• Published 24th Aug 2022
  • 1,754 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Have a Sleepover - wileytwily

During a sleepover at Twilight’s castle, a game of truth-or-dare starts and changes the course of all their friendships.

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Truth or Dare?

“I’m so excited for our sleepover!!!” Pinkie shouted.
“Me too, I’m so glad we all found times to be available. It’s been way too long since we’ve all hung out like this.” Fluttershy adds on as they walk to the castle.
The sleepover was taking place in Twilight’s castle, since it was the only place big enough for the six of them.
Twilight had set up mini-beds around her room.

Pinkie head-butts the door multiple times as an excuse for knocking. Twilight opens up, seeming to already be wearing pajama attire even though it’s not even 6:00PM yet. “Hey! Glad you could make it.” She greeted.
“Us too!” Pinkie bounced back. Fluttershy smiles and nods as they make their way inside.
“Here, I’ll show you the way.” Twilight said. Her bunny slippers squeaked every time she took a step.
Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gave each other confused looks. Fluttershy simply shrugs and brushes it off.
“What’s with the get-up?” Pinkie blurts out.
“Oh! Is this not the proper clothing…? It’s a sleepover after all.” Twilight replied, cocking her head to the side out of confusion. “Well, yeah but we don’t normally wear stuff like this to bed!” Pinkie replied.

“Oh, I know, I know. I was just watching old sleepover-themed movies and got inspired!” Twilight awkwardly smiled. Pinkie smiled back.
“I think you look great! Even if it is a touch over-the-top…” Fluttershy truthfully added.
Twilight blushed out of embarrassment and poofs away her floppy hat and squeaky slippers, leaving only the button-up shirt.

No one reacted as they entered the room.
“Is this all comfortable enough? I can make adjustments!” Twilight asks.
“This is perfect!” Pinkie exclaims, jumping into a bed right by Twilight’s. Fluttershy agrees and takes a bed near the back of the room.

“You seem more uptighty-wighty than usual, Twily. Something the matter?” Pinkie inquired as she unpacks her saddle. “I suppose I just don’t want things to go wrong. We all haven’t had a get together like this in a while and I want it to go well!” Twilight replies honestly.
“Oh, Twilight.” Fluttershy starts as she walks over. “You shouldn’t worry about that. We’ll all have a great time, I’m sure.”

Just then there was another knock. “I’ll get it!” Twilight anxiously yells and rushes to open it.
Rainbow Dash immediately zoomed in while Applejack and Rarity simply walked in.
“Howdy, Twi!” Applejack greets. “Hope we ain’t too late.”
“Actually, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie interjects, who seems to appear out of nowhere. “You were all about 4.5 minutes late!”
“Terribly sorry, dear.” Rarity replies. “I’m not usually one to be late, but I just couldn’t find the right mane brush at home and it took forever to get everything to fit in my saddle.” She motions to her very clearly overpacked saddle on her back.
“It’s perfectly fine, Rarity.” Twilight assures, motioning for them all to follow her.
Applejack nods to all her friends as she walks, while Rarity struts gracefully.

“My, I just love your shirt, Twilight! I didn’t know there was a dress code.” Rarity commented.
“Oh! Thank you.” Twilight began. “Well, there’s not, but if you want-“, before she could even finish her sentence, Rarity and all her essentials in her saddle rushed to the nearest restroom. Twilight blinked, processing the white and purple that had just flashed by her.
“I’ll only be a second, dear!” Rarity calls out. Applejack scoffs. “Yeah, she says that.”

In the room, Rainbow Dash decides to take the bed next to Fluttershy’s. Especially since there’s a window right by it. Applejack chooses a bed in the middle and waits for Rarity to be done with her ‘makeover’.
Rainbow Dash was blabbering on about past memories before realizing something. “Where’s Spike?” she asked.

Twilight gave a smile that seemed like a mix of ‘I shouldn’t tell you this’ and ‘I can’t wait to tell you this.’
“Well, I woke up this morning ready to start the day and he was asleep! I look over and see piles of comic books right by his bed. He decided to reread the entire Power Ponies series last night in one sitting! He’s still sleeping now, just in another room. He knows what’s going on, though, so he won’t bother us unless he really needs to, probably.” Twilight giggled. “You know how that dragon loves to nap.”
“Yup, that sure does sound like him.” Applejack sighed and laughed at the image of him dead asleep after so many comics.

Rarity dramatically struts into the room. “Hello, darlings!” she calls, making everyone turn around and face her.

