• Published 27th Aug 2022
  • 5,061 Views, 242 Comments

A Walking Chestnut - Netap

A Human finds himself waking up as a Chespin in a magical world, It's kind of simple.

  • ...

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Chapter 5: A Chestnut started working out.

When I woke up, The sun has already started to set.
It seems I slept through the entire day.

Thinking back on what made me so tired, Yesterdays events came to mind.

Waking up early, Doing my stretches, Look at the townsponies do whatever it is they do, Meet up with Angel behind Fluttershy's house, Borrow food in secret, Go home, take a nap, wake up and go to the town hall, eat free food, Black Horse appears, speak with Fluttershy for the first time, Find out who the main characters of this Cartoon world are, Stop Angel from running into the big dark forest, Take Angel back to Fluttershy's cabin, put him to sleep, Overwork my body by using Rollout on the way home, Go to sleep at sunrise.

I had a really long day yesterday.

But that also brings forth an even bigger problem.
This is a world with Cartoon logic.
And by the events of yesterday, I can guess that the plot has started.

I've already been here, as a half a meter tall fictional monster, And I have no clue as for how to get back.
I don't know even where to start looking!

But something I do know is that Yesterday, I used a Pokemon Move for five consecutive minutes and It almost knocked me out cold.

As I look down at my small arm, I come to the conclusion that,
I really am out of shape...

When Angel woke, his first thought weren't about how he was in his bed or why it was already two in the afternoon.
He was thinking of the safety of his caretaker.

"Fluttershy!" He cried out as he jumped out of his small bed, He rushes quickly rushes around the house, looking under pillows and outside windows.
Until he reaches a door.

"Please be here Please be here" He mumbled to himself as he slowly pushed the door open with all his small, rabbit might.
"Fluttershy, Are you here?" He asked the dark bedroom. He couldn't see anything inside, with the curtains closed and the windows shut.

He inched closer to the bed, slowly climbing up it before he checked under the blanket.
Seeing nothing under it, He quickly jumped towards the door outside!

He needs to go save her!

As he reached the door after jumping down an entire flight of stairs, He leaped outside only to crash into a soft, yellow wall.
"Oh Angel, you're awake. You slept through the whole day yest- Oh no, why are you crying? Please don't cry." Fluttershy kneels down to hug Angel as he cries into her coat.
"Everything is fine, Nothing is going to hurt you. Here, Why don't you tell me whats wrong?"

And so he told her, he told her about how he followed her to the entrance of the forest, of how scared he was she wouldn't come back, , about how~

And as he continued telling her his fears and worries he suddenly perks up.
"Chespin!" He shouts before grabbing Fluttershy's mane and dragging her out the door with him.

"Angel, Slow down, where are you taking me?" Fluttershy asked as she walked behind her little bunny rabbit.
"I need to apologize to Chespin!" Angel responded to her as he urged her to hurry up.

"Chespin is your new friend right? How come I haven't seen him around?" Fluttershy asked Chespin as they walked down the road towards Ponyville.
"He only arrived in the area two weeks ago and he lives on the other side of the big lake." Angel answered as he hopped towards a stand selling carrots.

Getting Fluttershy to buy two carrots, they continued on towards the lake.
"Angel, you know the lake is very big, and walking around it is going to take a while. It's getting late, Why don't you hang out with your friend tomorrow?" She looks at the lake in the distance, Only a few minutes away, but reaching the other side to where the trees are at will take a while.
The Sun will have already set by the time they reach it and back.

"It's fine Fluttershy, I know a shortcut to get across really fast" He told her as they reached the lake.
"Look Angel, I'm not sure if this is a good Idea, I need to start working on dinner soon and~" Fluttershy cuts herself off as she sees a Large purple tendril lift itself out of the water.

"Good Evening Hank, Can you get Fluttershy and I to Chespin's place, please?" Angel asked the purple limb.
"Angel, who is that?" Fluttershy asks Angel, She doesn't hang out near this side of Ponyville all that much other than to check on the growing tadpoles. She didn't know a creature like this lived there.

The purple tendril lowered itself to the beach, where Angel proceeded to walk on to it. Slowly, Fluttershy stepped on as well, And the they Moved.

As The Giant Purple Tentacle glided over the surface of the water at a speed faster than Fluttershy has ever moved, She crouched and held tightly to the surface she stood on.

After a minute of moving over the lake, Angel hops off the Tendril as Fluttershy stumbles after him.
"Please warn me the next time we start going so fast Angel, and who was that?"
Looking behind her she sees the limb give a wave before submerging itself under the lake once more.

Looking around, Fluttershy promised herself to come here again so she can meet all the cute animals that live on this side of the lake.
"Chespin lives right over there, Come on." Angel tells her as he drags her to follow him.

Walking to a tree with a den dug out underneath it, Chespin tells her to wait outside as he walks in with both the carrots.
Leaning down to take a peek at the inside of the den, Fluttershy is surprised with how big it looks.
There seems to be enough room for even her to fit in.
If she managed to get through the small entrance hole that is.

But even more surprising, Is what's in the den.
Fluttershy can spot a pot and pan, Several forks, knives and spoons. A Bucket filled with water and a pinecone with a flower.
She even spots a large hill of baked pastries near the back of the burrow.

