• Published 8th May 2022
  • 3,794 Views, 45 Comments

I Wasn’t There to Catch You - Supernova08

Following Luna’s death Celestia is left heartbroken. What else can she do?

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Chapter 6

“Just like that, sister,” Luna directed. Celestia carefully emptied the contents of the bottle into the bowl of sugar, keeping her ears up and alert for any sound of ponies approaching. The substance looked eerily similar to the sugar, a detail that surprised Celestia now that she held the two crystalline powders together.

Although the staff had protested, they had finally given in to letting Celestia prepare the tea for her meeting with Cadence. Urging them to vacate the kitchen, she had persuaded them to take a break for the day, assuring them she could take care of herself for one afternoon. Thus, giving her the opportunity to successfully go through with the plan without having to worry too much about being caught.

“Quick, cover the sugar bowl so you don’t inhale anything,” Luna said. Celestia obeyed, covering the white china bowl with its respective lid, and being careful with the fragile object. She levitated the rest of the items for the tea onto a tray, the teacups and saucers, the milk jug, and finally, the teapot itself, full of piping hot tea. “Remember, once it starts to affect Cadence you need to act quickly. Bring her back to her room quietly without anypony noticing. This is part of the plan you can absolutely not mess up. I know you can do this, Celestia, I have put my full trust in you.” Celestia nodded, with only the task at hand on her mind, she set out for the courtyard.

“Good afternoon, Auntie, how have you been?” Cadence asked, with a gentle smile on her face. There was a hint of concern in the way her niece looked at her. Celestia felt the familiar feeling of guilt as she knew what was about to happen. She put it behind her for the sake of her sister. Luna had assured her that no harm would come to Cadence. Her sister wouldn’t lie to her, right?

“What’s with the hesitation?” Luna asked. “Don’t you want to save me? Go ahead and respond.”

“I’m fine, thank you for asking,” Celestia said. “How about you? How has your new marriage life been treating you?” Celestia poured tea into both of their tea cups. Her smile was somewhat strained, if Cadence had noticed, she hadn’t said anything.

“Oh, thank you,” Cadence replied. Celestia preoccupied herself with sipping her tea as she watched Cadence put a spoonful of sugar into her cup. “It’s been very nice, Shining is very supportive and I enjoy his company. But that is not why I called you here; the staff has been quite concerned lately about your behavior, and I want to know what’s wrong.” Cadence mixed the sugar in her tea, letting it dissolve. “Is this almond tea? It sort of smells like it…”

Huh? There’s nothing to do with almonds in the tea…Never mind, I shouldn’t think unnecessary thoughts, just find an answer, Celestia. “My behavior? What’s been off about it?”

“Well, one maid, in particular, has told me that you’ve seemed much more nervous than usual. Is something bothering you? It’s only been a month since Luna has been… gone, but I know it may take longer than a month for things to get better. Just know that I miss her as well, everypony else misses her too, you are not alone, Auntie,” Cadence said. The words did not hit Celestia as hard as Celestia thought they would, she was simply amused by the fact that Cadence did not know Luna was coming home soon.

“Lies! All lies!” Luna shouted. Celestia kept her composure despite the startling increase in volume. “They have only known me for a year! There is no way that ponies have become attached to me so quickly, if they had, I wouldn’t currently be captured! Cadence is a fool to think they all love me. It’s all an act to make you happy, Celestia, do not believe a word she says.” Celestia’s jaw tightened and the desire to force Cadence to drink the tea so the plan could continue grew within her. Wait, what am I thinking? I can’t do that!

“I guess I have just been stressed recently,” Celestia said. “Please do not worry yourself, Cadence. Everything is alright.” Cadence narrowed her eyes. Celestia felt a sense of relief as she watched the alicorn in front of her take a long sip of her tea.

“Are you sure? Because I have lived with you long enough to know-” Cadence paused.


“Ooh, everything is spinning…” Cadence groaned as she stood up. Wobbling and looking around in a dazed state, she managed to say, “My head is pounding.”

“Cadence!?” Celestia got out of her chair frantically. Moving over to her niece, she assessed what was wrong. The pink alicorn’s heart was racing, and her breathing was irregular and quick. Celestia could swear that Cadence’s complexion was now a darker pink, perhaps an almost ruddy color. She could swear she had seen these symptoms before, but she couldn’t exactly pinpoint it.

