• Published 20th Aug 2022
  • 757 Views, 8 Comments

The Dragon Master - _Lotus_

what if the dragons Fluttershy helped hatched became strangely attached to her?

  • ...


Spike and Fluttershy fly towards the caves in a hurry. They can already see dragons filling up caves from left to right.

“So, did you enjoy seeing the babies?” Spike asked, filling the comfortable silence of the sky.

“Oh yes!” Fluttershy said with a bright smile. “They were oh, so cute!” She smiled tapping her front hooves together in excitement. “Thank you for letting me come along with you and smolder spike.”

“Aw, no need to say thanks,” Spike said smiling over his shoulder. “I'm just glad you're happy!”

Fluttershy smiled as they both finally pulled up to the entrance of a cave. They landed on the cold stone as Spike ran forward into the dark.

“Hello? Any creature here?” He called out, looking Left and right. After hearing no response he pumped his fist in the air. “Nice! We got a cave before they all filled up.”

Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat. “Yes. That uh, that's great spike, but...” she timidly pointed behind him. “It's completely pitch black.”

Spike made a face of realization before he took a deep breath in. Turning towards the dark he let the heat build up in his chest before releasing a huge ball of green fire into the cave.

In an instant the cave filled with light. His fire sticking to the small sticks that were hung on walls. He turned back to Fluttershy with a sly grin.

“Whoa,” Fluttershy said in astonishment, she knew Spike's fire had gotten more powerful after he had gotten his wings, but she didn't expect a fireball that big. “That was awesome!"

Spike held his head up at the praise. “Thanks! I've been practicing lately.”

“I can see that.” She said as she trotted into the now fully lit cave. “How did you know there were torches already in here?”

“Every dragon cave has them. It’s just a norm around here.” Spike answered as he scrambled onto a slightly lifted rock and plopped onto his belly.

“That’s neat.” She said as she herself plopped down onto a flat rock. It was cold and stiff, not anything like she was used to but she’s not going to complain. She’s only staying for a few more days anyways.

She could hear spike struggling to get comfortable in his spot. He kept tossing and turning and grumbling under his breath. It seems he was also used to pillows and blankets. Eventually, he did quiet down, finally either
Content with his position, or just giving up, he yawns. “Goodnight Fluttershy.”

“Goodnight Spike.” She folds her wings more comfortably into her sides and slowly closes her eyes.


Fluttershy woke to the sun shining into her eyes, she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the assaulting light. she yawned quietly stretching her wings before wincing slightly. her body felt sore and it was probably from her unfamiliar sleeping conditions.

The sound of snoring reached her ears and she looked to her left. Spike was currently sleeping like a rock in what Fluttershy assumed to be a very uncomfortable position based on how one of his wings was bent a little funky under his body. She gently shook him awake.

"Spike?" She whispered gently as she shook him more.

Still, he continued to snore.

"Spike. Wake up." She said a bit louder.

The green dragon gave a sleepy snort before opening his eyes. he looked over to Fluttershy "Huh? what's happening..?" he said groggily. still clearly half asleep.

"It's morning," Fluttershy said.

Spike looked over her shoulder. "I can," he was interrupted by a yawn before continuing, "see that." he finished, looking down at his wings; slowly stretching them out.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get food?" she asked shyly. it had been quite some time since Fluttershy has eaten. if she remembers correctly, the last time she ate was on the way to the dragon lands.

At the mention of food spike fully woke up. "Food!" he cheered. "Aw, man! The food in the dragon lands is always the best!"

Fluttershy smiled at her friend's excitement. until she realized..."Does the dragon land have any pony food?" she asked looking down at spike.

Spike stopped in his tracks and thought for a second. "I don't know," he said shrugging. "I know dragons and ponies are friends now, but ponies still don't come here so I don't really think the dragons have thought about keeping around pony foods," he said with a frown.

Fluttershy frowned a bit while her stomach was already growling in disappointment. "It's fine." She eventually said. "I'll fly over to the nearest town and eat there. I really should have packed food so it's my fault," she said giving spike a reassuring smile.

Spike frowned at Fluttershy's words . "it's not your fault Fluttershy. I should have also thought of you. It's what friends are supposed to do."

"It's fine really," she reassured once again. spike opened his mouth to say something but was swiftly interrupted.

"Hello?" a voice from the entrance called out. Spike and Fluttershy both turn toward the voice.

"Smolder!" Spike called out excitedly. The dragon in question looked over. "Spike! Professor Fluttershy! Finally found you two." She said waving at the two. "Didn't know if I could trust that shady dragon that said you'd be here," She said giggling.

"Sorry. We should have let you know where we are going." Fluttershy said fluffing her wings out in nervousness.

"Ah, don't sweat it." smolder said with a smile. "I was having dinner with my folks so I couldn't really expect you to come and find me." she looked down at spike and then back to Fluttershy. "I came to ask if you guys wanna join my family for breakfast?"

Spike nodded rapidly before remembering the conversation he and Fluttershy just had. "Oh sorry smolder but we can't go."

"Hm? How come?" she asked.

"Fluttershy can't really eat gems. she needs pony food," he said sheepishly smiling. "We gotta head over to the nearest town and all that."

Fluttershy looked at him in surprise before butting in. "No, I said I'm flying over. you can stay and have breakfast with Smolder," she said. Her voice was steady.

