• Published 17th Aug 2022
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BlueStar: Defender of Equestria - BlueStarBrony

This is the Story of BlueStar. A young Pony who wanted only one thing to Defend Equestria the land that he loved. But his journey to the Gaurd would not be a easy one.

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Chapter 7: Princess Celestia

After what seemed like a eternity a Royal Guard came to BlueStars room saying only that Princess Celestia wanted to see him and lead him towards the palace. So it was finally his turn to face the Princess of Equestria herself. He was excited but couldn’t hide his anxiety of not only formally meeting the very Princess he would soon serve, but also that his destiny would be decided by this meeting. He couldn’t help be a little scared but soon he used his training to hide it away and focus on the task at hand and soon his fear disappeared beneath the Royal Guard stare.

“Come on BlueStar” BlueStar told himself “You’re a Royal Guard now you can handle this. You have to handle this. Besides it’s just a meeting you’ll be fine.” His child hood memories of his previous brief meetings of Princess Celestia came back to him and he remembered her being strong but also kind and supportive. She was the kind of pony one could feel comfortable around, but cross her and it might not end well for you. “No don’t think like that relax” BlueStar thought to himself trying to prepare “It’s going to be fine. Princess Celestia may be a Princess but she just wants to talk with you. You can handle this.” He once again called upon those kinder images of Princess Celestia and reassured himself all will be fine regardless of what happened.

Finally he arrived in front of the door and on the other side lay Princess Celestia and his destiny. So he took a breath, put on that brave Royal Guard stare, opened the door and stepped inside.

There she stood Princess Celestia, the brilliant white Princess of Equestria that he had respected and admired almost all of his life. She seemed to almost shine in the sunlight as she stood staring out a window until she took notice of BlueStar and turned her head towards him and said warmly

“Hello BlueStar I’m very pleased to meet you.” It was so strange to hear her speak his name that he froze for a moment before he bowed to her in respect and said in a clearly Royal Guard like way “I am pleased to meet you too your highness”
She smiled at him
“You can relax BlueStar” she said with a friendly giggle “I do not want to address you as a Royal Guard but just as a Pony I want to understand and get to know. Here why don’t you stand beside me.”
BlueStar was a little surprised and afraid so it took a moment for him to start walking towards her.
“Come BlueStar it’s alright” she said reassuringly as he uncomfortably stepped beside her. He never thought in his life that he would be standing so close to the Majesty that was Princess Celestia. She had saved and ruled Equestria all this time, was beloved by her ponies and he was standing right next to her. He also had to admit that it was kind of strange and intimidating standing next to a pony that was so much larger than he was. Still it was pretty awesome to be standing next to a pony that was so physically and emotionally strong and in that moment he thought “I will do everything I can to protect you”
“See that wasn’t so bad, now was it” She said warmly
“No I it wasn’t your Highness”
“Remember for this meeting there’s no your Highness just you and me” she once again said warmly “I asked you here so I can get to know you better so I can decide which of you is the best to watch over the Mane 6”
She turned back towards the window and asked him “What do you see?”
He didn’t know how to respond so he clumsily described what he saw, the castle grounds, Canterlot and far off in the distance Ponyville where the Mane 6 now lived. But as he finished he thought “This is my home and I will always do what I can to defend it”
“True, but I also see great beauty, love” she pointed to a couple down below “ Friendship ” pointing to a group of friends "and all of the ponies in Equestria. These are the things I love so when I need a reminder of what I am fighting for I come here”
“I understand your…I mean Princess Celestia” he caught himself “I love Equestria too.” He finished nervously. Princess Celestia let out a small smile then said.
“I am very pleased to hear that, now come let us go outside and we can take a better look from the palace garden.” She began to walk away and once again BlueStar was hesitant to follow but then she turned her head back to him with a expression that said “Come now, BlueStar it will be alright” So he nervously followed after her and soon they were outside in the royal garden that was attached to the outside of the castle with beautiful trees, flowers and bushes.

But what really caught his attention was the breath taking view from the balcony. Even from where he stood he could tell the view from the window paired in comparison to the wide unobscured view from the balcony. It almost seemed that if you stood at the balcony’s edge the whole of Equestria was below you.

