• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 580 Views, 19 Comments

The Dragon in Equestria - GoontersGonnaGoont

A draconic creature is brought back to the land of Equestria carrying a devastating past. The girls are met with their most difficult, dangerous, and emotional challenge yet.

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Chapter 2: Hearty Vegetable Stew

“DRAGON!” Fluttershy squealed in anguish. However, she didn’t possess the lung capacity to produce a cry that would match the magnitude of her fear at that very moment.

The brief interaction with the newcomer quickly ended as the terrified pegasus darted to the nearby eucalyptus tree with a speed that would make Rainbow Dash impressed. Only a cloud of yellow feathers were left floating in the air where the mare once stood.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” The dragon shouted. “Please don’t go! I just want to talk to you!”

His plea went unanswered.

Looking around, it didn’t take the dragon long to spot where the frightened pony had gone off to. Conveniently, for him, the number of feathers the mare had shed during her flight laid a perfect trail leading to her place of refuge.

The dragon grunted in frustration. Of course, he knew approaching the tiny pony from behind was a bad idea, especially given his size. Although, he thought if he used a soft, nonthreatening tone to get her attention, she wouldn’t react as dramatically as she did.

Following the trail of avian-like quills, the dragon contemplated if following the tiny pegasus was the right thing to do after their little…encounter. Would she continue to flee? Would she breakdown into a crying fit? Would she try to attack him? The questions rang against the inside of his skull. He was trying to set a good impression here, after all, and so far, it wasn’t going well.

The feather trail ended at the base of a tree. On its bark, a multitude of flat wooden planks were stuck, like a series of platforms. A few of the planks were topped with colorful blankets, expertly woven with alternating patterns and colors. If one looked closely, little hairs speckled the fabric as if something with a lot of fur had been resting there, basking in the early afternoon sun. But no creature of the sort was in sight, for nighttime was nearing.

Just underneath the tree’s canopy lay a rectangular box with a triangular roof bolted to its top. The dragon was familiar with the concept of a ‘bird house;’ a petite structure designed to nest creatures of avian descendance. But, in blatant contrast, this particular bird house seemed to possess an extra, probably unwanted piece of decoration.

Somehow, someway, the mare, in her frantic escape, had jammed her head into the tiny hole that was the only entrance to the bird’s nest. The rest of her body lay exposed, her hind legs quivering in place. Tiny, squeaky whimpers echoed within its wooden structure, like she had slapped a metal bucket over her head and decided to cry about it…because reasons.

The dragon propped his forelegs up against the tree trunk, leaning in to get a better view (not that there was much else to see other than the wiggling rear end of a frightened pony.) He cleared his throat, fluffed his mane, and put on the sweetest voice he deemed appropriate to coax the pegasus out of her makeshift hidey hole.

“Little mare. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He moved his head closer so she could hear him properly. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.”

More whimpering.

Impressively, she even managed to wedge herself a couple more inches through the tight entrance. Hopefully whoever’s eggs were in there didn’t mind the intrusive company.

Eventually, it became quite clear that the frightened pony wasn’t going to come out anytime soon. For all the dragon knew, she would pass out from repeated attempts at conversation. So, he decided not to push it.

The dragon pushed off the tree, releasing a deep sigh, not willing the situation to get the better of him. “That’s okay. I can wait.” He shambled a few clicks away before settling down on the grassy field, the cushioning emerald blades a welcoming rest for his joints. There, until dusk, he waited in the desperate hope to recover what should have been a casual introduction.

Minutes hopped by like sheep over a fence. But for the mare stuffed inside the bird house, time was irrelevant. The memory of the brief interaction with the dragon replayed in her mind. Truth be told, she was spooked at first contact. Fluttershy could never adjust to jump scares playfully inflicted by her friends. Even cheap and utterly repetitive pranks during Nightmare Night never ceased to terrify the pegasus out of her wings. Whatever the case, if she wasn’t prepared for it, she would surely suffer.

