• Published 2nd Sep 2022
  • 342 Views, 5 Comments

Fate Grand Order Equestria Girls The Everfree War - Chaldea Stories

An original story between FGO and MLP. Where Celestia has to take as one of the first masters to fight for the holy grail.

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Chapter 2: An unexpected arrival.

Everfree Forest, a week earlier.

Fujimaru Ritsuka just woke up and saw how the night sky begins to recede, so he already had in mind what was happening. It was falling from the sky waiting to crash on the ground, some pine trees began to cushion the fall of several meters. Being trapped in a pine several meters, in the air. Since he didn't know where or when he was, he knew that first of all he had to find a shelter and try to contact Chaldea. Which would be difficult from above and at night, until he saw a girl in a white one-piece suit running around here.

"Mom, there's someone stuck in the tree."

Ritsuka, he didn't understand why there was a girl in this place but he knew he had to do something before he had to deal with the girl's mother or the local authorities. Just when he thought all was lost, he saw a pair of swords cut through the branches to fall into the arms of a man in black robes and a reddish coat.

"Looks like we've scared off a young local master."

“Emiya, it's good to see you here. Tell me, do you know where we are?

“I don't know, I was in the hallway when you were suddenly falling unconscious. After that, I was here on the ground listening to her scream.”

"Hello, is there anyone here?"

Just at that moment, when they thought they were alone, the voice of a young woman in her early 30's sounds. denim while searching for people with a large flashlight. Fujimaru gets a little flustered at how quickly a local authority arrived, and Emiya disappears into his spirit form before he arrives.

“Hello young man, sorry you're not too old to be an explorer or are you a local camp guide? Sorry if I'm digressing but, it's rare to find a young man in these parts."

“I'm Fujimaru Ritsuka, I'm sorry but I don't remember. I seem to have some kind of short-term amnesia. Suddenly it was already here.”

"Oh, sorry. Do you know what you were doing before you came here?"

"I was camping with my cousin, I don't know if you've seen him."

"Fujimaru, where are you?"
They both turned to hear a man's voice coming out of the forest, Fujimaru knew it was Archer, who had given Emiya a hint with the previous conversation. At that moment Emiya comes out with his suit that he wore during the summer trip.

Fujimaru! Where were you?"

*Master, I'm following the game, how should I proceed?*

*Make something up for now, I said I have amnesia with the rush.*

*Let's leave it to me then*

“Sorry for bothering you, I'm Shirou Emiya , an exchange university student, and this is my cousin. We came camping this holiday but we were attacked by a strange creature and our camp was destroyed.”

“Strange creature? That's hard to believe, I've been here a long time and nothing like this has ever happened. Well that does not matter. Welcome to Camp Everfree. Come inside so I can offer you some chocolates.”

They both followed the young woman to a large cabin, it was obviously a field cafeteria. Gloria went into the kitchen, took a pitcher of cold chocolate out of the refrigerator.

“Sorry, it's cold. Right now I'm left without a cook for the good camp and I wasn't expecting any visitors. The junior helpers arrive in a couple of days, apart from the next week the students from Canterlot and Crystal School arrive. And I have a lot of things to finish.”

The young woman sighs unburdening herself with her guests, the suffering was very noticeable.

*Master, I think we can use this camp as a base. Like the uniqueness of the lake, I think this would be a great way to explore the surrounding area. I think that would be the best possible tactic.*

*I think that would be the best, this will help us search for the Grail and repair this singularity. I don't think it's a Lostbelt, since we're in an era close to the present.*

"Excuse me, Miss Gloria."

“Tell me, Gloria, I don't like being called Miss. They make me feel a bit old hehe.”

“Well, Gloria, you can call me Fujimaru Ritsuka. Can we help you at the camp these days? He also planned to spend some camping time here, Emiya is a great cook, master of archery and fencing. I assure you that we will be of great help! And don't worry, I'm a great assistant. We are a wonderful duo.


