• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 400 Views, 21 Comments

As The Clock Turns - KenDoStudios

Apple Jack is hit hard with the enemy of eventuality, upon her grandmother's death.

  • ...

Chapter 1 Memories Of The Past Are Relevant In The Future

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 is complete! . critical feedback is still appreciated.
special thanks to this chapter's editors:


Perfectly Insane





Chapter 1 read along: As The Clock Turns Chapter 1 (Complete) - YouTube


Whether we like it or not, we have to eventually face the reality of a threat that we can neither fight nor combat.

A force so terrible that it takes the victims it pleases in its wake—without leaving a single survivor. Though it uses various means to vanquish its foes, the result is always constant: death.

Twilight Sparkle knew this. Time was a threat to her. Not very often did the new Princess of Equestria have the time to walk the halls of Canterlot Castle, nor did she have the time to look at a clock.

She didn’t need to, anyway.

It was spring in Equestria, and that meant very few festivals were planned this month. Things were a little bit quieter than normal, so to say. This didn’t necessarily equal more free time, however; she still had to mull over land disputes, sign laws, humor the bickering nobles… leadership things.

Today though, she had time to look at the oldest clock in the castle.


An ancient wood, this grandfather clock was made of—old oak, cut in the time of Starswirl the Bearded. The stallion built it as a way to measure the time between sunlight and moonlight. Of course, the measurement of time did not change age in any way. Age was always constant, and has always come to claim those whose time was complete.

Celestia probably knew this feeling as well. Perhaps, she stepped down as leader because she was tired of the constant flow of deaths under her watch.

And not just the deaths of ponies, but the deaths of ideas. In time, Twilight too came to realize this; the things outside of her control—natural disasters, deeply-buried grudges too ancient to comprehend—these were the things that unwound her policies, one by one.

Not for a lack of trying, though. It was for this latter reason that the mare had been opening more friendship schools all across planet Equis.

More recently, however, this had become a bit of a scare for her. Especially so following the impact of a meteorite during a meeting between Yak and Jackal leadership over the possibility of opening their borders to each other.

More deaths, but now under Twilight’s watch.

Not Celestia’s.

The ensuing carnage that followed tore the two nations into a frenzy, each side blaming the other over what they both believed to be a targeted attack on the peace conference. It was only after a brave yak ventured past security into the heart of the impact site that things calmed down.

Neither side had investigated deeply enough to realize it was a meteorite.

And they almost went to war over that mistake.

It came as a great sigh of relief to Twilight when things began to calm following the discovery. The Jackals sent food to the wounded, while the Yaks helped to rebuild. Now that the borders between the two factions were finally beginning to open, it was all the more important for Twilight to construct another School of Friendship and delegation center there. The peace was still tepid at best, but it was peace nonetheless.

Hopefully, that at least would be something overlooked by the unending march of time.

Twilight now understood the heavy weight that Celestia once shouldered. How, despite everything she did, she knew it was inevitable that she would one day be replaced.

Here Twilight was—the world looking to her for advice.

Yet here she stood, staring at an antique time-measuring device.

She tilted her head. The clock was a bit more battered than others around the castle, drifting a few seconds each year due to miscalculation or bad magic. One of the other. Maybe both. But, regardless of inaccuracy, every time she looked at a clock, its ticking would hammer out the truth of just how short time was.

Today though It also just happened to signify that she was late to meet up with Applejack the earth pony.

Twilight, along with her friends, was to meet up at Sweet Apple Acres as mares of support on the first anniversary of Granny Smith's death.

She said she would meet her as a support mare that day and even intentionally did some hard work in her castle duties beforehand just to spend a little bit of time with her.

Sometimes she just needed to focus on one group of friends just to remind herself of why friendship schools were important.
The purple alicorn stepped out of the castle seeing the bright sun reflecting off the castle walls, she squinted as she had not been outside for a while, but soon overcame this as she slowly spread her wings in preparations to fly over to Ponyville.
she would have gotten the royal carriage, but she needed the exercise. She took off from the ground flapping her wings in a rhythm to fly several thousand feet into the air, the castle seemingly shrinking in size as she headed south towards her destination.

Ponyville, a place Twilight had once considered home. A place where she grew up with her friends and had many memories. In fact, the last time she was at Ponyville was exactly one year ago to the day. And before that Twilight had rather not think about.

But one cannot forget a time when a known pony, dies. And it returned to Twilight's mind like a bee sting. She had been in Ponyville on account of some business with the Pear family having their recent crop stolen and found being resold to make a quick bit. The visit was not a very informative one that day, as Twilight asked around Ponyville and was getting nowhere finding out who the thief was.

As the sun set, she decided she would watch the farm overnight to see what would happen.
Sweet Apple Acres was right next door to the Prickley Pear Farm, and she could not miss the opportunity that she could spend the night over at Applejacks.
Upon Twilight knocking on the barn door, it took a while for Applejack herself to answer, The surprise on Applejack's face was very telling that she had not expected any pony to show up at this time of day, let alone Twilight of all ponies.