But what both she and Angel don't spot, Is Chespin.

"Chespin, Are you here?" Angel calls out as he walks out of the empty den, Instead they get a different answer.
"Chirp chirp" Looking up, Fluttershy and Angel stop a red bird looking down at them from a high branch.

"He isn't here" The Bird tells them as it flies down from it's perch to land on one of the roots that act as a roof to the den.
"Then where is he?" Angel asks.

Fluttershy doesn't know why she's here, It seems Angel is perfectly fine.
As she turns to start heading home, she feels Angel grab her to stop her.
"Angel, I can't stay here for long, It's getting dark and I have stuff to take care of. You'll be fine on your own, You don't need me here. I'll come here with you when my schedule is empty." Fluttershy tries to start walking but Angel wouldn't let go.

"You can't just leave again! I need you here" Angel cries to her as tears start to glisten in his eyes, It looks like he'll start crying again.
"Five minutes and then we're going mister." Fluttershy tells him with authority, She can't follow him all day. She still doesn't know why she's needed here.

Following the directions the Bird gave the two, they reach a small clearing between the tree rows of trees that make up the small Lakeside forest.
In the middle of the clearing, the two spot something incredible.

A Small brown and green creature, With vines coming out of it's upper back.
The vines are hanged over a strong looking branch where they then act as a makeshift pulley system to lift up a large rock tied to their end.

And Chespin is lifting that rock by walking forward, carrying something that must be at least four times his weight.
As he struggles to move forward, One of the vines grabbing the rock snaps and the rock weight, now shifted all onto one vine, pulls Chespin backwards, Throwing him on to his back. The Vine that extended from his back disappears into motes of green light.

Before she can stop herself, Fluttershy runs in to check on the Chespin, Angel follows close behind.

"Chespin! Are you okay?" Angel shouts as he passes by Fluttershy to reach his friend.
Chespin turns to look at the white bunny, "Angel? What are you doing here? And of course I'm fine. I just stumbled a little."

"That was way more than a stumble, Are you sure your okay?" Fluttershy asks as she crouches down to check on Chespin.
"I'm fine, It happens all the time. I swear nothing's wrong"
"How long were you doing whatever that even was?" Angel suddenly asks.

Looking at the setting sun in order to calculate the time, Chespin answers "Maybe an hour or two"

Before he could stand back up, a new voice joins, "Don't listen to him, He's been doing that non-stop for an entire night and day. he only stopped once to eat breakfast before he continued." The Red bird told them.

"You did that for an entire day?!" Fluttershy exclaims in surprise, "I might not now who or what you are, But that can't be healthy for you! You are coming back with us, And you are not leaving Until I give you the go ahead, Am I understood?"

"Why would I do that?" Chespin asks the yellow pony, confusion written on his face.

"Because we need to make sure you're healthy, I took a look in your home, Those bakes aren't healthy for someone like you." She tries to pull him up but Chespin struggles out of her hold.
"I am not leaving my hole, And don't you tell me what I can and can not eat!" Chespin exclaims as he jumps away from her.

"But why not?" Angel suddenly asks, pointing at Chespin's tiny legs, "Look at yourself, you can barely stand! You're going to collapse at any moment!" And true to his words, Chespin's legs are indeed shaking like twigs in a thunderstorm.

"Here," Angel gives Chespin the carrot he had Fluttershy buy on the way there,"I Wanted to apologize for how bratty and pushy I acted towards you during the Nightmare Moon fiasco. I hope that we can still be friends." Angel bows his head in apology waiting for Chespin's inevitable refusal.

Who would want to be friends with him? He's pushy and bratty and always acts like he's better than others.

"What are you talking about?" Chespin asks the bunny as he sits down to massage his feet and eat the carrot. "Why would I stop hanging out with you?"

"Huh? But I-" "Listen Angel, You're a kid. You might act mature and think you're a grown up-" Chespin look at Angel's surprised face as he continues "-but you're not. And for how childish I might act sometimes, I am unquestionably the older one here. Heck, I'm closer in age to Fluttershy than I am to you."

Chespin picks himself up a walks towards Angel, and when reaches him, puts his arms around the little bunny in a big hug.
"Can you really blame me for being an actual adult for once?" Chespin whispers to the small white rabbit in his arms.

"Listen, That's really sweet and all, But I really think you should get some rest" Red speaks as he interrupts the touching moment between the two.

"He's write, I really should go to sleep." Chespin lets go of the hug and takes another bite of the carrot.
Angel walks towards Fluttershy, Ready to go back to her house.
As the Pony and Bunny start walking the path around the lake, They hear Chespin call out to them.

"Wait! Fluttershy, I actually need your help with something." They stop to listen to the magical rodents request.

"Tell me what it is and I'll try my best to help you" the yellow pony tells Chespin.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Chespin tells her, before continuing

"I need your help finding a way home."

Author's Note:

A shorter chapter.

The next few chapter will be more Slice of Life, before we reach the next actual plot relevant moment.

Hope you enjoyed, And please give me tips on how to Improve. :)

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