• Published 30th Jun 2022
  • 1,652 Views, 10 Comments

Beach Bod - BlueBook

A sunny day, calm waters, and warm sands: it’s a perfect date at the beach for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Until they encounter a bad breeze…

  • ...

Beach Bod

The ancient station wagon crept up Rainbow Dash’s drive, its well-polished wood paneling glistening. Ponderously, it jerked to a halt and the din of the engine receded.

As it did, Dash’s phone buzzed. She took a deep breath and smiled widely. Jogging down the drive, she waved to her girlfriend.

Fluttershy had hardly emerged from the massive car before Dash caught her in an embrace. She blushed, and raised her free hand to her cheek. “Oh my! Well, good morning to you too, Dashie.”

“Sorry ‘Shy...” Dash released her, and rubbed the back of her head. “Was that, uh, too much? I’m still bad at this whole... thing.”

Fluttershy shook her head and took Dash by the hand. “You’re fine, dear. Don’t be nervous. It’s just me, remember?”

“Ha ha. Right, I—I know that.” Dash laughed, and nodded. Darn it ‘Shy, why ya gotta be so good to me?

“Um, are you bringing your surfboard today, Dashie?” Fluttershy made a pointed oval in the air with her finger, as if drawing a dotted line around the missing item.

“What? Oh, yeah, it’s in the garage. Hang on, I’ll go get it.” Dash set down her shoulder bag, turned on her heels, and disappeared into the depths of the disorderly structure. The sound of odds and ends clattering to the floor followed as Dash dug through the garage and in a few moments emerged bearing the sleek, multicolored board over one shoulder.

Fluttershy stood bending over the tailgate of the station wagon, fiddling with its lock.

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks. Fluttershy was wearing her wetsuit again, the really tight one with the cool aqua stripes on it.

How did I miss that before? She shook her head to clear it. Keep your head in the game, Dash.

At last, the tailgate popped open. Fluttershy stepped back, sighing contentedly.

Dash cleared her throat. “So, uh… How’d ya get your dad to give ya the wagon? I thought he didn’t let anyone drive it?”

“Oh, I just told him I was going to a beach party.” Fluttershy took the surfboard from Dash and slid it into the car. “And he asked me if I wanted to borrow it.”

That worked? How!? Dash blinked. “Cool.”

Fluttershy slammed the gate shut and smiled. “Surfs Up!”

Dash chuckled and hopped into the car.

The fast and bulbous automobile sped along the sleepy roads of suburbia. Low ranch houses began to give way to urban clutter as they headed towards the city. Dash reclined in the massive plush seat as she admired the scenery. The sun shown through the unglazed windows with a monstrous intensity. Out of instinct, Dash reached for the A/C vent on the dashboard, only to realize it was not there.

“Uh, Shy? Can I roll down the window? Kinda hot in here.”

“Oh! I’m sorry. Just a moment.” Fluttershy spun the massive steering wheel like a captain turning his ship’s bow into the waves of a storm as she changed lanes. She brought the car to a halt at the stoplight, behind a long line of morning traffic. She turned towards Dash, and gestured across the dashboard. “Um, there’s actually a little thingy you can move that lets the wind in. That glass triangle, in the front of the window.”

Dash prodded the window experimentally, and the small vent window swung open. “Like this?”

“Not quite. Turn the fat end into the wind, like a scoop.”

Dash turned the glass all the way around. Hot as ever, she raised an eyebrow. “This works?”

“Um, well, it helps a little.” Fluttershy shrugged. “It only really works when we’re moving.”

The light changed, and Fluttershy spurred the car back into motion, the engine noise rising noticeably as it began to pick up speed..

A cool breeze began to blow into the cabin. Dash let out a sigh of relief, and laid her head against the window. Her hair danced in the wind, and she wiped the beads of sweat from her brow. Cocking her head to the side, she looked towards Fluttershy.


“What is it, Dashie?”

“I was wondering… I know you’re modest and all—and that's cool—but doesn’t that suit get, like, super hot in the sun?” Dash prodded at Fluttershy's black neoprene covered thigh across the bench seat with an outstretched finger.

“Oh, no, not really. The water can be pretty cold, even on a hot day.” Fluttershy ran a hand through her hair. “And it’s so close to my skin, sometimes it feels like I’m wearing nothing at all.”

“Oh. I—Ok then.” Dash turned away hoping to hide her blushing. Nothing at all!?

Gotta change the subject!Dash cleared her throat. “So, uh, your folks are pretty much cool with us?”