Rarity was wearing a stylish sleep mask on her forehead, as if she were sporting sunglasses. Her fur was shiny and smelled of perfume, probably because of her face and body care routine. Her hair was braided up to the side so it wouldn’t get too messy while she slept, and last but not least, she had on small slippers.
Everyone reacted in their own way as Rarity walked over to the only available bed, right by Applejack’s.

“Wow, Rarity. You look great!” said Fluttershy.
“Super rad!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Super-duperly great and rad combined!!!” said Pinkie Pie.
“Ohhh, I see how my outfit was over-the-top now…” Twilight said under her breath before saying “Only the Rarity can make going to bed a fashion statement.” Applejack just was staring at her.

Rarity chuckled and accepted all the compliments as if she were the star of a fashion show. She then lay down on the bed. Applejack was still staring at her, without realizing doing so.
“Uhm… something the matter, dear?” Rarity asks. Applejack startles for a moment before clearing her throat. “Nope! Nothin’ at all!”
She then faced Twilight. “Sooo… what are we gonna do tonight? Did you have any plans?”
“Why, yes actually!” Twilight said, about to pull out a list but before she could, she was interrupted by Pinkie screaming “LET’S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!”
Twilight jumps a bit and then smiles while putting the list away again. “Sure. That’s good too.” The rest of them agreed and so the game was started.

Okay, who goes first?” Pinkie Pie asked intensely, as if this were a war.
“Uhh, I can.” Rainbow Dash said as she was flying in mid-air. She raised her hoof like a foal in school. “Pinkie, truth or dare.”
“Hmmmm….” Pinkie was taking an unnecessarily long time to choose her answer. “Duuuuaaaaaar- Truth. I pick truth.” Pinkie finally decided and smiled widely.
“Aw, man! I had the sickest dare for you!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Okay, okay. Is it true that Mrs. Cake cheated on Mr. Cake?”
“No! Where would you get a silly idea like that from?” Pinkie immediately responded, confused.
“Well, their babies—“ before Rainbow Dash could continue, Applejack threw a pillow in her face, causing everyone to laugh.
“That’s some question, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said in between chuckles.
“Yeah, well, I heard rumors and I wanted to know! Just didn’t know a good time to ask.” Rainbow embarrassingly admitted, laughing at herself as well.

“Okey-dokey. I’ll go next.” Pinkie started singing the ‘eenie-meenie-miney-mo’ song to choose, before she was nearly done, Rainbow Dash shouted, “Just pick one!” Though, Pinkie kept singing. “My mother told me to pick the very best one and that is…” Her hoof pointed to Twilight. “You!”
“Me?” Twilight repeated.
“Truth or dare?” Pinkie asked automatically.
“Uhh, I guess truth.” Twilight responded shyly. Pinkie thought for a few moments before asking her question. “What is Spike to you? A son? A friend? A brother?”
Twilight looked a little surprised from the question, but answered nonetheless.
“Well, of course Spike is my best friend and my best family. I guess I could call him my son since I practically raised him, I just never knew if he ever saw me as a parental figure in any way.” Everyone nodded after hearing her truth.
“Either way, I think you’re a great mom to Spike.” Fluttershy encouraged, the rest of them agreed. Twilight blushed a bit and then went on to choosing someone else.

“Uhhh… What about, Fluttershy? Truth or dare?” Twilight asked her mild mannered friend.
Fluttershy slightly startled from all of the sudden eyes on her. “Uhm.. I guess truth..”
“What, lame!” Rainbow Dash teased, before Rarity shushed her.
“Continue, dear.” she encouraged as she turned to Twilight. Twilight nodded gracefully. She thought long and hard for a good question, then exclaimed “AH-HA!” when she got one.
“Now, if you don’t want to answer this question, that’s okay-“ Twilight started to clarify, before being interrupted by Pinkie. “Come on, Twily! Those aren’t the rules!”
“Yes, I know.” Twilight responded. “I just wanna make sure Fluttershy isn’t uncomfortable.” She turned to the yellow pegasus, who has been quiet this entire time. She nodded, silently telling her that it was okay to go on.

“Where do you think you would be if it wasn’t for Rainbow Dash? I mean, I know Rainbow Dash connected us all, but you two were childhood friends and what she did was directly correlated to you. I always wonder how our lives would’ve been if it weren’t for that sonic rainboom, but especially you, Fluttershy, if you didn’t know her at all!”