“Why Twilight! This heres a very nice visit! What are you doing all the way out here? I thought you were still holding the fort at Celestia's castle?”

Twilight was all business on this visit. And tried not to get too excited seeing her acquaintance.

”Hello A.J. I'm here on account of an unsolved mystery. The one where an entire supply of pears has gone missing for three weeks and counting, what do you know of it?”

“Oh that….Twilight, you didn't have to come all this way just to solve a little mystery like this!” said Applejack. “Honest to goodness things get stolen all the time! Nothin’ on this here magnitude mind you, but still.”

“Well, The police ponies have tried to catch the culprit, but have always missed the actual stealing. This robbery has caught the eye of the princess of Canterlot. And in the interest of public safety, she has volunteered to take this case herself”

“I think thats just a fancy way of sayin you just want to do old Twilight stuff”

“Believe me, I would like to… but seriously I need to do this for Equestria. otherwise, the Hippogryphs will start accusing me of slacking off on a town that taught me magic. And I would never hear the end of it.”

“Heh heh, Alright sugar cube, no need to get your tail in a knot! All I know is how much you probably already know. Pears are there one day, gone the next with no trace.”

“Then I will have no choice but to watch the farm tonight collecting every piece of evidence that I can, would you mind if I stayed up in your house tonight to watch over the farm?”

“Of course, you can steak out here, although are you sure you are telling the truth though? cuz somin’ tell me you just wants a sleepover just like old times."

“I said it before ill say it again, solving this mystery is important to your neighbors here and about Ponyville”

“Fair nuff Twi. You can find bedding already on the bed for ya. Just in case.” she said winking.

As Twilight passed by many rooms, she heard a loud noise that came from Granny Smith’s newly renovated room.
As she entered the room she saw none other than Granny. she was definitely getting on in age and was now at the point where she could not get out of bed anymore. It was not long ago that she was announced for hospice care, but instead of being in hospice, Granny wanted to stay at the farm to be cared for out of pride, so her family respected this wish.

Twilight could tell she had been there a while with the smell of sweat, and bathroom smells emanating from the bed she lay on.

The sound that was blasting out around the house came within her room and it was playing Granny Smith’s favorite radio show “The Flibber Mcsnee and Halsy Show”. It was so loud, that Twilight had to stop her ears for a moment with her wings out of concern for her hearing.

Granny saw this display, acknowledged her presence, and promptly stopped the radio.

“Well… as I live n’ breathe…” she said slowly “A Sparkle! The Princess of Equestria no less… here in my own home!” She started to sit up to pay respects.

“Please,” Twilight yelled as Granny was obviously hard of hearing as well l “save your strength”

Granny obeyed leaning back on her pillow with a contented sigh. “Well Twilight, what can I do ya for?” she said with hopeful eyes “Id offer you to make yourself at home but I suppose Applejack already did that. Heh, takes after me ya know? At least I hope. If nothing else I hope she will be happy in whatever she does.”

The lingering thought of the mass robbery still lingered in Twilight's mind but she had some time left before sundown and she wanted to talk with granny while she was there, after all, it was her that entered the room to see what the ruckus was about.

“I'm glad you raised her well Mrs. Smith.” She replied, “Do you think she will ever make Zap Apples as good as you?”

Granny laughed at this “Heh! Are you kiddin’? The yungin’ got nothing on yer old-timer! She will nevr’ make em as good. I am just glad the Trilogy is coming this year so that maybe no pony will notice.”

“I'm sorry, the what is coming this year?” asked a confused Twilight.

“The Trilogy you silly!”

“Who are The Trilogy? Are they a group of ponies?”

Granny turned her head to look at Twilight's eyes directly. “Eh, it does sound like that, doesn’t it? Well maybe you would call it something else, but the Trilogy are the elements that are required to grow Zap Apples. I'm sure you know of them already?”

Twilight nodded her head in response. Granny continued

“Well every fifty years or so a massive thunderstorm comes over Ponyville only to cover one-half of the farm, and the sun is going on the edge of spring and summer, making the sun angled just right on the other side, it is quite the beautiful sight if you ever see it.”
she paused, then talked a bit more pensive now
“Too bad this year ill be sittin’ this one out.”

The old green mare may have had wrinkles, but a frown was not a wrinkle Twilight expected from Granny Smith.

Twilight tried to change her sad mood by cheering her up. “Maybe we can turn your bed around so you can see it happening?”

“Well now I suppose I could, the problem is no pony would be able to move me because of the third element” she looked upwards towards the ceiling. “The third element of teamwork”. She smiled as she turned to look at Twilight again. “You see Twilight, the Trilogy is needed cuz the apples come in so quickly and aggressively from the other two, that constant work is required to harvest them all!”

“Wow! All hands-on deck? Well, then before that happens.”