As often as she was, being surrounded by the crowd of cute and cuddly animals she had grown to treat like her own children had not prepared her for the overpowering, magnificent creature standing behind her earlier that day. Dragons were supposed to be a fear of the past that, overtime, she had learned to conquer. Even nowadays, she often held meaningful, trusting conversations with her draconic friends like Spike, Ember, and Smolder as if they were no different from ponies. But this dragon, showing up at that time; it was all too much and too sudden.

Thus, just as whenever fear took the wheel, she succumbed to her usual antics of bolting to the nearest rock for cover or cowering behind a bush to hide. The bird house was, admittedly, not her finest choice. It was cramped, stuffy, and hot. Let alone thinking about its bird residents who’ll erupt into a raging fit when they see an intruder wedged headfirst into their private bedroom.

In the time Fluttershy spent stuck, she overheard movement from the outside. Though hard to discern, it sounded like sticks and logs crumbling to the ground. Shortly after, she heard a whoosh, like a gust of wind, followed shortly by subtle crackling and popping noises. What's happening out there?

It didn't matter at the moment. What could she do about it with half her body jammed into a bird house?

After some time crying whatever tears she had left in her ducts, Fluttershy composed herself. She wasn’t scared anymore, nor was she no longer in panic mode. Frankly, she was embarrassed. Some poor, presumably lost creature had come to her for help, and all she did in return was cower and hide away, too frightened to respond even as it pleaded with her to come out.

She scoffed at herself. Some Element of Kindness I am. Gah! I am supposed to set an example.

The tight space eventually grew unbearable in her current position. Naturally, the seal created by her head and neck on the bird house’s circular entrance prevented fresh air from entering the enclosure. Therefore, beads of sweats began dripping off her nose and chin.

By now, the mare knew the time for her own fearful shenanigans was over. She had to confront the stranger.

This was going to be an awkward conversation.

Corkscrewing her back and pulling with what little might she possessed, Fluttershy fantastically freed her noggin from the bird house with a loud foomp, mimicking the sound of somepony opening a fresh bottle of champagne.

How long she spent in that bird house was unknown to her. The sun had set; a dimming glow still emanated from under of the horizon. The night’s stars were piercing through the atmosphere after Luna’s black canvas replaced Celestia’s blue sky. Crickets and cicadas composed their nocturnal serenade, gifting a white noise for all daytime creatures to hear during their slumber. The warm wind had blown away, because the night brought with it cold air.

Gazing around the premises, she saw an abundance of fireflies dancing about in the field, flashing their bright bottoms like there was no tomorrow. Though, something was off. She couldn’t immediately spot the newcomer.

Had he left? I offended him, didn’t I? The anxious pegasus pondered.

Peering down over the wooden plank on which she stood, hiding the rest of her body except for her curious eyes, Fluttershy saw an active campfire crackling by her eucalyptus tree. It’s purpose she did not know, but she did understand the reasonable indicator that the stranger could still be in her sanctuary.

Only a moment later, she caught movement in the corner of her eye. Stepping out from tree line, a large, horned silhouette emerged from the darkness.

It was the newcomer! The stranger…the dragon.

In his maw he carried a small bundle of sticks. Coming to stop by the campfire, he bent down and spat his cargo into the hungry flames. He then casually blew a puff of his own flame into the already burning pile of wood to accelerate the charring process. As a result, the ring of orange light surrounding the camp grew wider and brighter, revealing more of the draconic specimen's body.

From above and far away, Fluttershy was able to look at the stranger in his entirety.

A pair of wings, striped with crimson markings, lay folded neatly against his back. A pitch-black mane hid a few of the spines that lined his back from his doubled-horned head to his crimson dipped tail. He rested comfortably on the ground; his hind legs were slumped to the side with his forelegs out in front.

Peculiar. Forelegs. Four legs?

Fluttershy drew a breath. Alright, Fluttershy. Let’s keep a calm, collected, and…welcoming environment for our guest.

The pegasus leapt off the plank and gracefully floated downwards, like a feather. Though she didn’t fly often, she was thankful she learned to master the most important part of activity: the landing. The sound the winged pony landing in the grass could match the level of a pin drop.