The room got quiet for a moment as Fluttershy had a surprised look on her face. Rainbow Dash did as well, but was mainly watching Fluttershy and how she was reacting.
“I didn’t push any boundaries, did I?” Twilight nervously asked. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s just a big question to answer.” Twilight nodded, relieved and let Fluttershy think to herself.

“Honestly…” Fluttershy started. “I.. I never thought about it, but I owe my life to Rainbow Dash..” Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up.
“I mean, without ever meeting her? I would’ve probably been miserable. She was the entire reason I gained the confidence to fly in the first place, and she helped me find my true passion. Inadvertently, yes, but still.” Fluttershy went on. “Without ever meeting her, or her ever standing up for me, I don’t know where I’d be now. Probably still a scared filly with no friends who doesn’t know how to fly.” She turned to Rainbow Dash and smiled warmly. Rainbow Dash could swear she felt her heart stop. “I’ve never really thought about it, but.. thank you. You changed my life for the better, Rainbow..” She told her softly, then turned to the rest of the group. “And now I have all of you! I certainly wouldn’t have been able to make friends without her by my side.” Fluttershy smiled, satisfied with her answer.

The eyes suddenly turned to Rainbow Dash, waiting for her reaction.
Rainbow was frozen for a few moments. Almost like, she was scared. She was used to ponies praising her but, this felt entirely different. Butterflies filled her stomach to the brim and she felt her heart pounding in her ears. Why did this feel so different?, she thought. Finally, she spoke.

“Wow, Flutters.. I.. I don’t know what to say.” She looked over to Fluttershy who gave her that oh-so-sweet smile that made Rainbow’s heart skip a beat. “I’m really happy I met you, and changed things for the better. Because if not, nopony else would know how awesome you were.” Fluttershy bashfully looked away and Rainbow Dash stared at her, realizing why it had felt so different than the other times she’s gotten praised.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat suddenly. “Okay, enough with the mushy stuff! My turn.” She felt a small grudge towards Twilight currently. Even though Twilight didn’t know it, nor even intended for it, she had opened up new feelings for Rainbow Dash that she hadn’t realized before and wasn’t ready to address. To get her back, she had the perfect plan.
“Pinkie! Truth or dare.”
“Dare! Dare!” Pinkie enthusiastically replied. Rainbow Dash smiled evilly.

You could say RD and Twilight had a sibling-like relationship. Always bickering, but through everything they trust each other the most. During one of their hangouts after re-re-rereading a Daring Do book, Twilight accidentally let it slip that she had a crush on Pinkie Pie. She begged for Rainbow not to tell and she never did. Maybe this is a scummy thing for her to do, but she knew the only pony crazy enough to just kiss anyone in their group was Pinkie Pie. It felt perfect, too perfect.

“Hmmm…” Rainbow Dash hummed. “I dare you to…” she paused for dramatic effect. “KISS TWILIGHT!” she eventually shouted.
Everyone reacted in their own way.
Fluttershy gasped and hid her eyes under the blanket, but still peeked.
Applejack scoffed and went “Now, Rainbow Dash, come on!”
Rarity agreed with Applejack. “That’s not really on our brand, is it dear?”

“Is that it?” Pinkie said. “It’s okay, I’ll do that.”
Twilight’s face was a deep red and she threw a death-glare at Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie hopped over to Twilight’s bed, sitting upon it.
“R-Really, Pinkie, you- you don’t have to do this…” Twilight flustered.
“Nah, it’s fine!” Pinkie assured. She got close to her as everyone watched.
“Mwah!” and it was done.
For Pinkie it seemed like nothing, but for Twilight, it seemed like 10 years were shaven off her lifespan.

“Twilight, you okay?” Applejack asked, noticing her demeanor. “It was pretty low-brow of Rainbow Dash to do that to ya.” Applejack angrily glanced at Rainbow Dash as she spoke.
“Oh, come on, AJ! That’s what truth or dare is!” Rainbow Dash brushed aside.
“Yeah, funny things, not like that!” Applejack argued back.
“That was funny!” Rainbow Dash said, snickering.
Twilight still looked burnt out.
“Uhm, can you guys excuse me for one minute?” She said in her usual, friendly voice. “I gotta use the bathroom.” Then sped-walk out the room. Everyone glared at Rainbow Dash, except for Pinkie Pie who was watching her walk away. That’s not the way to the bathroom. she thought.

“Okay, maybe you’re right… It was pretty low of me. I’m sorry.” Rainbow Dash finally admitted. “Don’t say that to us, say that to them-“ As Rarity was going to point to Twilight and Pinkie’s beds, she noticed Pinkie gone too. Rainbow started feeling guilty now. She just wanted to get back at Twilight, but she overdid it.

