hero than I am. And so is Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy and Discord both blinked, and everyone stared at Twilight with wide eyes. “You've all done…so much without needing me,” Twilight said. “All of you are better ponies than I turned out to be…” She sniffed and lowered her head enough that a shadow was cast over her eyes. But they could still see a few of her tears fall onto the ground.

Fluttershy almost stepped forward to hug her. She even saw Pinkie twitch out of the corner of her eye as the rest of them approached. Still, even as they drew closer and looked sadly at Twilight, no one stepped forward to fully comfort her. “…I'm sorry things had to be this way, Twilight,” Fluttershy mumbled sadly.

The others mumbled the same sentiment. Twilight sniffed, wiped at her eyes, and raised her head. “So am I,” she croaked. “I truly am.”

Hoofsteps approached, and they turned to see a small group of frazzled guards, the one in front holding a metal horn clamp. Twilight sighed heavily. “I hope…all of you do well. In everything. I'm sorry I couldn't be better,” she said, turning and approaching the guards. She stopped in front of them and lowered her head, allowing them to slide the clamp onto her horn.

She was escorted away, towards their carriage, and they just…watched as she left, none of them saying a word. None of them knew what to say.

It was Rainbow who finally coughed into her hoof long after Twilight had been taken away. “So, uh…anyone else want to see if there's any more fighting going on anywhere else?” she said, gesturing towards the hive.

Applejack adjusted her hat. “I suppose it is our job to help wherever we can,” she said. They moved carefully as a group, looking for anything they could offer assistance in.

As they walked, Fluttershy glanced up at Discord. He was adjusting the crown on his head, occasionally tapping it in disbelief. “…not a trick?” he said.

“I don't think so,” Fluttershy answered. “…as you said, Harmony might not agree. And ponies might question it. But…”

She reached over and placed her wing against his lower back. “I'd be glad to be on the same team as you.”

He glanced down at her and smiled warmly. She returned a shy smile, a light blush covering her face, and looked away. Ahead of them, the last of Chrysalis's army was being captured, and the free changeling hive sparkled in the warm sunlight.