• Published 4th Sep 2022
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Sunset Shimmer's Magic Adventures, Volume 1: A new timeline.. - Justafanfictioner

Same Universe, same characters, But new timeline and Sunset Shimmer as the protagonist.

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Chapter 10: Sunset of the Seven Seas, part 1

While Grogar and his allies were preparing to set their plan on, Sunset Shimmer headed for the beach, alone. After watching a documentary about sealife with Fluttershy, she felt the need to explore them. With the shard of pearl she received, she could turn into a mermaid as well as breathing underwater. She let out a sigh and entered in the water, immediately, she activated her pearl and the magic turned her into a mermaid. She swam in direction of the deep sea, where she interacted with a school of fish on the way.

”I wonder if i could...” thought Sunset. “It’s worth a try...”

She tried to command to a fish passing nearby to swim in her direction. The fish ignored her and continued to swin forward.

”Well, either i’m doing it wrong, or that pearl can’t command to sealife.” thought Sunset. ”I guess i’m not Aqua-Girl, to be able to command sea creatures. Let’s see if i can communicate with them...”

She swam in direction of the fish of earlier and caught up to it with ease. Before she tried to talk to the fish, a crazy idea came to her mind.

”My Element of Harmony gave me telepathic powers” she thought. ”But i can’t speak fish...Maybe if i try using the pearl and the Element at the same time...”

She called upon the power of her Element and of her magic pearl at the same time, and something incredible happened. The two pendants, as if they read her mind, merged together and created a new one. The medallion had the same size and design than before, but it’s shape changed to look like a seashell.

“Can you understand me?” asked Sunset to the fish.

”I can” answered the fish, who had a masculine voice “Now, if you excuse me, i’m in a hurry”

The fish swam away and quickly disappeared. Happy that it worked, she got excited and went deeper into the sea. After a couple minutes of swimming, she arrived in more populated waters. All around her, fishes were talking to each other like humans would do.

“So, that’s how it feel to be in Fluttershy’s skin” she said to herself, confused by all the blabbering.

Due to her odd look, she eventually drew the sea creatures’ attention. Many male fishes looked at her with lust provoking the jealousy of their wife.

”You’re quite an odd creature” said to her a brightly colored fish. “What are you exactly?”

”I’m a mermaid” answered Sunset ”I’m from Equestria, a world filled with magic. I ended up in this world by accident, after being sucked inside a magic vortex.”

“And now, you’re trying to find your way home” said the female fish. “I wish i could help you, sweetheart, but i can’t. However, i did heard of rumors about strange phenomenoms affecting this region of the sea and others as well”

“I can only think of one thing causing those: Magic.” said Sunset. “Magic energy emanating from a portal.”

“It might be you’re only chance to return home, then” said the fish. “I wish you good luck, darling”

Sunset smiled and elegantly swam deeper into the sea. Luckily for her, the pearl was protecting her body from the increasing pressure, as she went deeper and deeper. Then, a blue whale who was passing by, noticed her.

“Greetings, ma’am!” said the whale, with a rough australian accent. “My name’s Chuck”

“And my name’s Sunset” she answered.

“Were you going deeper?” asked Chuck.

“Yes” answered Sunset Shimmer. “Why asking?”

“Don’t go in the abyss” said the whale. “It’s cold, dangerous, dark, and the pressure is very high. Nobody is crazy enough to explore them.”

“You only make me want to explore them even more” said Sunset.

“I know way better places to explore than the abyss” proposed Chuck. “You’re from the surface, right?”

“How can you know?” asked Sunset.

“I see humans all the time, luv” answered the whale. “I know your kind love to explore sunken ships and bring back their treasures to the surface. I know one that have not been explored yet, maybe i can bring you to it?”

“Do Atlantis really exist?” asked Sunset. “Or is it just a myth?”

“I can’t tell you for sure” answered Chuck. “The city in itself might have existed, but i doubt anyone lives in it...Except fishes”

“What about the Bermuda Triangle?” asked Sunset, again. “Is there really a curse sinking down ships? Does the mythological Cthullu lives in it?”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” answere the whale. “I can get you there in less than a week!”

