• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 362 Views, 40 Comments

Ranking Up to Infinity - Mona_Chromatic

When Trixie finds out that her best friend had her deck stolen, she goes out of her way to find the criminal who did it, and, of course, settle the matter over a duel!

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Chapter 3 - Savage Retribution

By now, the sun had set completely, casting a faint orange streak across the west part of the sky, while a clear violet hue began to cover the east. The parking lot was empty now, and the lampposts along the sidewalks began to light up. The roads still lead some cars down and around the city, but were quiet for the most part, as they usually were at this hour.

This time, however, the silence was broken by the loud revving of a black, streamlined motorcycle roaring down the streets, weaving through the honking cars and ignoring the angry words of other drivers.

The bike swerved to the left, barely cutting the corner of the sidewalk as a few onlookers jumped back in fear. The driver finally stopped when, upon approaching the central park, moved on to the side of the road. She raised her visor, and took off her black helmet, revealing her spiky black mohawk tipped in pink dye. Her skin was as dark a purple as the night sky looming over her, and her violet eyes pierced the air like a cat's. The young teen kicked down the bike stand, and turned the motor off before shoving the keys into the pocket of her black leather jacket.

"You better be here, Mona," she mumbled, as she began making her way through the park, towards the community center.


"I end my turn," said Trixie, still staring at the behemoth of a monster taking up the field.

Mona laid his fingers on his deck, then drew. "My turn!" he said.

The witches swirling above him began cackling, and a purple flame enveloped Mona. The boy winced in pain, and he looked to the white man in the blue light. The man's eyes flashed for a second, and the flames dispersed.

Mona's LP: 5800 --> 5800

Trixie stared in confusion. "What was.." she began.

"During each of my standby phases," Mona explained, recovering as the last of the flames disappeared, "Dark Contract with the Witch inflicts 1000 points of damage to myself, and the effect is mandatory until it is destroyed; However, thanks to the pendulum effect of Divine Zero King Rage, the first instance of effect damage each turn is nullified."

Hitch widened his eyes. The kid really put himself in a vulnerable position. Even with the damage nullification, a card like that is like a ticking time bomb right under his own keister!

"I'll activate the destruction effect of Dark Contract with the Witch!" declared Mona, as he slid the card he drew into the graveyard. "I'll discard D/D Necro Slime to destroy a card on the field. And the card I choose is the field spell, Secret Village of the Spellcasters!"

The witches flying above raised their wands, showering the village in purple flames that ate away at the entire environment, returning it back to the simple gymnasium where they began.

"With that out of the way, I'll now activate the continuous spell, Dark Contract with the Gate!"

Behind Mona rose a giant stone arch, with the base covered in moss and fern. The air within the arch began to hum, and a blue swirling flow of energy appeared within it.

"With this card, during my Main Phase, I get to add 1 D/D monster from my deck to my hand!" His deck produces a card, and he swiftly snatched it up and placed it in between his fingers.

"The card I chose was D/D Savant Copernicus!" The two red and blue monsters roared to life behind Mona, and a giant crystal swing appeared between them. "I'll pendulum summon the two monsters in my hand! D/D Savant Copernicus and D/D Lilith!"

A giant metal sphere, made up of scrap metal and surrounded by blue gems orbiting around its core, rose from the ground. Next to it was an elegant woman with her eyes hidden by a mask, with a long snake-like tale covered in green scales like sharp leaves. (Level 4, 0/0) (Level 4, 100/2100)

"When summoned, Copernicus lets me send a Dark Contract or D/D monster from my deck to the grave. Lilith, upon her summon, allows me to retrieve a D/D monster from my grave or a D/D pendulum monster from my extra deck and add it back to my hand!"

The two monsters began to glow, and two cards rose from Mona's duel disk. "I'll send D/D Ghost to the grave, and add D/D Swirl Slime back to my hand!"

One card shot down to the graveyard, while the other was caught in Mona's fingertips. "When Ghost is sent to the grave, I can send another copy of a D/D monster already in my graveyard! I'll send another D/D Necro Slime!"

Another card shot from his deck, and he slid it down to the graveyard. Trixie narrowed her eyes, smiling. He really is giving it his all. Good, looks like he's having fun with this, too, she thought.

Mona smirked at seeing his opponent's face light up. Gosh, it feels so good to have fun dueling again. I might not get a chance to feel like this ever again.

His smile faded at the thought, then he cleared his throat. "I'll activate Necro Slime's effect! By banishing it and D/D Ghost, I can fusion summon a D/D/D fusion monster using them as material!"

So that's why he was sending all those cards to the grave, thought Maud, her face still unchanged from the start of the duel.

The others in the bleachers were cheering wildly as the green and orange swirl of light formed at Mona's feet.