Pinkie had followed her trail. Maybe she was so disoriented, she forgot where the bathroom was.
She suddenly heard sniffling. “Twily?” Twilight was hidden in her library, facing away from the door.
“Stupid… Rainbow Dash..” she sobbed. “I trusted her.. why would she.. do that to me?!” Pinkie seemed to appear out of nowhere next to her. “Twilight?”
Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin and backed away from Pinkie Pie, wiping her eyes. “Sorry, Pinkie.. uh- you should go.. I just got some soap in my eye when I was washing my hooves.” Pinkie could see right through her, though.

“Why are you cryin’?” she asked.
Twilight looked up to her, surprised she even came down and followed her. “She totally humiliated us… Even after what I told her..” Twilight admit. “She didn’t humiliate me. I was fine with it, ‘member? Also told her what?” Twilight frowned. If she ever did plan to confess to Pinkie, it would not be like this.
She shakily sighed. “I don’t want to mess things up, I really don’t, but… I like you, Pinkie. I really, really like you. In a romantic way. I accidentally told Rainbow Dash one day and she must’ve used it against me.” Twilight broke down sobbing again before she felt the pink mare’s embrace. “Well, it was wrong of her to do that.” Pinkie agreed. “But, she did do one good thing.” Twilight wiped her tears away. “What’s that?”

“She finally gave me an excuse to do what I’ve always wanted to!” Pinkie grinned ear-to-ear.
Twilight’s heart must’ve stopped for 5 whole seconds.

“You mean.. You wanted to…”
Pinkie Pie nodded. “Mmhmm! I had no idea you felt the same, Twily! I mean, how could someone not feel that way about you? You’re flippin’ amazing!” Twilight’s red face was back, though it wasn’t out of sheer embarrassment this time. Without thinking, Twilight leaned in and they shared another kiss. She hugged Pinkie close to her, even wrapping her wings around her. Pinkie kissed back happily and hugged her tight.
They broke the kiss after a few seconds and Twilight laughed, completely in shock. “So.. now what?”

“Wanna be my special somepony?” Pinkie asked out-front.
“What? Really?! You’d be okay with that?” Twilight almost yelled. Pinkie nodded once again. “Duhhh! Don’t ya realize how much I like you?” Twilight again hugged her tight. “Yes! Yes I do want to be your special somepony!” Pinkie warmly smiled and hugged back.

After a few minutes, they walked back to the room together, happier than they’ve ever been. There was arguing heard and they stepped in. “Oh, there you are!” Rarity said.
“We were startin’ to get worried.” Applejack told, then glared at Rainbow Dash. “Someone owes y’all an apology.” All this time, Fluttershy has been dead quiet, hiding under her blanket but her eyes were still peeking out.

“Twilight, I’m so so so so so sorry! That was super scummy of me to do to you, especially if you weren’t comfortable with it in the first place. And, Pinkie Pie, I know you said you didn’t mind but I’m SO sorry for even daring it!-“ before Rainbow Dash could finish her apology, she stopped, noticing neither of them seemed upset.
“No worries, Dashie! We’re all good.” Pinkie told. Twilight nodded happily as they both returned to their separate beds, yet kept smiling at each other. Rainbow Dash took a huge sigh of relief, before sticking it to Applejack. “See, AJ? I told you it wouldn’t bother them!” Applejack merely rolled her eyes.

“Why, yes but…” Rarity started, “Twilight seemed so flustered just 10 minutes ago. What happened?” Twilight and Pinkie smiled at each other, and before saying anything, Rarity connected the dots and gasped. “You mean! You two?!” They nodded.
“Turns out we like each other! So we actually owe a thank you to you, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie said cheerily. Rainbow looked absolutely shocked and turned over to Twilight where she nods and softly tells Rainbow Dash, “Thank you.”

Rarity squealed out of excitement and Fluttershy came out her hidden blanket. “Oh, I’m so happy for you two!” she congratulated suddenly.
“This is mighty sudden, but I’ll be darned if I ain’t happy. You two are really good together!” Applejack agreed. “And, you know what they say! Opposites attract!” Rarity added on. In that moment, Rarity and Applejack as long as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash quickly made eye contact before moving on. They looked to Twilight.

