• Published 4th Jul 2022
  • 171 Views, 4 Comments

A Wild Drifloon Appeared - Scootaboom1

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Ch 1 The Balloon and The Bird


My head was pounding.

And why was my head so itchy?


Where are my legs?

Or my torso for that matter?

Opening my eyes I saw that I was in a tree somewhere.

I looked at what I thought were my arms and what I saw made me do a double take.

Was I a drifloon?

Okay I will have to figure out what is going on but first I needed to figure out where I was.

Unfortunately I found that I was stuck in the tree.

Once I figure out how to get out I will do that.

Maybe there is something around here that can help me.




I can't turn to look around.

I guess I'll die then...

Wait I'm a ghost.

Eventually I started to hear some kind of buzzing sound.

Please don't be a beedrill or something.

What I actually saw was not at all expected.

Riding in on a scooter was some kind of orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail.

Based on the voice I assumed that she was female.

Coming to a stop she said that this was a good spot for practice.

From the looks of it she had not seen me.

She took a stance of some kind and said that just because she likely never will does not mean she shouldn't try.

Never what though?

Her wings started to buzz at a high speed and she seemed to be struggling.

Was she trying to fly?

If she couldn't fly wouldn't that be the same as being unable to walk?

When she started to cry I felt bad for her.

Wait maybe I could help her but I was stuck in a tree.

Wait I could just ask her for help.


When I came here I didn't expect to go anywhere with my flying.

I had already accepted that I would never fly but I knew that I had to try still.

As I started to tear up I heard a strange sound coming from the tree next to me.

Was it some kind of animal?

Looking into it's branches I saw what I first thought was a balloon but I noticed that it was actually some kind of animal.

It looked like some kind of purple balloon with a yellow x and two strings for limbs.

Was it stuck?

I guess that I should climb up to get it out.

I managed to get up high enough to grab it's string and pulled it down.

After making what I could only assume was a happy sound it wrapped it's threads around my barrel and we started to float up into the air.


The little pegasus didn't seem to understand what I was saying despite me understanding her.

After she pulled me out of the tree I wrapped my strings around her and raised into the air with her.

She was a little scared at first but soon she was cheering for me to go higher or dive down.

She would control were we went by flapping her wings and we were both having fun.

Eventually she noticed the time and said that she had to go to a sleepover with some of her friends.

So I decided to bring her down to where her stuff was and held on to her as she made her way to the sleepover.

Apple Fire

Ever since I had started to live at Sweet Apple Acres quite a few things had changed.

For one they had named me Apple Fire and even made me my own stable which I could enter and exit as I want.

My presence had also decreased the overall work load.

When someone asked me why I tackled trees instead of bucking them I would just lightly kick a rock piercing it easily.

I was helping Apple Bloom finish up the last of her chores so that she was be all done before her sleepover.

As we walked back to the house Sweetie Belle was waving at us from the porch and Apple Bloom ran up to her.

I put down what I was carrying for them to bring in when I heard Sweetie Belle question what Scootaloo had with her.

When I looked over my eyes went wide.

Before I knew it I had begun to flame charge at the drifloon.

I let go of Scootaloo and was launched back into a tree.

As Scootaloo started to voice her disapproval I grabbed her scruff and ran her to the door shoving her and the others in before closing it and jamming the door.

Turning back to the drifloon I saw it trying to fly away and shot a fire blast but missed before losing sight of it.

Applejack would be mad about the door once she arrived but once she got Fluttershy I would explain how much danger Scootaloo and even the other crusaders were in.

Her reaction may be even more intense than mine.

I made sure that the crusaders would stay inside until then.


When Big Macintosh and I returned home were not happy about the state we found the front door in.

When Scootaloo explained how some creature she helped had helped her fly and Apple Fire attacked it all of the sudden even doing what he did to the door I was mad but I was also worried.

Apple Fire had never just attacked anything before.

This was not like him.

Big Mac stayed to watch the crusaders while Fire stayed to guard the house if I had to guess.

When I brought Fluttershy Fire sat her down and explained what the creature Scootaloo had brought with her was.

What we learned was not good.

This kind of Pokemon apparently had a nasty habit of taking little ones only for them to never be seen again.

Scootaloo didn't seem to believe that it would hurt her but I think she understood that Fire was just trying to keep her safe.