• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 235 Views, 0 Comments

Luna's Knight - vcsting

whats going on here? im blacking out all the time and my reflection isn't even me! instead its somepony who calls herself luna and why am I the bad guy here?

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Rude awakenings

I don’t really remember the dream I had that night it was cloudy and dark like if someone placed me into a pool of thick liquid and turned off the lights, it wasn’t bad by all means and I wasn’t scared of it, actually it was actually quite calming I kind of with it had lasted longer than it originally had. But of course, all dreams even the ones you wish never end always do. You know when you wake up slightly before an alarm on your phone well that happens all the time for me, but instead of an alarm constantly going off until you press a button mine came as loud footsteps coming up the stairs and a very loud door opening and what’s an alarm without a very annoying ringtone.

“Come on kaiden get your lazy butt out of bed it’s like 2pm” that would be my sister a young extremely tomboyish and antsy teen “yeah, I know just give me like…. Five more minutes please” I said as I hid my head in my covers to hide myself from the light coming from the crack in my curtains “five more minutes? Yeah, that’s not happening” my sister then jumped on my bed then refusing to budge. “Could you please leave?” my throat was still groggy after a long night’s sleep, but the message was still clear as day “ill leave when you move” my sister is one of those types of sisters, yeah annoying but loveable only like sometimes though. “Fuckin fine…. Come on then” I said as I rummaged out of my covers. “and you are still not moving huh” I look over at my sister who is still spread out like a star over the bed “nope” “you do know I need to get changed right?” “yep” “could you just… you know what I ain't having this” I said as I grab my sister by the wrist and begin to drag her out of my room “ouch ahh kaiden stop you know I hate it when you drag me” she said still putting up a fight “and yet you still do it don’t you?” I then escort her out of my room and quickly shut the door behind her “I’ll see you downstairs!” she said as my sister begins her descent down the stairs “yeah…. yeah, you will” I said with a disgruntled voice.

I always wear the same thing, I’m not a very complicated person, I always wear a tracksuit and it doesn’t really matter what colour it is but my favourite one too wear is a blue one that I have been told many times that it is my “iconic outfit” that’s probably why I like it so much actually and lucky enough It had recently gotten cleaned “nice one, let's put this bad boy on then shall we?” I said to no one. So, as I slide on my outfit for the day and make my way downstairs, I was instantly meet with my mother’s glare “good morning mother” I said with a terrible posh voice “what’s for breakfast this fine morning” it seems my attempt to lighten the mood didn’t turn out so well as my mother kept her expression on her face with no change whatsoever. “Oh, so your alive are you?” she said with an extremely snarky tone “yep I am, and don’t you worry you aren’t getting rid of me that easily” attempt two of trying to lighten the mood went down worse then what I intended. “well, if you would get your lazy ass out of that bed maybe there would still be a morning for you to see!” ahh shit that’s right my sister said it was around 2pm. Damn I need to fix my sleep schedule. “yeah alright sorry, it won't happen again” “ well it better not, now go downstairs your not spending the entire day in your room” “yes ok, ok I’m going” I said as I began to walk down the stairs with a huff “oh and you can go get some pop as well” you see the thing is with my mum she is cunning like that she asks you to do things as you are leaving the conversation “yes alright” I said with disgruntled sigh “money is on the side” “yep alright on the side I get it” I put on some trainers and realise I completely forgot to do my hair because my mother was blocking the mirror that is at the end of the hallway, it’s the type that always gets a bad bedhead and would always refuse to go down even with like a bucket of water on top of it, well that’s a bit blowing it out of proportion but still, it’s annoying and I don’t like it “eh fuck it the dude at the shop has seen me in worse condition anyway” I said as I open the door and lock it behind me “at least it's only down the road it won’t be too bad” I said when I began to walk down the street.

Around halfway to the shop I began to have this nagging feeling, like something wasn’t quite right, I have enough change for the bottle of pop I was tasked to get “yep £2 it's all there” was It my hair? I thought to myself as I reached up to touch it. Shockingly it was fine no tufts sticking out at all “huh guess I’m lucky today” then what was it I stopped walking and turned around to look at my house which was in clear view still. My face began to scrunch up as I used all my will to look back on what happened so far.