“Oh! I guess it’s my turn now…” Twilight chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry, I guess I got caught up in things. Applejack, truth or dare?” She randomly picked.
“‘Bout time!” Applejack remarked. “With all the stuff goin’ on, I thought I’d never get a turn! Dare.” Twilight sheepishly smiled. “Sorry about that. Okay, uh… I dare you not to mention apples for a whole hour!”
Rarity dramatically gasped as if this was a soap opera. “Why, that’s practically impossible for Applejack!”, she joked. Applejack threw a pillow at her playfully. “Now, come on! ‘Ah can easily do that.” Applejack seemed confident but then realized something. “But wait… What about my name?”
Twilight thought for a moment before replying, “You gotta refer to yourself as AJ or Jack, or anything else but you cannot say apple!”
Applejack huffed and smiled. “Alright, I get it. No app-“ quickly, she cleared her throat. “That didn’t count.” The rest of them laughed.

“Okay, okay. Let’s see…” Applejack thought aloud while trying to pick someone else. “Rarity! You ain’t gotten picked yet, have ya?” Rarity shook her head and Applejack smiled, asking her truth-or-dare.
“Truth. But, only because I don’t trust Applejack giving me a dare.” Rarity stated. Applejack laughed. “Okay, who are ya into? Stallions, mares, what?”
Rarity soon turned a soft shade of pink.

“Are you sure this question isn’t too personal, Applejack?” Fluttershy cautiously asked.
“Maybe it is, but with all that happened with Twilight and Pinkie I wanna know!”
Rainbow Dash eyed her suspiciously “Why exactly?”, she asked.
“No reason! Anyway, Rare, just scratch that- Ah’ll give you a different question…” Applejack felt embarrassed and tried to move along the conversation.
“No, dear, it’s quite alright.” She paused to see if everyone was listening.
“I suppose I haven’t thought too much about it. And you girls have mainly seen me being attracted to men, but I really like girls too. So, I guess both? I hope that isn’t too weird.”

“Not at all! I like anyone.” Fluttershy supportively added on.
“I used to like both too, but I think I mainly like girls now.” Twilight replied as well.
“Yeah! We all super support you!” Pinkie smiled widely and Rainbow Dash hoof-bumped Rarity. Applejack looked a little starstruck, before saying, “That’s mighty cool of ya.”
Rarity smiled. “Oh, I knew you girls would accept me either way but it just feels so good hearing all of that!!!” She hugged onto her pillow and seemed to be a little flushed.

“Alright, alright. Applejack again. Truth or dare?” Rarity chose.
“Aw, come on!” Rainbow Dash tried to quietly complain.
“I’ll give ya a turn after this one, Dash. Promise.” Applejack nodded to her. She turned to Rarity. “Unlike you, I ain’t afraid of a challenge. Dare.”

“I dare you to kiss me.” Rarity simply said, smiling smugly. The room seemed to pause for a moment.

Fluttershy looked very flustered. “Ahh, what’s with all the kissing dares???”, she hid her face, but she didn’t seem to be bothered, just surprised.

Applejack went completely silent and had to find her voice again, and when she did, it sounded kind of hoarse. “Wha- what do you mean? Is this somethin’ Rainbow Dash put ya up to, cause I swear-“
“No. I dare you to.” Rarity replied.
Applejack’s throat went dry again. Rarity soon got up from her bed to get closer to Applejack, putting her hoof atop of hers.

Everyone was trying not to stare, but they totally were.

“I can tell what you’re up to. And as another truth- I believe you’re one of the first mares I’ve ever been attracted to.” Rarity smiled suavely. Applejack’s face was as red as her cutiemark and she stayed silent.
“So, do the dare. Kiss me.” Rarity egged on. Applejack looked around for a moment before trying to make up an excuse, “B-but… everyone’s lookin’…”
“Since when have you been against an audience?”

In that moment, they kissed. Surprisingly, it was longer and more passionate than Twilight and Pinkie’s.
Once the kiss broke, Rarity smiled and Applejack felt completely dazed. “Holy apple fritters…” she muttered.
“Hah! You lost the dare!!!” Pinkie teased and Twilight laughed. “It’s okay, I’ll excuse it this time”, she said.

“Well? What’s your answer?” Rarity asked Applejack as she gathered her thoughts. “T-to what?”
“Wasn’t it obvious? I like you too.” Rarity smiled at Applejack lovingly once again and in that moment, Applejack thought she was in a dream of some sort. How could a pony like her love a pony like me?
“Y-YES!” she eventually blurted out. Rarity kissed her hoof. “It’s official then.” She then walked back over to her own bed and proceeded to scream happily into her pillow. Applejack was excited too.
“Holy moly, it just keeps happening!” Rainbow Dash was shocked. The rest of them simply smiled with appreciation and approval. Then it donned upon Rainbow Dash. That left her and Fluttershy. There was no way she was gonna walk out of this sleepover dating Fluttershy, right?

