• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 226 Views, 8 Comments

The Disappearance of Sacred Records - Lillup

Canterlot library's restricted section gets raided of several books by an unknown perpetrator. The motives are unknown, is there something more scary to the thefts than initially thought? Where is the perpetrator now?

  • ...

3: Detective Deployed

"Detective Rarity has arrived!“ Rarity declared triumphantly as she entered the Library of Canterlot, her suave hat catching the attention of the Royal Guards who were busy doing their own job. There was no civilians at the library due to the incident, only the staff were still present so they could be questioned.

"Thank you for agreeing to help, Rarity,“ Luna bowed to her. Celestia, Spike, Twilight, Royal Guards and witnesses were also in the room, on standby for whatever Detective Rarity needed.

"Yes, thank you for being here,“ Celestia echoed, her eyes scrunched and aching, drinking some royal coffee; in her misfortune, she was not made aware of the fact it was decaf.

"Anytime darling, I haven't had to outfit myself in these drapes for a good while, it's nice to land back into this role again.“

"Twilight, do I really need to be here?“ Spike asked. "My back is realllllly killing me right now, I don't think I should be out and about.“

"Come now Spike, we'll only be here for a couple of hours, then I'm sure you can go home.“

"Sorry Twilight,“ Celestia said. "but I want Spike to remain.“

Spike grumbled, but ultimately felt uncomfortable at disobeying the Princess.

Rarity went up to Luna with a comically serious tone on her face, more cartoonish than she perhaps meant. "So tell me the factoids you know so far.“ Luna walked forward and began to describe what they knew.

"According to the librarian, at abbout 17:00 during the Summer Sun festival, Princess Celestia herself came to the library.“

"What, that's perpostorous, Celestia was obviously here at the Summer Sun festival!“

"Yes, but the impersonator of Celestia told her she had to temporarily leave in order to acquire some important documents from the library's restricted section. Only my Sister, Cadence and I are allowed access to the restricted section, but this person impersonated, so there is only one conclusion I can come to.“

"A changeling?!“ Rarity exclaimed. "But we dealt with the Queen of the changelings a good while ago, how could this be?“

"I wonder myself, but it is far from impossible that they could re-appear and strike again.“

"But darling, that asks a very important question, something that is immediatedly fishy about this.“

"What do you mean, Rarity?“

"Why would the changelings requre books? What would be the purpose of us showing themselves just to steal documents they have little use for?“

"I agree,“ Celestia added, who was also having a quiet conversation with another pony at the same time. "The changelings may have a role, but they do not seem a likely culprit.“

"It does ask a lot more questions,“ Rarity murmured. "However, that means more work to do. Let's talk to this librarian. Excuse me, Amethyst Maresbury, is it?“

"Yes dearie, how may I help you?“

"So you claim you saw Princess Celestia at about 17:00 yesterday, is that correct?“

"Yes Ma'am, it was her spitting double, like a twin sister.“

"But one ist-“

"Not you, Luna.“

"Back on topic,“ Rarity cried. "So you let the Princess in without a single doubt in your mind? You knew she was at the Summer Sun festival, correct?“

"Of course man, everyone knows Summer Sun, but she is a fast flyer and I am always ready to help our wonderful princesses at any time.“

"Was there anything odd about this 'Celestia‘ at the time? Something just odd about her appearance, mannerisms, anything at all?“

"Well, there was something. The way she spoke was kind of strange. She mostly spoke royally, but it was overly so, like every word was made to be as posh as possible. The last thing was on her leaving, her royal speech as she was leaving sounded very, well, common!“. She began to tear up slightly as she continued "At the end, she spoke rather rough, to be honest, it surprised me, but I thought she may be mad at me, maybe I didn't a good job.“

By the end, she started to cry fully, Rarity supporting her with a front leg over her shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry dear, this impostor, I have some real words for their behaviour. I'm sorry to hear about that. Please tell me the phrases she spoke as they were said please.“

"The imposter said 'Thanks a lot Library... person‘ like that, Celestia always calls me by name, as she does everypony. Princess Celestia!“

"Yes, dear Amethyst?“

"I'm sorry to have let you down by letting this impostor through.“

"It's okay Amethyst, I understand now you were manipulated carefully. I'm afraid there may be more than one perpetrator though.“

"Oh that is horrible. I have another person under suspicion I am waiting for, she should be arriving any mome-“

The door burst open with a rainbow gleam engulfing the room, the rainbow-maned mare flying proudly in-air.

"Rainbow Dash?“ Twilight shouted. "What are you doing here?“

"Oh I was called by Celestia, I must be hitting the big time. Are you gonna make me head of the Wonderbolts? Accepted.“

"I'm glad you have come, Rainbow, but I'm afraid it's more serious than that. Rarity and I will have some questions for you“ Celestia stated.

"We do? What do you mean, dear?“ Rarity quizzed.

"This hair,“ Celestia stated, showing a bag of Rainbow hair and a picture of them on the crime scene.

