• Published 28th Aug 2022
  • 1,275 Views, 103 Comments

Sonic: Make Your Mark - Idiotboy24

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Rest and Run

Maretime Bay

At the streets of Maretime Bay, Zipp is looking around for any signs of glitching while the birds are chirping and ponies going about their day, but so far no clues.

“Uggghhh.” Zipp groans of lacking any leads to this magic glitch as she brings out her phone to record her progress. “Report. Nothing new to report. No more signs of mysterious glowing vines or Crystal glitches.” She stated, with annoyance. Zipp’s phone then started ringing, startling her as she looked at her phone to see her mother calling again. “Uggghhh!” She groans again, seeing that this is the worst time Queen Haven should be calling, but can’t keep her mother waiting as she flips her phone tablet open, answering the call as seen by Queen Haven close to the camera again. “Hi, Mom.” She greeted her mother.

Zipp! There you are!” Queen Haven said to her daughter with a smile, but then zoomed out as she gave Zipp a stern expression. Have you been ignoring my calls, young filly?” She asked, while guessing why Zipp didn’t anwser.

“No, no!” Zipp quickly said with a nervous smile, lying that she has so she won’t make her mother mad or face her wrath for ignoring her. “Just busy, Mom! I'm actually helping Sunny with decorations right now, so I gotta go.” She lied with a nervous laugh, clearly hasn’t been helping Sunny with the decorations, as she needs to continue her investigation on the magic glitches that she and Sonic are searching about as she reaches to end the call.

Well, I can't wait to see them!” Queen Haven said excitedly, which caused Zipp to stop from pressing the ‘End Call’ button in the process.

“See what?” Zipp confusingly asked her mother.

The decorations!” Queen Haven answered obviously, but then realizes why is Zipp confused about it. “Oh, didn't Pipp tell you?” She asked her daughter as she continued as her camera accidentally zoomed into her mouth. “I'll be attending this Maretime Bay Day Festival.” She answered.

Zipp grew nervous as her mother is coming for Maretime Bay Day Festival. “You will?! Why?!” She nervously called out with a spread of her wings.

Cloudpuff then popped on screen next to Queen Haven as he barked excitedly as Queen Haven turned to him with a smile. “Yes, it is treat time! I know, I know!” She said to Cloudpuff with a baby tone, which gives Zipp a bored expression that her mother is adoring Cloudpuff in a conversation. “See you there, darling!” Queen Haven said to Zipp before ending the call.

“Come on!” Zipp called out as she put her phone away, getting back to the investigations of the glitches in hoof. “There's gotta be something!” She said as she brought out her binoculars as she looked around the area she was in for any clues to help find the answers her and Sonic are seeking to these glitches.

Zipp sees a couple of ponies laughing on a table, a tolley bell ringing as the conductor and a pink earth pony mare smile at each other as Zipp around some more. “Everything on Mane Street appears normal.” She said to herself as she zoomed in to the Sheriff station with Dahlia and an Earth Pony stallion walking out, but then turned and saw Hitch hiding behind some barrels. “Huh?” Zipp questioned what she saw as she saw Hitch dragging a bag into the station once the close was clear. “Hmmm. Except that. Huh.” Zipp said with a smirk, wanting to know what Hitch is hiding.

Sheriff Station

Inside the Sheriff Station, Hitch is in the closet cabinet where the egg he and Sonic found is, as he gives it a smile.

“Here you go, little one. I brought you some sand to make you more comfortable.” Hitch said to the egg, wanting to keep it comfortable with some sand that he collected from the beach. “I thought maybe you'd like that.” He said to it, thinking that the egg needed something it’s familiar with, as he put a crab plush toy next to it as McSnips-a-Lot came to the other side of it. “Lookin' rosy and cozy! Now who wants to hear a story?” He asks with a baby voice to the egg.

“I do.” Zipp called out with a smirk behind Hitch, seeing the whole thing unfold in front of her.

“Aah! Zipp!” Hitch called out in a startled voice as he turned to Zipp and closed the cabinet door. “Wow. You are sneaky.” He said with a nervous smile, finding Zipp’s sneaky side impressive. “What are you doing here?” He asked nervously, wanting to know why she was here at all.

“I had an instinct, so I followed it.” Zipp answered causality before she smiled and pressed her hooves on the table as she spread her wings. “And I was right. You have been hiding something!” She said to Hitch while getting on the table and flying on top of the cabinet while smirking down at Hitch before opening the cabinet, still smirking at him.