Emiya, I was shocked because his master's is selling him like he's a superman. Emiya is a specialist in what to explore and investigate, but; if you ask him to do all that. You won't have time to do that. If he was already a problem in Chaldea, now it's full of young teenagers… It's going to be hell for him. At that moment Gloria jumps for joy at such blessings.

“Think of us as temporary workers. While we wait we communicate with our tutors and return the hospitality.

"Really?! I can't believe I've found such good people.”

Emiya was somewhat shocked, at becoming a cook and a teacher of various subjects. He was so upset that he hit his head.

And that was the start of a long week. Returning to the present. Back to Camp Everfree in front of camp.

“Well, that's more or less how we made it to camp. What if, we never expected that a master would appear. I really don't understand why he had to make me take on the role of teacher at the camp.

Emiya was unburdening himself to the young woman he just saved, while Ritsuka was ahead leading the group. While Celestia was surprised at how these 2 strangers had checked into a camp, Fujimaru had his own doubts about Celestia this singularity. Fujimaru already had experience as a master but Celestia was a normal girl living in this world, and she knows that magic could cause many things to her.

Fujimaru turned around and determinedly met Celestia.

“Celestia, I ask you not to get involved in this matter. Try to forget everything, let us take care of the matter, that's why… I ask you to hand over the command seals to me.”

“I agree with my master, we can't let a civilian get involved in our world. You shouldn't get any more involved than what happened tonight, as there's nothing we can do to make her forget this. We will have to keep her as far away from our mission as possible, Celestia… You must do as my Master says.”

Celestia was already half calm, after everything that had happened a few minutes ago. But what they had told her right now had shocked her again but; not in the same way as during combat.

“No, I won't. If I have received this, it is because they need help to restore humanity, so I am sure this is a blessing…”

Fujimaru grabs Celestia tightly and looks at her with a face that she almost never shows, it was a serious face. with anger. Celestia felt not only uncomfortable, but worried, since it seemed that her personality had taken a 180° turn.

Celestia, you shouldn't take this lightly… This isn't something you should pry into. I suggest that for your sake, you try to forget about this since you don't want to get involved in a killing spree."

Celestia was now more concerned about the mentality and the health of the young man who was the same age as her younger sister, she wanted to counter but something prevented her from saying a word.

At that moment the cook Smith appears, and sees the 2 together. While Emiya is behind Fujimaru.

"What the hell is happening here?! Celestia, you are a good student. I thought you were someone with better molarity but… I can't ignore this. Go to your cabin, tomorrow I will talk to the director about your punishment.”

Celestia was between angry and heartbroken, to be treated this way. She wanted to help but; she feels like she's a nuisance and now with the appearance of Cook Smith she would be branded as a bad student. She breaks loose from Fujimaru, and runs off to her hut while sobbing.

“And you two… what are you doing with one of my students?”

Emiya walks in at that moment, to talk to the woman who is entering her 40s. As a fellow instructor, he had the role of supporting his master.

“You're right, Mrs. Smith. That's why we acted, us to catch her red-handed, I'm sorry we didn't report immediately. I look forward to speaking with you and your fellow teachers.”

Cook Smith, half-satisfied with how the cook goes to retire and confirms that Celestia has returned to her cabin.

Emiya approaches her Master to calm him down, as she knew better than anyone that he didn't like involving innocent people in his missions.

“Master, I know you must be upset that a girl like her was given such a burden but…”

“I know, I just… I don't want her to suffer what we've done in the Lostbelts that's all. I'll go back to sleep, let me know if you find anything weird again."

"Of course"

Emiya returns to his spirit form to return to his search for an abnormality.

The next morning… In the cafeteria

While Mrs. Smith and Emiya were serving the typical camping food, they were both serving different groups. Smith attending the Cantelot and Emiya attending the Cristal. The tension between the two schools was noticeable not only by the teachers, but also by the students. It was at this moment that Gloria stood at a podium and began to speak enthusiastically:

“Good morning to all the campers! As the first day of activities, we have many things to do… The schedules will be posted on the totem pole, the first activities will be canoe races, which will be supervised by Jayker Hyde present here”

Gloria pointed to one of her assistants, at which point she turned to give him the mic.

