• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 982 Views, 16 Comments

LittleBigPony: A Big Movie! - ShaggyBoi23

After the events of "Journey Home to Craftworld & Equestria", a big festival in Canterot is happening. But when an army of the Storm King arrives with the Dastardly Vex, it's an Big Adventure for Sackboy and the Mane 6 to stop them.

  • ...

Another but Awesome Escape Plan & Heading to the Colossal Canopy to meet the Mama Monkey by “Sticking With It”

Meanwhile outside, not far away, Storm Guards and Vexed Minions were trashing the market area, after hearing from Tempest and Grubber they've been looking for the ponies and Sackboy, judging by Vex's information. Tempest and Grubber were with each other.

"Do you really think the ponies got this far?" Grubber asked Tempest.

A scent then got into Tempest's nose and she glances to her right seeing a strain of curly pink hair and a little brown hair. So sensitive is the sense of smell, is she can tell the identity, and even the health of a creature. And clearly knows it's one of the ponies with Twilight.

"Oh, they're here." She said and she announces to the crowd. "Attention! A little purple pony and a knitted brown sack passed this way. Tell me where she is..."

"Or something really bad is gonna happen." Grubber warned.

Then the fish that Capper flicked fruit juice on earlier approach them. And he was not happy.

"Do you think we're gonna fall for this again?" He said. "I don't know, what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but..."

"Friends?" Tempest said, wondering.

"Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!" He finished.

He punched Tempest right on the nose, But it didn't hurt her. Then Grubber slams into him, and he knocks him off his feet with her tail, then Tempest grabs the fish in her mouth and throws him onto the ground, very hard.

"How'd you like that Fishy!" Grubber said.

Then Tempest pinned him with her horn sparkling close to him. Unaware of her, nor Grubber and the Storm Guards and Vexed Minions, Bunkum's heroes secretly escaped, through a door, and go on the hunt to find Sackboy and his Friends.

"Now about this Capper." She said.

Meanwhile unaware that Tempest is closing in, Sackboy and the Equestrians we're still at Capper's place, hoping to find enough time to find the Hippo King along to go to the Colossal Canopy.

"Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom?", Capper said, "That's not a real thang! Is that a real thing?"

"I'll show ya!", Rainbow said getting ready.

Capper quickly stop her, "Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic rainbooming up in my place, thank you very much", he said.

Then Rarity used her magic to fix the left sleeve of Capper's jacket.

"Whoa, hey, hold up now. Whoa", he said as he was taken by surprise.

Then Rarity added two gold buttons on the top part of his coat.

"Here you go. I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous", she said.

"Okay... what's the catch?", Capper asked.

"Nothing", Rarity said, "After all that you've done for us, consider it a thank you".

Capper then had a guilty look on his face, "Oh. Uh, don't thank me. Really", he said softly.

Just then Twilight and Sackboy appeared with a map, "Guys! We've been looking for the wrong queen!", the others joined her at a table.

"We don't need the Queen of the Hippos! We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!", Twilight said as she and Sackboy showed them the map. "Along with it, there's also the Kingdom of Crablantis, the crabs that are in the oceans."

"Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs and the Crabs!", said Capper, "Now, the trouble with that is... no one knows... where they are".

"Say here they're on the top of Mount Aris!", Twilight said, with Sackboy pointing the map.

"You mean that mountain right outside the window?", Pinkie said while pointing outside, ash she was actually right, over 10 miles away was a mountain matching the one on the map.

"Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear", Capper said.

"Let's go, everypony", Twilight said, giving Sackboy the map but just before she got to the door, Capper jumped in front of her.

"WAIT!", Capper yowled, "You can't... you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride", he said.

"I think we can get there on our own", Twilight reassured as she approached the door. But when she opened it, there was a naked mole-rat in a suit standing at the entrance.

"Here's Verko! These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt!", he warned Capper, "Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!"

The ponies, dragon, and knitted sack were shocked at finding out why Capper brought them to his house in the first place.

"You were... you were going to sell us?", Rarity said angrily.