“Hey!” Hitch called out as Zipp’s finding out what he was hiding as she looked upside down and saw the egg.

“Whoo!” Zipp called out as she laughed with pride after seeing the egg. “So, uh... what is it?” She asked Hitch, having no idea what this egg is.

“No clue.” Hitch answered as he turned and walked a bit to the side. “Sonic saw it on the beach, and just knew it needed help and he trusted me to keep an eye on it. So I just—” He explained how Sonic found the egg and his reason for keeping an eye on it, but Zipp spoke up with a smirk as her wings spread with a knowing expression.

“Had an instinct and followed it?” Zipp asked Hitch with a knowing expression with a smirk, knowing that feeling as well.

“Yeah.” Hitch answered with a smile as Zipp flew down from the cabinet and right in front of Hitch as he continued. “Hey, uh, would you mind keeping this between us three for now? Sonic already knows this because he found it like I said, but let’s not tell the others, okay?” He asked Zipp, not wanting the rest of the girls, to know about the egg yet until he figures out what it is.

“Sure. I can ‘Zipp’ it.” Zipp answered with a smirk and joked on using her name with a zipp it expression as Hitch shook his head in amusement at Zipp’s pun. But then Zipp continues to smirk as she leaned her head closer to Hitch with a teasing expression.

“What?” Hitch asked with a smile, wanting to know why Zipp is looking at him like that.

“So... you gonna read us that story now or what?” Zipp playfully asked, wanting to know what kind of story Hitch was wanting to tell as Hitch embarrassedly smile, not sure if he could tell it now after what just happened as McSnips clipped his claws while the bird chirped in response, wanting to hear that story as well as Hitch continued to embarrassedly smiled while Zipp smirked that his critters are siding with her.

Just then, Zipp’s phone starts chiming as it got both Zipp and Hitch’s attention as Zipp brought out her phone, and then the two ponies gasped at what they saw on it as it is a message to Pipp, and it looked dire with some emojis with sweat and angry faces with ‘!’ on top.

“Oh, no!” Zipp said with a nervous look, worried for her sister and that if the messages are this dire to her.

They both quickly made their way out, and ran towards the Crystal Brighthouse as fast as they could.

Crystal Brighthouse: Minutes earlier

While Zipp was out searching for more signs of glitches, Sonic had stayed behind to write notes on all of the oddities that have been happening since yesterday.

After writing said notes he went up top to watch the crystals, analysing them to see if they would glitch out but so far nothing happened, making his progress come to a halt altogether.

“It seems like it all comes down to luck when it happens, which is really weird even though I have seen weirder things before. But this just feels so random, that I could miss it if I look away for just one second.” His self talk was interrupted by hoofsteps from behind.

He turned to see Sunny walking in with a guilty look. “Hey Sonic I wanted to say I’m sorry for how I acted earlier, I just thought that you two were stressed about the festival.”

Sonic gave her a small smile. “I accept your apology, but next time something like this happens please pay attention, and try not to be dismissive of your friends.”

Sunny scratched the back of her head with a hoof, and blushed in embarrassment. “Yeah I should work on that.” They both shared a chuckle, when their phones suddenly chimed.

They saw they got a message from Pipp, and it looked dire with some emojis with sweat and angry faces and ‘!’ on top of them. “Well this ought to be interesting.” He joked.

They both then made their way downstairs to see why Pipp needed them.

Crystal Brighthouse: Present

Zipp and Hitch were running as fast as they could, and were only a few metres from the Brighthouse. They then ran through the open doors and came to a stop, with the rest of the group standing around the area.

“We rushed right here! So what's the emergency?!” Hitch asked desperately.

Pipp smiled at them. “Well, everypony seems really stressy lately. We clearly need a break. And luckily, I know just the place. I planned a surprise for you! You're welcome!”

Izzy oohed in interest while Zipp became nervous. “Please don't let it be makeovers. Please don't let it be makeovers.” She begged.

Mane Melody

She was so wrong. “I knew it.” Zipp said flatly.

Izzy was reading a magazine and spoke to her Pegasus friend. “But this is soooo relaxing! And informative! Did you ponies know that there are over a thousand different kinds of hermit crabs?! 'Cause I... did not!”

Sonic sat in another chair, with a smile. “I may not be one for makeovers or hairstyles, but even I’ll admit this place is perfect for having a break.” Pipp who was watching Hitch get his hoof done by Jazz, heard what he said and blushed.