Like a lighthouse alone in the vastness of the sea, the campfire was a solitary light in the void of darkness. The moon, now well above the horizon, reflected bright enough to see the outline of the Everfree Forest. But that light, that fire shined brighter than any flame she ever saw before.

The dragon tilted his head up to take a whiff of the air. Aside from the burning wood and the ashy smoke, a faint vanilla tinge now tickled his nostrils.

Fluttershy practiced a brief breathing technique taught to her by Rarity during times of crisis, savoring its relaxing effect, before approaching the newcomer. With all shreds of fear now reduced to merely a small pang in her chest, she revealed herself in the fire’s golden glow.

“Um…hi.” She whispered, half her head hidden behind her pink mane.

The dragon perked up and smiled. “Heh…Hi.”

Any trace of tension between the two souls evaporated. Nothing made Fluttershy happier and feel more welcome than a simple, friendly hello.

The pegasus side-stepped over to the larger creature and laid down a few feet from his side. The two didn’t say anything more for a few minutes. Rather, both sat watching the orange and red flames writhe and twist atop the charring wood, seeing how their dance flicked glowing embers into the air. Neither of them had the immediate desire to spark a conversation, as if they could already telepathically communicate what they saw in the fire. But it was Fluttershy who eventually broke the ice.

“Sorry for…overreacting earlier. I didn’t see you behind me.” She said, holding a hint of regret in her tone. It was polite to maintain eye contact. Thus, the mare did so while still keeping half her face hidden. Her friends called it her 'trademark Fluttershy look.' “I get spooked pretty easily.”

The dragon rolled to his feet to sit up, willing to embrace Fluttershy’s calming aura whilst maintaining a respectful distance. “No, I should be the one to apologize. I know I have a rather intimidating figure.” He gestured with his wings and his claws. “I shouldn’t have approached you so unannounced.” He looked down at his paws, running his digits through blades of grass. His tail was curled protectively around his base.

“Oh, don't worry. I forgive you anyways.” Fluttershy returned. She didn’t want the dragon to feel like that was the lasting impression he made on her. In fact, the dragon even seemed surprise at her quick jump toward forgiveness.

The mare held out her hoof and smiled. “I’m Fluttershy.”

The dragon stared for a second, flustered, before reaching his paw to cup it around the little mare’s hoof.


The two exchanged a small hoof/paw shake.

“Torran.” Fluttershy repeated his name, tasting the word on her tongue. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a name like that before.” She didn't mention it, but she was familiar a similar, two-syllabled name starting with the same first letter.

Torran chuckled. “I don’t think I have ever heard a name like ‘Fluttershy’ before. Let me guess, you must be a shy pony, huh?” He teased.

Fluttershy cheeks burned red. “Yeah…you can say that.” She was often asked about that. “It’s kind of ironic how my whole family’s name is Shy, even though I’m the only one who is actually shy.”

“Oh, really? That is strange.”

Silence befell the lighthearted conversation once again. The midnight chirping of the crickets and cicadas became the primary background noise behind the sweltering pile of sticks. Its deep, yellow glow shone no farther than the length of Torran’s tail. Everything else was black, save for the twinkling specs of stars and the milky white moon; the gorgeous, awe-inspiring moon.

“Well, what about your name?” Fluttershy began. “What does your name mean?”

The question caught the dragon off guard. He blinked and shuffled around in place to get a little more comfortable amidst the anxiety spiked inquiry. “I…don’t know.” He choked. His eyes were now focused on something in the distance.


Transitioning from his sitting position, Torran slumped back to lie on the ground. “Actually, I don’t even know how I got here.” His gaze turned towards Fluttershy, now the pony of interest. “I was kind of hoping you could help me with that. You’re the first…intelligent being I’ve seen for hundreds of miles.”

His eyes. They look tired, and they’re so green.

"I really don't know what else to do at this point." Torran added. His demeanor suddenly falling shallow.

