• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 117 Views, 0 Comments

Legacy of Verjaniva - Musketeer

A tragedy of a locked up person, who finally meets the one she loves. But never will be with him for the rest of her life.

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Chapter 1

As the sun's warm, majestic glow began to blanket the majestic horizons of Verjanvia, the high mountains, glittering with the shining morning dew. Engulfing the dull walls of the houses scattered across the city. And of course, eventually, the light crept over the city and onto the Grand chateau of the royal family.

The Princess opened her eyes gradually, as if she had awoken from an eternal dream. She got out of her bed in a stiff and almost unwilling manner knowing that her mother would only scold her harshly if she didn’t. After lightly brushing her airy light gray feathers, she stumbled downstairs through the gritty spiral staircase of the towering birdcage that her mother called her room. Having admired the vibrant flowerbeds in her garden through the glossy paned windows of the never-ending marble hallways of her palace, she got to the dining room. Still half asleep, she strolled into the room filled with glistening silver chandeliers, a grand marble table (lined with gold of course) and neatly set out cutlery. Taking a weary breath after what could almost be called a morning run that she just had she sat down, awaiting what her mother had to say for her.

'Well you took your time didn’t you young lady,' she spoke with a calm yet assaulting tone.
'Sorry mother it won’t happen again,' the princess murmured. She looked into the sculpture of her deceased father as she could never whole heartedly apologize to the woman that is her mother.
'Good grief, how can you expect me to wait 15 minutes for you.' she said in a disappointed tone.
'Anyways, as we have stayed in this palace for 3 months now, we’ll be heading due east as I have some important business with the jade family.' Ocativa had expected this. Her mother insists on moving from palace to palace every three months. She did this to stay aware of the current events of the kingdom.
‘Where are we heading this time?’ Ocatvia queried while admiring the fragrance of her tea.
‘We are going due east, for the reasons I sated before. This means we will be staying in the palace near the city of Stellansk.

Octavia’s beak fell to the floor. ‘Stellansk mom?’ she almost yelled at her. ‘That is the furthest city east we can go, it literally lays at the East Nordic ocean. Do you know how far away that is from here?’
‘Yes, I’m aware.’ her mom responded. ‘It is around 4 days of traveling by automobile if we don't stop or take a break. And since the meeting is scheduled in 6 days, so if I were you, I’d start packing Octavia.'
'Now, I am not in the mood for you to object.' her mom continiued', so have your breakfast and go back to your room. I had some of our butlers put the bags outside your room so you should be grateful.'

Ocativia sighted. ‘How could she expect this to work? Four long days in a vehicle they called modern. That machine they called an automobile was less than walking in rags and inadequate footwear. It’s dreadful just to think about it’
She turned to her breakfast, and reluctantly finished it. Then she made her way back up to her room.

As she expected there were indeed 5 large suitcases waiting to be filled in her room. She walked straight past them towards the window. There she rested her elbows on the windowsill and looked outside. It was gorgeous. The sun shone brightly highlighting the beauty of the lush meadows outside her windows. She was going to miss this. She loved the west side of the country. The mountains that towered high over the forest made her feel safe. And now, she had to miss them. ‘Stellansk’ she thought. ‘The only bit of industry Verjaniva had to offer.’ The rest of the country was dependent on magic.

Magic was practically the crown jewel of Verjaniva. All the nobility had and used it. They used magic to cultivate the lands for exotic foods and to build houses for the thriving population and . The industrial city of Stellansk only existed due to the limitations of magic as cars and other mechanical trinkets can’t be made by magic. Explaining why it was its the east side of the country. To keep the magic and the industry as far separated as possible.
She looked back at her still empty suitcases. She was already stressing about the jagged country roads that she would have to endure over the course of the trip, ‘Hopefully the driver won’t crash the car down a steep cliff this time.’ she thought.

She walked to her closet and searched through it. Eventually she found what she had been looking for. The winter section of their clothing collection.
Even though the snow had already turned to dew here in the west, she knew very well that it most likely wouldn’t be in the east. She turned around with her hands full of clothing, ready to begin packing.

‘God, this is going to be a long week.’