"I knew it!", said Twilight, "We gotta get outta here!"

Then suddenly a loud crash stopped them dead in their tracks, they were shocked when the cage that was meant to hold them was tossed into the air and landed on the ground with a hard crash. Surprisingly, they see Bunkum's heroes running to them, somehow unharmed, and happy to see Sackboy and the Equestrians.

"Oddsock?!" Rainbow and Fluttershy said, surprised to see the oddsockling with Fluttershy hugging him and Oddsock licking Rainbow's face, which made her happy to see him.

"Toggle?!" Pinkie and Applejack said, who was surprised to see the big and small duo with Pinkie giving Big Toggle a hug and Applejack fish-bumping on Little Toggle.

"Swoop?!" Rarity and Spike said, who also sees the sack bird, which made Rarity use her aura to have him close to her, since she was glaring at Capper at his betrayal, and bragged that Swoop is more beautiful, making Swoop confused.

"Bunkum's heroes?!" Twilight said with a surprised manner, with Sackboy happy to see his friends unharmed from Tempest, "Wait a minute... if you all three escaped from Canterlot from the Storm Guards and Vexed Minions... that means-"

"Silly little ponies with their brown knitted hero... and my knitted prisoners who outsmarted me..." A familiar face came into view.

"Tempest!", Twilight shouted, with Sackboy making a scared expression.

Spike screams and Fluttershy hid her head in the lamp covered with Oddsock, as Tempest and Grubber begin to approach them.

Indeed, Tempest had found them, and still hissed.

"...Trusting strangers? Big mistake. Those three little prisoners who outsmarted me by escaping? You're going to the Uproar. Very big mistake. Big...", she muttered darkly as she approached them.

"Huge. Mistake." Grubber said.

But just before they can do anything, Verko got in front of them to get a good look at Tempest.

"Hoo-hoo! My goodness!" Verko said and grabs Tempest's face. "Well, look at you! With your scary broken horn and scowly eyes. What tricks do you know, my little pony-wony?"

Tempest was not liking this one bit, then she used her broken har in a threatening way. Then without warning, she used her magic on Verko, electrocuting/shocking him. Leaving him completely dazed.

"Not bad." He said before fainting.

But as he faints, they see the ponies and Bunkum's Heroes climbing outside on the windmill, and Twilight and Sackboy leaving.

“GO!, GO!” Twilight shouted before Sackboy get on her back, flying off with the map.

“Get her, NOW!” Tempest ordered.

"You gonna be scared now, ponies!" Grubber ordered, as the Storm Guards and Vexed Minions tried to chase them.

Outside Twilight and Sackboy quickly join the others, then Tempest bursts from the wall and clamps her hooves on a passing board stopping it and beginning to lower it towards her. Twilight and Sackboy began to push trying to prevent the others come getting caught. Then Grubber, Storm Guards, and Vexed Minions came out and begin to climb towards them. then Grubber begins to jump trying to reach them only missing them by inches. Then suddenly the board that Tempest was holding snapped and the windmill spun right in her face a few times, the sudden momentum caused Grubber, Storm Guards, and Vexed Minions to slip off and fall. Also, thanks to Big Toggle's weight, the windmill was starting to break.

But Tempest wasn't going to give up so easily and has quickly caught up with them. Then the group lands on a platform when Tempest arrives and Grubber who was scouting nearby chased after them. And the windmill broke the platform as it breaks behind them, thanks to Big Toggle's weight.

The 7 friends and 5 Knitted Heroes held on to the windmill as it spun faster, then it broke off and started to spin away, screaming their lungs off.

"I'm... gonna... be... sick!" Applejack said each time they hit the ground.

They soon got to solid ground on a building. Then Twilight saw a familiar cardboard rocket ship at a dock, and to her surprise in her eyes, she sees Newton and Clive on the Pod, waiting on their arrival.

"We have to get there to the Pod! To the docks!" Twilight exclaimed.

The group of 11 quickly went up a staircase and they got stuck and wedged in the walls.

