• ...

Living in a [GOD DAMN GARBAGE CAN]?!

It's cold Pinkie thought Like always
She WAS in a dumpster after all, using a torn up towel as a blanket,but still it's better than sleeping on the ground. And she didn't want that, she has to "work" tomorrow. Sigh , wonder we're it all went wrong?


All the pinkies we're staring at the wall. "HEY SOME PONY IS MAKING BALLON ANIMALS!!" Rainbow dash yelled.
"REALLY WERE?!" Pinkie exclaimed before the inevitable.

Then everything went black. It was so dark, yet, darker. She heard something, But, it didn't sound like any pony she knew it just sounded like garbage noise Pinkie then woke up in a dumpster. "Ugh...." The pink pony grunted "My [MELONS AT 90 PERCENT OFF!!] hurts...! WHAT IN [Heaven's] NAME WAS TH4T!?!"

Pinkie looked around and saw she was in a dumpster, and also saw a broken mirror and looked at her reflection. "HOLY [Cherrychimychanga]!"

She looked like a ventriloquist dummy version of herself. Her skin was slightly paler, she had bright crimson circles on her cheeks no matter how hard she tried to wipe them off, and her eyes... They weren't the bright baby blue they once were, but instead, in there place we're one glowing yellow pupil in her left eye, and a glowing pick in her right, while the whites of her eyes were replaced by an inky darkness. She looked at her body and saw the joints for articulation like a doll , she thought was her movement would be jittery and off putting, but infact she could move like any pony. The pink mare moved down to her flank to see her cutie mark was changed instead of blue and yellow balloons she once knew and loved ,it was of pink and yellow balloons."It's 0k Pinkie, Just a [NIGHTMARE NIGHT DECORATIONS] you'll [WAKE AND BAKE] soon!"

She told her self hoping the image she saw was just in her mind and not real. But she wanted to prove that by slapping herself in the face .
"OW!!1!1! Well I guess there goes the [DREAM THEORY thanks for watching]"

She decided to climb out of the dumpster to see where she was and if she could get some help. But when she climbed out, she was in an old ally way. She looked on the ground to find a newspaper... It was dated two months in the future for her "WHAT!?! HOW COULD IT [NOT THE BEEEEEEEES, NOT THE BEEEEEEEES!] POSSIBLE!?! I WAS JUST WITH,With..."

She stopped for a moment and looked closer at the picture, it was her, well regular her, but still, her. " * Once again the day was saved by... [PRINCESS TWILIGHT]!?!?" She read.

By now pinkie was crying ...no, bawling, her life was literally and figuratively over, her friend was now a princess, she was replaced by a imposter, and now she was just a ... Puppet. But she then started to laugh. "Alright [Princess in another castle] Twilight, you want me to ba a [Pink Puppet]? Then I'll be a [Pink Puppet]." HAHAH EAEAHEHEAHE AHEHGAH AHA!!!!!!!!11!1!11!!" She screamed.

From her surroundings she found out she was in manehattin and close to the dump too. She decided to find some clothes to hide her body, she didn't wan't to be reminded of her new fate. While looking she found some dirty white pants, a slightly ripped cream colored sweater, and a black leather jacket, and while looking through the garbage, she found two pairs of glasses to hide her eyes, but one was missing a lens and the other pair the lens was too cracked, so she just decided to put the left lens of one on the other, and ironically, they matched her eyes with the left being yellow and the right being pink. "Ok, now I just need [a Base of operations]."

She looked around to find a small 10ft by 10ft she'd covers in garbage and decided that was it.


Pinkie woke up from the ... Dream? Memory? Dremory? Ah it didn't matter, she had to go to "work" now, which in reality was just the shed in the dump. She was lifting the lid to her dumpster until she heard voices, that sounded very familiar. One soft, one brash, one honest, and one that sounded like, no it couldn't be , right? She heard a noise come closer and decided to plan her usual introduction.


Fluttershy was walking through an ally way , she needed some air away from rarity and fashion week until she heard a banging against a near by dumpster. "huh?" She questioned while a raccoon scittered away. Then there was Another bang, except this one was louder!" H-hello? Is Anyp-pony there?" She hazerdly asked. Then the dumpster lid swung open, and a figure slowly popped out .

IT'S ME, EVERYPONIE"S FAVORITE [Number 1 party pony 2010]! PINKA-
PINKIE D PIE! HAHAHEHEHAHHAEHAEHAE!!!!!!111!1" Pinkie looked around and saw the frightened yellow pegasus frozen in shock.
The pink pony jumps out of the dumpster to great Fluttershy.

"I-i'm sorr-ry ma'am b-but I'm a-afraid that I d-don't know y-you." The butter yellow pegasus spiewd .
"OF COURSE YOU [NO-NO-NO] ME, WERE [Best Friend Forever!]"pinkie insisted.

Fluttershy then got a good look at the pony Infront of her, it was PINKIE! "Oooo Pinkie! " Fluttershy scolded "I told you never to scare me like that! Now get that silly make up off!" Fluttershy said, while wiping Pinkie's face, but when she removed her hoof, the "makeup" wasn't gone, so she rubbed harder and harder until :"STOOOP!!!! ITS NOT [Make up sale] YOU[little butterfly]!" Pinkie yelled, and fluttershy obeyd , "ITS THE [Real Deal] ME !!!!" She continued.

After a few hours of talking

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped and on the verge of tiers after pinkie explained her self,and with a still unmoving smile."It must be so hard to deal with."
"Eh it's [Fine it's fine]. I've been like this for a few [4 MONTH FREE TRAIL] So I'm used to it." Pinkie assured, just then they heard someone coming closer.