"What?! You suspect ME?“ Rainbow exclaimed. "Pff, as if. The only books I care about is Daring Do.“

"I need you to take this seriously Rainbow Dash,“ Celestia demanded. "I need an explanation for why your hair was found in the storage closet of the library.“

"Uh uh no way, it must've been someone else. I've not been in here, there's no way it could have been me.“

"That's right!" Twilight added. "I didn't realise you were bringing my friends here to point the hoof at them.“

"I concur!“ Rarity added.

"I need to explore every possiblility Twilight, it is not a personal matter, this is for the good of Equestria. No-one is beyond observing.“

"Even me?“

"That's not-“

Luna interrupted the heated conversation with a light hoof stamp.

"To be honest dear sister, I have my doubts about the hairs“ Luna said.

"Why would that be? You pointed out Rainbow's missing hairs in the first place, did you not?“ Celestia asked.

"That i did, but there was something strange about the missing hairs I didn't notice before; take a closer look, don't these seem a little clean cut to have fallen out naturally in there?“

"I see, you may be right,“ Rarity added, "these look cut with an implement of some sort, likely scissors or shears. Rainbow dear, did you notice anything strange to do with your hair?“

"No honestly, I don't; I can't lie, I don't even remember letting my guard down for a minute, other than...“

"Other then when, dear?“

"I suppose I may have took a bit of a snooze on Foal Mountain for a couple of hours, that's all I can think of really. But who would even bother visiting there? It's a no-pony's land.“

"Hm, we may need to visit Foal Mountain soon Luna.“ Celestia's looked stressed from the mystery expanding further, but she had to commit to this; she would do just about anything to find those files.

"Well I thank you for coming, Rainbow Dash, please do not take my words to heart.“

"It's no biggie, let me know if I can be of help.“

"I have one request for certain, I want you to try and find someone please.“

"Absolutely. Their name?“

With a name and a description, Rainbow went on a blind ponyhunt through the skies.

"Okay, who shall be Detective Rarity's next interogee?“ Rarity asked Celestia.

"Well, let's talk to the rest of the library staff, see if they know anything, by then Gray Tank should be here, unlike our other suspect who has yet to show up.“

They spent the next half an hour asking the staff who had very little of worth to offer, so they had to rely on Rarity and Twilight's observations. Finally, they went down to the Restricted section with the assistance of Celestia and Luna.

"I must say, this decor is quite old-fashioned, the drapes really need to go.“

"It's not a room to leisure in Rarity, ths is for storing the most valuable information in all of Equestria“ Twilight responded.

"Well it certainly wouldn't hurt to add a little more mystique with some new décor, would it not?“


"Oh, do you have any ideas yourself, Darling?“

"Not that Rarity, that curtain on the floor.“

"Truly an eyesore, the place is falling to bits.“

"I noticed it had fallen," Celestia commented "but I could not see it relating to the books.“

"I just find it interesting some of the little metal rings attached to the top came out, it must have been pulled with some real weight. I feel it was either done intentionally or they fell over and they grabbed this curtain in desperation, trying to break the fall.“

"There's nothing to slip on in here though Twilight, there'd have to be pretty unlucky, we ponies tend to be pretty good on our hooves.“

"Sadly I can't tell anything else from the scene, which books were stolen, Princess Celestia?“

"It's a strange variety, but there were books on early pony history, outdated law books and... memoirs.“

"What would a thieve want with those? Books on forbidden magic and things of that nature are still here. Surely those would be more valuable?“

"The only things I can think of is it could be a pony of the distant past somehow back in our time, an overly eager historian, someone who had no idea what they were grabbing or someone wanting to stir trouble, I just don't know.“

Celestia seemed in reminiss about something, but Twilight thought it best not to pry.

"We'll get them back, Princess Celestia, I swear on it.“

"Thank you Twilight,“ she responded through held-back tears. "I put my trust in you. I think I need some rest, I have not slept in fourty winks or so.“

"Yeah, I'll help settle this, please get some rest.“

"Twilight, I ask of you kindly, please consult with Luna; Luna, please take this list of people and do your best. I will see you all in a couple of hours.“

Celestia slowly made her way out of the restricted section, Twilight looking to Spike. "Are you okay Spike? You've been quiet, are you feeling okay?“

"Sorry Twi, trying to not rest myself up a little where I can.“

"Look Spike, sorry, go back home to the castle for a little bit, get some rest. I'll let you know when I need you.“

Luna exhaled a sound with no particular words, she seemed hesitant about something.

"Is everything okay Luna?“ Twilight asked.

Luna was looking down at her list, before finally letting words out.

"It's nothing.“

Suspect list:
Rainbow Dash (Her evidence was planted?)
Gray Tank
Amethyst Maresbury Seems emotionally incapable and tricked herself
Love Joyful
Starlight Glimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Library staff
Sunset Shimmer(?)
Spike (Most suspicious)
Changeling (A changeling seems to be almost certainly involved) What is the motive?