“right so sister woke me up at 2pm, got changed and walked downstairs, got stopped my mom who was In front of the mirror, the mirror was reflecting something dark and sparkly, got the money from th-” I froze “wait what?” there was nothing behind me or my mum that could have that sort of reflection I would be able to see my mums reflection because of the angle but my own was cut off “the fuck was that then?” I mumbled to myself still looking back towards my house “I should go back and check on what that even was” I said as I began to walk back to my house. But not even three steps into my return home I was rudely cut off by a splitting headache “ow what the…. huhh?” my words began to slur as I felt like I was about to pass out the last thing I saw before plunging into the darkness was the hard floor slowly approaching me


I don’t think I dreamed that time it was just darkness, but it was suffocating me like I was stuck in my own mind “I need to get out” I said as a bright light shun down above me waking me up from the nightmare that was just consuming me.

But to my complete and utter surprise I wasn’t in my bed, no rather I was on the floor and not just the floor “the fuck? Grass?” yep as you guessed I wasn’t in feeling so well either, it felt like I had just run a marathon but, on my hands, and knees which actually wasn’t to far from the target, I know this because after a quick check up on myself I saw that my hands were covered in dirt and mud and so was my freshly clean pants “w-what?” but I wasn’t able to question the situation I was in just yet because I noticed soon after that I was creating quite a crowd of people and they were…..recording me great this won't bite me in the ass later. My face instantly turned red, and it would have easier to cope with this new attention if I even knew what I did “umm hello?” I said as I started to stand up slowly and began to slowly walk off “and uhh…. bye” I said as I begin to fully sprint away from the crowd

“what... the… actual…. fuck” I said still fully booking it down a path “where the hell even am I?” a sign for Pinn Park appeared into view “how the fuck am I in Pinn Park?? The last thing I remember is walking down to get some pop from the shop, hey that rhymed gah no stop!” I said as I stopped in place still looking around to see if that crowd of people were following “alright good, that’s good ohhh no it's not this is terrible” I begin to hold my head in my hands as I whimper softly “how the hell, why the hell?” wait what time even is it? I look up to see that the sun is beginning to set “ah fuck I just have problems after problems, don’t I?” I said as I begin my slow march towards my home.

My trip back home was meet with a couple stares. Well, who wouldn’t stare at me I’m covered in mud my hair could still be a mess and it's almost night? “Well, this day is just getting better and better” I said as I approach my front door, I didn’t even need to knock as the door swung open to reveal my mother staring back at me “where the fuck was you?” I began to think of a quick rebuttal about what actual just happened to me, but that thought was quickly cut off by my mother “you know what I don’t even want to hear it, go to your room you look like shit” I said nothing as I pass my mother who continued to shoot daggers at the back of my head. A loud slam was heard throughout the house as I began to walk up the stairs. My house is a 3-story building and place where all the confusion began was the hallway leading to the staircase to my room “hold on one second this place had the weird dark sparkly thing in the mirror right?” I said as I began so quickly begin to search for whatever that even was.

A cold chill ran down my spine as I began to feel like someone was looking at me but wasn’t the cold eyes of my mother and it wasn’t my sister or farther it was coming from where the mirror hangs at the end of the hallway. I slowly began to turn to the source of my feeling and needless to say I found the weird sparkly thing and the source of the staring was coming from the mirror my reflection was…not there, instead of my reflection there stood a horse, well it looked like one but something was very very very off about this thing it genuinely looked like a horse but its eyes were disproportional and so was its head they were larger than a horses of if you could call it that. The eyes were this blueish green, but they carried years of weight to them like they had seen a lot of people come and go in their life. Its fur? No coat was a dark blue like the night sky, it had a horn like a…. unicorn? but it also had wings like a Pegasus but the thing that caught my attention was its mane. It flowed freely like it was being blown by a wind I couldn’t feel, and its colour was outstanding, it was like a black void being lit up by stars that would twinkle as I watched and outside of the void was an aura that could only be described as a space like purple. I felt like I was going to faint when a few simple words pushed me over the limit “so parasite.” She spoke with a regal like voice like she was from a royal background or at least from a wealthy background “what are your demands for the release of our capture?” that was it those few words made my mind spin so fast that it made me fall face first into the ground passing out yet again.

Author's Note:

hello to anyone who is reading this is my first chapter of my very first fimfic! :twilightsmile:
I really hope you liked it and if you see anything i could improve on pleeeease let me know!:twilightsheepish:

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