“My friends will probably not question my absence” thought Sunset. “But i wish they could be with me for this adventure!”

Time suddenly froze around her and the spirit of an well-dressed man appeared next to her. She looked around and saw they were in another plane of existance, familiar but unknown at the same time.

“Who are you?” asked Sunset. “Where am i?”

“Someone very powerful” answered the ghost. “And we are in your own spiritual world, the only place i can communicate with you safely.”

Sunset thought about the horrible vision she had not that long ago.

“I can confirm what you saw is going to happen in the future” said the mysterious man. “But most importantly, i’m here to warn you that a powerful foe and his evil allies, all villains from Equestria, are planning to take over it once and for all. He’ll come for you and your human friends first and that, very soon, at the end of the month.”

Sunset looked at her pendant.

“He’s after our Elements of Harmony” she said.

“That’s exact” said the spirit. “He plans on corrupting those Elements to create negative versions of them, that he will call Elements of Darkness. But having the Elements won’t be enough, he also need you and your friends as well to use their power.”

“So, He’ll need to corrupt us as well...” said Sunset. “ If he succeed, with me and my friends at his disposal, plus the other villains he recruited, Twilight won’t stand a chance and Equestria will fall.”

“They won’t be of any use to him after he achieve his goal.” said the man. “He’s gonna dispose of them once he’ll have you under his control. I know his plan won’t succeed because the bad guys never win, but it won’t be an easy victory for you, as you saw in your vision.”

“True” said Sunset.

“Well, i gotta go!” said the spirit. “Oh...One last thing. They’re coming for you in 3 weeks exactly, give or take, so be prepared.”

Sunset opened her eyes, realizing she hadn’t moved one bit.

“So, do you want me to bring you to the Bermuda Triangle?” asked Chuck.

“No thanks” said Sunset, troubled by the revelation. “But next time we see each other, it’ll be a pleasure to travel there with you.”

“Alrighty, then!!” said Chuck the whale. “Take care of yourself!”

The whale swam away and disappeared at large quickly. Sunset decided to return on land, but as she was doing so, she drew attention from a group of sharks.

“Fluttershy told me that sharks have very sensible noses” thought Sunset, ready to fight them off.

The sharks, 6 in total, surrounded her quickly. She noticed that they were looking at her with interest.

“I know i must look appetizing!” said Sunset. “But i won’t let you eat me...”

“Why do humans always think we’re going to eat them?” said one of them with a smooth voice.

“Because i’m also half-fish” answered Sunset, showing off her mermaid tail.

“Wait, you understand what we’re saying?” asked another shark, with his manly voice.

“She’s a mermaid, you guys!!” said a third shark, who sounded quite young.

“You’re talking about those half-fish, half-women creatures?” asked the biggest one of the gang. “I heard of them, but i never thought they actually existed!!”

“She’s so pretty!” said the smallest one. ”She’s definitively waifu material!”

“What do you want from me, then?” asked Sunset Shimmer, on a rude tone. “I’m in a hurry, so state your business with me!”

“Alright, guys” said the first shark. “Let’s leave...She’s getting impatient and irritated.”

All the sharks grunted, but obeyed and swam away. Sunset continued her way to the shore. She felt sorry for rejecting the group of sharks, but she had more important business to take care off than chatting. She finally reached the beach and turned back into a human before emerging. She quickly returned home, sent a message to her friends saying to meet to her room immediately. Fifteen minutes later, all the girls were in Sunset’s room, curious about the reason of this emergency meeting.

“Vacation is over, girls!” said Sunset. “Evil forces are going to knock at our doors soon.”

“Calm down and explain yourself” said Applejack.

Sunset explained to them what the mysterious man told her earlier that day, in details.

“Relax, girl!” said Rainbow Dash. “We’re ready to take on those villains!! They come, we take them down!!”