They’ve always been supportive.” Fluttershy sighed. “My brother... not so much.”

Oh yeah, ‘Shy told me he didn’t take it too well.

“So, what happened? Did they finally stand up to him?”

“Better.” Fluttershy changed lanes. “They finally kicked him out.”

“Oh.” Dash rubbed the back of her head. Woah.

“What about you, Dashie? Have you told your Mom about us?”

Dash groaned. “Not yet.”

“...are you afraid of what might happen?”

“No, not really. I mean, like, I’m pretty sure my she already knows we’re more than just friends,” Dash swallowed. “So I think it’ll be cool. It’s just, ya know, I’m lousy with that kinda stuff, so...”

“It’s OK.” Fluttershy smiled. “There’s no rush. Tell them whenever you’re ready... if you need me, I’ll be there for you.”

“‘Shy...” Dash rubbed her eyes.

The car turned onto a narrow road, lined with windswept trees. Tantalizing glimpses of the sea peaked through the gaps in the forrest.

Fluttershy smiled as she brought the car to a halt along the side of the curving road. "We're here."


Early morning sunbeams shimmered across the calm waters of Horseshoe Bay. The beach was deserted still, and only the girls’ legs rustled the reeds growing on the tall sand dune that sloped down towards the beach. Fluttershy forged ahead on the steep, narrow tracks down the dune, Dash following unsteadily behind, surfboard under her arm.

Ugh, why’d they have put the shore so far from the beach? Dash stopped to catch her breath.

Below, Fluttershy paused as well, her pink hair streaming to the side in a slight sea breeze. Long, flowing strands glimmered in the sunlight, their pale hue standing in contrast to the deep blue ocean below.

Pretty! Dash cleared her throat, and took a step forward.

“Are you alright, Dashie?” Fluttershy looked over her shoulder at her girlfriend.

“F-fine! Just, uh, enjoying the view.” Dash winced at her own words.

“It’s beautiful today, isn’t it?” Fluttershy offered Dash her hand, and helped her hop from the dune onto the long, flat beach. “Perfect weather for snorkeling.”

Dash nodded. “Yeah, totally. Not so great for surfing, though.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy gazed out across the flat calm of the waters below. “I suppose not. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.”

“It’s fine, ’Shy.” Dash waved her hand. “Wind doesn’t usually pick up till noon anyway.”

Fluttershy spread her towel on the ground, and nodded in agreement. “That’s good. Do you plan on swimming, then?”

“Nah, I’ll probs just read for a bit.” Rainbow Dash planted her surfboard in the sand, and began to unpack her bag.

Fluttershy smirked. “New Daring Do novel?”

Dash nodded sheepishly, and produced a green paperback book from her bag. On it’s cover, a young woman in a safari outfit swung out from a massive vine, a lasso hanging from her belt. “Ya got me.”

Fluttershy giggled, and planted a parasol into the sand between them. Dash spread out her towel on the ground, and tossed the book aside.

“I bought this for you.” Fluttershy unfurled the parasol with a single, swift jerk. “I know how you burn in the sun.”

“’Shy…” Dash bit her lip. “That was like, one time. When we were little kids!”

“And you cried for a week afterwards, it hurt so much.” Fluttershy mussed Dash’s hair.

Dash crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks. “Fine.”

Fluttershy lay down on her towel, and pulled her snorkel and dive fins from her bag. She laid them to one side on her towel. Then she drew a sheathed knife, it's two buckled straps dangling in the wind, from deep within her bag,

“Woah, ’Shy! What’s with the cutlery?” Dash raised an eyebrow. “I thought you hated knives?”

Fluttershy sighed. “I do. But I hate getting stuck in commercial fishing nets even more.”

“Fishing nets? At a public beach?” Dash narrowed her eyes skeptically. “Really?”

“You’d be surprised.” Fluttershy gazed out at the ocean, with the stare of a soldier who had seen too much. “Some people…”

Dash chuckled. “Gonna save some more turtles?”

“M-maybe. I mean only if they need it.” Fluttershy blushed, as she strapped the knife to her calf. She pulled on her flippers, and hopped to her feet. “Well, um, anyways, enjoy your book!”

“Totally.” Dash nodded.

Awkwardly, Fluttershy waddled down the beach towards the sea, pulling her goggles and snorkel on.

Dash stifled a laugh, half hiding her face behind her book.

She looks like a freakin’ penguin. The image of the awkward seabird, contrasted with her girlfriend’s usual graceful appearance was too much for Dash.

Dash stared as, with a splash, Fluttershy leapt into the waters of the bay. She waited until her girlfriend’s head disappeared below the waves before she burst out laughing.