“Oh, I see, well then I suppose we better get started moving the bed!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The Trilogy could go at any moment, sweetie! The signs have already aligned! but no one knows the day or the daylight hour when that thunderstorm is going to happen. Particularly since the new pony who is in charge of the weather is very persnickety about keeping the weather to himself to the point where we had to have weather ponies predict what the sam hill he's doin’ today.”

Twilight actually recalled signing a paper on how to create more jobs by withholding weather schedules.

“Sorry, that was actually my idea” stated Twilight “You see the ability to have weather ponies look for signs in the sky actually creates more job opportunities, and…” she stopped herself, was she really telling Granny about her work? She decided to finish her sentence. “Trust me, it's better for all ponies.”

“You don’t have to apologize, dearie,” said Granny. “If I would question everything you did, and tell you what to do, I would be the princess. You are a trusted leader Twilight, otherwise, Celestia wouldn’t have handed her crown to you. but I bet you know that a castle nor a crown makes a good leader. She knows it too remember that.”
with that Granny rested her head back on her pillow.
“But I would still like the bed rotated to that window over there,” she said pointing to the window overlooking the orchard. Twilight responded by using her horn magic to levitate all the objects in the room to position Granny's bed to look over the orchard.

As soon as she was finished, Granny blushed. “Thank you kindly Twilight, I'm so mighty happy that you are here! Now back to my original question…how can I help YOU Twilight?”

Twilight laughed a bit. “You already helped me by helping you, Granny”

Granny smiled as she began to close her eyes as if content with that response. “ Good, glad to help! You are excused,”

she said. Twilight obeyed leaving the room, as granny turned back the radio on to hear the last three tones of the radio program play to signify the top of the hour. ”This is M.P.R., Mountian Pony Radio.” And it continued to play bluegrass music all through the house.

The last few minutes of sunset loomed over the Apple family farm, the last few rays lingering like strings over the horizon painting the sky with color. Twilight looked out the kitchen window. She missed the days of watching the sunset and sunrise when they were all together. She looked back at Applejack who was drinking apple juice while reading the evening paper.

“I got to hand it to ya Twi,” she said interrupting her line of thought. “Every time I get a new paper I read all about how new friendships are being made every day! Twilight I don't want to be prideful for ya, but maybe we will have a long spell of peace after all the battlin’ we did with Sambra and Tyrec.” she laughed. “Part of me wants that action again, Twi. Fightn’ evil with all six of us… but now you're stealing the show just by signin’ papers!”

Twilight smiled, she did remember those days. The days of Discord’s trust, and how she finally chased off the Nightmares and Windigows.

“I do miss spending time with all of you just to watch the sunset.” She said putting in what she was thinking about. “When was the last time we just spent time with each other just to hang out and not talk about work?"

“We are grown ponies Twi, every one of us is helping the friendship grow. Thats why we have the friendship summits to report on our successes.” Applejack looked at Twilight who was looking at the table with a worried look “But I suppose thats the problem, isn’t it? Tell you what? Put in that next friendship summit is going to be more unformal and just take off with your friends somewhere just for kicks?”

“I want to, but….”

“But nothing, all is peaceful now, why not take a break?”

“A.J. Celestia didn't break for a thousand years”

“That's retirement Twi, yes she ruled for over a thousand years and she deserves all the time off! Or are you really sayin’ you should just work a thousand years just to take a break?”

“Well, she did set the standard… I don't know! I never ruled over an entire providence before!”

“Well… if you think about it, it's just like a school, only there are million ponies raisin’ their hand all at once.
Twilight smiled upon her friend's cleverness.
“Please Twilight,” begged Applejack,” stop workn’ so hard, youll burn yourself out!”

“Ok, I suppose I got to let out for recess now,” she said continuing the similarities of this conversation topic.

Applejack giggled while rubbing her hair with her hoof “Glad you see it my way!”

Twilight gave Applejack a hoof shake “Well then I look forward to seeing you at the next friendship summit, health permitting.”

Applejack smiled, “Me neither Twilight. I’m going to be right behind ya goin’ to bed if your headin’ that way, Granny says the Trilogy's acommin’ and I need all the strength I need to geter’ done. Big mac ain't here these last few weeks week, hes at Nabrideska tin up relation for a contract for sweet apple acres, so I might be the only one in charge of it, so I definitely need it.”

“Yes I heard, I actually had a question on that... how does Granny actually know about the Trilogy?”

“Heh, this here is my Granny we are talking about, she practically invented Zap Apples. Why couldn’t she know?”

“It's just with that time frame. Every fifty years correct?”
Applejack nodded.
”Well that would mean she would only have two opportunities at most to actually figure that out.”

“Amazing ain't it? She was willing to put in a hundred an’ ten percent to get to know about Zap Apples just for us simple folk, I still wonder to this day how much she put into those Zap Apples and didn't get why her cutie mark was still the same.”

“I suppose a pony can still have an interest in two things while her cutie mark suggests otherwise.”

“Or maybe it's just a gettin’ old thing.”

Twilight laughed. “Maybe, good night A.J.”