“What happened to your geode?” asked Rarity. “It’s so pretty, so shiny!”

Sunset also told them about her short marine expedition and that she could talk to fishes.

“I wish i got a pearl too...” said Fluttershy, a bit jealous.

Sunset received a message from Twilight and opened her book. From it appeared 6 other magic pearls...It was Twilight who came up with that magic trick last month.

“Are those...What i think they are?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, and there is also a message from Queen Novo” said Sunset. “Twilight told me you had 6 friends back in your world. I don’t want to make jealous, so here are 6 more magic pearls for them. Signed, Queen Novo.”

Sunset handed the necklaces to each of her friends, briefly explaining their magic powers. Rarity and Fluttershy were at the peak of happiness, while Pinkie and Twilight were excited to test it. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were arguing about who of the two would win a swimming competition. Seeing them so excited and happy, she remembered wanting them to be with her for this adventure and decided to continue it.

“Do you think we could merge our geodes with our pearl too?” asked Rarity.

“You remember that aura emanating from your bodies during the Friendship Games?” answered Sunset. “When you did actions that reflected your own Element of Harmony and when we fought Midnight Sparkle?”

“Yes” answered Twilight.

“Try doing it, while using the magic of your pearl.” said Sunset. “You also probably need to be in a source of water...Let’s go to the beach, girls! And bring only a swimsuit top”

The girls left the building and walked to the beach. When they arrived, Sunset told them to remove all their clothes and only keep their bikini top. When they were all done, they jumped in the water and activated the pearl’s magic, swapping their legs for a mermaid tail.

“Oh my!!” said Rarity, in love with her look. “I’m so beautiful!!”

Fluttershy was excitedly swimming around her friends, with a big smile on her face. Pinkie was laughing of joy looking at her tail. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were already competing against each other and Twilight was excited by the perspective of learning more about sealife. Sunset smiled at the view of her friends enjoying the moment. Fluttershy activated her Element to bring a fish to her sides and like for Sunset, her two magic pendants merged into one. Rainbow Dash was next, followed by Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and finally, Applejack.

“Only me and Fluttershy can communicate with the fishes and understand what they say” said Sunset. “I’m doing it by telepathy, as where Fluttershy can speak to them directly and command to them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s magic affect them physically, making one able to swim extremely fast and the other, extremely strong. Twilight and Rarity’s magic work pretty the same way they do on land. As for Pinkie’s magic, i have no idea how it works underwater...”

A loud popping sound interrupted her sentence.

“Sorry!” said Pinkie. “I made a bubble, that exploded shortly after i touched it.”

“Of course!!” said Sunset. “Your magic is explosion-based!! You turned balloons into explosive mines in our fight against that flying giant monster. Balloons are filled with air, and so are bubbles!! They’re the aquatic counterparts of balloons!!”

“I see now” said Twilight. “Bubbles and Balloons are both thing you need at a kid party to make it fun. Pinkie can also make sugar explode by touching it. Sugar is sweet and the opposite of sweet is salty. Salt is salty, and there is plenty of it in the sea. Salt is also used, like sugar, to make desserts, especially dough-based ones, like cake and pies. But it goes further!!! Sweet and salty desserts are a thing, take salty caramel, for example!!”

“But the salt in the water is dissolved, silly!!” said Pinkie. “How do you want me to use it as a weapon?”

“Sodium is the base element to make salt and is also a mineral in it’s purest form.” Said Twilight. “If i could just...”

Twilight used her magic to compress the salt present in the water into a ball. It was surprisingly easy and not too long to do. She gave to Pinkie the compacted salt crystals, which she shoved in her hairs. She kept one in her hand and used her magic on it. The ball of salt exploded shortly after, covering the group in a cloud of white dust, like a smokescreen.

“Well, that will be handy!” said Pinkie. “I could use it to hide my bubble bombs in case were chased by some hungry sharks!!”

“Are you ready to get this adventure started, girls?” asked Sunset.

They all answered yes together and followed her further into the sea, ready for an epic adventure they would never forget.