Daring Do stared down the barrel of the Luger, gleaming black in the jungle heat.

“Is that a gun, Caballeron, or are you just happy to see me?” she quipped.

“Stow it, Señorita!” Caballeron shot back, “We both know you have the jewel! Now hand it over!”

“Not on your life, Señor!” Daring Do grimaced. “It’s almost like I’m wearing nothing at all.


Dash blinked and rubbed her eyes. She stared back down at the paperback novel, scrutinizing the words that lined the page with now indistinct font.


“Not on your life, Señor!” Daring Do grimaced, and with a flick of her wrist, sent her lasso wrapping around the villain’s leg.

“Go hang!” she said, pulling the villain’s foot out from underneath him, sending him sprawling into the abyss. She let rope uncurl into the void, and tied it to the tree limb. She paused, until the line went taught, and began to swing back and forth, then with a nod she was off.

Daring Do leapt to the next tree, running through the jungle canopy. Her trademark safari shirt was half unbuttoned, and her pith helmet dangled precariously by its chinstrap from her neck, knocked back by the dense brush long beforehand. It was almost as if she were wearing nothing at all.


Must be the sun glare. Dash laid her book down, and snatched up her sunglasses. She put them on, and glanced at her paperback experimentally. No good, it’s too dark now, I can’t make anything out!

Dash shook her head, and returned the book to her bag. A light breeze blew through her hair, and the sun’s warmth enveloped her. She rolled on her side, stretching out to her full length, the hard, hot sand deforming slowly beneath her. For just a moment, she closed her eyes.


Rainbow Dash was awakened by the notes of music, sung in a fair and familiar voice, that drifted up the beach. She rubbed her eyes, and rolled over. Blinking, she looked towards its source.

At the water's edge, Fluttershy had just emerged from the surf, humming softly to herself. In each hand, she held a flipper, and her goggles were perched on her forehead. She strode up from the shore, her long pink hair hanging in wet tendrils across her face. Nonchalantly, she tossed her fins to the side and removed the goggles. Throwing her head back, she began to wring out her soaking hair.

Wow! Dash blinked at the scene of myth and movie, which unfolded before her. Fluttershy’s words once more echoed in her head: “It’s like I’m not wearing anything at all!”

Dash bit her lip, and squeezed a handful of her towel. She could feel her face turning red. Ack! Too much! Stupid Sexy ‘Shy!”

Fluttershy pranced up the beach, the last drops of water flying from her pink locks. She waved at Dash, who stared back at her, as she reached the parasol.

“Dashie! How’s the book?” Fluttershy beamed brighter than the sun. “I saw the sweetest daddy seahorse, and…”

Dash averted her eyes, face flushing the color of the crabs scuttling across the sand.

“Are you feeling alright?” Fluttershy’s head ducked under the parasol, her brow furrowed. “Your face is really flushed.”

“H-Hot!” Dash put her hand over her mouth. What am I saying!?

“You got overheated?” Fluttershy tilted her head.

“Yeah—heh—I guess.” Dash stammered. “I was, uh, so into the book, and then the sea was so relaxing, and…”

Just stop talking, blabbermouth! Dash shook her head. “I’m fine. Just need to rehydrate.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly, the lines vanishing from her face.

Dash sighed, fanning herself. Ok, awkward moment averted.

“Oh! Would you like to get some ice cream?”

That does sound really good actually. Dash nodded enthusiastically.

“Here, let me help you.” Fluttershy extended her hand.

Dash took it, and got to her feet.


Dash squeezed her girlfriend's hand, rocking back and forth on her feet as she eyed the ice cream stand. A short line of unruly children, and their beleaguered parents, crowded up against the booth, forcing new customers to wait on the opposite side of the boardwalk. It’s like a crowd of seagulls over there. I wish it would just clear out, already.

“What were you thinking of getting?” Fluttershy beamed, squeezing Dash’s hand back.

“Wha? Oh, um…” Dash put a finger to her cheek. “Well, I like Mint Chocolate Chip…”

“That sounds nice and cool.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Yeah. But then again… it seems kinda wintery, ya’ know?”

“It is?”

What else they got that isn’t, like, totally lame? Dash scanned the menu on the stand’s sign, squinting at its sun faded letters. Wait! Yeah, I can do that…

She turned back to Fluttershy. “So, I’m thinking Cherry and Chocolate Chip?”

“Oh my, that sounds delicious.” Fluttershy clutched her bag, which began to buzz. “Excuse me.”