“‘GNight Twi” Applejack called back, heading to her room as she sighed contently.

Twilight entered the barn attic where guests would sometimes sleep when the apple family had company, but there was no actual bed, just haystacks with a cloth over them. The attic was full of memorabilia for one or another family member, from an old moldy plushie that Applejack gave to Apple Bloom when she was a filly, to a broken necklace that Granny once wore which had the picture of a young Apple Rose. But looking around the attic Twilight only saw chaos, no organization. Just junk that was filled to the brim from the top of the roof to the attic floor. The boxes only leaving enough trotting room from the stair ladder to the bed.

This gave Twilight an idea, and so quickly summoning a blank page, a quill, and ink she levitated all of these three objects in position with her horn magic. she started writing a thesis about how the magic mirror if modified, could be used as an infinite storage facility. All the while remembering to look up at the pear farm from out the available window. She tore through the pages with quickness as the thought was just fresh, trying to retain as much information on how to execute it properly. She was just about to expound on the thought of using electromagnetic force when she heard her name being called out.

“Twilight! Twilight! Come quick!” Applejack called up the stairs. Twilight was startled as she was deep in thought but quickly went to the cry of her friends' urgency. She raced down the attic stairs to see Apple jack holding on to Granny Smith’s arms. Twilight saw right away something was not right about Granny Smith's appearance as she was looking up not blinking. Applejack started telling Twilight how it was when she entered.

“Twilight thank goodness, I was going in here to turn down the radio. When I looked and found out my Granny here looked as white as a sheet! Now naturally I thought she heard something frightening and I said it was just a radio program. But she didn't say anything! I thought she couldn’t hear me like usual, but after many calls and not a single blink, I decided to call the hospice nurse to see what in tarnation my Granny is doin’.”
she then kept calling her shaking her arm.

“Granny! Granny talk to me! Just say somthin, consarnet!” she continued trying to wake her

A few minutes later a knock was heard from the barn door. It was Mrs. Krónos, the hospice Nurse when Twilight opened it. Twilight offered her to come in and paced inside the room in shock not knowing how to command this situation.

The ponies held their breath as the nurse looked over every nook and cranny of the old mare. The room was taut with anxiety, with the only thing that could be heard was a clock ticking.

ever ticking...

Finally, the nurse put down her notes then slowly she put her hoof over Granny's eyelids. The realization of what was just done was set in stone when the doctor finally said.

“I'm sorry for your loss.”

Applejack gasped. “N-No it cant be now! I-I was just inside here not too long ago and she was fine! No-no n-” she paused for a second. “I…I knew this day would come… Twilight…” she looked at her friend with desperate and sad eyes” I… I just t-thought that I h-had more time ya know.” I-I thought I’d be prepared for this h-here but…. Now its happened I…. I…”

Twilight gave Applejack a slow comforting hug and tried to give her comforting words “No pony is ever prepared for loss A.J.” she said. A short pause later, Applejack pulled Twilight in a tighter hug tears welling up from her eyes. “Well, then thats a reason to cry about aint it?” said the earth pony desperately finding comfort in a moment where there was almost none.

“Twilight its too soon!” “I…I…Im not ready for her to go…I-I don’t want to be alone”

“Im right here” said Twilight.

The entire apple family grieved upon hearing about Granny Smith's passing and every one of them was there at the funeral that took place some days later.

At Granny Smith’s funeral, her casket was carried from the farm to the center of town to reveal a newly-erected statue of a younger version of herself holding a scythe with her right hoof. The other hoof contained a letter written in stone by Celestia. The white alicorn had to come on account of previous relations, However, her sister was still back in Silver Shoals, as she did not even know her on account of her being banished to the moon about one thousand years ago.

When it was time to give out the final farewell many mares and colts took the stage one by one to say their last goodbye to Granny. After this, the time finally came for Celestia to speak.

“I would like to read this letter on this statue to the common pony who may look upon it, and wonder what it means,” she said in loud regal tones to the entirety of Ponyville.

"To whoever is reading this letter, this statue is a dedication of a pony who in the face of unending strife, founded Ponyville; giving zap-apples to all. Granny Smith was the pioneer of a thorn-ridden land and poured out much blood sweat and tears into the town you see today. This statue reminds us of all her tenacity, her never-give-up attitude, and her loving presence while she lived. And may Ponyvile remember her exploits throughout generations to come."

Thus it is written.

. “Not many folks know it now, but when Mrs. Smith came to me to pitch a parcel of this land I thought she was crazy. It was so ridden with thorns I thought some pony else might have finally found a better use of the red tape. ” a soft chuckle was scattered throughout the crowd, many ponies remembered what it looked like before from artists' renditions from long ago.

