• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 430 Views, 7 Comments

inFAMOUS in Equestria - aloyd1987

A Conduit, now turned pony, appears in Equestria and their choices will determine the future of this world.

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Have you ever thought about how your life would turn out if you found out that your conduit positive?
I never thought about that until it was too late, and I never thought about the fact that I would travel to another world and be caught in a crossfire of sorts. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I’m a conduit with the power to control and manipulate Electricity.

I can tell you all how my story begins, and it all starts where I was originally from:


I was just your normal human being going to high school and didn't really have a care in the world. I was just walking towards the entrance to the building and saw my friend (BF/N) getting pushed around by Jerome, the dumbass who believes he runs the place pretty much.

"You gonna do something, four-eyes?"
"Leave me be, Jerome. You don't want to get (Y/N) involved do you?", (BF/N) said in a serious tone.
"Puh-lease, what exactly is your loser friend going to do anyway?", said Jerome with a smug grin.
"Going to get your ass kicked if you don't shut up and leave.", I said walking up to them.

(BF/N) was my best friend, and we met back in the 6th grade. He had the very description of a nerd: Glasses, always studious and also tried to tutor me every now and then to help me out in class. Anyways, I was just about to put Jerome the jackass in his place until...


The school bell had just rung, and Jerome gave another shit-eating grin and said,
"Your four-eyed friend is lucky for now, freakshow. But don't think that you're gonna be left out of this!", Jerome said while storming off.
"That guy is something else...", I said.
"You got that right, (Y/N). C'mon, let's get going to class!"

Many Hours Later

"Hey (Y/N), do you need to use my study guide tonight for the upcoming test?"
"Yeah, I might need it later tonight, (BF/N)."


"Sounds like the D.U.P. got an alert about some 'Bio-Terrorist', or as you like to call them 'Conduits'.", (BF/N) said with a slightly sarcastic tone.
"C'mon dude, I'm pretty sure they're people too! They can't help it, unless they're extremely psychotic...", I said with some concern.
"Keep that tone up and, they'll possibly suspect you about being a Bio-Terrorist!"
"Whatever, (BF/N) ..."

*Scoffs* The D.U.P., the Department of Unified Protection, the "ones who protect us from bioterrorism", those federal bastards just lock up Conduits wherever they could find them, innocent or not, and even before I discovered that I was a Conduit myself, I felt some sympathy for some of those Conduits, and I also admired a very certain Conduit that they kept on branding as a terrorist: Cole Macgrath, the Conduit that they kept on calling a "Demon" back in New Marais, but from what I heard , he stopped a giant Conduit that calls himself "The Beast", as well as taking down a group that they've called themselves "The First Sons" while taking some smaller gangs down in the process, and I was really distraught when I discovered that he got himself killed once he saved New Marais and defeated "The Beast", and they still called him a "Bioterrorist".

"Hey, look who we have here?", Jerome said from behind with some of his lackeys.
"Four-eyes and his Bioterrorist loving friend!"
"What do you want, Jerome?"
"You two are just so forgetful, aren't you? You're about to get what you two were going to get this morning!"
"Just beat it, Jerome. You and your cronies!", I said with a serious tone.
"And miss out on all of this, you two get a hold of the 'terrorist lover', I got four-eyes here."

This was it. This was the very moment that had changed my life. I still regret it to this very day...

"What are you doing? Let me and (BF/N) go now!", I shouted.
"Let's see... Nah, you gonna watch this whole thing go down.", Jerome said with a venomous tone.
"Jerome, knock it off, please!", (BF/N) said with a pleading tone.

He pinned (BF/N) to the wall, and his guys were holding me down. (BF/N) was getting beaten by Jerome and there was no one else around to help the two of us out. But none of us were expecting something was going to start, something inside of me... the power of a Conduit.


(Y/N) was screaming at the top of their lungs, while their power was just now starting to get unleashed onto the world. Jerome's goons that were holding him down, looked down in shock and let their hostage go in fear. (Y/N) had hold his hand out in fear and shot a bolt of lightning at both (BF/N) and Jerome. Unfortunately, the bolt had struck (BF/N) and startled Jerome.

I had struck my best friend on Earth, and I had discovered that I was one of them... I was a Conduit.

"Oh....oh god...THEY'RE A BIOTERRORIST!!!"
"N...nononono, wait!"
"Get away from us, freakshow! Everyone, run for it! There's a Bioterrorist here!"

They ran from me and, I checked to see if (BF/N) was okay: He didn't move.... at all...
I got my best friend killed, and I didn't mean to either. I was just scared out of my mind about the fact that I now discovered that I've been a so-called bioterrorist.

"They just killed someone!"
"No wait, it was an accident! I didn't think that I was a Conduit!"
"Run for it! Let's get out of here before they'll kill someone else!"

I then knew for a fact that the D.U.P. would now try to hunt me down for just being what I am. I then decided to flee the city before they could get their hands on me, and I knew that I would leave a lot that means a lot to me: Like family, a few other friends, and missing out a bunch of activities that we would usually do together.

Meanwhile, in the city outskirts

I was just sitting in a clearing outside the city, with tears in my eyes, and a depressed state of mind. I discovered that the public will now treat me like a monster for what I am now, and the D.U.P. is now most likely looking for me now. My parents kept on trying to call me but, I just kept on declining the phone calls, I just had a feeling that conversation would let the D.U.P. track me down with just a simple phone call since they're part of the federal government. This is the whole reason why I now hate these powers and my whole life has now changed drastically. As I was just sitting around, my powers had then started to go crazy once again.

"What the hell!? What's going on now?!", I shouted.

Thunder and lightning started forming in the sky, and I felt like I was getting overcharged with electricity. Giant bolts of lightning had struck around the clearing and around me, I thought my powers were now going to get me killed somehow. With that thought in mind, a huge bolt of lightning had struck me causing me to black out, and what I didn't know was that I was about to travel to a whole new world, leaving the charred remnants of the clearing behind as well as my life back on Earth.


The moon was shining brightly in the night sky as a beautiful blue alicorn had raised the moon to end another day in Equestria, this was the princess of the night: Princess Luna. The Princess had stepped outside onto the balcony to oversee the night and the streets of Canterlot were clear of any noble ponies for the night.

"Another beautiful and peaceful night, and the moon shines brightly tonight.", Luna said with a smile.

As she was overlooking the capital city of Equestria, she saw some sparks of what appeared to be thunderbolts spontaneously appearing in the night sky, mainly above the far-off forest known to ponykind as "The Everfree Forest". She was curious, shocked, as well as confused about why this anomaly was occurring.

"How peculiar, the weather ponies aren't scheduled to have a thunderstorm tonight are they?"

Just as the Princess had said that, the thunderbolts started to strike down below the forest, and caused her to flinch at the sight and sound of the oncoming lighting strikes. Eventually, the lighting stopped, the Princess now on high alert at that very moment, extremely cautious about what would happen next but.... Nothing had happened.

"Surely everypony would have heard those lightning strikes, I must tell 'Tia in the morning about this strange anomaly. Twilight and the other elements of harmony would also most likely want to know what has happened!", Luna said with concern.

Author's Note:

This was my first attempt at writing a story on here, and it's a crossover with one of my favorite video game series: inFAMOUS. I honestly don't know how I did with this story so far, but I hope you guys might like this introduction to the story. I might keep on writing this just to kill time and maybe improve on my writing skills.

P.S. I was originally going to allow you to choose your own power but I decided to change the story up a little bit at the last second, but if you want to be able to gain another power later in the story, let me know!