The mare quickly jumped to a conclusion. “Oh I get it, you’re lost.” She blurted. Of course! Why didn't she think of that earlier? “Random ponies I’ve never met have stumbled upon my sanctuary and asked for directions before. I can see why. This place is kind of in the middle of nowhere to be fair. I’m sure I can find a map to help get you to where you’re going.” Not a second's thought passed as she did a double-take on herself. “Wait! I think I have a simplified map of Equestria in my saddlebag. I'll go get it!” Fluttershy jumped to her hooves to retrieve the item she left at the center of the field earlier, but she hesitated to leave the safety of the fire’s light. "Could you come with--"

“Fluttershy.” Torran interrupted her rant.

She flung her head around. “Yes?”

“I can’t remember anything. I know that my name is Torran, that’s it.” The dragon assured calmly. “I don’t even know if I have a home.”

It took the mare a second for that to click. Her smile faded as her mind processed what he had just said. Now this was a situation out of the ordinary. Is this a joke? Is this some kind of cruel prank somepony is pulling on me?

Despite Fluttershy's suspicions, It seemed like even Torran couldn’t believe what he was saying. “I woke up somewhere, in the middle of some desert.” His eyes were shut tight, straining to recall his most recent of memories. “It was dark, I don’t remember how or when I got there.” He dropped his head into his forelegs to hide his face. “It’s all so fuzzy.”

And then, as if her world stopped revolving around her preconception of an average good Samaritan duty, the realization finally hit her. This was no lost traveler seeking assistance and direction from a local. It was a confused, abandoned, wandering soul suffering from a terrible case of amnesia.

Amnesia. When life couldn't be any crueler than to steal away one's cherished memories, only to leave a blank void of questions. The mare's ears drooped at the sudden gravity of the situation.

Fluttershy leaned over to rub Torran's shoulder with a hoof. The scales were smooth to the touch. “I’m sorry. That has to be very hard to deal with, Torran.” She emitted her deepest condolences. The sad truth meant this dragon basically lost his entire identity. A desert, with no food, no water. How long was he unconscious before he woke up? Who left him there? Why did they leave him there!? “You must have felt so alone.”

Torran lifted his head back up and starred into the night sky. “I don’t know what to think of it, you know? I feel like I should be mad at whoever, or whatever did this to me. But…I have nothing to go on.”

The yellow pegasus wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Repairing the fractures of a mind filled with shattered memories was not within her range of expertise. However, within the hurricane of helplessness, Fluttershy's ability to relate and sympathize with others allowed her to understand the stress Torran was going through. Waking up in a foreign place with no recollection of yesterday or the day before was a frightening image to think about, let alone being the individual experiencing it. Dear Celestia, this dragon needs help.

In time, the campfire had reduced itself to a mere candle-sized flicker before blinking out with a puff of smoke. Darkness returned to blanket the campers in its cold embrace. The change of scenery, or complete lack thereof, snapped Fluttershy out of her trance and plunged her back into awareness of her own fear of the night.

Torran noticed her subtle shift into paranoia. “Sorry. I was little distracted.” He said, bellowing his gullet to blow another puff of flame to reignite the campfire.

Fluttershy interjected before he could do so. “How about you sleep over at my cottage tonight?” She asked. “It’s cold outside. I don’t want you to freeze.”

Obviously, they weren’t going to find any immediate answers to Torran’s predicament overnight. Amnesia wasn’t an easy thing to resolve as far as the mare knew. Often, one would have to readjust to life and move on from their forgotten past. But not all hope was lost; some ponies would still be able to reconnect with their loved ones. On rare occasions, just spending time in their own home brought back the memories they had lost. Torran’s situation, on the other hand, may be a bit more complex.

From what Fluttershy could see in the dark, Torran looked surprised at her offer. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.” He gripped the end of his tail with a paw.

Burden? Wow, he really doesn’t know me. I am Fluttershy, the queen of hospitality! “You are certainly no burden! You are my guest. And I would be more than happy to let you rest your wings at my home. They must be sore after using them all day.” He had to say 'yes.' She and Torran both knew he had nowhere else to stay.