Celestia continued. “But I'm glad that she proved me wrong. All throughout her life and even after death she still gave other ponies help. A way of giving to others hospitality that only she could give. I read an excerpt of her last will and testament, that 10 percent of all proceeds of the apple farm be donated to the penniless ponies charity. But I believe we need to do better. If Mrs. Smith still believes ponies are down on their luck on what used to be my own doorstep, I shall resound her statement a thousand times over and donate myself! one million bits to the same charity! I will not let ponies suffer being poor any longer. Because every pony should have a chance!”

A roar of applause rippled through the crowd and photos were taken. It was baffling how the ex-queen was willing to give up a lot of money to a cause, but it was a very moving touch. A thing Granny Smith would do if it were in her power.

After Celestia had finished, she invited Applejack to say a few words. She meekly walked up and approached the stage that was decorated with a few black opals that could have been more spectacular if Rarity was around to decorate, but she was needed at the vanity fair at Las Pegasus.

Pinkie Pie could not attend as she was busily landmarking new sweets from Saddle Arabia,

Fluttershy was not there either, she was busy setting up a new providence “New Everfree”.

Rainbow Dash was head of the Wonderbolts flyby today and also could not attend at least in the seats.

Despite most of her friends not being there, Twilight saw how Applejack quivered as she got up, it was painful to watch her friend go up there all alone, but it was what Applejack wanted. She told her so at the rehearsal, and all she could do was watch and support her from a distance. Twilight looked over to see Spike dressed well for this occasion, although it looked like he did not look comfortable at all when Twilight looked. She was about to nudge Spike when Applejack finally got enough nerve to speak.

"Well gosh dern, I... I was goin' to read this fancy-schmancy speech here that my friends helped me write."

Twilight blinked, this wasn't how she rehearsed it, what was she doing?

After a pause, Applejack continued, "But it didn't feel right, a real pony who cares for ya speaks from the heart... an’... my heart is achin' cuz you taught me that Granny!"

She began to tear up, as did Twilight. She thought something was going on when she offered to help her. Applejack didn't want to feel like she scripted a quick goodbye, she wanted to say goodbye when she was ready. A goodbye from the heart... After all this time Applejack was still faithful, but Twilight wasn't so sure that she was strong at this moment.

"Granny," began Applejack after a few tears rolled down her soft skin. "I remember the saplings you planted and all the plows you helped make... an’ know that I know how much you did since I'm older now." a small chortle came from Applejack like it was a farmers joke she told. "But I know you leavin’ us does not mean you're done. I know you are up there somewhere plowin' a new field for the rest of us when we cross over. Growin' new zap trees for all the people who are now with you... just do me a favor Granny, save me a glass.”

From out of nowhere she grabbed a mug full of fermented cider, and poured some on the coffin, "I'll never forget ya, Granny, Hail the glorious dead!." she said.

“HAIL!” replied the rest of her family members

And with that, Applejack finished the last of the cider. It was one last communion between family members. To finish, Applejack sang a song that was taught to her when she was a filly.

I love to hear the songs they're singing
Of love so fine an earthly thing
But there is none to me so precious
As the songs, my mother sings

When just a child I used to listen
When she would sing of God's great love
Somehow I knew her voice was blending
With the angels up above

The funeral concluded by having her casket go all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres, where she would be buried on top of the highest hill. The Wonderbolts flew over the farm as soon as it was lowered.

After the funeral, Rainbow Dash met up with the two friends “Hey Applejack, sorry… about your grandma… it… it must really suck… Unfortunately, I can't help you much, I-I can't stay. The Wonderbolts and I got to do 5 more flybys and prep is a pain you know… I-I wish I can stay, but maybe the next friendship summit ok?”

“Eh, don't worry none,” said Applejack “I'm glad you arrived. Other ponies need their moment too, I don't want to be selfish”

“Well, you should be, I'm your friend! I should stay with you…aghh, Some element of loyalty, I turned out to be…”

“But you are loyal! Just to your job. It's just a different kind of loyalty thats all!”

“Don’t say it like that! It's not that I have much of a choice, my flyers need lots of training, and right now I'm all they got!”

“Rainbow, please! It's ok… really.”

“You… really don’t mind?”

“Go on get! Focus on your job RD, don't get dishonorably charged cuz of me.”

Twilight interjected. “Actually as the princess of Equestria, I can pardon any charges brought up”

Rainbow dash's ears perked up “Oh yeah! That Awsome! Thanks Twi, just wait untill…” he paused with his ears dropped again ”... Twilight I can't let the element of loyalty squander due to personal interest… I learned that when we first met Twilight!"

“I can change the law Rainbow!”

“No way! You would not change the law for no pony else, why should I? The others would get jealous! Before I leave A.J… I'm really sorry about granny.”
Rainbow’s Wonderbolts took to the air slowly to go to their next destination.

As soon as every pony else dispersed, Applejack wanted to take Twilight aside for a moment.

“I didn’t expect this to happen Twilight, I'm sorry…”Applejack said.

“Why are you being sorry Applejack? I told you, Nopony can plan for death, it's impossible….”

“Yes, I mean that, but I also mean something else Twi… I…I'm afraid I wasn’t exactly honest with you… would… would you follow me for a spell?”