“Calm down, it’s just the side effects of the substance,” Luna explained. “She is not being harmed.” Celestia began to regret ever having agreed to the plan. If it meant Cadence was going to suffer, was it worth it? “Take control of the situation, Celestia. Do you really want to see me again? You are a princess! Act like it.” Celestia took a deep breath. It’s going to be okay.

“It’s going to be okay, Cadence. Let me bring you back to your room,” Celestia said calmly. In a burst of light, they both found themselves in Cadence’s room. Celestia began to nudge Cadence to the bed when the smaller alicorn collapsed on the floor. She began to panic once more. “Oh dear, I didn’t realize it would act so quickly!” Celestia pushed Cadence into the bed, relieved to find her heartbeat was not racing as alarmingly fast as before. In fact, it seemed like her heart rate and breathing was slowing down as she fell deeper into sleep. Celestia breathed in and out.

For a while she just stood still, watching Cadence lay in bed. The sleeping alicorn looked serene and peaceful. Celestia was sure that Cadence would be overjoyed when Luna returned. There was just one thing though, there was the nagging feeling that this had happened before. What was it? Why was this so familiar? Sighing, Celestia left the room, careful not to let anypony notice.

Celestia felt a sudden nostalgia as she remembered the many times she had walked these halls. So many memories; so many ponies. The afternoon sunlight drifted through the windows, and a cool draft of air brushed her face. How many times had she gone this very same route? Talking with Cadence or one of the nobl- wait. Celestia’s eyes widened.

“Quick! Call a doctor!” A stallion noble collapsed to the ground. His coat, originally a light gray, was now a ruddy color. Earlier, the stallion had complained of a headache and spinning vision. Everypony in the room had brushed it off as dehydration till he started to turn red, they then proceeded to panic as he eventually lost consciousness.

A castle doctor came galloping into the room. Examining the noble, he made an announcement. “It’s cyanide poisoning! Do not drink or eat anything else in this room!” There was a collective gasp as nobles soon began to point hooves. Accusing others of the poisoning.

“It was you, wasn’t it! I knew you despised Silver Saddle!”

“Bah! How dare you accuse me of such an act!”

Celestia stomped her hoof twice. “Stop this at once! Please calm down, everypony! We will get this situated soon, but until then you are all dismissed.” Directing guards and doctors, Celestia managed to get the situation under control. Discarding everything that may have been contaminated. Most ponies were safe, and many went under inspection in case they had been poisoned as well. The stallion, however, was not so lucky. One noble house lost an important family member that day.

“Cadence!” Celestia pivoted on her hooves, galloping at full speed while tapping into her earth pony magic reserves for more power. How could she be so stupid? No sleeping medicine or drug would have those kinds of side effects!

Bursting into the room, she immediately noticed the absence of noise. Not even the soft breaths of a sleeping pony gave way. There was a blind panic as she scrambled to put her ear to Cadence’s chest. The dead silent alicorn’s lips were blue, and there was no rise and fall of the chest that signaled she was breathing. Listening as closely as possible, hoping for the best, Celestia closed her eyes and focused on hearing whatever noise possible. Yet there was nothing. Nothing at all. No matter how hard Celestia willed it into existence, Cadence possessed no heartbeat. Celestia felt like she couldn’t breathe.

Okay. I’ll just…cover her with a blanket. Celestia laid the blanket over Cadence’s limp form. Walk out the door, Celestia. Head back to your chambers. Celestia walked back mindlessly. Letting her hooves do the work. Once back in her chambers, she stared at a wall for a good fifteen minutes before the realization hit her. She let out an anguished cry.

What have I done!? Celestia felt the warmth of tears run down her face as her guilt turned to anger.

“LUNA!” She yelled. “WHAT DID YOU JUST MAKE ME DO!?” The distressed princess stomped her hoof, making the room shake. “Was this your plan all along? To poison Cadence? Why!?”

A malicious laugh sounded in Celestia’s ears. No longer the familiar voice of Luna, this voice was deeper, more sinister. “How naive could a princess really be? You didn’t really believe Luna was still alive did you?” Celestia’s pupils dilated as she realized just how ridiculous of a claim it was to have believed a voice in her head. She had seen the body for herself, why did she have to deny it? Angry tears blurred her vision, and a hot fiery rage burned within her.