But she quickly refocused herself, and walked over to her friends. “Don't you guys love it here at Mane Melody?” She asked with excitement.

She got responses from both Sunny and Izzy, who were positive about it. But Zipp was quiet and didn’t say anything about it, Rocky then came over to her. “What's wrong, Zipp? Not a fan of Mane Melody?” He asked.

Zipp was quick to respond. “No, no. It's awesome. Pipp has done a great job here.” Her younger sister, ran over to her side. “You really think so?”

“Yeah. I do. And, hey, I'm sorry if I haven't been helping out. My mind's just on other things.” Zipp admitted.

Sonic looked over as well. “Yeah me too, I’ve been kinda out of it for a little while, I guess it’s because I still have no idea of what Maretime Bay day is.”

“And let me guess the crystals?” Pipp asked.

“Yeah something weird is going on with them.” Zipp explained.

Pipp scoffed lightly. “Ugh. You worry too, too much.” Zipp continued looking at her sister, and tried to explain the consequences of what could happen.

“But if something happens to those Crystals, we'll lose magic again for good. Then it'll be no more flying and—” But Pipp interrupted.

“Sis, sis, sis, sis, sis, sis, sis. You need to chill. Nothing is going to happen.” Pipp reassured, to which she whistled and flew over to her stage.

Sonic looked over to her. “What makes you so sure?” He asked calmly while raising a brow, in slight confusion.

“Well we've got our friends back, we've got magic back, and we've got...” Then Pipp, Rocky and Jazz sang at the same time.

“Muuuuusiiiiic-kuh!” They all stood in different poses, next to each other.

“At Mane Melody…” Pipp began.

“…we siiiiing…” Jazz continued.

“…while we style!” Rocky concluded.

“Pipp-Pipp hooray!” Both Izzy and Hitch yelled while Sunny produced a weak one, still thinking about what Sonic had said earlier.

“This one goes out to my paranoid big sis Zipp, and our friend Sonic.” Pipp announced, though when she said it she felt bad as she saw their offended looks, especially Sonic’s which confused her.

But she ignored it for now and focused back onto what she was about to sing.

(Everything is Gonna Be Okay)

(Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky)
Shoop, shoop! Hey! Shoop, shoop!

I know you're feelin' like there's somethin' wrong
But don't you worry, I have just the song for you (Mm-hmm!)
So kick those hooves up in this comfy chair
And you'll forget about those cares in a minute or two
Yeah! That's what you'll do-ooh-ooh

You've got a lot on your mane, and that's kind of tragic
But with a little bit of caring and a touch of magic

You'll feel brand new
And you'll forget what's been troublin' you

So put your hooves up high
'Cause we're feelin' alright (hey!)
Everyday is awesome in Maretime Bay
So put your hooves up
Put your hooves up (hey!)
Everything is gonna be okay!

“Enough!” Sonic suddenly yelled catching them off guard. “Why are we even doing this? You’re not taking this situation seriously, sure I may joke every now and then but I know when to stop.”

Zipp joined in agreement. “Sonic is right! You don't get it, do you?! We can't just sing a song and ignore everything! If we lose magic this time, we may never get it back again! And it'll be our fault.“ She looked down at the ground.

“What are they talking about?” Izzy asked genuinely confused.

“Lose magic?” Sunny asked herself, as she looked to Hitch who looked just as confused as Izzy and Sunny. “Whose fault?” He asked.


A sudden loud noise from outside alerted the group, causing them all to look towards the doors of Mane Melody, they were all concerned and rushed towards the entrance to see what had happened.

Maretime Bay: Outside Mane Melody

They swung open the doors and came to see four ponies on the floor, seeming to have had a bad crash. One of them being the local Pegasus named Windy, who seems to be the one who caused the commotion.

“Are you ponies okay? What happened, Windy?” Sunny asked concerned.

Sonic ran over and helped Windy up, as she began to explain. “I... I don't know. I was just flying along, and the next thing I knew, I was down here on the ground.”

The other ponies got up onto their hooves, with a Unicorn walking over to her right. “Yeah, me, too. Because you fell on us.” He glared down at her.

She shrunk back in fear, and quickly began apologising. “I'm so sorry, everypony. I'm normally such a good flier.”