“Today we will do both individual and team races, the individual will be the first and in the afternoon it will be the teams.”

After giving his speech, he returned the microphone to his boss, Gloria.

“We will also have rides as well as relay races supervised by Principal Potts, Drake Phillip and lastly Principal Cinch.

The 3 got together, to demonstrate the friendship that is supposed to exist. Although Cinch couldn't care less about the coexistence, she only wanted to show the superiority of her students.

“And finally, we will have archery classes in the afternoon, and for those who are also interested in the ancient art of kendo. Our dear chef and teacher Emiya will give both in the afternoon.”

Emiya again with a forced smile greets everyone, while she is behind the dining room with Miss Smith.

"Well that's all about today's activities."

All the students were talking about what to do and with whom they were going to do it, but at one point he is interrupted again by the director of the Camp with a disappointed tone.

“Before you all go off to your activities, I must inform you that a certain Canterlot was caught red-handed last night walking out of camp after hours, thus she will be banned from participating in activities and activities for the next few days. She will be transferred to Moonstone for disobeying the rules. So I hope this is a lesson for everyone."

Gloria after saying that, everyone was talking asking who would be brave enough or stupid enough to see who would do that on the first night. Meanwhile Luna watched as her sister full of joy was very depressed, supposing that from the announcement she knew immediately that she was the one who did such a thing.

Shortly after finishing breakfast, everyone went to their respective activities, seeing what to do during the day. Celestia, as she was grounded and temporarily excluded from activities, goes to her room in the Moonstone.

While she had many things on her mind she is stopped by her cousin King Leon.

“Hello Celestia, I see you are in a bad mood. Let your cousin be the one to help you relax, right now we're making a soccer team. And we need your help, as we will be facing the shadowbolts.

“Sorry King, but right now; I'm not in the mood. I also think I could ask others for help in the same way. Hurricane, Thunderstruck or even Bright Macintosh are all people with great physical abilities, and above all…”

As he continued to speak, King silenced his cousin with a finger. Since he did not stop talking or trying to make excuses.

Celestia, they will be great contributions but; we also need a leader. Someone who can lead us to victory.”

"Thank you for considering me, but I don't think this is the best time."

“My, it seems that the great Celestia does not want to accept a competition between our schools.

At that moment a voice interrupts, there was a touch of arrogance, pride and tyranny. They both turned and saw who it was.


They both turned around and saw the former president of the Crystal school. They both got angry, since that person was everything that Celestia represents. Although that wasn't always the case, something happened to him after the prank war.

"I see that the mighty Celestia has become weak after graduation, I wanted to defeat you one last time at least before we leave for college."

At that moment King begins to defend his cousin.

Shadow leaving alone, I know we're about to play a friendly game with the shadowbolts.

King I will be waiting for you with my shadowbolts they will defeat you. LOL."

At that moment a girl appears with long, white hair with moderate purple lines and light blue eyes. And with an appearance of a rich girl but; more than anything he looked a few years younger but he had a smile as evil as a shadow.

President Shadow, I'm glad you're helping us confirm our reputation, but let me carry on your legacy. Let me lead the match.”

“Oh, what an unexpected surprise, Twilight Velvet this year's president. I have great faith in your leadership with the Shadowbolts.”

At that moment they both walk away and prepare their teammates for the team.

“I hate that guy so much”

“I agree with you King, but I can't participate in activities.”

“They said you can't do activities that are supervised, not activities that are just students,”

Celestia knew what he meant. His cousin wanted him to participate in an activity not supervised by the teachers and normally he would have tried to play with his classmates but; his mind was so wild from last night's situation that he didn't want to worry his friends.

“I'm so sorry cousin, but I'm going to pass. I think Luna will be able to handle this. Since she is the current president, I am sorry but I have to go to my new cabin.”

Celestia walks away from her beloved cousin. Seeing that he was frozen, at that moment Luna to take him to the match that was going to start. While inadvertently walking, he bumps into a boy who was just as distracted.