She retrieved the phone from the depths of the bag, and covered it partly with her hand, leaning in to read the screen. “Oh! Dashie, I’m terribly sorry, but I have to take this call. It’s my mother. Could you, um, order for me please?”

“Huh? Yeah, sure, no sweat ’Shy!” Dash let go of her hand. “What do ya’ want?”

“Hmm…” Fluttershy glanced briefly at the signboard. “I’ll have the Pecan. I love how pure, and simple it is.”

“Pecan. Right, gotcha!” Dash jerked her head in affirmation.

“With Chocolate sauce, of course.”

“‘Kay.” Dash eyes shifted from left to right. Simple, huh?

“Oh, and some crushed nuts too, if they have them.”

“R-right.” Dash glanced at the menu again. Geeze, ’Shy! Is any of that fancy stuff even up there?

Fluttershy raised her phone to her ear, and started to walk towards the beach. Dash turned her attention back towards the stand. The crowd was starting to clear.

She strode across the boardwalk, and took her place at the end of the line. She turned to wave to Fluttershy, but she had already disappeared behind the sand dunes.

Alright, I got this. Just’s hafta not screw this order up. Dash pressed her eyes shut. Cherry. Pecan. Chocolate. Nuts. Cherry Pecan, Chocolate Nuts. Cherry Pecan Chocolate Nuts.

The line advanced incrementally, advancing with the speed of a glacier.

What's the holdup? Dash leaned out around the line, hoping to catch a view of the stall's counter. Indistinctly, she caught a glimpse around the crowd of customers of a man who's pallet of colors that filled her with dread. She shook her head, certain she was seeing things, even as her stomach sank. No way it's him...

Then the girl in front of her stepped aside, and she came face to face with the confirmation of her fears.

“Hey Bae, whadda you want?” A sandy haired boy with pale mint skin leaned over the counter, flipping his hair flirtatiously.

Zephyr Breeze. Anything but Zephyr Breeze.

“I just want some ice cream, man.” Dash gritted her teeth.

“So, ya found out Ole’ Zephyr was workin’ at the beach?” Breeze waggled his eyebrows. “Guess you’re over your little ‘phase’ then, huh?”

“It’s not a phase,” hissed Dash. Her eyes darted about, scanning for Fluttershy, but she was nowhere. The crowd behind Dash backed away.

“M’Lady doth protest too much.” Zephyr grinned.

Don’t let him bait you. Engage, and he wins.

“We… I… I’ll have the… these, um.”

That idiot! He made me forget the order!

“Still deciding?” Zephyr’s tone was honied, sickeningly so.

Dash could feel the sweat drops running down her face. Or were they tears?

The silence was heavy; oppressive.


A gleaming bronze blade embedded itself in the wooden countertop. A frolicking dolphin engraved on the blade reflected the distorted face of it’s owner.

Fluttershy! Dash took a shuddering breath.

“Leave. Her. Alone.” Fluttershy stared at her estranged brother, eyes burning with a cold flame. “Punk.”

Note to self: never tick off ’Shy.

“Sis.” Zephyr scowled, but cleared his throat. “And what would you like?”

The silent stare which met his question answered back: your head.

“Peach?” Dash spoke slowly. “That’s what you wanted, right?”

“Pecan, actually.” Fluttershy took Dash’s hand. “And you wanted Cherry.”

“Yeah…” Dash bit her lip, and reached for her tote. “How much?”

Fluttershy stared daggers into Zephyr's heart, and he turned a whiter shade of pale.

“House!” he croaked, shaking. Then in a whisper replied, “It’s on the house.”

“That will be all.” Fluttershy nodded curtly.

Zephyr disappeared beneath the counter, and reappeared with the ice cream cones.

Gingerly, Dash reached across the counter, her legs jelly, and retrieved them.

Fluttershy wrenched her knife from the counter, and slid it back into its sheath.

Sit. I need to sit. Dash spied a large boulder, tossed up on the shore by some ancient storm and strode towards it across the boardwalk.

Fluttershy followed, tears now streaming down her face. She stopped suddenly, her hand catching on Dash’s t-shirt.

Dash turned. “ ‘Shy?”

“Oh, Dashie!” Fluttershy threw her arms around her girlfriend, pressing against Dash with her heaving, latex clad form.

So this is happening. Dash’s cheeks burned crimson. Not that I’m complaining.

“I was so scared! Are you alright, Rainbow?” Fluttershy sobbed, burying her head in Dash’s chest.

