• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 919 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Eternal - AlphaToothless95

This is the story of how Midnight and the Mane 6 first met, and how g5 (My AU) came to be.

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The return of hope

Things took a turn for the worst. The villains were starting to surrender until dark magic blasted all throughout Canterlot which boosted their power and they started fighting much harder and faster. Luna had even joined the battle to help but her assistance didn’t change much. Due to not knowing how to control the ship, which was being torn apart by the Storm King and Midnight’s dragon, they hadn’t been able to turn the weapons on the villains before they reached it. It wouldn’t be long before it went down.

They were all desperately trying to think of something, anything at all. “It’s over! Give up and maybe some of you will survive this!” Astelle yells and they all get ready to fight anyway. One way or another, they weren’t going down without one..

But what else could they do..?

The Pillars of Old and Sunset were injured and captured by the Dazzlings. Spike was pinned between the Storm King and the dragon along with Starlight, Trixie and Tempest. The Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts were cornered by the Deathbolts. Luna was being held up by magic from Astelle. And the rest of Midnight’s army was ready to strike them down if given the signal.. it was hopeless.. they’ve lost.

“You know.. little sis.. I’m actually very disappointed.. You understood my jealousy, rage, hatred.. my desire to be better than Celestia well enough a thousand years ago.. if only you still did, maybe I wouldn’t have to do this.” Astelle says before a blade comes out of her right gauntlet.

“A part of me still does.. but I never forgot that she was my sister.. neither of us ever forgot you, Astelle.. we never stopped caring about you.. we always loved you sister..” Luna struggles to say and Astelle freezes up, her eyes momentarily ceasing to glow.

“I-I.. Wha.. No.. No! That’s a lie!! I’m meaningless to you, to both of you! Just like I was meaningless to our parents! They didn’t care about me.. after you and Celestia were born it was like I didn’t even exist! Midnight was the only one who saw my potential, saw my worth from the start!” She says before she slams Luna down and stomps on her stomach, knocking the air out of her. “You were never my sisters!! ..You were always just something in my way..” She says as she gets ready to kill Luna.

“Stay.. Away from her!!!” She hears someone yell before receiving a powerful blast that knocks her through buildings. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon are about to attack until they get blasted too from behind with fire along with Midnight’s aerial fighters. After that, Ember lands and Smolder lands by her in her “rampage” form with the rest of the young six on her shoulders or her head, the cutie mark crusaders being with them. She roars as they all charge at them and Flurry Heart and Cadance appear and help Luna up.

The Storm King and Midnight’s dragon go down to try and help and Spike runs to the edge, worried and feeling more useless than ever.. there has to be something he can do! Smolder could turn into a giant, so could Ember but he couldn’t! Why?! Then it hits him.. maybe he can do it too but just doesn’t know how.. no time to learn. He looks to Starlight and runs to her.

“Starlight, is there some sort of spell that could make me do that too?! I wanna help!” Spike yells but Starlight gently pushes him away as she stands up fully.

“Spike, no, you are helping, but I can’t do that to you.. it could turn you into a monster or do something worse to you!” She warns him but he shakes his head and grabs her, pulling her to the edge.

“Do you really think that’s gonna matter if we lose this?! Look!” He says, pointing to the battle and Starlight is shocked to see every creature already having trouble and starting to be pushed back. “You HAVE to do this for me.. it’s probably the only way to help everyone.. please Starlight!” Spike pleads and Starlight looks between the ongoing battle and the young dragon and frowns, sighing and turning to him.

“Twilight’s not gonna be happy about this..” She says and Spike shrugs.

“At least she’ll be around to be mad.. let’s do this.” Spike says and Starlight shakes her head slowly, hoping they wouldn’t regret this, and casting the spell. The more sounds they hear from the battle, the more anxious Spike gets.. if anything he didn’t want anyone to die but that’s exactly what was gonna happen if he didn’t do something.

Since the first day this all started, he had felt useless, and he had continued to feel that way as time went on.. but no more. He was done feeling that way. He was gonna help make things right if it was the last thing he’d ever do. He thought about when Twilight had been taken, when Rarity had gotten attacked along with Applejack, when any of his friends had needed him.. and he. Wasn’t. There.

The rage that he feels with these thoughts.. start to change him. He starts getting bigger, muscular, his voice starts getting deep, his wings grow tremendously and his eyes start glowing green. It was working.. but there was one problem. It hurt. He groans and growls in pain, feeling like his body is trying to tear itself apart. Those groans eventually become screams as the pain intensifies. “Spike!” Starlight yells as she tries to undo the spell but Spike stops her.