Applejack lead her to the back of the barn and opened a storehouse basement. As soon as she opened the door Twilight looked at the spectacle before her. For the storehouse was filled to the brim with crates of pears.

“Twilight I.. guess I owe you an explanation about these here pears…” Applejack started somberly.” I… I was alone Twilight… all that time since that last friendship meeting all of us got sent to different places. I had no pony, even my other sibling Big Mac was a way for a spell, no pony was all of a sudden with me, to help me, to spit horse radish with me. I…I devised this plan Twilight…”

“Applejack… what… the actual HEY?! Did you really steal pears for 3 weeks straight just to see me?”

“All that time I thought about you… about my family… the very important ponies in my life.”

“Well, what about granny? was she not enough company? What of the pears?”

“Don’t you talk about my dead grandma like that! Besides, you saw how degraded she was! She was hardly awake when you arrived. And what of the pears? Con sarn net I just wanted to see one of my best friends! And you were the closest one so I...I got your attention.”

“I…can’t believe it Applejack! YOU actually stole?

Applejack nodded “All those things I mentioned about you coming over doing old times, that was actually me who wanted all that, and seeing you made my world a whole lot better. Just talking to you in the kitchen that day. I finally felt like the apple I'm supposed to be…”

“You lied Applejack! YOU LIED TO ME! AND YOU STOLE FROM OTHER PONIES! Apple jack i thought you learned about honesty years ago! I thought you would have known better! The pony I know does not steal and lie, the pony I grew up with already knew…”

"But I did grow up! I grew up too fast, ALL OF US DID! Time passed and all of us just drifted away! I know I was a foal but, I just wanted to see you again… now that I have I'm…I'm content! im content Twi! Even us here arguin’ I-I just feel like a better pony when I'm here with a friend. "

she took a deep breath "thats why I'm turnin’ myself in, im content with what has happened, and I'm ready for whatever punishment you give me.”

“Applejack, I… I dont know…Well...I think for starters, you have to explain this to the Pears, and after that…you are going to the friendship school to perform a few months of community service…after that... I'm not sure Applejack...I'm not sure there is a punishment fitting that doesn't involve going to prison... I'm... I'm disappointed Applejack... I feel betrayed... I just ... can't...."

Twilight let the sentence hang there.

"I guess we better start walking then," said Applejack leading the way.

Twilight recalled all this as she was on her way to Ponyville, she had indeed forgiven her a long time ago, but the memory of the death she could not forget for some reason. She had a sneaking suspicion something was going to happen about Applejack's deceased grandmother.

As the familiar barn was coming up to view, she had a suspicion that she was going to have a lot of questions for her today, and she hoped she had the answers.

Twilight softly landed on the path beside the barn door which looked like it had been mended many times, “Unfortunately not all things like doors can be mended with nails and steel” Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight hoofed the door to knock as she did a year ago but had only waited a minute before a yellow pony answered the door, it was Apple Bloom, the sister of Applejack.

“Twilight!” The teen pony exploded in excitement.

“Wow, Apple Bloom!” Exclaimed Twilight with the same energy if not more as the other. She embraced the pony in a long hug as it had been more than a year since they have last seen each other. “This is an unexpected pleasure! I thought you were running the friendship school in Manehattan?”

“ well I was, but this here is for my big sis!” replied Apple Bloom. “ I HAD to com oer’ here and support er!” she said that last sentence so matter of factly she was smiling with pride.

As soon as she did though, Twilight noted for the first time that Apple Bloom was wearing braces. Twilight grinned inside, she could remember back when she had to wear braces, although such memories were sometimes not pleasant ones as she remembered all the name-calling she once took. Upon further thought of this though, she realized that this might have been the pushing force into her not making any friends at Celestia's school for gifted ponies. Or maybe at least one of the reasons, as she was also the bookworm in the school.

“Where is the rest of the CMC?” asked Twilight as she began to walk inside. “Are they around?”

“Unfortunately they weren't so lucky, some pony had to stay behind and keep the school runnin’! We all decided the school can run with no less than two ponies. How exactly we figured that out is a story I can share with you sometime if you want it.”

“Maybe, after you tell me where Applejack is.” replied the purple alicorn entering the family dining room.

“Oh, she ain't here.” Apple Bloom replied. Downing the last of the apple juice left in the carton she was holding.

Twilight froze, “Wait she's not ?”

“Nope, shes outside,” came a quick response from Apple Bloom

“Oh, thats all!” Twilight said, laughing. “Well, I'll ask about the school later, I promise. But right now I wish to see Applejack ok?”

“Allright, No big deal.” said the teen pony using a slogan for her generation.” I’ll see you ‘round then!”

With that, Twilight headed back out the door.

Near the grave site of Granny Smith, she found Apple jack and sat down in a laying position right next to her. They were pensively laying nearby just looking around the landscape.