He looked up at her. "But-"

"No buts mister. you are not gonna miss out on a fun breakfast with your friend because of a mistake I made. you are gonna have a great time at the breakfast!" She said lightly placing her hoof down. her voice was stern, well...as stern as you can get with Fluttershy.

Spike and Smolder looked at her in surprise and Fluttershy immediately became embarrassed.

"Oh..uh, I mean, if you wanna go that is..." she quietly added on, hiding her face behind her hair.

Smolder giggled. "Man I forget how stern Fluttershy can get when talking about friends."

Spike nodded his head in agreement before turning back to Fluttershy. "Are you sure you don't want a friend to go with you Fluttershy? it's a long flight and I know smolder won't mind if I go. Heck, I'm sure Smolder would be happy to go." Smolder nodded.

"I'm completely okay with going by myself," Fluttershy answered. "You two just go have fun. and spike can tell me all about it when I get back." She said gently leading them towards the entrance of the cave with her wing. "Tell Mr and Mrs blaze, I say hello, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it," she said looking toward Smolders.

"Will do professor!" she said giving a joking salute before jumping up into the sky. Spike followed close behind giving one last glance back.

Once the two of them were out of sight Fluttershy sighed. she walked over to the end of the cave and picked up her saddle bag. she made sure that there was a little bit of pocket change. just enough to get a few meals. she trotted back towards the outside and settled the bag on her back. once it sat comfortably between her wings and on her sides she gently flapped her wings.

she hovered in the sky before heading in the west direction. Just like Spike has said, not a lot of ponies come here but twilight had insisted on setting up a marked tail for ships to take. So of course there are docks that are also filled with supplies for if the sailors ever need to restock. that is where she is headed. sure the nearest town might have better food but her sore body isn't really up for such a long flight.

she looked down at the land as she flew past. wind glided through her long mane giving her the refreshing breeze flying always did.

She was just flying past the hatching grounds before an awful screech reached her ears and stoped her right in her tracks. She looked down to a baby dragon crying and it didn’t take long for the others to wake to start crying too. All their mothers woke quickly and tried to comfort their children.

Fluttershy looked down at the babies and slowly flew down. Her stomach cried in annoyance but she wasn’t about to leave the poor baby dragons.

As soon as her hooves touched the rocky ground dragons started crawling towards her.

She picked up the first one she saw and hugged them close.

“Awww why are you crying? What’s wrong?” She asked in a hushed voice. The dragons wails quickly quieted down as more and more showed up around Fluttershy.

She looked down at the babies in confusion. “Are you guys hungry? I’m sure your mamas would like to help.” She said but when she looked up all the moms that were there had vanished.

She sighed in slight annoyance as she set the dragon she was holding down. She looked at the babies before her stomach growled once again. Fluttershy looked around for any sign of another dragon but found nothing. She grumbled as she sat down, she can’t just leave the babies here alone so she’s gonna have to wait.

Silence filled the hatching grounds as all the babies just stared up at her. Fluttershy flapped her wings awkwardly as she tried not to stare back, until eventually she looked down.

“Um…” she started and all the dragons lifted their head in attention. “What are your….names?” She asked, and obviously none of them answered.

“…” they sat in silence once again. “Do you wanna hear a story?” She asked and none of them said yes, but they also didn’t say no. Because they didn’t say anything, but Fluttershy is telling the story anyways!

“Okay. Every creature get comfortable.” She said softly. She checked one last time to see if any parents have returned, but sadly no. She sighed and looked back to the babies.

“Once upon a time. There was a lonely pony, who always found books far more interesting then friends…”


Fluttershy yawned. She was barely even done with her story but the dragons have already fallen back asleep. She looked up to the sun. Breakfast is definitely over.

She sighed and looked at her belly. It ached with hunger and she was seriously contemplating eating the warm dirt.


The pony turned her head towards the voice.

“Oh ember! Hello.” She said softly. Smiling at the dragon before turning towards the babies once again.

“What are you doing here?” The dragon asked. Looking down at the babies.

“They were crying.” Fluttershy answered, barely suppressing a yawn. “I came to tell them a story.”

Ember gave a small nod of understanding. “How long we’re they crying?” She asked.

“Not long. Maybe a few minutes at most.” Her stomach gave a loud growl.

Ember raised an eyebrow at the noise. “Have you eaten?” She asked. A hit of concern in her voice.

Fluttershy shoo her head embarrassed. “No. I was going to get food at the new dock, but got distracted by the crying.”

“When was the last time you ate?” Ember asked.

“Before I got here.”

Ember gave a shocked gasp. “You need to eat!”

“I know.” Fluttershy said. Slowly getting off the floor, praying not to wake up the little ones.

She stretched her wings out before shaking her head to fully wake up again. “I’m going to go fly over now.”

Ember flapped her wings. “I’m going with you.”

Fluttershy didn’t even try to put up a fight. “Thank you.” She said. Flying up into the sky.

Ember fallowed close behind and they sat above the dragon lands for a second.

“Let’s go!” Ember cheered.

They both fly west.

Author's Note:

I’m still trying to figure out how I write this without skipping too much but also not taking forever to get to my point. Plz help.

anyways I'm so excited to get this story goin

Again any criticism is welcomed!!! :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 1 )

Huh ok this is cute and has my attention

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