“Fine!” Dash gasped. “I’m fine.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Fluttershy sniffled, and raised her head. “Mom called to warn me he was here. I knew he’d do something like this. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Dash sighed. “Your brother…”

“Recently removed.” Fluttershy spat.

That guy.” Dash corrected herself. “Is just a hater. Forget him.”

“Right!” Fluttershy nodded. She hugged Dash even tighter.

“Uh, ‘Shy?”


“Can I… can we sit now please?”

“Just a little more?”

Rivulets of sugar and dairy ran from the cones onto Dash’s hands. “Well, the ice cream is kinda melting, so…”

“Oh. Right.” Fluttershy released her arms, chuckling. “Silly me!”

Dash looked out at the wide, sparkling ocean. “Let’s go.”

Comments ( 10 )

It's not bad, per se, but I feel like there are little bits about the characterization that don't quite line up. Things like Fluttershy calling Rainbow Dash "dear", or Rainbow Dash carrying a purse.

“And it’s so close to my skin, sometimes it feels like I’m wearing nothing at all.”

“Not on your life, Señor!” Daring Do grimaced. “It’s almost like I’m wearing nothing at all. ”

Fluttershy’s words once more echoed in her head: “ It’s like I’m not wearing anything at all!”

Dash bit her lip, and squeezed a handful of her towel. She could feel her face turning red. Ack! Too much! Stupid Sexy ‘Shy!”

I’m really loving that reference 😭💀💀

That was a neat FlutterDash story, I gotta give you that. Also, I'm a big fan of FlutterDash in EG, so it makes it even better. And, I love the part where Flutty showed her brother The Stare. Like, did she learn it from her pony counterpart by any chance? :pinkiehappy:

Good work, mate. Definetly deserves a fave.


Also buck you zephyr from both universes f**k you both

Sometimes fanfiction as a genre is about giving characters room to breathe beyond the familiar, and to explore who they might be, if given room in a story format that allow for all around more.

Admittedly, not everyone will agree with such "what if" explorations, which help play with notions of who or what a character really is.

"the engine nose rising noticeably"
"the engine noise rising noticeably"?

"Ugh, why’d they have put the shore so far"
"Ugh, why’d they have to put the shore so far"?

"and planted a parasol into the between them"
"and planted a parasol into the sand between them"?

"Caballeron, “We both know"
"Caballeron replied, “We both know"?

I'm pretty tired at the moment, but that was nice. :)
Thank you for writing!
(Though I'm wondering: Am I forgetting or missing something that happened with Zephyr in another story, or is the estrangement to this degree not something that's been shown?)


Ah good catches, Reese.

The estrangement between 'Shy & Zephyr, or more accurately 'Shy's family and Zephyr is something that is meant to be relatively recent as of this story's timeline, and I might address it obliquely in a future edit that will add some foreshadowing to his appearance later in the story earlier on.

I intended his estrangement to be a consequence of the Flutterdash relationship which began in my last outing with the characters: I don't think Zephyr is the sort who understands "No means No", and I think he'd probably not take "My sister is dating my crush" very gracefully. The likely result of that would be a EQG equivalent of Fludderbruder, only Zephyr would be out of the house for good.

All of this started as two ideas: firstly "Fluttershy looks hot in that wet suit, I should make a Simpsons joke about it" and "Fluttershy is a badass, and she would totally own a dive knife and defend her gf"... I think in retrospect they could have been united a little bit more smoothly.

This is what I get for trying to have something out on time for once!

Thanks. :)

re the estrangement:
Ah, thanks; some of that information I picked up from the blog post, but not all of it, IIRC.

"I don't think Zephyr is the sort who understands "No means No", and I think he'd probably not take "My sister is dating my crush" very gracefully."
I think it'd depend on how the character's interpreted, but, yeah, not hard to see that interpretation.

"only Zephyr would be out of the house for good"
Well, maybe not for good if he genuinely turned things around, offered a sincere apology, etc.
Buuut I'm guessing that this version of him is not likely to do that, and, like I said, that interpretation of him strains my suspension of disbelief not a bit.

"This is what I get for trying to have something out on time for once!"
Eh, maybe it could have been better, but I think it's already pretty good. :)
(I mean, I completely missed the Simpsons reference until, IIRC, you explicitly pointed it out in the blog post, because pop culture and I have sometimes not great contact, but I think it works as least as well and possibly better, or did for me, at least, taken as it is in the story.)

"the gaps in the forrest."
"the gaps in the forest."?



Were those extra line breaks deliberate?

And I think the new scene, assuming I did indeed correctly identify it, was fine, and does indeed add some useful information. :)

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