With only limited time, the 11 quickly got to the dock to reach the Pod. With that, Newton used the Painternator to aim at Tempest and Grubber to hinder their chase.

"Chum! Twilight!" Newton yelled, "Hurry up! The Painternator won't harm them, but I'll try to hinder them asap!"

Rainbow quickly snatches a rope hanging from the Pod and pulls it. And they were forced to cross it.

"That's it." Applejack encourages Rarity. "Don't look down now!"

Just then Swoop, Fluttershy and Sackboy helped Big Toggle by carrying him gently due to his weight with Small Toggle riding on Fluttershy and Oddsock did a lengthy jump, successfully getting inside on the Pod.

Then Tempest was fast approaching them. Somehow, from her back is a Vex orb, hoping to take down the cardboard pod. But unexpectedly, she was hit with a number of paintballs from the Painternator from Newton.


As Spike began to cross Pinkie then jumps right behind him and grabs the rope. But the sudden momentum causes Rainbow to lose her grip on the platform and slip. And Pinkie fell.

"PINKIE!" Newton, Clive, and Twilight yelled.

Twilight quickly flew down to get her, and she narrowly avoided when Tempest snap the rope with her horn. Twilight was able to grab Pinkie at the last second before she hit the ground and flew up and lands inside on the Pod.

"Best... escape... plan... EVER!" Pinkie shouted.

"WHAT?!" Twilight said.

As everyone got into the pod, Tempest attempted to stop them with the Vex Orb as the Pod was about to escape.

"You may have escaped me, Princess, but I'm not done with you and your knitted friend yet!" Tempest said, as she rand and grabbed the Vex Orb on her back and aimed the orb at the Pod. "How about an orb straight to you're cardboard rocket ship!"

With that, Tempest kicked the Vex Orb towards the pod, surprising successfully hitting it. Thus, resulting Sackboy's cardboardy rocket ship flying malfunctioned, with everyone here along with Big Toggle's weight, Sackboy used the emergency button. As he pressed it, the Pod thrust miles away immediately but was going through a malfunctioning state. Tempest was disappointed that she didn't get Twilight, but noticed that what Twilight and Sackboy were heading to, with the Pod going to malfunction, was the Colossal Canopy, making her smirk that it was Vex's turn.

"Well, Well, I'll let Vex take care of them for now," Tempest smirked. "Now... I'll have to speak on that sneaky cat for his consequence."

Back to Sackboy and the Equestrians, everyone was screaming and Twilight was trying to fix the Pod with her magic with Sackboy handling the Pod Controller to carefully control the Pod during the malfunctioning stage, but it was no use, the Vex Orb had weird magic that prevented Twilight to fix the Pod and Sackboy was struggling to control the Pod Controller. The cardboard pod was struggling to manage itself as it was dysfunctioning, with its cardboard disintegrating from the Vexed Orb, it was heading towards its next destination, one where Vex is stealing the Bananas in Craftworld's jungle island, the Colossal Canopy.

In the Colossal Canopy, there appear to be baby monkeys playing around with a mother monkey watching them. She appears to be a stuffed monkey with her appearance and attire matching an Aztec civilian.

This was the Mama Monkey, who cares for the other monkeys and is worried about them when the monsoon is coming. She is protective of her bananas and gets angry when someone steals them because they are the Colossal Canopy's natural resource. She is also kind and shows hospitality towards anyone visiting the Colossal Canopy unless there stealing her nanas of Course.

Just then, the Pod with the Knitted Hero, Equestrians, a Light-Bulb, Notepad, and three knitted heroes crashed through a tree, resulting in its cardboard exploding, somehow, the heroes managed to land on the platform safely but were surprised and scared off the baby monkies.

"Now what?!" Rarity panicked. "With no Pod, we're not sure where we are, Twilight! That Pod was our only way for transportation."

"I tried fixing the pod up, but that weird Vex Orb repealed it back" Twilight grumbled, "At least it wasn't the stone orbs Tempest had, but the Vex Orb defies magic."