“Sorry, I was distracted. I didn't see what was in front of me."

“No, we are the same. I was distracted with my ideas.”

Celestia gets up, by then she helps the young man with dark phthalo blue hair and subdued amber to his feet. It seemed that the young man was searching, as he was desperate.

"Where is it? I can't see it, please help me."

The young man was somewhat desperate, since it was important. Celestia seeing his predicament, decides to help him.

"What are you looking for? I see that it is important.”

"My glasses, I can't see anything."

“Oh, that. He's here”

Celestia stops him and to point to his head, then the young man adjusts the glasses that were on his head.

“I'm very sorry, since I didn't feel it and I saw it, I thought they had fallen far away. Thanks for the help, my name is Night Light from the Crystal.”

“Nice to meet you, Night Light. I'm Celestia, a graduate of Canterlot..

The two shake hands after introducing themselvesIt was then that Night Light began to talk to his benefactor.

“Oh, so you are the great Celestia. I've heard a lot about you, and how you helped create the friendship games."

The tone in which he spoke was one of genuine honesty, as he did not appear to be the typical elite student from Cristal.

“Thank you Night Light, although that is not my only achievement. Well, it was nice to meet you but; I have to go, as I must come to a compromise.”

Celestia spoke with a bit of nervousness and tone of falsehood. Since he didn't want word to spread to the Crystal about last night's matter.

"Sorry to bother you. Thanks for the help, I hope we get along. Good luck with your meeting”

“Also, it was a pleasure Night Light.”

Celestia goes to her new cabin so she can relax a bit.

Moonstone Cabin

"I only have to last a few days."

Celestia had reached the area behind the warehouse, she was several meters from the lake. I was very isolated from the camp, so I was really alone in a cabin in a semi-finished state.

Sigh! I really thought it would be a great trip, now I'm grounded."

Celestia entered the cabin, having already carried her things last night. Therefore, her belongings are already there, since she had been awake almost all night, she was still sleepy, so she decides to rest. Then he lies down on the old bed and begins to extend his arm to the ceiling to look at the marks on his right hand.

“I have a lot to process: Singularity, Chaldea, time travel, heroic spirits and the HOLY GRAIL. It really looks like something out of a fantasy novel, it's only 10 o'clock. I'll sleep for a while, since I didn't get much sleep at all last night.”

At that moment, due to exhaustion, she began to fall asleep little by little, it was then that she began to have lucid dreams.

In Celestia's dream world.

First she was centered on a great throne, she couldn't see herself though; I could see some beautiful stained glass windows. They were really beautiful, I could see so many things in those beautiful images. Among them several creatures and events that she did not know, but something she could see in her was a large unicorn with wings. Something about that unicorn gave her a certain familiarity, especially in her eyes and hair, very similar to hers.

As she kept walking she could see how this horse was portrayed as some kind of deity, but Celestia had studied various cultures for her projects but had never seen or heard of a civilization like this. After walking around the throne for a while, the scene changes to now go to a beautiful private room, worthy of European royalty.

"This room looks very familiar, but why?"

"That's because it's my room."

Celestia heard a majestic voice though; rarely familiar. At that moment a mirror attached to a wall approached. The sunlight entered through the window and shows the true face of the body... It was the winged unicorn, it was really beautiful. Celestia wanted to scream for what was happening, her body was human only dressed in a long white nightgown with a single one near her heart however… In the reflection it was *THE* White Winged Unicorn. Just at that moment he began to see the similarities with her, there were some very similar facial features, and not only in her hair or her eyes. What had appeared was a beautiful equine with some of her facial features, it was like seeing herself in an equine version of herself.

By this time, he had changed places. Now another castle, this one he really recognized from drawings of old stories from his childhood among other things. This was King Arthur… “Camelot”.

It is said that Canterlot was named after the first settlers who came from England and wanted to honor one of its most famous kings. That story is always told from a young age throughout the city, although it is only a myth. Celestia always loved the history of her city so when she was told the story, she researched everything related to King Arthur.

