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Baby Cakes/ Baby Dragons

*Lillian's POV*

Danyelle and I were at the hospital since Mrs Cake finally had the twins, according to what Daria had told us.

Lucy was nuzzling one of her newly hatched children, a rose pink girl named Nashi.

Pear Butter was eager to see Mrs. Cake’s newborn twins.

To the surprise of the ponies, the colt was a Pegasus and the filly was a unicorn.

Applejack spoke "Hi ma."

Pear Butter spoke "Oh, hello Applejack. Ah just couldn’t contain mah excitement ever since Ah learned that mah best friend was pregnant!"

Danyelle had to restrain Pinkie since the hyper mare was giving Redheart bit of a hard time.

Blizzardstar asks "I don't get it though, how come one is a Pegasus and the other is a unicorn?"

Danyelle asks "Maybe it's genetics?"

I spoke "I don’t think that makes sense."

Natsu spoke "But I’m not gonna question it."

Twilight spoke "Pony genetics are strange..."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

Twilight spoke "Shutting up now!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "But still, Mr. Cake, keep Pound Cake on the ground, because when he starts flying, he’ll be all over the place."

Danyelle spoke "And maybe have some unicorn teach Pumpkin when to use magic..."

Rarity spoke "It’s true, since unicorn foals can having magical surges that happen and fade at any moment."

Danyelle spoke "Same with alicorn foals... but their magic spurts are twice as bad..."

Ben spoke "Not to mention their wing strength."

Danyelle spoke "Gryphon cubs tend to sharpen their talons and claws on everything… Just a week ago, Thunder burned a pair of my shorts..."

One month later, Danyelle brought her younger children over for a playdate with the Cake Twins.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Mrs Cake. I brought three of my kids over for a playdate."

Mrs. Cake spoke "Aw! Thank you so much. It makes me happy that Pound and Pumpkin are making new friends."

Danyelle chuckles "It's never too early to make new friends."

Irene sneezes, shooting out a weak fire that quickly faded away.

Danyelle spoke "Gesundheit."

Mrs Cake giggles "Least we know what element she has now."

Danyelle spoke "I’m sure Korra will help her control it when she’s older."

Korra asks "Who called me?"

Danyelle asks "That was fast. Korra, it looks like Irene can firebend. So when she’s older, think you can help teach her about firebending?"

Korra spoke "Sure thing!"

Iris spoke "Mom! Nyx drenched me with water!"

Danyelle asks "You don’t mind adding “Teach Nyx about waterbending” to the list, do you?"

Korra spoke "Sure thing..."

A male peryton had collapsed, he was in rough shape plus an antler was half broken.

Korra asks "What the?!"

Danyelle spoke "Lillian! Go get Fluttershy!"

Lillian spoke "On it Dany!"

Danyelle picks the male up and carried him to the hospital.

Later, Lillian came back with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy asks "Oh my! Is that… A Peryton?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I found him out cold near Sugarcube Corner."

Fluttershy asks "Is he alright?"

Gingerheart spoke "A few burns here and there, half an antler is gone and a good handful of feathers are missing on both wings... Maybe he was shot down by an aggressive unicorn."

Danyelle growls "Or a machine."

Gingerheart spoke "Probably but he'll have to stay in the hospital until he's fully recovered. But the antler is a problem."

Fluttershy asks "Why? Don’t their antlers grow back like reindeers do?"

Gingerheart spoke "That may take a few seasons to heal. Maybe sooner if someone knew a healing spell..."

Fluttershy asks "Maybe Zecora could help with an elixir?"

Maria pops up suddenly via chaos control, spooking Fluttershy.

Maria spoke "Sorry for scaring you but maybe I can help."

Gingerheart asks "Um… Not that I doubt you, but how exactly?"

Maria spoke "I can use Chaos Heal though."

So Maria used Chaos Heal on the peryton, healing the burns and injuries in less than five minutes.

Gingerheart exclaims "So fast!"

Maria spoke "Teehee!"

I spoke "But it looks like he still needs rest."

Maria spoke "He might panic after waking up though..."

Danyelle asks "Because of all of us?"

I spoke "Most likely, perytons aren't found around here."

Maria spoke "Uh Flutters, peryton antlers don't grow back...."

Danyelle spoke "If a peryton has a broken antler, it's cast out of its home... Never to go back."

Fluttershy asks "What?!"

Maria spoke "She's right though... Broken antlers are a sign of outcasts..."

Fluttershy spoke "B-But that’s… that’s just not right!"

Danyelle spoke "It's just how perytons are Flutters. Even if Maria was able to fix his broken antler, he can't go back to his home."

The peryton groans "Could you lot be quiet? You're giving me a headache..."

Gingerheart spoke "Okay ladies, out. He needs his rest."

The visitors nodded as they left.

Danyelle bumped into Sting, causing her necklace to fall to the ground.

Danyelle growls "Watch it dragon boy."

But Sting recognized the symbol of the necklace.

Sting asks "You a member of Fairy Tail?"

Danyelle grabs the necklace and put it back in her pants pocket.

Danyelle spoke "Nunya business."

Sting looked a bit suspicious about it.

What Danyelle said had made me laugh.

Sting asks "Is something funny?"

I laugh "Nunya business!"

Lucy flew past while chasing Layla.

Lucy spoke "Can't talk since I'm busy!"

Danyelle chuckles "Kids right?"

I giggle "You’re telling me. Heehee!"

Danyelle chuckles "At least Katie is a well behaved child even though she has airbending like you and Tempest."

I spoke "Well, I did ask Korra to help her learn about airbending."

Korra spoke "Hold it! I can't teach infants."

I ask "I meant when she’s older. You knew that, right?"

Korra spoke "Oh right, my bad. but you know, airbending was hard for me to learn.... Just as firebending was hard for my past life to learn..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, wasn’t the hardest element earthbending for your past life?"

Korra spoke "Yeah, you're right."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Korra spoke "I was wrong, you were right."

Natsu had both Nashi and Luke by the tail.

I chuckle "Kids right?"

Natsu nodded since he was busy.

Danyelle spoke "It's only a matter of time before one of the three dragon kids starts breathing fire...."

I spoke "Or using DS magic."

Korra spoke "Least they won't be controlling more than one element, that's my thing."

“No doubt.” I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "I wonder what Sakura and Li are up to."


Aki was crying since she had a bad fever.

Sakura spoke "Li, we're out of fever medication."

Aki whimpers "Not good! *Cough! Cough!*"

Ame was coughing as well.


Sunset was wandering around when she bumped into Gajeel.

Sunset spoke "Watch where you're going iron breath!"

Gajeel just scoffed.

Layla bumped head first into Gajeel.

Lucy spoke "I'm so sorry about that.... Oh hey Gajeel!"

Gajeel asks "Who’s the squirt?"

Lucy spoke "She's one of my kids, I have three in total. Two girls and a boy."

Gajeel spoke "Heh, your eggs hatched? Not bad."

Lucy thinks "Phew! Least he hasn't asked who the father is yet."

Gajeel scoffs "And I’m guessing that Salamander idiot is their dad?"

An angry Lucy sends Gajeel flying with a Celestial Dragon Roar.

Lucy growls "Natsu's not an idiot!"

Sunset spoke "Yeesh! Remind me to not mess with you."

Lucy spoke "Gajeel gets on my nerves at times..."

Sunset spoke" Stubborn tough guys usually do."

Lucy groans "Where is Levy when I need her?"

Sunset simply shrugged.