“Who are you!? What are you doing in my head?” She shouted. “How dare you impersonate my sister! How dare you kill Cadence! ”

“I killed Cadence? I’m not the one who got their hooves dirty, dear.” Celestia winced, and another chuckle echoed through Celestia’s mind. “Though I must thank you! All this work was done for me while all I needed to do was act like I was your sister. I’ll miss her dearly though, she was a wonderful host for me.”


“Don’t you remember? Nightmare Moon? Who do you think was able to make such a historical event occur? Luna could not have done it without me.”

Celestia scowled. “You were the one who spoke lies to my sister?”

“The one and only! Now, I have one final task for you. I humbly request that I be given control over your body. You can become so much greater, Celestia, I can help you.”

“No! Never!”

“Don’t you want revenge? Who do you think was the cause of our dear Luna’s death?” Celestia stayed silent.

“Who?” She asked sternly.

“You don’t know? Why, how amusing! Well, you should know it’s all your subjects’ fault. Persecuting her! Shunning her! Allowing her to feel incompetent and intimidating when they cower in front of her! They all must pay for their crimes!”

Celestia shook her head. “No! Luna loved them all dearly! You are telling lies!”

“You have been blinded. Like you, Luna was blinded by her love for your subjects. Their words mattered to her as much as her life, so when they were hurtful, they cut through her like a hot knife through butter.” More tears streamed down, Celestia’s face as she berated herself. Luna never told me any of this! Why couldn’t I have been more observant? Because of me, she is gone.

“Be real for once, what use is a broken princess who believes lies? One who let their own sister die? There is nothing left for you now, no niece, no sister. Let me in, Celestia. I can help you.”

What have I done? Everything this voice has said is true. Now my subjects will pay for my ignorance and stupidity. Celestia shook with anger as she shouted, “No! You made me kill Cadence! All my problems are caused by you! Luna is gone because of your lies! You may have gotten to my sister, but you will never get to me. I would rather die than answer to somepony who does nothing but cause pain.”

The voice laughed. Suddenly, Celestia yelped. Cringing as she felt a searing pain in her skull. The creature attempted to take over; she could feel the tendrils of mind magic being placed upon her brain. The pain was the most intense she had ever felt, throbbing like her head was continuously being run over by a train. Each flare was intense, sending flashes of white across her vision. Celestia collapsed on the floor, writhing in agony. This is all my fault…

“No! I’ll never let you win!” I deserve this, but I can’t let them take over! Forgive me, Equestria. It’s now or never, Celestia! Bringing herself to her hooves unsteadily, she wobbled over to her desk. Carrying her tears, she shakily levitated a sharp pair of scissors. Blinded from the pain, Celestia thrust the scissors toward her throat. Only for it to stop. “N-no!”

“Tsk, tsk. I don’t think so.” For Celestia, everything faded to black as she felt everything slip out of her control.

Rising from the floor, a white alicorn, slender legs and taller than even the tallest of ponies, formed a menacing grin. Opening her eyes, the gentle magenta irises darkened before transforming into a striking gold. Her pupils narrowed, becoming draconic slits as her pastel-colored mane was set ablaze. Singeing anything around it, the fiery locks cast an amber glow upon the room. Around her signature sun cutie mark, another bright orange mark surrounded it and painted wisps of flames covered her flank, reminding her of somepony else’s similar mark.

The alicorn examined her new form. “Oh my! Who knew I had such an eye for design?” She pulled out a box, her magical aura, no longer its yellow sunlight color, was now a blood red. Levitating out the contents and tossing the box to the side, she said, “Now, just one more thing, and this form is complete.” The golden regalia she was currently wearing was soon replaced with her new set of perfectly polished armor. Admiring herself in a mirror, her adulation of herself was cut short as several knocks pounded against her door.

“Princess! Are you alright? We heard you screaming!” The alicorn kept her grin as she strutted towards the door. Opening it revealed a crowd of concerned guards and staff. Everyponies’ eyes widened and they all stared in disbelief at their ruler's new appearance.

“Princess Celestia! Is that…is that you?” A guard asked in bewilderment.

“Celestia?” The fiery maned alicorn let out a sardonic laugh. “Call me Daybreaker.”

Screams rang out through the castle as a plume of fire engulfed the crowd of ponies.

Author's Note:

Good job if you managed to stick with the story this long. I am going to go attempt to finish the other sequel.

This is the last chapter and there is possibly an epilogue for this, but so far I only have one sentence.