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A Long-Awaited Family Reunion

It was a cold winter morning in Ponyville, everypony and Mobian where walking through town enjoying their day while a particular alicorn, Nyx who was walking through town, the cold morning was a bit too cold for her that it caused her to sneeze causing her to accidentally open a portal in the middle of town causing two beings to come through it by force as they fell to the ground.

Danyelle who was with Nyx when she sneezed saw what had happened and ran up to the two new Mobians to see if they were okay.

Danyelle spoke "Nyx, go get Nurse Redheart. These two are in rough shape."

"Okay mom." Nyx says with a nod as she runs to the hospital to get Nurse Redheart.

Obsidian was walking with Radiant when the two unicorns spotted Danyelle trying to move two Mobians towards the hospital.

With Obsidian's help, Danyelle got the two Mobian hawks to the hospital.

When the two arrived, Danyelle saw Nyx talking with Redheart to help before said nurse saw the two bringing in the two unconscious Mobians.

Danyelle spoke "Nyx and I found these two out cold in the snow."

"Thanks for helping the two Dany." Nurse Redheart says before calling for the hospital staff to bring out two stretcher beds for the two to rest on.

Danyelle spoke "Obsidian helped too, I couldn't have carried both on my own."

"Understood." She says before the stretchers were brought to them before the two Mobians were placed on the beds.

Danyelle asks "Will they be okay?"

"Yes they will." Nurse Redheart says before taking the two Mobians to rooms to take care of them.

Danyelle spoke "The male looks like he's got a few scars..."

"If you don't mind me asking, where did you find those two and what happened to them?" Asked Redheart.

Danyelle spoke "Out cold in the snow... as to what happened, magic surge."

"Oh I see so that's what happened, thank you." Redheart says before leaving.

Obsidian spoke "Let us know if either of them wake up."

"We will." Redheart called back.

Both nod before leaving.

*Lillian's POV*

I was in sugar cube corner sitting at a table on my break when I see Blaze come in and when she sees me, she walked up to me.

"Oh hey Lillian, how are you?" Blaze asks me as she came up to me.

"Oh hey Blaze, I'm good, just on my break but what brings you here?" I ask.

Blaze spoke "Just coming in from the outdoors since I was getting cold, watching those two infants is a chore..."

"Oh I see, I'm sure watching those two must be really tiring." I say.

Blaze spoke "Ever since Sunset brought Flora back from Canterlot, Millie immediately took the orphan under her wing."

"Yeah that's true anyways want me to get you anything while you're here?" I ask.

Blaze spoke "Some green tea would be nice."

"Alright one green tea coming right up." I say as I get up from my seat and head into the kitchen to make Blaze's tea.

Lucy was half frozen by the time she got into Sugarcube Corner.

Lucy spoke "Hot apple cider for me please."

"Coming right up." I called back from the kitchen.

Lucy groans "I'm not built for this kind of weather..."

"[Chuckles] aren't we all Lucy." I say as I bring out both Blaze and Lucy's drinks.

Blaze chuckles "Yeah..."

"So girls, anything new going on in town?" I ask as I take my seat again at the table Blaze is at.

Lucy spoke "Aside from a magic sneeze from Nyx, not much has happened."

"Magic sneeze from Nyx?" I asked curious.

Lucy spoke "Yeah... Poor girl doesn't like the snow that much... Given what she used to be before coming to Equestria."

Blaze asks "Which reminds me, what was your life like before you-know-who dragged you here?

"Well as you already know, I actually used to been a human male and I grew up with great parents."

Lucy asks "What were your parents' names?"

"Their names were Mavis and Damien." I say.

Blaze asks "Do you miss them?"

"Yeah they were there when I was down or when I needed help." I say.

Lucy spoke "I miss my parents too but their memories live on in my heart.... I was about 7 when my mom died..."

"Yeah even if your parents aren't around they'll always live on through your memory and within your heart." I say.

Blaze spoke "Danyelle was around 11 or so when she cut all ties with her father. He never cared about her."

"It must've been really hard for her that he never cared for her before she did that?" I ask.

Blaze spoke "According to Sonic, it was Dany's mom that made the choice to leave."

"Oh really had no idea." I say.

Lucy spoke "Know what I heard? Ezee's the new king of Griffonstone."

Blaze spoke "No way..."

Soon enough, the three of us hear a "Meep Meep!" from Pinkie since she had scared Ein.

Ein chases Pinkie all over town.

Millie and Leo watch in confusion.

Flora and Bloom watch the pink pony run from the hyena.

Pinkie swerved around two Mobian hawks while running from Ein.

Lucy spoke "I think those two need help."

"Lets go see if they're okay." I say running over to the two Mobians.

Lucy stayed inside since she disliked the cold but Blaze followed.

"You two okay?" I asked as me and Blaze helped up the two Mobians.

The white feathered male spoke "Yeah, my wife and I do need help."

"That's good to hear you two are okay and my friend and I are happy to help you two, right Blaze?" I ask.

Blaze spoke "Of course!"

Damien spoke "I'm Damien by the way."

"Damien huh?" I say before giving a light chuckle. "I actually have a father with the same name."

Mavis spoke "And I'm Mavis."

“Wow you even have the same name as my mom [chuckles] well it’s good to meet you two my name is Lillian and as I mentioned before this is my friend Blaze.” I say.

Damien spoke "I don't think you're aware but our son had gone missing 4 years ago.... Mavis and I haven't found him since..."

Damien comforts his crying wife.

Mavis spoke "His name was Steven..."

I ask "What happened?"

Damien spoke "Well...."

*Flashback 1 month ago*

In a apartment in the city of Manhattan lived a married couple, a man in his mid 40s and a women in her mid 40s, they were in a room packing away everything in the room they were in from games to action figures and a computer.

As the couple packed what they can, the woman saw a picture frame on the dresser in the room and when she picked it up and looked at it, she started crying while sitting on the bed holding the picture frame close to her while the man sat next to the woman trying to comfort her. "It's okay Mavis I miss him too."

Mavis spoke "But it's been three years Damien, I don't think he's ever coming back... I hate to say it but our Steven is dead..."

Damien picked up the Sonic Forces game.

Damien spoke "We'll find him."

Little did the two know, their missing son was alive but as the wrong gender.

*End flashback*

I spoke "Well... I'm Steven... Or I used to be..."

Mavis fainted.

Damien spoke "You can't be... Steven's a boy."

Tempest walked over with Katie in his arms since she was being fussy.

Tempest spoke "Help.... Katie won't stop screaming...."

I spoke "Give her here, I might know what's wrong."

I gently pry open Katie's beak, only to find that her first tooth was coming in.

I spoke "That explains it... Her first tooth is coming in."

Tempest spoke "Maybe we should get some teething toys for her to chew on so the pain will fade."

Damien asks "Who's this?"

I spoke "Oh uh.... he's my husband, Tempest Palmer."

Damien thinks "Palmer... Now why does that sound so familiar...."

I ask "Uh sir?"

Damien spoke "It's fine, the name kinda caught me off guard."

After getting back up, Mavis spoke "Oh right, Damien and I haven't actually introduced ourselves."

Damien spoke "We're Damien and Mavis Lockhart."

After hearing their last name, the pieces of the puzzle in my head fell into place.

I soon start crying. "Mom... Dad..."

After passing Katie back to Tempest, I hug my parents while crying tears of joy.
