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Ancient Message

Maretime Bay:

The group of friends have been having a great time so far, the first activity they did today was try unicycling with Izzy which was pretty fun for them. Izzy may have been a master at the skill, but the others weren’t so bad at it either, well Zipp had a little more trouble with it than the others. “Dang it! I messed up again!” She yelled in frustration, making the others laugh.

Mane Melody:

The second activity they did was try out new hair/mane styles, each of them getting a chance to perform it on the pony or hedgehog who messed with theirs. Sonic got Pipp as his partner, which he got his hair messed with first which by the end looked like an afro.

He smirked as Pipp took a seat, he prepared everything before quickly changing her simple beautiful mane into a Mohawk. She gasped in embarrassment as the others laughed, she faced Sonic with annoyance. “Seriously?!”

“What? Can’t handle the hedgehog charm, and his ways of making hairstyles?” He retorted, making the pegasus blush hard looking completely lost for words.

’Why am I feeling this way? Is it… No! It can’t be it wouldn’t work!’ Pipp thought.

Zipp who watched everything unfold grew a suspicious stare, this was only a fun activity that she actually deep down liked, but her sister was acting weird. Too weird for her liking, she noted to herself that she would ask her later when they were alone.

Sheriff Station:

The group were now taking care of the animals, that Hitch had around the station. It was a hassle at first but it seemed to have clicked, with the group on how to care for them. They also took care of the little green dragon, that slept in a filly crib to them he was like a son they all shared to care.

During the period of time they were caring for the animals, Hitch accidentally tripped crashing into Sunny. Hitch layed on his back with Sunny on top of him, they both locked eyes with one another a blush appearing on both of their faces.

They quickly hopped off one another looking away from each other, this made the others chuckle at their moment. Which in turn made the pair glare at the four other members, but soon they began laughing as well.

Maretime Bay: Smootie Cart

The group then began to sell smoothies with Sunny teaching them, how to make it without problems. Hitch had the most trouble but soon enough got the hang of it, everything was going well until Izzy accidentally dropped a few sparks into one she was making causing a mini explosion.

Causing the group to laugh out loud.

Maretime Bay: Beach

They were now all doing a scavenger hunt that Zipp had set up, all of them were doing their best to find the clues that she had placed. However she noticed Pipp close to Sonic, as they accidentally bumped into each other, the former having a tint on their face.

Zipp watched on her suspicion rising even more than before.

Maretime Bay: Outside

Finally the last activity involved all of them going on a physical run, Sonic leading the group with a smile. The others who followed were feeling great, and were at least glad he wasn’t making them do something ridiculous.

The feeling of freedom was at an all time high, they all enjoyed every second of this activity and day.


The six friends all sat inside of their home, smiling with joy as they had just finished the last activity for the day. “Oh my gosh that was so much fun! I’m gonna post all of the photos, I took along the way!” Pipp yelled in excitement.

“Woah, calm down sis. Can’t you not focus on social media for now, we’ve all had so much fun and just need to relax.” Zipp reminded.

Sonic meanwhile relaxed in a comfortable position, when Sunny spoke up. “So how is the new power going? Any progress?” She asked him with hope.

Sonic faced her with a disappointed frown. “Still no control yet, honestly it just decides to work and not work. Plus you remember the last time I tried it, we had a raging pop star attack all of us because her phone turned off.”

Pipp who had been listening to him, frowned annoyed. “I wasn’t that aggressive!”

The hedgehog in turn gave her a deadpanned stare. “You threw Hitch across the living room, created a whip via your blanket sheets, dented some of the walls, tore the couch in half and got kicked my groin… may I go on?”

This made the pegasus blush incredibly hard remembering everything. “Ok, maybe I was a bit too excessive with my actions.” She admitted looking away embarrassed.

“Thank you. But back on the topic, it will be awhile before anything revolutionary happens. So my best guess is that it happens, when it happens.” He concluded with obvious disappointment, as he wanted to have these powers controlled so an accident didn’t happen again.

Suddenly out of nowhere a loud crackle echoed across the Brighthouse, making the majority of the group jump while Sonic simply moved his head towards the noise.

It came from the balcony. “What was that?” Izzy asked scared while looking up as well.

Zipp answered her friend. “I don’t know, but we won’t know unless we check.”

They all nodded in agreement as they stood up making their way to the elevator, they all stood on it as it moved up.

Brighthouse: Balcony

The group arrived up top on the elevator, immediately dispersing to check all of the balcony to make sure that nothing was amiss. But after a few seconds they found absolutely nothing had been tampered with, so what was the cause of the noise?

Hitch then looked at the crystals before gasping silently. “Look!” He alerted the others, as they all looked to where his hoof was pointed.

They all gasped silently as well as the crystals seemed to be sparking, their energy levels felt higher, more powerful, more unknown to them. “Zipp? You didn’t happen to find anything like this during your research, while I was asleep?” Sonic queried the pegasus.

She simply shook her head. “No! This is all new to me as well, it’s something unlike anything I’ve ever seen before!”

She received bored stares from her peers, which made her remember what had happened a month prior. “Ok… maybe not that unlike, still though this is new!”

The sparks leaped of the crystals splashing the ground, like water drops but leaving no lasting impact. Suddenly a static image appeared above the crystals, slowly morphing into a figure of a pony but not just any pony it was… an alicorn.