Then a familiar Earth Pony came over. “Clearly she's not. This is what I've been saying, what everypony's been thinking. If Pegasi and unicorns can't be respectful, then they shouldn't be allowed to use their magic in Maretime Bay!” She stared down the group, and glowered at Sonic.

The other ponies voiced their agreements, which allowed Posey to continue. “It isn't fair! We Earth ponies don't get any magic, and then the ponies that do have it don't even know how to use it! Or they use it to prank us!”

The Ponies voiced their agreements again and even said that magic, should be gone from the festival. “And I believe I know who’s responsible for all of this.” Everyone went silent, before she pointed her hoof towards Sonic.

“Him!” The group gasped while Sonic went wide eyed. “What? Why do you believe it’s me that is causing problems?!” He asked in disbelief.

‘She must have been very traumatised from what happened.’ He concluded. There was no other reason why she would accuse him, of being the source of the problem.

“Ever since you’ve shown up it been chaos, you’ve caused damage, been reckless, are way too optimistic and worst of all is that we don’t even know if you really are trustworthy!” Each point she made caused the ponies to agree, with her more and more.

“Look I know I’ve been a bit of trouble for the past three months, but I really want to do better.” Sonic explained, but his explanation went through one ear and out the other.

“You know what you should do, just leave and never come back to Maretime Bay ever again!” Posey continued.

“Hey isn’t that going a little too far!” Sunny spoke up defending the Blue Hedgehog.

“It doesn’t matter, he should leave now!” The ponies began slowly walking towards him, he realised that a chase was inevitable.

He quickly leaned over to Zipp and whispered. “You and the others head back to the Brighthouse, while i shake these ponies off my tail.” Zipp nodded.

Sonic walked over to the side. “So you want me out of town forever right?” He asked with obviousness in his voice.

The ponies stopped and watched him carefully, as he turned to face them with a sly smirk. “Well in that case…”

He turned around and blasted down the street leaving them behind, the ponies then followed after him except Windy who went the other way. The ponies looked determined to catch him if they even could, the Mane five watched as they continued down the road.

Zipp looked over at her friends. “Quick let’s get to the Brighthouse!” They all came out of their stupor from the scene they had just watched unfold, and nodded in agreement before running down the same road to hopefully figure out what was going on.

They also noticed the sudden storm clouds that appeared, but before any one of them could ask about it the dark clouds disappeared, as quick as they came.

But this didn’t stop them from advancing forward to their target location, and to hopefully solve this issue.

Maretime Bay

Sonic ran as quick as he could through the streets, remembering to go slower than usual but this didn’t phase him, as he enjoyed the thrill of excitement.

The ponies behind him were running as fast as they could, but even at their best they were slower than what he was going at. Combined with his experience of navigation and reaction time, and he was pretty much impossible to catch.

Sonic who was smiling turned around to see a bit more Earth Ponies join the mix, this slightly worried him as this meant that his whole situation, just got worse because Posey was still angry with him.

This made him have a thought to himself. ‘Is her anger going too far?’ This thought was something that concerned him, as he felt a slight twinge of emotion go through him.

It wasn’t sadness, guilt or sorrow but it was… anger. But why would he feel anger, after all he was the one who messed up and took away Posey’s mom, so he shouldn’t feel anger right?

All of this was happening while he focused on what was ahead of him, not caring about the mob that was behind him.

He eventually saw an alley to the right and without warning, ducked into it and hid behind some trash bins while watching the mob of ponies run past, seeming to have missed his sudden change of direction.
(End song)

“Since when did Earth Ponies know how to riot?!” He asked himself with worry.


So we’re back here again, and I have to say that this has been interesting to say the least. But what will happen? We’ll just continue reading and you’ll find out soon enough.


But he remembered what was important and quickly ran up the side of the building to his left, scaling it with quick succession.

After reaching the top he looked over towards the Crystal Brighthouse, that stood tall in the distance. He smiled to himself and readjusted his position before taking off towards it, to not only get away from the crowd but to discuss with his friends about what is happening.

But before long he was only a few metres from the structure, and quickly ran up its side and without warning climbed over the railing and onto the balcony.

Author's Note:

The longest chapter by far in this story.

Hopefully this was enjoyable, and forgive me for the bad title of the chapter. Because I couldn’t figure out a better name for it.

Anyway hope you enjoyed it and also, time for something familiar.

Question Time: out of all of Make Your Mark chapter two’s songs, which was your favourite?

For me it was Portrait Day.