"Wait? How come we're arguing about the Pod being destroyed, where I could see trees and leaves around here." Rainbow questioned.

"Hmm... does this look familiar to you Sackboy?" Pinkie asked Sackboy but found out where they are. "Wait a minute? Is this the Colossal Canopy?"

"Does this mean... that Mama Monkey... is in front of us?" Spike said pointing at the Mama Monkey who looked unamused at the new guests. "I don't think, she doesn't look happy on our arrival."

"Who the straight nanas are you, squires?" Mama Monkey said, unamused to see Sackboy, the Equestrians, and his friends, as she approaches close them, preparing a battle of some kind. "You and your friends with that rotten Vex? 'coz 'e don't frighten me none."

"No, No, Darling." Rarity clarified, hoping to not disappoint the Mama Monkey, "We were attacked by an army lead by the Storm King from Canterlot, and that Vex is already on the verge to steal your bananas!"

"Oh, don't try to fool me, unicorn." Mama Monkey growled. "That Vex has written up papers and puts them on the trees that you and your ponies friends are working under his command, especially that purple one with wings."

"But we aren't working for him," Rainbow said, jumping to the conservation, "There's a crazed unicorn with a broken horn after her, and Vex is located here to steal all your bananas!"

"I don't believe you, cyan pegasus, and you looked like you wanted to wrestle!" Mama Monkey. "Begone all of you, or else my monkeys would be sorry if you all just scram!"

Twilight was silent since she knows that didn't want to anger the Mama Monkey or make the situation worst, but figured that Sackboy should reveal Vex's plans to her.

"Sackboy, try to convince her with Vex's scroll" Twilight whispered. "Maybe, she'll believe you that we're on your side."

With Twilight's advice, Sackboy approached Mama Monkey and show her Vex's scroll to break the argument up. The Monkey realized her mistake and it turned out it was Sackboy and his Equestrian friends, to help stop Vex.

"Oi! It's you ain't it?" Mama Monkey said, realizing that it was Sackboy and his friends as he picked up the knitted hero. "Sackboy! The one with his pony friends to stop Vex or croak trying."

"Along with Vex, we also are stopping Tempest and the Storm King!" Pinkie added on, noting the Mama Monkey in their situation.

"Oh, bless y'stitching." Mama Monkey said as she pats Sackboy and Twilight Sparkle before adding her part on the Vex situation, "That Vex has been Uproar and mischief round ;ere. He's after our nanas and no mistake."

"We'll try to stop him!" Newton nodded, "We'll just have to find a way to build a new pod if we have new resources."

"Well he ain't ;aaving 'em!" Mama Monkey replied, "Think you can stop him and his grotty weevils?"

"Yep! We already have a big team stopping him!" Rainbow said, "Once we stop his banana hoarding, we're going to Mount Aris to get the Hippogriffs!"

"Well, off yer go then! Me and the Monkey'll be rooting you and your friends."

With the Mama Monkey now happy with the realization that the heroes are here to stop Vex from stealing her bananas, Sackboy and Twilight then lead the rest of their friends to grab the Zipline to travel to the Colossal Canopy. Zipping through and landing in an area, they see one of Vex's Minions guarding a screw. But once Rainbow dashed and defeated the enemy, she accidentally unscrewed the screw, leading to Honey pouring to the surface. Rarity looked disgusted at the thought of walking through the honey, but Twilight figured a trick that if the ones who don't have wings can't climb up, they can use the honey to walk through the walls from different perspectives.

"Hmm... if this sticky honey has a trick to it," Twilight said, curious as she walked into the sticky honey, "Sackboy, try to walk to the walls. Maybe that'll help us get through."

Sackboy did just that and to Twilight's surprise, it actually worked, he also jumped that it's not too sticky, in which everyone was relieved it can be washable. It seems that the rest would have to use this method to walk through walls on different surfaces, but Rarity refused since she likes to be clean at all costs.