Applejack’s mane flowed with a gentle breeze. The somber pony was just listening, and all that was heard was the chirping of a bird or a cricket. It was quiet, and thats all that was left. There were no words to be said. No words needed to be said either, they just had to ‘be’ in this moment of time. Even if it may not be much, simply being with another friend makes you feel better. But the silence was eventually broken by Applejack, who in her pensive state just asked blandly,

“Twilight, what book do you have about the point of life?”

Twilight felt a pain in her neck at this question, a kind of pain that did not hurt, but made her feel flushed and awkward. It was the feeling of shock. Never had Applejack asked her about books before. Yet what was even more shocking, was that at that moment, she really didn't have an answer.

Applejack continued, “I'm accustomed to a hard works day, and I do it for people who need it. But I'm startin’ to wonder if all there is in the world is pain and the constant pressure of what is expected towards ya. yes, helpin’ people out makes me happier than a pig in a mudslide, But this feeling always passes.” Tears once again welled up in the pony's eyes. “I was content before she passed Twi, but now I have the wanderings of a no-pony.”

Twilight interjected this trail of thought, “It's ok to grieve Applejack.” She leaned in to give her friend a hug while Applejack kept blubbering “Everything ive come to work hard for just decays and rots. What of Goldie Delicious? She collected a whole lot of things, not a one of them useful now.”

“A.J…” began Twilight

“I'm scared Twi! I… I just need a minute…” Applejack. said.

“Take as long as you need, I'm here” replied Twilight as the two of them hugged.

They stayed like that for a full minute before Twilight finally spoke.

“You know, If you would have asked me that before I met you, I would have given you a book answer. And I don't think it would help in this situation. However, over the years as I come to know you, we stuck through with it. We laughed, we cried. Heck, we even took scars, remember that one? We have made many memories together good and bad. More importantly, we did it as friends.”

Applejack looked concerned “Thats a pretty bland answer.” she remarked. “Twilight, me and my grandma were once close… an now… she's gone. How can I laugh with someone who is dead Twilight?”

“Applejack, a year ago it didn’t look like you cared for your grandma. Remember how you got me here that time?”

“That was different Twi… I was… I was selfish. I wasn’t prepared for the hospice life, her losin’ her hearin’ felt like she was already gone, but… now she really is gone isn’t she? What am I goin’ to do Twilight? Better yet what are you going to do? You are probably goin’ to outlive every pony else after a while. What's the point of life when all that is around you goes away? Why even try?”

Twilight felt trapped, she thought she knew the answer to what life meant maybe she needed to think about it more.

Looking back on it as a young foal, she spent her time experimenting with new things and reading books, and thats all she did.

Right here is where she stopped mid-thought and had a sub-thought for this thought. If she had asked herself what life was then, what would she say? Perhaps she would say something about how reading was her life, and that she wouldn't trade it for the world. On the other hand, she would mention magic and how becoming Celestia's student was a dream come true. She tinkered with the thought for a while, but then realized she wouldn’t have been able to finish Star beard’s spell and become an alicorn if Celestia hadn't given her the task of the preparations of Pony Ville.

But Twilight, as over-analytical as she was, missed something. Something that was on the tip of her snout that she couldn't conjure up until now. “Applejack, what did Granny Smith do?”

Applejack looked confused at this question. “I beg yer pardon? You know very well what Granny Smith did.”
“Just humor me, what did she do?”

“Well off the top of my head, She planted trees and fields to provide for her family.”

“Not just her family, I remember you once told me about the first settlers, do you know why she freely shared her crop with them? It wasn't just for money Applejack, it was to provide a need for poor ponies who needed it.”

“I know that ‘Twi, but she not here to do that no more”

“But you are! You are here, you can still help other ponies!”

“TWILIGHT I TRY!” Applejack screamed. “But…But the real help I need is my grandma alive again.” she put her hoofs over her eyes trying to hide from the sunlight. She blubbered again “Aint a day goes by I don't think about her Twilight, what kind of cruel world torments me with her death every day? Every Celestia sent to Tartarus day!”

“Applejack, the world did not do this to your grandmother,” Twilight replied.

The sobbing of Applejack continued with Twilight beginning to tear up herself a bit. How could she explain it to her?
Twilight didn't have to thankfully as Rainbow Dash just happened to show up at the grave site with a suddenness as she made a statement about her landing by striking a quick pose then she saw the situation.

“Dang.” she commented, “Is egghead over here really that boring?” Applejack chuckled a bit and greeted her friend.

“Heya, R.D., naw she didn't do nothin’ to me, I guess I got a lot on my chest I need to get out.”

“Darling do not hold back just because of us!” Said Rarity who had also just arrived and was watching her step while she was going up the hill. “Goodness,” she muttered, “This will definitely ruin my new manicure” she complained.

