
Lyra feels weird, gets meta about it, and wastes* Bon Bon and the reader's time⠀⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀* what constitutes as "wasting time" is a subjective judgment


written for the Quills and Sofas Constant Chaos Contest, maresterminded by the peerless mushroompone

my contribution to RockstarRaccoon's Operation: Crackfic Storm - 2022

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Think I just shat myself. This is my fav' out the crackfics. Well done.

This was pretty fun. It gave me some Doctor Who vibes until it became a meta issue.

Ooo-kay...this seems to be relying on some Pop-culture references which everybody is expected to "get"...

...And I'm not, so I must have missed whatever it is which is being referenced.


I WAS reminded of a real-life incident which happened in my family, though - my late father went to bed on night about 14 years ago...and woke up the next morning, completely unable to remember the name of his wife, sleeping next to him; or his dog; or his two sons (waves hand) or (for that matter) that the bed was called a 'Bed". In his sleep, he had suffered a stroke, which had the peculiar effect of wiping his mind of the ability to access NOUNS. He knew the person next to him in bed was his wife, and that the dog snoozing on the floor was his dog (although he couldn't conjure up the word for "dog"); he could write down his street address, and his phone number, but he couldn't name them, or read them off to anyone, because the words "five", "one", and "six" are the names - NOUNS! - of symbols representing certain quantities.

Eventually, he recovered - If he read a sentence or a statement (or a book) using a noun, or heard it in a conversation, he could figure it out from the context, and that particular memory lock opened up; and for about 3 months whenever he spoke or conversed, he would pause for a few moments between sentences, trying to grasp a word from the foggy night of his vocabulary, which had the positive effect of making it seem like he was in contemplative, reflective Thought and added an aura of Wisdom to his conversations. Through diligent exercises (reading, talking), it seemed like most of it came back.

...Just another example of what a mysterious thing each of our Minds are - and of how fragile the organic "wetware" can be.

...And that's what I thought Lyra was experiencing.

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