“Okay, uh…” Applejack cleared her throat. “RD. Truth or dare?”
Fiiiiinally!” Dash remarked. “With all your gross mushy stuff, we haven’t gotten to do anything fun! DARE!”
“Well, I’ve been having fun.” Rarity teases and Applejack blushes once more.
“Alright. I dare ya to…” she thought for a moment before saying, “I dare you to try to make a sandwich in Twilight’s kitchen- in 10 seconds flat.”
Rainbow Dash scoffed. “That’s easy! Start the timer!”
Before Twilight could even process everything, Pinkie seemed to have gotten a timer out of nowhere.
“What’s this about 10 seconds flat in my kitchen???” Twilight worried.

“Don’t worry, Dash is usually very strategic when it comes to these types of things.” Fluttershy smiled.
At the 5 second mark, a shattered plate could be heard. Rarity snorted. “Strategic, huh?” she lightheartedly teased.
“Oh, no my stuff!!!” Twilight ran out to check on Rainbow Dash before she wrecked the place. As she ran out, Applejack yelled out “Sorry, Twi!”

When Twilight arrived in the kitchen, she didn’t expect to see an embarrassed Rainbow Dash cleaning up after herself right next to a sleepy Spike.
“Spike? What are you doing up?” Twilight asked and held up his chin, checking if he was sick.
“I could ask you the same thing. I just woke up from your guys’ noise to get a late-night snack, and this one freaks out on me!”
Twilight looks over to Rainbow Dash and she bashfully smiles. “Listen, it was dark, and his silhouette made me think-“ Twilight interrupted, “Nope. Don’t wanna hear it.” She turned back to Spike. “Anyway, Spike, I’m really sorry we woke you up. We’ll be quieter, okay? Now go get some rest, you know it’s not good for you to eat food before you sleep.” Spike sleepily smiled and hugged Twilight before walking off and quietly saying “Okay, mom…”

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat and she turned to Rainbow Dash. “Did he just..?”
Rainbow Dash shrugged, she didn’t really get what the big deal was. Twilight squealed and jumped around happily. It could’ve been that he was just sleepy, but Twilight felt euphoric either way.
“He does see me as a mom! He does!!! I’m a mom, Rainbow Dash!!!” she excitedly exclaimed. Rainbow blinked confusedly at Twilight.“Congratulations…” she slowly said.
Twilight happily danced in place before composing herself. “Come along now, the others are waiting for us.”
Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked back to the room, but as they did, they could hear a heated discussion going on.

“I think jackalopes are a real animal!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“They’re really… not.” Fluttershy tried to politely correct.
This is what we’re arguin’ about? Really?” Applejack laughed.
“No, let Pinkie go on. I do think she’s right.” Rarity insisted, half-joking as well.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked in. “What’s going on in here?” asked Twilight.
Pinkie Pie huffed. “Fluttershy says jackalopes aren’t real animals but they have to be!!! You’re tellin’ me we got magical creatures like bugbears and draconequss’s sss…” she stumbled on the plural of ‘draconequss’ for a second before continuing, “but a rabbit with antlers is suddenly out of the question?!”
Rainbow glanced to Fluttershy and she simply shrugged.

“Come on, Twilight! You’re my girlfriend now, help me!”
Twilight melted a little inside hearing Pinkie call her her girlfriend for the first time and cleared her throat.

“Actually, they do exist. But they’re extremely rare. Almost extinct, actually. I think there’s only a small tribe of them around Yakyakistan.” Twilight recalled from a rare animal book she studied for fun about a month ago.
Fluttershy gasped. “Wait! Really??? Wow, I would love to meet one!” Fluttershy’s eyes shined just imagining it.

“I bet they’re so cute. And with the right conditions, maybe they won’t go extinct!” she sighed dream-like.
“Aw, but how will I ever get to Yakyakistan on such short notice? I’d certainly need-“
Before Rainbow Dash even knew it, she said “I can take you.” The group looked at her, confused. She doesn’t usually offer herself up for favors like this.
“Really??? Rainbow Dash, you don’t have to…” Fluttershy responded.