“N-No! Don’t..! I’m.. I’m fine! I’ll be..” He tries to say before he screams/roars in pain and looks towards the edge of the ship. Starlight immediately realizes what he’s about to do and tries using her magic to stop him.. only for him to escape from it and jump off the ship anyway. She runs to the edge and just as she looks down, a bright green flash momentarily blinds her and she’s forced to look away and cover her eyes. Once she looks down she’s amazed to see Spike.. bigger and scarier than ever.

He was taller than Smolder and Ember but Midnight’s dragon was still taller than both of them. The dragon turns away from Smolder and roars at Spike who roars back before they charge at each other. Spike gets tackled out of Canterlot and Smolder goes to help him. Well that’s one big target down. Everyone else goes to fight the rest of the villains and it’s way easier now with Spike distracting one of their biggest allies. Plus the Storm King really had it out for Tempest so wherever she went, he chased. Sunset and Trixie were there to help just in case so Starlight assisted the Pillars of Old along with Ember.

That just left Shining Armor to learn how to control the ship along with Thorax who showed up not long after everyone else did. He grows worried when he sees Cadance battling Sombra while Flurry Heart battled Cozy Glow but he knows that the best way to help them would be to focus on what he was doing. But these controls were so confusing! “How does anyone manage to fly this thing?!” He yells, confused and frustrated. The battle goes on for a while until suddenly a beam of multicolored magic shoots up into the sky and the light momentarily blinds everyone.

Within a matter of seconds, all of Canterlot is back to how it was before. No, it was even better than before and the ship had been changed in shape, color, weapons and controls and the magic had destroyed Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, sending Nightmare Moon's magic into Luna and sending Daybreaker's.. somewhere. Midnight is blasted out of the castle and seems to be struggling with something. Astelle pushes Luna away and goes to help but Midnight suddenly screams in pain as she glows purple before she disappears.. and right where she just was, a small purple alicorn is laying there instead. All the villains are shocked and somewhat outraged.

“Midnight.. was a child this whole time?!” Sombra asks, clearly displeased at the idea that they were all easily overpowered by a child this whole time. Tirek yells, enraged as he charges at Solaris and tries lava punching her only for Twilight to land in front of him, making a shield with magic and blocking his punch, sending it right back at him which knocks him into a building. The impact also broke the gauntlet on his arm but didn’t hurt his arm, not majorly at least. Everyone is shocked but the villains were definitely displeased to see that she’s back so imagine their reaction.. when the rest of the Mane 6 lands beside her.. along with Celestia.

“No.. no! No! NO!!!” Astelle yells as she charges at Celestia who teleports above her only to drop down and slam her face into the ground and pinning her.

“It’s over Astelle.. you’ve lost. Midnight is gone so you and the other villains might as well give up.” Celestia says and Astelle growls, trying to break free until she realizes that.. she can’t draw power from the sun anymore.. she also notices that Celestia's mane and eyes are slightly glowing.

“Or. What?” She asks before noticing the ship powering up and aiming the weapons at all of them.

“I’m willing to die for Equestria sister.. are you?” Celestia asks and Astelle tries thinking of her options but seeing that there weren’t a whole lot.. she sighs as a show of defeat and looks at the rest of the villains.

“Stand.. down..” Astelle reluctantly says and all the villains hesitate.. but then lower their weapons and put their powers to rest. They all allow themselves to be gathered up and restrained.

After they’re all taken care of, all the heroes regroup, Spike eventually turning small again after both him and Starlight receive a yelling session and a lecture from Twilight, and as soon as everyone gets a chance, they immediately run to Celestia and display in their own ways how happy they are that she’s alive and that she’s returned. Luna walks to her in shock. “S-Sister..?” She asks and Celestia smiles and nods, prompting Luna to instantly hug her as tightly as possible. “I’m so sorry.. I should’ve been stronger, maybe I would’ve been able to help you before! I-“ Luna tries to say but Celestia hugs her back, making her tense up.

“Don’t blame yourself for what happened Luna.. there was nothing you could’ve done, nothing anyone could’ve done.. and I’m alive, aren’t I?” She asks and Luna chuckles before looking up at her and responding.

“One can only hope.” She says and Celestia laughs along with everyone else. Twilight smiles then frowns and walks to the edge of Canterlot, looking over Equestria, thinking of all the damage they would have to undo.. all the damage she brought about.. She sighs and crosses her arms, looking down.