They walked slowly towards it while Princess Celestia occasionally stopped to examine the beautiful flora in the garden. “What do you see?” She asked BlueStar as she smelled one flower of many on a beautiful rose bush. Again BlueStar did not know how to respond
“A beautiful bush of flowers” BlueStar said unsure
“Once again true, but look closer and you will see each flower even though they look the same each is beautiful and unique in its own way”
BlueStars face shone with confusion. He knew she was trying to get at something but he couldn’t understand what.
“It kind of reminds me of a group of ponies that I think you are very familiar with” she said and that got him thinking
“The Mane 6?” he answered unsure
“Hmm” Celestia thought a moment “Not a bad answer but not the one I was thinking of”
BlueStar hesitated for a moment unsure of what to say “Oh then what were you thinking of?”
She smiled “The Royal Guard” she answered with a giggle
“Really?” he said surprised loosening up a little “In what way?”
“On the outside their armor, even the color of their Manes is all the same, but each is beautiful, unique and special in their own way. But those who underestimate them should be careful because like a rose they all have thorns.”
“Hmm I’ve never really thought about it that way” BlueStar said intrigued “Thank you Princess Celestia”
“You are welcome BlueStar, I’m glad to see you are beginning to trust me, even just a little”
“Oh of course I trust you…” BlueStar said clumsily
“I know as a Royal Guard you do, but as just a pony well I know trust doesn’t come easily for you. Given your past I can understand.”
“You do?” BlueStar said surprised.
“Yes a long time ago you were hurt and now you just don’t want to get hurt again. I can understand that. But I also understand that you can’t let that fear keeping you from trusting others. Because if you don’t you will forever be alone.”
BlueStar looked down slightly ashamed and a little afraid. But then Princess Celestia came and with her hoof gently raised his head up to meet her warm and loving eyes.
“But I am sure that is not going to happen because I know inside you are a brave and strong pony.” At first he was surprised to hear this from Princess Celestia but once he had accepted it filled his heart with pride that slowly appeared on his face as a warm smile.

“Thank you very much Princess Celestia” he said appreciatively as she stepped back slightly.
“You are welcome BlueStar now lets walk and see what else we can see” So they continued their walk through the garden while Princess Celestia asked him about things that at first didn’t seem important. What kind of music he liked, what his favorite color was, it seemed more like the kind of conversation you might have with a casual friend then a interview with the Princess of Equestria. But as the conversation went on BlueStar began to feel more and more comfortable and the answers became easier for him to say as he began to trust her. Until….
“Why should I pick you and not the other ponies?” She asked suddenly
This question caught him off guard and stopped him right in his tracks, “Which perhaps was the point” he thought to himself. She stopped and looked at him waiting patiently for his response.
He thought about it and at first didn’t have a answer, but he knew he quickly needed one and said
“Because I will never give up. I will always do what I can for Equestria. Also I love the Mane 6 and everything about them. They are worth fighting for.”
“Why?” Celestia asked.
“Because their Friendship truly is Magic and is worth protecting. I know because I’ve never had friendships like theirs and I probably never will…”
Both Celestia's and BlueStar's eyes filled with sadness as he finished. He could tell Celestia wanted to say something but instead she waited for him to finish.
“So I know how valuable their Friendship is and I will always protect it.” BlueStar finished confidently.
Celestia seemed pleased with this answer and then asked
“Why did you want to be a guard?” He closed his eyes took a breath then reopening his eyes with new found strength said
“I love Equestria. I love everything that it stands for and if something were to happen I would want to be there to Defend it.”
Celestia seemed pleased with this answer but then said
“Even enough to die for it?”
Again BlueStar hesitated. The thought of course had entered his mind but he had never fully realized the thought that he could get hurt, even die, now it frightened him . But then he looked into Celestia’s warm reassuring eyes and somehow that gave him the strength to say
“Yes I would”
“Are you sure?” she asked. Once more he hesitated because he was not sure. He knew the fear of death was still inside him and he did not know if he could conquer it. But then he had a new fear that he was unworthy and that he was letting down the pony he had admired for so long. However her reassuring expression seemed to say to him “It’s all right you can tell me the truth” So after taking a breath he did…

“I’m not sure Princess Celestia. All I can promise is that I will do what I can” He started afraid but finished strongly since he knew it was the truth and a approving smile appeared on her face
“That’s all I ever ask of any pony. Thank you for trusting me with how you really feel . Now come lets keep walking” she said with a hint of pride in her voice and they continued walking towards the gardens edge. For a few moments there was silence as they neared the edge but then Celestia spoke
“I know that wasn’t easy for you. As I said trust doesn’t come easy for you, but I’m glad that you have started to trust me, because I trust you. “
That statement stunned BlueStar into silence. “You trust me?” he wanted to say but just couldn’t say the words.
“Yes BlueStar I trust you. I trust you with my life. As I trust every pony in the Royal Guard. If I did not then you would not be here” she said confidently but BlueStar did not believe her.
“Ahhh I see you still have a trust issue.”
“No I trust you Celestia” BlueStar tried to say reassuringly
“It’s not me you don’t trust, the pony you don’t trust is yourself”
BlueStar was stunned by this because she knew she was right. He had never had trust or faith in himself. He had always doubted himself. This brought shame and sadness to his face and he turned his eyes away from Princess Celestia.
“Your right Princess Celestia.” He sadly agreed
“That’s all right BlueStar” she said reassuringly “We all have doubts and fears. Even I doubt myself sometimes.”
He looked at her his expression saying “You! You doubt yourself?” and she smiled warmly in response
“Of course BlueStar. But what matters is that you find the strength inside to do what you need to do.” She stopped and looked BlueStar straight in the eye a tone of seriousness came across her face.
“BlueStar my sister was right, you are not a weak pony even though you think you are. You have the strength inside, you just need to find it. Do you believe me?”
Another hesitation but afterward he answered truthfully
“I still have some doubt but yes I believe you Princess Celestia. Thank you for believing in me.”
Again that warm, approving and comforting smile came across her face.
“You are welcome BlueStar. How could I not believe in a pony willing to give up himself for me. Now come it’s a beautiful day.”