Rainbow did not want to take a trip to Yakyakistan anytime soon, but she knew she was in-too-deep the moment she said it. “Uh, it’s no trouble. Really.” Fluttershy flew over and hugged Rainbow Dash tightly. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You don’t know how much this means to me. This way we can save them!”
Rainbow Dash blushed and paused, but before she decided to hug back, Fluttershy already broke the hug and flew back to her bed. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Yeah, cool.”
She flew to her own bed, with Applejack giving her a sly look.

“Okay! Pinkie! Truth or dare!” Rainbow Dash asked quickly.
“Dare! I pick dare!” Pinkie quickly answered back.
“I dare you to prank Spike while he sleeps!” Rainbow Dash declares. “Hey!” Twilight butts in.
“Sorry, Twily. A dare is a dare and rules is rules. Maybe another dare?” Pinkie asks, turning to Rainbow Dash.
“It’s either that or you gotta stay still for a whole 5 minutes.” Pinkie’s eyes restricted for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “I have no choice, forgive me!!!” Twilight endearingly rolled her eyes and sighed. “Go ahead, just don’t be too mean.”
“I won’t!” Pinkie yelled as she hopped out the room, Rainbow Dash soon following.

“Why are ya followin’ me, Dashie?” Pinkie asked her pegasus friend as she hops to the kitchen. “Duh! I gotta see if you actually do the prank or not. Now that Twilight is your girlfriend, you might just sit out in the hall for 10 minutes, come back, and lie about pranking him.”
Pinkie thought for a moment. “Hm. Guess that’s fair.” She got a glass from a cupboard and was about to fill it with water before stopping.
“What’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Twilight said I shouldn’t be too mean, but is this too mean???” Pinkie worried.
“No, Pinkie! Calm down. This is a tame one. The most he’ll do is wet the bed.” Rainbow Dash assured.
“The wet bedsheets in which Twilight has to clean.” Pinkie worried once more.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay. Let’s do another one…” Soon enough, Rainbow Dash zipped away and came back with a permanent marker. “I know I shouldn’t help you with my own dare, buuuut…

Pinkie and Rainbow Dash giggled quietly as they wrote silly things on Spike’s scales, him being none the wiser. They were about to leave before Pinkie put a little surprise underneath Spike’s foot that said ‘LOVE YOU TWILIGHT!’ with a heart. They snuck back to the room and strangely found it quiet.

“Everything okay in here?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying in.
“Yeah, we’re just all kinda tired.” Twilight replied.

“Oh. Do you guys wanna stop?” Rainbow Dash asked the group. Half of them shrugged, the other half didn’t reply.
“How about one more round and then we sleep?” Rainbow Dash asked. They all nodded as Pinkie and Rainbow returned to their beds.
Yes! I knew there was no way Fluttershy and I would actually become a thing by the end of this, thought Rainbow Dash. Don’t get her wrong- she does want them to be together but there’s no way she’d admit that to herself.
Pinkie smiled. She could tell what was going on from a mile away. Pinkie sense.

“Okay, Fluttershy. Truth or dare.” Pinkie asked Fluttershy.
“Well, uh…” Fluttershy thought for a moment before replying, “Since it is the last round, I guess dare.”
“Huh. Whenever we’ve played this before, you’ve almost constantly picked truth.” Applejack commented.
“Well, it’s good to branch out, right?” Fluttershy replied.
“I dare you to kiss Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie said almost immediately after.
“Nevermind, I regret my decision!!!” Fluttershy squealed as her face turned from yellow to orangey to red in a minute.
“Great way to top it off, Pinkie.” Rarity said sarcastically. “Thanks!” Pinkie replied endearingly.

“Pinkie, what the hay?!” Rainbow Dash’s face was also changing colors. “What? This is payback.” She winked and in that moment, Rainbow Dash knew that Pinkie knew. She sighed.
Rainbow flew close to Fluttershy’s bed, because she knew she was way too nervous to come to her.
“We, uh.. don’t have to do this y’know.” Rainbow Dash clarified.
Fluttershy worryingly looked away. “I just don’t want to mess anything up.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash cautiously asked.
Fluttershy shakily sighed. “I’m so so happy for both Twilight and Pinkie Pie along with Applejack and Rarity, but…” she inhaled sharply. “I know you don’t like me that way so I don’t want this to be uncomfortable for you!” Fluttershy admitted in one breath.

Rainbow Dash blinked surprisingly. “But, do you like me that way?”
“Yes!!!” Fluttershy was close to sobbing now.
Rainbow Dash started internally panicking. She did not ever anticipate a reality where Fluttershy liked her back.