"NO! I'm not going to that sticky honey to get my hooves dirty!" Rarity grumbled as she doesn't want her hooves to be filled with sticky honey, "Twilight deary, would you mind for me to use your magic to spawn in new wings like last time at the time when Rainbow was competing at Cloudsdale?"

"Sorry, Rarity... but you'll have to go through it because I don't think Rainbow and Fluttershy would fly if the area that would block our path would be to use the honey to walk through walls."

Rarity grumbled as she had to listen to Twilight's advice. But as she walk through the honey and try this method, it turned out it wasn't too bad at first. But she'll have to find a spa in the jungle once they arrive at their destination.

As Sackboy, the Equestrians, Bunkum's Heroes, Newton, and Clive walked through the walls with the sticky honey, they had to walk around the Vex Bugs, who walk around in a square with spikes spinning on their sides walking in patterns and circles, who also walk on walls too. It's possible to defeat them by a stomp, but it seems impossible if they're walking on the walls. Newton and Clive found the first orb through a platform, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered through a secret room like last time but with the moving Platforms of the faces to get the second orb. Spike found a Paint Brush but was bigger and would be useful to fend off enemies like the Vex Bugs. Pinkie and Rarity then found Gerald Strudleguff, who was asking them about their offers to get rid of the Vex Bug in which Rarity pouted that he can't fight a single fly but Pinkie did his offer and resulting in Gerald Strudleguff giving them a Dream Orb as Pinkie grabbed a sprouting seed to throw it as Fluttershy, and Spike was given the sprouting seed to throw it at the flower pot resulting in a dreamer orb. But finally reaching their destination to try on unscrewing two screws, Mama Moneky appears and asked them.

"Oi Sackboy and Twilight." Mama Monkey said as she climbed behind the wall. "Don't go bruising my nanas. They're out stack and trade. Imagination food. Export 'em all over Craftworld."

"We'll try to restore your banana asap!" Twilight nodded, "Let's hope Vex doesn't go too frenzy over the bananas"

Then, everyone, when though the flower launched to reach their next destination, one that would have to stick onto the walls. But eventually, they got through it with the amount of Vex bugs that were there, Sackboy, the Equestrians, and their friends have finally reached the two screws and unscrew them, lifting the platform up and surprised to see the Mama Monkey there.

"You're doing great Sackboy and Twilight." Mama Monkey said, impressed by their arrival. "Might even make ya and your friends an honorary member of The Order Of The Yellow Cresent Shaped Fruit."

"Well, I wished it was more about Apples, Mama Monkey." Applejack silently mumbled.

"Yeah, looked impressed."

And it seems that they have they'll have to start exploring around the Colossal Canopy at any time to stop Vex from stealing Mama Monkey's nanas.

Meanwhile back at the dock, Tempest and Grubber just arrived with Capper who was taken, prisoner.

"Now... I know they're in the jungle as of now, but you better tell me where they're heading too after they're dealing with Vex!" Tempest growled.

"Okay. No need for violence. Uh, they're headed..."Capper mumbled, as he got up and tried to reason with Tempest.

Then Capper saw the gold button that Rarity gave him. And remembers her generosity.

"Well, we don't have all day." Grubber warned, but was holding a banana cake and was happy to eat it. "Vex is already stealing the bananas at the Colossal Canopy right now, but he gave a Banana cake, which is nice."

"They headed east! Yeah, too... Black Skull Island." he lied.

Tempest and Grubber glance at each other.

"They headed east! Yeah,... to Black Skull Island, father their little jungle journey... So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way." Capper worried, but when was about to leave, one of Vex's Minions stop him.

"When I get my Princess, once the jester has his fun at the jungle, it will be my turn," Tempest said. "Until then, your fate is still... up in the air."

She then turns and heads for her ship.

"Oh, you're gonna go in the skiff! Which ith a boat! Typically, an airboat!" Grubber warned.

They boarded the ship with Capper held hostage.

"We make a great team. I love how you said with fate with "up in the air", and then I said, "you're gonna be in the air on an airboat!" Grubber asked Tempest.