They were approaching the edge and the view was truly breathtaking especially as the railing began to disappear from view and it truly felt as the whole of Equestria was below them. Princess Celestia began describing the view when she suddenly stopped her head turned suddenly, her eyes sharp searching for something in the distance.

BlueStar turned too in the same direction and after a few moments found the source of the Princesses distress. Four large dark unicorns wearing dark cloaks appeared on a balcony above. He could not see their faces but their appearance was dark and threatening.

The fear of uncertainty ran down his spine as they yelled “Death to Celestia Tyrant of Equestria!”
He turned to Celestia uncertain of what was happening but their was something he thought he would never see in her eyes…Terror. She was paralyzed with fear and did nothing to defend herself even as the unicorns pointed their horns down towards her.

It was at this moment he realized “They are going to kill her…” but BlueStar himself was frozen by fear and he turned back to Celestia but she still did nothing to defend herself. Then that thought came again “They are going to kill her…” He closed his eyes for a moment and thought
“No, I will not let you hurt her. I will NOT let you hurt her. You have to go through me first…”
With this he found his strength and jumped in front of her even as his fear said
“You’ll die”
In response he thought
“I don’t care. I won't let them hurt her.”

As he leapt through the air he tried to raise his shield but when he heard the sharp sounds of their magic being unleashed he knew it was too late. The four beams combined into a single dark beam that struck him and threw him into the side of pony he was trying to protect. He collapsed to the ground as his side stung with pain but then suddenly faded away. He sat up and said "I'm not dead..."

"You sound dissapointed" Celestia replied
"I'm not but I was not expecting this to end well for me." BlueStar admitted

Celestia's expression changed to pride as she spoke
“Well done BlueStar well done, I’m proud of you” she gently stroked the side of his head reassuringly “I was right to put my trust in you.”

Then BlueStar noticed the four dark ponies in the distance throw off their hoods revealing ordinary unicorns underneath, then casually walk away. Celestia was completely unconcerned and he looked at Princess Celestia suspiciously because his instincts were telling him something was up.

“I am truly sorry that you had to go through that” she said sincerely sorry for what had happened “but true tests of character are rarely easy. I hope you can forgive me.”
BlueStars mouth almost dropped in shock.
“Yes I forgive you Princcess Celestia but this was all a test!” he said “But why?”
“Because I had to know and I think you need to know as well” she said calmly
“Know what?” BlueStar asked surprised
“Which was stronger your fear or your strength. That you would be willing to do die for Equestria. I am happy to say you passed with flying colors”
“But I was afraid I hesitated…perhaps fatally” he admitted in shame
Celestias face glimmered with disapproval then sympathy
“No BlueStar. No. You hesitated because you were caught off guard so perhaps there is room for improvement but you did what any Royal Guard would do, give up their life for Equestria.”
She raised his head to meet her eyes which shone with pride and gratitude
“It may have only been a test but you gave up your life to save mine and for that I am eternally grateful” and she lowered her head slightly in gratitude.
“You are welcome Princess Celestia. I’m glad that you are ok” he said grateful and proud
“No BlueStar thank you for being brave and strong right to the very end. I’m glad we were right about you. You had the strength inside you just needed help finding it.”
She stood up and beckoned a pony nearby to help him and together they walked back inside the palace.
“May I ask you something Princess Celestia?” he asked and she replied that he could
“So did you put all the others through this test?” he couldn’t help but ask.
She smiled and said “No just you”
BlueStar looked at her puzzled and asked “Why?”
She smiled again and said “Because you needed it”
“Your right I did” BlueStar smiled as well “So what were the others tests?”
“That’s between those ponies and me just as what has happened today is between you and I”
“Of course Princess Celestia I understand. Thank you. So what happens now?” BlueStar asked
“Once you’ve gone back to your room and rested we will summon you back for the ceremony.”
“What ceremony?”
“All of you will officially become Royal Guards and one of you will be sent to watch over the Mane 6.”
BlueStar froze for a moment as he realized all that meant. He was officially going to be a made a Royal Guard, receive his armor and maybe be sent on a special mission to watch over the Mane 6. Or perhaps not but either he was going to be a Royal Guard and be ready to Defend Equestria.
“I’ve enjoyed our time together BlueStar. " Princess Celestia said reassuringly " Until next we meet I hope you fair well and rest up BlueStar. I’m sure you will serve Equestria well.”
“Thank you for everything Princess Celestia. By the way I appreciate everything you’ve done for us! I think you are a great Princess. Thank you” he said proudly as he was walked out of the room and the door closed behind them.
Princess Luna stepped out from the shadows to meet her sister.

“So are you sure now?” she asked Celestia. She answered with a smile and said “Yes I am sure now. I could see the strength inside him but I simply needed to be sure. I’m glad you were right”
“Of course I’m right I’m always right sister” she said cheerfully
“Well perhaps so” Celestia replied equally cheerfully “But I think we still need to talk this over before we make our final decision”
“Of course sister let’s talk. I think we’ve kept them waiting long enough”