• Published 4th Aug 2022
  • 467 Views, 1 Comments

I Dare You - Silver_Cloudsky27

As we all know; Rainbow Dash loves flying... Fast. She wants her friends to experience the awesomeness of flight and speed but she doesn't know how... Until now.

  • ...

Rocket Ponies

"No! Why would Ah... We, even agree to that!?" Applejack yelled towards her cyan pegasus friend.

"I don't think we get a choice, Applejack. No matter how much you don't like it, you have to do it." Twilight sighed as she put her book down.

"You guys don't like it? But it's a chance to experience flight and get to soar high and fast in the great sky!" The athletic pegasus encouraged.

"I and Fluttershy can already fly!"

"I mean like flying fast, and who can say no to flying?"

"Not me!" Pinkie finally joined in on the conversation. "I mean, why would I create a crazy little contraption that'll get me to the sky and have my balloons?" The pink pony said as she bounced in place.

"I do like flying but it was mostly because of how my wings looked." Rarity thought aloud. "Also-"

"I'll take that as a yes!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

"It can't be that bad." Rarity sighed.

"Ah guess... 'Sides, what's the worst that could happen." The farm pony shrugged.


"What!? What do you mean by permanently?" Rarity asked.

"I did tell you guys before that if you attached the rockets on you, it'll be there permanently. That's why I have one too." The rainbow-maned pegasus explained with a smile.

"But, this will be in the way of everything! How can Ah carry my wagons or saddle bags with this here machine?" Applejack then started looking between her best friend and the rocket attached to her back as she asked the question.

"Technically, it's a jetpack but yeah. The doctor said that the jetpack will turn itself into a flat piece of metal that lays evenly on its user's backs. Our life will practically go on as if nothing happened, but I have to admit that I'll be using this a lot for research and fun." Twilight explained.

"What Twilight said. Now come on ponies! Let's fly!" Rainbow yelled towards her friends and clicked a button on her jetpack.

Everypony copied this action and they all started hovering next to Rainbow Dash.

"I-I've never been this high before. Well, I have when flying towards Cloudsdale but this is different." Fluttershy stuttered as she was not used to being this high without using her wings.

"Ah have seen Ponyville this high from the ground before but that was from Twilight's hot air balloon." The orange pony talked to herself in fear and awe.

"Of course it's different, you were standing on something but you're doing it on your own this time!" The cyan pegasus went near her best friend. "Nothing bad is gonna happen. But if there is, I'll always be there to catch all of you." Dash said as she raised her voice for all of her friends to hear.

"Thanks, RD." Applejack thanked her friend, putting a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder as the others gave their thanks and calmed down from their friend's reassurance. "Now where to?"

"We can go to every city in Equestria!" Pinkie chimed in.

"How long will that take?" Rarity turned her head towards the alicorn.

"There aren't that many cities in Equestria but it'll take us all day."

"It's my day off at the farm, so Ah don't mind flying all day."

"I told Angel to take care of the animals, I'm sure she can do it all day." Fluttershy smiled unsurely.

"The cakes can handle sugarcube corner all day, any day!" The party pony exclaimed.

"There's not that much going on at the library. I'm sure Spike and Starlight can take care of things while I'm gone." The alicorn smiled.

"And I don't have anything to do at the boutique." Rarity finished.

"Flying all over Equestria it is!" Rainbow declared as she started flying towards Canterlot. Her friends smiled excitedly at each other and followed suit.

The six friends flew over Canterlot, Manehattan, The Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, and just about every city in Equestria. They talked, told stories, laughed together, and flew together. The last one was Rainbow's favorite for this was their first time flying together. All over Equestria no less! This was her dream come true. Getting her friends to experience flight.

Once they had a clear view of the city, they would race towards it. Rarity was the last one with her position, then Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack surprisingly, Twilight Sparkle, and then Rainbow Dash, to no one's surprise. It kept going like this Applejack mostly replaced Twilight, Pinkie replacing Twilight but Twilight would get her position back, but never again would she get Applejack's spot. There were close calls but it wouldn't last long.

After every race they had so far, they would always laugh, stand on rooftops for a minute or two and fly again. Once they were on their way back to Ponyville, they took their time. They didn't race there, watching the sun almost getting engulfed by the mountains up north.

"Did you guys have fun?" Rainbow asked her friends once Ponyville was in sight.

"Yes, despite me losing all the races we had. I had fun." The fashionista smiled.

"That was amazing! What an adrenaline rush! I get one of those just by seeing you flying Rainbow, worried about your safety and all, but to experience it myself is incredible! It's as if I didn't care about my safety!" Twilight exclaimed.

"So... Was that a yes?" Applejack chuckled.

"Umm... Yes." The now blushing alicorn chuckled.

"As for me, Ah already experienced this while racing RD and all, but it was nothing like doing it in the sky." The farm pony smiled. "Ah felt like Ah could reach Canterlot and go back to Ponyville faster than the Super Cider Squeezy 6000 could make a barrel of cider!" She added with a chuckle.

"It was pretty scary but fun. I knew that if something were to happen, I have five best friends who'd save me." Fluttershy smiled.

"You got that right! Gee! That whole flight was even better than my balloons!" The pink pony said as she flew everywhere, going up, down, circling the group, and stopped next to Fluttershy, who yelped in her sudden appearance

"I'm glad you all had fun." Dash sighed. "This was awesome. I finally got my friends to feel the true meaning of flight..." She looked at the ground, smiling. " I mean, not that flying near the ground and slowly i-isn't cool, it's just that I wanted you all to feel what it was like when I'm flying. You've all enjoyed seeing me fly, I don't see why you can't enjoy flying with me." She looked at her friends as they started landing on the outskirts of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash still had her smile as her friends all started at her with their open mouths. Pinkie broke the silence with an 'Awww, Dashie.' as she hugged Dash. The others smiled and hugged the rainbow-maned pegasus, forming a group hug.

The End