Pulled out of her thoughts, a scene began to play out. Celestia couldn't believe what she was seeing in this crazy dream. She couldn't hear anything that was happening, she only heard sounds very similar to static.

“My King, you must not go to Camlann. Let me lead the forces, you must remain in Camelot for without Avalon you—”

“Insolent! Do you think a weak King?!”

The voice, although it seemed like it should show anger, the truth is that it seemed that it lacked human feelings. It seemed more than anything that he was pretending that the king himself was angry.

“Sir Gawain, I have been putting up with your temper for the good of the realm. I understand that you are angry with them but this is an issue that I have to deal with myself, therefore you are out of order. I led the attack against the rebels, now get out of here right now.”

Gawain was shocked at what his king had done, but he didn't care. In his mind he was perfect so he must have had a reason why he did that, but for that very reason he decided for himself that he was not going to obey that order. At that time, he went out with his personal army and began to lead an attack against the rebels even against their king.

Celestia seeing this, could not think that this could be a product of her mind or imagination. This seemed so real that it almost seemed as if he had been there that very day.

The scene changed again but this time there was a butcher shop in front, seeing all this scene. In it there were many dead people, among them the majority were of the masculine gender, however; there were several people of different ages, who could be both children and old people on the ground dressed as soldiers. She was covering her mouth while resisting the urge to vomit and cry, this was no longer a dream but a nightmare. This was definitely a bloody war.

The smell and sensation were so real that even his hands were stained with the blood of these people, and by now it was almost noon because the heat accelerated the putrefaction. At the top were 2 knights, one was in red horned armor and the other was Sir Gawain.

Sir Gawain was cornered by the red knight's savage movements, as he showed no chivalry by fighting with his feet, throwing whatever was on the ground and especially trying to attack a specific part of the left ribs. The horned knight's way of fighting was much like a wild beast. Sir Gawain was so sore and tired that he could barely stand on his sword.

“As wild as ever, Mordred. I wish you weren't a fucking traitor. If only you hadn't believed the evil words of THAT damned witch, we would be building a paradise together with our King."

"That hypocrite does not deserve this kingdom, not only did he deny me the right to the throne but he has also disowned me as his heir... And I cannot forgive that!"

Launching a frontal attack on his sister Gawain, he throws his sword into the sky. Mordred launches his cursed sword from the ground to hit his brother's sword and in that moment of distraction launches a frontal attack with a sword from the ground to dig into his abdomen. Making him cough up a large amount of blood.

Celestia for some reason started touching the same area on her body, it almost seemed like she was feeling the same pain. Right now he wouldn't know if it was a dream, a nightmare or if this was hell.

At that moment Mordred rides his horse away from his brother's body, while the latter begins to cry. Those tears weren't because she was going to die or lose to her sister, but because her passion invited the King to death. He lamented that his rancor invited the King's downfall and accepted his enmity towards Sir Lancelot blinded him to his last moments, and even Lancelot, as stemming from his own lack of virtue.

Celestia , sad to see the death of this knight, approached him and tried to hug him to calm him down, but she couldn't even do that. Since it was just a dream, at that moment Gawain was looking where Celestia's eyes should be, at that moment she felt like he was looking at her. As if he knew she was there at that moment, it was then that he began to speak sadly towards Celestia. Which was funny because for the first time I could hear the voices from this dream.

"You're an angel? Is he coming to pick me up right now? Hehehe, I don't think I deserve such an angel. *cough, cough* I'm sorry, but I'm glad I can see something so beautiful right now... *sniff, sniff* Damn! I really am nothing but a disgrace, please angel, I ask you for one thing.”

Celestia could only cry and nod, although she knew she couldn't do anything.

“Please… on the off chance that there will be a next time. If there is a chance to restore my honor, a second life, then at that time I will dedicate everything to the king… I swear to you with all my being”

Celestia while crying only nodded to the dead knight. At that moment she began to feel a lot of heat in her body, it was so much that she was literally suffocating her. When I least expected them the sun exploded.

Back to reality.

