• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 526 Views, 20 Comments

Phantom Krystal: An Unstable Ruby - Lifeblood_Wisp

A genetically altered hybrid finds himself thrusted into a new life. With his mother being Chrysalis herself, it’ll be hard for him to cope with the past.

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Harmonic Interval

Twilight Sparkle stood before shelves upon shelves of books pertaining to ancient magic skills from centuries ago, back when Celestia and Luna were just foals. So far she has flipped through nine whole books, and yet she still didn’t find what she was looking for. She had asked Rainbow Dash to fly over and lend some help, but Twilight knew that she wasn’t going to get Rainbow to put down the newest installment of Daring Do, and so like many other times where she’s asked for Rainbow’s help, she was likely to be left to only her tuition. Still, she attempted to gain at least some aid, as this situation in particular was more important to her than others.

She sighed before speaking. “Rainbow, I called you and only you over here for a reason. If you don’t mind, I’d like a bit of help.” She said almost flatly. Rainbow’s immersion in her favorite story was effectively broken as she sat the book down and looked up to a worried Twilight. “Everything ok Twi? You look worried. And sure, you’re always worried about something, but this seems more…bad than the other times.” She said with worry and confusion. “You’d be right Rainbow. Remember the way Arachnis copied your-“

“Oh just how could I forget about that! I’m pissed as hell about it. He just hit me with my own speed. Kinda makes me feel bad about when I spar with you and Starlight.” Rainbow responded. “At least you know how we feel” Twilight thought to her self. “Well, that’s exactly it. Magic normally lets people copy techniques like projectiles or things like levitation. Your speed was something you were born with, meaning it wasn’t a learned power. He’d normally have no way to copy it. He also grew wings! Being able to copy one’s anatomy is very much not normal.”

“Unless you’re a…a changeling.” Rainbow interrupted.

“Exactly.” Twilight said. “There is something that confuses me though. He has a unique appearance, one that could point to him being one or the other, like his solid eye or his horn.”

“Or maybe…he’s both? Rainbow said. It wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary.”. “It’s plausible, but the thing is, we won’t wait for an answer from him. I feel like this is more than just running away from Chrysalis. I know this is a bit aggressive of me, but its Chrysalis. I want to make sure everypony is safe from her, even rebel changelings.” Twilight said proudly. “Ok commander Twi, what’s the plan?” Rainbow said, leaping out her chair. Twilight smiled at Rainbow’s enthusiasm, and opened a portal with her magic. “Get AJ and Pinkie. I’ll find Rarity and Fluttershy. We’re going to find Chrysalis!”

Roughly two hours later

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew above the other Elements, scout not just their surroundings, but the path ahead of them. The day had grown dark, so Rarity and Twilight lit the way in front while Applejack and Pinkie Pie watched behind them. With each minute the air around them grew thicker, and the sky darkened until it was pitch black. Everypony was on edge, ready to give a callout at a moment’s notice. Suddenly, Twilight and Rarity stopped, looking wide eyed at the sight in front of them. Pinkie and Applejack soon followed suit, confusing Rainbow and Fluttershy. They lowered themselves, curious as to what blocked their path.

They saw a shadowy figure, with green eyes and a green aura around its horn. It stepped forward, revealing an all too familiar face to the six saviors. “You six...! But why are you here!?” Chrysalis said. “We ought to be asking ya that! You’re awfully far from home to be this close with Canterlot. What gives?” Applejack inquired. Chrysalis’ heart felt heavy. The once gentle breeze that filled her with the comfort of traveling was now a heavy gust that forced the weight of adversity on her back. She desperately wanted to turn around and run, but she couldn’t. She knew they wouldn’t let her. She knew all too well they wouldn’t just let the same person who tried to rule over their home simply flee. Nonetheless, she wouldn’t. She wasn’t going to let six ponies stop her from seeing her only child. She assumed a stance, and readied her magic.

”Im not in my advanced form, so theres no defeating all of them. I can at least match Twilights magic, so I need not worry about her. I do need to worry about the speedster. I try and run and she’ll catch me. I need to break her wings somehow, or at least stop her flying.

Chrysalis teleported behind Applejack and thrusted a hoof onto her back, pinning her to the ground. Twilight and Rarity both fired a barrage of blasts at Chrysalis. She put up a barrier to block the flashes of purple and light blue. Pinkie then contorted her hair into a drill and burrowed into the ground. Chrysalis’ eyes went wide. She forgot how versatile Pinkie could be. Before she could come up under her hooves, Chrysalis flapped her wings and took to the skies. She saw Twilight saying something to Rarity, but was out of earshot. Rarity and Pinkie tended to Applejack and Twilight flew up to Chrysalis. “I wouldn’t be this high if I were you.” Twilight said with a grin. It was at this point that Chrysalis realized that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had been missing the whole time.

Knowing how fast Dash was, she already knew it was too late. The next thing she knew, Rainbow had slammed into her back, hooves first. The impact forced Chrysalis’ body to contort into a crescent shape. Dash planned to drive the changeling all the way into the ground, but she was suddenly incapable of movement and in a green aura. She was levitated right in front of her glowing horn and the next thing she knew, she was in a world of pain in a green flash. It was now Rainbow who was being driven toward the ground, but also toward Rarity. She tried to levitate her, but the momentum from the blast was too much. She slammed into Rarity, creating a cloud of dust and two painful moans.

Perfect! She’s down, but she’s an arrogant nuisance. Even injured, she won’t stay out a fight for long. As much as I’d like to pummel her further into the dirt, I need to flee now!

Chrysalis looked behind her to see Twilight and Fluttershy accompanied by a flock of hawks amassed by Fluttershy. She fired a blast from her horn straight at Fluttershy. The shot was promptly blocked by Twilight. The shot exploded into green sparks that shone brightly, causing the alicorn and pegasus to shut their eyes. They opened them, and the two pairs of eyes saw no Chrysalis to speak of. Chrysalis on the other hand, was already making a beeline for Canterlot. Twilight swooped to the ground to chase her, but saw Rainbow and Rarity being helped up by Applejack and Pinkie respectively. “Twi. Rarity took Rainbow straight to the noggin. She mighta’ been concussed. We gotta help her. Rainbow leaned forward from being slightly laid back. “No! Chrysalis is gonna cause a whole lot more injuries in the city. Go after her, we’ll be fine! Not the first time I crashed into Rarity.” Rarity put a hoof to her head. “I hate to do this but I’m siding with Rainbow. There’s a greater risk in letting Chrysalis do as she pleases.” She said. “There’s already a great enough risk of you being untreated!” Fluttershy said. Whether it be tending to Rarity’s wounds, or chasing Chrysalis down, Twilight needed to act fast.

Chrysalis was now in Canterlot, scanning the entire place for any signs of Arachnis or Zoey. Her presence brought fear to city, but even more confusion when they realized she wasn’t doing any harm to anything. Eventually, there was only the castle left to search. She approached the large structure from above.


Crysalis was almost immediately shot down by a dark blue laser. It hit her directly in the horn, causing her immense pain. So much so that she had to land right on the castle steps, where she saw Celestia and Luna standing above her.

“Quite the precarious situation, no?” Said Celestia. Luna remained silent.