“Is… is that?” Sunny spoke up lost for words, as the alicorn turned out to be none other than Twilight Sparkle but she looked younger.

“OH MY CELESTIA!!! THATS TWILIGHT SPARKLE HERSELF!!! THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP IS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF US!!! AHHHHHH!!!” Sunny screeched like a little girl excited for hearth’s warming day.

Zipp annoyed slapped Sunny in the back of the head, with her wing. “Calm down! I know this is exciting, but this could be important!”

As if to respond to her words Twilight spoke. “Dear ponies of the future, I’m Twilight Sparkle which you probably already know, but I come with an important message to deliver you.

“But know that only those who are worthy receive this message and you’ve proven it.

“You’ve restored magic back to normal and reunited the three pony tribes, with that in mind i’m more than willing to put my trust and faith into you.

“Something terrible is coming to Equestria and you’re the only ones who can stop it, I tried to do so many moons ago but my magic wasn’t nearly as powerful as it once was,

“And the only way to stop everything from falling apart was to seal magic away, I didn’t want to make that decision but it was the only way to stall time.

“I was aware that as soon as Magic entered back into the picture, that she’d reawaken ready to continue her plan, which is where all of you come in.

“Her power won’t be as strong and will give you time to prepare a strategy, to stop her once and for all.

“But if you don’t act quickly she’ll regain her true power, and all of Equestria including you will cease to exist.

“Use the power of the unity crystals to transport yourselves to my home, you’ll be able to find everything you need to know about her abilities, and how to counter them.

“Everycreature is counting on you, and we know you won’t let us down. Remember, I’m with you no matter what. Good luck.” Twilight then disappeared as if nothing ever happened.

“Oh my gosh!” Zipp whispered to herself.

“Well you don’t see that everyday, don’t ya!” Sonic joked.

Sunny meanwhile had a different reaction. “THAT WAS HER!!! AND SHE HAD THAT MESSAGE FOR US?!?! THIS IS AMAZING—“

Her excitement was cut short, when Sonic grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her body, breaking her train of thought. “Calm down Sunny-bun! It was one simple message, that randomly appeared conveniently now of all times! Which happens a lot in everything, now that I think about it.”

“A message somepony from thousands of years ago, sent to tell us important information. That’s enough reason to be excited, especially when it’s Twilight Sparkle who sent it.” Sunny retorted with excitement still present in her voice.

Sonic let go of the mare after she’d calmed down, Zipp walked up to her friend with a serious expression. “Look Sunny, I’m floored as well that Twilight herself sent that message. But we must focus on the fact that whatever she warned us about, is bad news.”

Sunny understood what Zipp meant and began to breathe in and out slowly, she regained her calm composure smiling. “Ok I think I’m okay, and your right Zipp. Whoever this villain is could cause problems for all of us.”

“Do you think we should tell everypony about this?” Pipp suggested, which immediately got shot down by Hitch.

“No we shouldn’t, we don’t want to cause panic amongst the citizens of Maretime Bay and beyond. It’s already happened twice before and almost brought us too war with each other, the best course of action would be to keep this under wraps for now.” Hitch explained making the others nod.

“So what do we do first?” Izzy asked bringing up a good question.

Sonic stepped forward smirking. “Okay we were told that we need to use the crystals power, to travel to Twinkie’s home. So our first move would be to prepare, so packing whatever we’ll be needing for this adventure.

“Second is travel to this place we’re headed and come up with a plan, with the third step being to kick her ass and win!” He shouted holding his fist in the air.

The others have him neutral and awkward stares seeming confused, until Zipp spoke up. “That’s it?”

Sonic faced her with a neutral face shrugging. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“I thought it would be more in-depth, like with multiple complex steps that make it impossible to see it coming.” Zipp pointed out.

Sonic however blew a raspberry, waving his finger. “Nah! You see Zipp that’s not how I roll, plus if I know anything it’s that villains always are one step ahead.

“Making you think they knew your plan, when really it was because you thought out the plan so much that you overlooked the smallest thing aka a secret counter move they have planned.

“And because of that, it makes everything I say pointless because any plan we come up with won’t work. So we’re just going to have to go blind, and hope for the best, which is what we do best.”

They all appeared gobsmacked, with Pipp speaking up first. “How are you so good, with these sorts of things?”

Sonic eyed her with a smug smirk. “I thought you already knew, that I have experience with this sort of thing? Or are you really just curious about me?”

This instantly made the pop-star pegasus get flustered, stuttering her words instantly. “W-What?! N-No, it’s just that— you know— it’s different, very different!”

“Yeah I know, but don’t worry we’ll be fine as long as we’re together. Cause nothing can stop you when you have friends, especially best friends… that sound really corny even for me.” He admitted.

“Eh, we’re all used to it by now.” Sunny added.

“Yeah you’re probably right.” Sonic finished.

Izzy then lit up like a Christmas tree. “Hey let’s get moving! Last one to finish getting ready, has to clean the Brighthouse for a whole month!” She then zoomed off towards the elevator.

“What?! No fair Izzy!” Pipp yelled to her friend as everyone else ran for the elevator, spirits at an all time high ready to begin their next adventure.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this took a while, just life has been super busy especially after leaving school.

But not saying I miss it, cause I don’t. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this new chapter, more will be on the way to fill you with enjoyment.

Anyway see you all soon (hopefully)