Celestia wakes up suddenly, and it was then that she began to sweat everywhere but; not because of the heat but because of the fright of the one who has just lived. It was too real, that it almost seemed that she had lived it at that moment, she was so stressed by what she had just seen and with what had happened in the night the dream was completely gone. At that moment he moved his hand to his head to calm the dizziness of such a dream a little.

“That was too real, I must talk it over with Fujimaru-kun. This has something to do with my role as master.”

"Indeed, you are the master who has summoned me"

Celestia recognized the voice, she turned to see the knight of her dream. She was surprised that the gentleman had materialized in her room, not only had he appeared out of nowhere but had been there without a scratch. And she ran out to hug him, and she saw that although he was alive she couldn't determine why he was there. At that moment Gawain takes her away a little to calm her down.

“Master, please. I know I'm a gentleman but; We can't do this here."

“Master? I am your master.”

"Yes, I answered your call."

At that moment a confused voice was heard in Celestia, but; Gawai knew it was abnormal. Since wizards are supposed to summon servants for the holy grail war. Gawain then steps back to re-introduce himself.

*Cough, Cough* Knight of the Round Table, Gawain. I look forward to working with you, Master!

Celestia confused by the appearance and presentation of a true knight, who just a moment ago was in her dream and especially witnessing his death, had really left her in a state of complete confusion.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone, long time no new chapter! The truth is that I don't know whether to continue the story or not, since this fanfic is originally longer and by this point I don't know how to end the story.

For the moment I am going to leave this story like this, if you want to continue leave it in the comments please.

I will leave some clarifications of this chapter.

1st: Shadow and Twilight's parents will have an important role in the story (if I continue it).

2nd: Gawain didn't see Celestia in his dream, he was just imagining things. And it was by chance that Celestia was in the vision, so when she woke up and rushed to hug him, it was to confirm that she really was a person. Since it was a lucid dream, and above all to confirm that he had woken up.

3rd: There will be a Ship between LunaXEmiya but; Emiya is not going to fall in love with Luna but only Luna but due to lack of time he didn't give me time to write that part of the story.

4th: The catalyst that was used was the Celestia Alicornio's own magic that is inside her, but there is not only the magic of one Celestia but of several but; it is not his full power but fractions of various Celestias. The power will give him the strength to be able to fight against some creatures and one or another Servant but; It won't be anything Sieg-like in the sense that it will always win with plot armor.

5th: Going back to Celestia, as I said she is not going to win but she is going to fight in the future. and that magic was indeed the Catalyst to summon Gawain. The magic to manipulate the sun, obviously he won't use it in the story, his magic will be to create a second smaller solo to strengthen his stats with + to Gawain's stats However… victory won't be guaranteed.

6th: Originally it was going to be called: Some unexpected arrivals but; I didn't have time to add more characters like Gawain.

Well that would be all for now, thanks for reading this story.

Comments ( 5 )

Oh, sweet Twilight :facehoof:, The description alone needs help.

"The formal fall dance has become chaotic, Sunset Shimmer when she thought she had achieved her goal, portals begin to appear. They reveal so many different worlds and times. Among them appears a temple being destroyed. But what no one expected is that some demon pillars come out.

The worlds are both from Equestria and Earth, so in order to solve it, they must be in the past. Showing a possible timeline of the story.

What would have happened...? If the world of Equestria Girls was invaded by other worlds and time from other worlds. Celestia and company have to face these invaders."

There's what I could do. But the wording makes no sense. Is English not your first language? Because I frankly can't figure out what you're trying to say here.

You are right. I originally published it in Spanish and translated it as best I could with the English I studied and a little translator. In fact that's why I put in the notes that I needed an editor, since English is not my mother tongue. And I am trying to publish it in English, because in Spanish it is not commented and not known at all. So I don't know how to advance the story.

I'm sorry that my English is not the best. But if you could help me it would be a great help.

Translated with DeepL

Would you be interested in being my editor and pre-reader?

Not sure about editor but perhaps a pre reader

Even got some ideas to help out

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