“Lighten up Rarity.” said a giggly Pinkie Pie who was hopping right behind her splashing in every single mud puddle she could find. “Remember the first time you had to explain to me what a funeral was? I said I had no clue and you said that it's a party and I was like A PARTY?! but you said it was a party to be sad and I said what kind of party do you go to be sad and you said a funeral and I said fair enough but why we are said you said it was Applejack's mother passing away and I was like passing which way? is it like a parade? I LOVE PARADES! Which It definitely was even though YOU said there were no parades at funerals WELL if thats the case why were there people lined up to look at this weird box-looking thing? And so you also said that was Granny Smith was in the casket and I was like OHHH that looks like so much fun I want to ride in a casket next and you made a funny face…”

Pinkie Pie giggled remembering all this.

“ But I know in reality we were really celebrating the end of the life of Granny Smith and I'm like why do we celebrate a person whos dead Rarity. “ she paused for a second. “Only you know don't you?” she said looking at the air and talking to no pony in Equestria.

After a few minutes of exchanging formalities, Fluttershy finally arrived. “Oh, dear… I'm sorry, I'm late,” she said in a quiet voice. “I had to make sure all the animals of New Everfree were taken care of.”

“Darling, it doesn’t matter when you arrive, just as long as you do arrive!” Said Rarity, who lay on the other side of Applejack. the orange mare took a moment to look at her friends one after the other. The mane six, together again, all too soon with no friendship summit as a catalyst. Spike on the other hoof missed out on account that he was packing for the trip back to Canterlot.

It was comforting to know all her best friends were there just to support her in her time of need. Just them all together brought back a smile to her face once more. She started to dry up her tears and began talking like her own self. “I was going through the attic today…”

she started, but the mere mention of the attic made Twilight’s eye twitch. Applejack noticed this but ignored it.

“ …ehem… was going through the attic today and I wound up finding these few pieces of paper writ by my Granny it looks to be like a poem or song of some sorts. I can't make out most of the writing but from what I have gathered on the words I can read, this is definitely was made to be a song. But all I can read is the top line ‘Last one out, don’t turn off the light’” she handed it to Twilight who started skimming all the pages and then started to shuffle them in a particular order. But before Apple jack could ask why, Twilight started to read it.

“To my Apple Core, if at all you are wanting another song idea here are a few notes I jotted down.”

Rarity gasped “What??? You can actually read this gibberish Twilight?”

“Well…” Twilight replied, “as a delegate of Equestria and as a previous teacher of the school of friendship… let's just say Ive learned how to read a ponies' bad handwriting.”

Applejack was waiving trying to get attention “Well don keep me in suspense hun, what the rest got to say?”
Twilight continued to read the pages. “The last one out, don't turn off the lights” writ by Granny Smith.

Verse 1
The last one out don’t turn out the lights
You may be lonely and you may be uptight.
but never forget about the ponies who love you,
They all want you, to be only what you can do.

I'm not saying this just to be nice,
I just want to give some advice

Verse 2
When you are feeling lonely and you're the last one out.
First, tell others that you are in a drought
And all the ponies who dwell in to your heart
Will remind you of the many chores you took part.

But they don't say this just to close the lid,
They remind you of all you ever did.

Because you lit the way into their hearts…”

Twilight put the pages down “Thats all thats on here…” she said finishing

“Thats actually pretty good” complemented Applejack. “The cadence needs som’ work, but pretty good!” She quickly took back the pages from Twilight, looked at the sky then looked at the pages some more than back on her Granny's grave before saying “Well then, I'm going to finish it.”

Rainbow Dash interjected at this “Whoa whoa whoa!” she said. “This is way different from when you were Apple Core A.J.! You got to follow the same structure,a-and it just sounds like a lot!”

Applejack folded the pieces of paper with an intent look in her eye. “I'm going to finish it Dash!”

The tonality of Applejack's voice impressed Rainbow Dash to comment “Woah!”

“It's what she would do for me if we were switched.” Applejack continued, “I'm going to finish this song, just for her. Mark my words, Grandma,” she said looking at Granny's grave.

As if in response, a loud growl came from Applejack's stomach

“...and ill start workin’ on it after breakfast n’ chores!” she said laughing. “Come on every pony, I'll serve you all up too! Might as well, since you all being here and all.”

they began to start down the path when something caught Fluttershys amazing peripheral vision.

“Um… “umm, I thought that we were the only ones invited to see Applejack?”

“Well we were…” commented Twilight looking at where Fluttershy was. There, walking past the front gate of the farm were two ponies that Twilight had never seen before, yet looked awfully familiar.

“Well the more the merrier! Let's go down and invite them!” said Applejack

“Do any of you know those two ponies?” Twilight asked.

A quick no from everyone except Applejack was heard, and as Twilight looked at Applejack to ask why she didn't need to give an answer, the truth was written all over her face. As Twilight saw what she was looking at she froze too, There on the flanks of the two ponies were the cutie marks of a pear and an apple. Looking at them again, Twilight finally remembered who these ponies were. If one looked on the dresser beside where Applejack woke every morning, is a photo of a young couple holding an infant Applejack.

Their names were Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

Here they were, older yet skinnier! The lost parents of Applejack.