Without thinking and while simultaneously having a million thoughts a second, she kissed her and Fluttershy froze for a few seconds before kissing back.

Pinkie cheered before being softly shushed by Twilight.
They pulled away and Rainbow Dash felt as if she experienced euphoria for a split second. She was seeing stars.
“I, uh… had no idea you felt that way about me.”
Fluttershy looked away and hid her blushing face with her mane.
“…Because I feel the same.”
Pinkie cheered again.
Fluttershy turned to face her instantly. “Really? But… I always felt like-“

“I know, I know.” Rainbow Dash admitted. “I didn’t want to come to terms with my feelings for you, so I thought pushing them away was the only answer. I can see now how wrong I was.” She gave Fluttershy a nervous half-smile to show she was serious and Fluttershy smiled back. “Oh, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy suddenly sprung up and embraced Rainbow Dash mid-air. She hugged back as they both flew a few feet above the beds.

“I’m not really great at this like the others are… so wanna date?” Rainbow Dash bluntly asked.
Fluttershy blushed and smiled warmly. “Yes.” she accepted while nodding. They shared another kiss as they flew back down and by now, Pinkie was clapping.

“Did you plan all this, dear?” Rarity asked Pinkie.
“Only just now with Flutters and Dashie. The rest I had no idea would happen. But I’m really happy they did!” She replied.
The couples all looked at each other warmly.

“This won’t make our friend group weird now, would it?” Fluttershy worryingly asks. They all assure her not.
“No, not at all! And now this way, whenever we hang out, it’ll be like a triple-date!” Pinkie smiled.
The rest giggled softly as eyes were getting droopy and voices were getting quieter.

“Should we call it a night?” Twilight asked the group. The rest slowly nodded.

Twilight looked at the list she had previously planned. “Even though things didn’t go quite to plan, I’m really happy with how we ended up.”
“Us too.” Fluttershy agreed. The lights were turned off and the ponies lied down in their beds, ready to sleep and end the night that had changed their relationships for the better.
After about 10 minutes, three of the friends decided to join their other half in bed. One by one. Turned out Twilight only needed three beds.
Twilight and Pinkie fell asleep side by side.
Rarity and Applejack fell asleep facing opposite ways.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fell asleep snuggling.
And they had never felt more peaceful.


“Please tell me that you won’t have anymore sleepovers like that again any time soon!” Spike whined as Twilight tried her best to wash the marker off of him.
“I promise”, Twilight assured “The only sleepover that’ll happen is whenever Pinkie stays the night.”
“Okay.” Spike thought. “I can’t believe all that happened. Meanwhile, I was out cold.”
Twilight giggled. “It’s safe to say we’re all happier this way, huh?”
Spike nodded. He went quiet for a few moments.

“Did I call you mom last night?” he asks her, recalling a fuzzy memory. Twilight paused. “Uh, yeah.”
Spike blushed embarrassingly and smiled, “Sorry.”
“Nono, don’t be! I… see you as a son, if that helps.” Twilight admitted.
“Really???” Spike looked at her surprisingly.
“Of course! I practically raised you, Spike.”
Spike smiled and hugged Twilight. “Thanks, mom.” he said quietly. Twilight hugged back, she didn’t care that she was getting wet marker smudges on her fur.

“Now is there anywhere we missed?” Twilight asked as she was finishing up. “Yeah, I think there was one underneath my- WOAH!” Spike fell over in the tub, with his foot sticking up. Twilight made a small shield in front of her face to avoid the splash. And right before it was washed away forever, Twilight saw the note that Pinkie had left her and smiled.

Comments ( 10 )

THIS IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE your writing is always so so good :D

This was an adorable story. I absolutly loved it!!!:heart:

thanks so much!!!!

Adorable! I loved all the Mama Twilight stuff :)

That was a good story.

gahaaa!!!! this is the cutest story ever!!! :twilightsmile: just the concept of the mane 6 having a sleepover at twilight's castle is adorable!! 💖💖💖 reminds me of look before you sleep but it's almost even more fun 'cause all of them are there! :raritystarry:

Cool story mate, have a Derpy :derpytongue2:
Also Dashie isn't in the tags :rainbowhuh:, the mane 6 cannot fit in the tags so you can just use the 'Main 6' tag in the characters. (The only reason I'm mentioning this is because RD did play a bit a of a part in making the Rarijack part happen.

Ooh woah wuh i love it baby😍


who is the artist that drew the cover? it's very pretty

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