“I hope you’re not thinking of jumping.” Rainbow says as she walks up to her. Twilight rolls her eyes but doesn’t look at her as she responds.

“No.. not like it would do much anyway.. besides hurt a lot.” Twilight says and Rainbow slowly nods and looks out to the rest of Equestria too.

“Whatcha thinking about?” Rainbow asks and Twilight sighs again.

“Just.. stuff.. like how I’m really the one who caused all this.. Midnight wouldn’t have escaped if I hadn’t helped the other villains bring her through that portal-“ Twilight says but before she can finish her sentence, she receives a harsh punch to the shoulder. “Ow! What are you- what was that for?!” Twilight asks, ignoring the glare that was currently on Rainbow’s face.

“Twi, listen to me and listen close. You had nothing to do with any of what Midnight and her goons did. If anything you had everything to do with stopping them. I mean.. look around.” Rainbow says before gesturing to what’s happening in Canterlot. Twilight looks and sees the villains being transported onto the ship while her friends, family, and former students celebrate their victory and she can’t help but smile. She also sees Solaris just now coming to and being welcomed by the other kids and everyone else, even though some of them are a bit skeptical. “You did all this Twilight.. you helped save Equestria.. if that isn’t enough, I don’t know what can be.”

Twilight starts crying but quickly wipes the tears of joy from her face. She really had accomplished a lot.. and it was all with the help of her friends, family, and students. “You’re right Rainbow..” Twilight says and she gives a smug look, causing Twilight to start to reconsider her choice of words.. buuut at this point, it was too late.

“Of course, I’m right.” Rainbow says before grabbing Twilight’s hand and starting to walk back to the others. “Now come on, let’s celebrate! We’ve earned it! First round of cider's on me!” Rainbow says and Twilight chuckles then looks at Rainbow’s hand and her own and she blushes and thinks about something before stopping in her tracks.

“Rainbow, wait..” She says, prompting Dash to turn to her so she grabs her other hand, breathes in and out then talks. “I wanna thank you.. for everything.” Twilight says and Rainbow looks confused before smirking.

“What else did you expect from your fastest and most loyal friend?” She asks and Twilight shakes her head.

“It’s not just because you’re fast or loyal.. while I appreciate those things I also appreciate what kind of pony you are.. what kind of pony you inspired me to be.. you actually listened to me.. you helped me.. and in a way.. in a lot of ways..” Twilight says, starting to blush even more and Rainbow notices. “You’ve.. changed me.. for the better.. and I hope I’ve had the same effect on you.” Twilight says and Dash doesn’t even know what to say. “And I hope it can stay that way after I tell you.. one last thing.” Twilight says and Rainbow's heart rate speeds up as she gets an idea where this is going.

“Twi-” Rainbow tries to say but Twilight interrupts her.

“No.. I need you to hear it.. if I don’t say it now.. I may NEVER say it.. Rainbow I.. I-I.. I really-“ Twilight tries to say only to be cut off as Rainbow's lips suddenly meet her own. She’s shocked at first but then decides to reciprocate the kiss until the two of them separate and smile at each other then hug and nuzzle one another.

“This is AMAZING!!!!” Pinkie yells before tackling both of them in a hug, followed by the rest of their friends.

“Took y’all long enough.” Applejack says and Rainbow Dash and Twilight both blush.

“Wait, how much did you see?” Twilight asks and Rarity smirks.

“Enough.” She says and they all laugh until they get up and decide to go and celebrate.

“All of you go ahead, I’ll catch up.” Twilight says and they all walk off and she looks at the sunset that had now started and sighs. “There’s a lot to do.. but we’re ready.. and we always will be.” She promises herself before deciding to catch up with her friends. Rebuilding everything that had been destroyed would take a lot of effort but they would cross that bridge when they got to it. Right now they were just happy to enjoy the peace.. that they so tragically deserve.. a peace.. that would last for a while.

But not forever..

So they have chosen suffering.. I tried to be merciful to you Equestria, but now.. you have forced my hand.. I will return and when I do.. there! Will be! No!! Peace!!!..

Only Suffering..” Midnight’s voice says before cackling.. the laughter slowly fading into silence as a threat and a promise.. one of eternal hell on Equestria.

Author's Note:

Ok so we got TwiDash now!!! One down, lord know how many more to go. Anyway, hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed making it and look forward to more, also if you don’t like my ships, simple solution: don’t read Or don’t judge and keep reading. It’s your choice but it’s not about the ships, it’s about the story