"Let rise a monster that burns bright with blazing power! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!" chanted Mona. (Level 6, 2000/1800)

A familiar pillar of fire arose from the portal, and the same flaming monster from before stood up. This one, however, was smaller, and it carried no shield. It's armor was also minimal compared to the one before, but still red and grey with fiery highlights.

"When D/D Ghost is banished, I can return a different banished D/D monster to my graveyard! I choose D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried!"

"Next, I'll overlay my level 4 Copernicus and Level 4 Lilith!" cried Mona, pointing at the sky.

XYZs summon, too? This is ridiculous... thought Hitch, wiping his forehead in nervousness.

A black swirl of stars and light shone from beneath Mona, as the two monsters found themselves caught in the swirl, hurling towards the center before disappearing in an explosion of light.

"King of tempests and tides, show them why the sea should be feared from the abyss in the deep! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" (Rank 4, 2400/1200)

A lumbering warrior enveloped in black armor emerged from the swirl, gripping the giant blade in it's hands. It hunched over and loomed next to the flaming armor and the giant over twice its size.

"I activate Genghis' effect! When a D/D monster is special summoned, I can special summon another D/D monster from my graveyard once per turn. I choose Siegfried!"

The white knight leapt from the ground once more, joining it's comrades and took a ready stance as Trixie looked onwards in awe.

"Fusion, Synchro, Link, XYZs, and Pendulum summoning. Trixie's impressed, Mona! You've more than earned your place in our group!" said Trixie, giving him a thumb's up from across the field.

Mona laughed, rubbing his neck. "Aw shucks," he said. "You're making me blush..."

He raised his arm. "I'll use Siegfried's effect to negate the effects of Magician's Defense!"

The sword rose again, and the purple lightning from it struck Trixie's trap, turning it grey once more. Trixie smiled and nodded at Mona, who smiled back in return.

"Here goes! I attack Chocolate Magician Girl with Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok, triggering it's effect!" cried Mona. The giant leaned forward, with violet tendrils emerging from it's back and wrapping around Trixie's dragon knight.

"When he attacks, I can return a D/D monster or Dark Contract card on my field back to my hand, and he equips one other monster you control onto himself, and gains that monster's attack points!"

The tendrils drew in the dragon, much to Trixie's dismay, and the stone gate behind Mona vanished into the air. "I'll return Dark Contract with the Gate back to my hand, and equip Ragnarok with Dark Magician, the Dragon Master Knight!"

The dragon and its rider vibrated harshly before vanishing into particles that flew into the behemoth, making it grow even larger.

Atk: 3200 ---> 6200

"GO CAESAR RAGNAROK! SAVAGE RETRIBUTION!" cried Mona, pointing at Trixie.

The giant raised it's fist, before slamming down on the field, causing Trixie to cry out as the shockwaves sent her reeling back. The bleachers shuddered at the impact, and all the other students covered their eyes as the dust spun everywhere.

Trixie's LP: 6800 ---> 2200

"It ends here! I attack with Cursed King Siegfried! RUINED COMMAND!" cried Mona, as the white knight leapt off the ground, bringing his blade down where Trixie was standing, knocking her off her feet.

Trixie yelp as she landed flat on her back, wincing as she slowly got up. Both of the duelists looked down at their duel disks at the sound of a small beep.

Trixie's LP: 2200 ---> 0

Victory: Mona.

The monsters faded from the field, and Mona rushed over to help Trixie up.

"You alright?" he asked gently, tenderly holding Trixie's hand.

"I'm fine," said Trixie, dusting herself off. Then she beamed in a way that made Mona blush once more. "That was amazing! You're an incredible duelist, Mona!"

The viewers from the bleachers came running towards the two, with a flurry of words and voices being flown everywhere.

"Dude, that was awesome!"

"Can you face me next?"

"Where did ya get that deck?"

Hitch walked over to Mona and patted him on the shoulder. "I had a good feeling about you. Welcome to the club."

He turned to the others. "Now, who wants to celebrate our the arrival of our newest official member?"

Everyone in the room cheered, and Mona looked at Hitch in confusion.

"We going out for snacks whenever someone passes the initiation," Hitch explained as Trixie walked up next to him. "Come on, we'll show you the way, if you feel up for it."

Mona nodded in excitement, but before he could take a step, a loud voice shouted from across the gym.

"I'm afraid he's not going anywhere tonight," said the voice, "except for coming home with me."

The group turned to see a figure in a leather jacket and a small pointy mohawk leaning against the door, with her arms folded in disappointment.

Mona's face fell, and his blood ran cold, and stood still as he looked at the girl.

"Tempest," he began, sounding ashamed. "What are you doing here?" His voice was now lowered into half-whisper, as the girl approached them.

Tempest went right up to Mona, lightly smacking him across the face, much to the shock of everyone there. Mona's head was still turned from the impact, and his cheek was slightly red. He inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"Let me explain..." he began, but Tempest cut him off.

"Honestly," she said, shaking her head in disappointment. "I'm disappointed in you, brother."