“That’s very kind of you, Fluttershy.” The dragon bowed his head after a moment's hesitation.

Fluttershy gleefully bowed in return. Success. “Great! Let’s hurry, I forgot I had a stew going!” And she led the way.

The trip home was going to be difficult at night, but with a dragon at her side, she owned the forest. Thank Celestia.

As black as the night rung, the warm light emanating from the windows of Fluttershy’s cottage beaconed under the starry sky. Still were the trees, for they no longer danced. Silent were the birds, for they no longer sung. Quiet was the world, for it was asleep.

The duo had arrived at their destination after crossing the small bridge over the frog-ridden pond. Swiftly, little pegasus trotted up to the main front door to be the first to welcome her guest into her home. “Torran, before you go in, I should let you know that I have a pet rabbit. Angel is his name. I’m…not too sure how he will react to your…presence.” Fluttershy tried her hardest not to offend her draconic guest, but she felt it right to tell him. Angel Bunny, as much of a bundle of joy he is, is rather unpredictable.

“Oh. I don’t mind if you’d rather me sleep out here if he isn’t comfortable.” Torran suggested. What a gentledrake.

But her guest...outside? Absolutely not! That would be unacceptable. So, Fluttershy insisted. “No no. It’s still too cold out here. I want you inside tonight. Angel will just have to adapt, he’s pretty good at that.” That was a lie. Angel is terrible at adapting! What are you thinking, Fluttershy!?

She swung her door open with a hoof, spilling the interior light out into the darkness. “Come on in!” She said with a gleeful smile plastered on her face.

The cottage light from inside was like a tractor beam, drawing the steel-colored dragon in. Sizing up the entryway, Torran did his best to condense his larger body to accommodate for the doorframe's tight fit. Dragons were usually nimbler and more flexible than other creatures their size, so his shoulders and torso managed to slip through nicely. His flanks, however, were a bit of a squish.

A feeble shove from his hind end forced the rest of his body past the doorway. Then, taking a long gander at his surroundings, Torran was the greeted with the what could be the coziest of all places. The scent of vanilla mixed with a brewing stew invaded his sensory organs. Never would he have thought such a domain belonged to the likes of somepony as shy as Fluttershy; this place was a welcoming haven! Round area carpets decorated the wooden flooring, dampening any possible echo when one spoke. A couple of bookshelves leaned against the walls, humbly stocked with a number of books just low enough for a few of them to tip over into the leftover empty space. An ornately framed painting of butterflies fluttering in front of a cascading rainbow was placed behind a table topped with a porcelain tea set.

A purple pillow lay in the far corner; a small ball of white lay curled upon it. Fluttershy’s dear companion, Angel Bunny. The little marsupial slept soundly, dreaming of whatever rabbits dreamed of. Torran, as per Fluttershy’s prior warning, didn't seem adamant about introducing himself just yet, thankfully.

They both shared a glance at the sleeping Angel. Fluttershy gave her appreciation to Luna herself that Angel was such a heavy sleeper. “I think it’s best if he stays asleep for now,” she whispered after lowering her voice, “Please, follow me.”

The pegasus quietly lead Torran past the staircase and the lounge area into a separate room segregated from the rest of the household by a wall and a frame. The significant feature of this room was the small cobblestone arch against the far wall. Within the structure rested a metal rack suspended over a pit of hot coals. The cast iron pot set atop the rack was a clue suggesting to anypony that the structure also doubled as a cooking oven.

Adjacent to the cobblestone, wooden shelves held common household ingredients like flour, salts, and seasonings. The rusty old refrigerator contained a mysterious assortment of goodies known only to the mare herself, a secret she liked to keep. It wasn’t much, but it was Fluttershy’s humble kitchen, and she cherished it.

Trotting over to the far corner, she dusted off a couple of chairs and dragged them and a short, rectangular table into the open. “I don’t get a lot of visitors often, aside from the usual tea party with my friend, Discord.” She stated before turning back to Torran. She looked him up and down and back at her chairs. After realizing her mistake, the mare pushed one of the chairs back to the corner.

Torran laughed as he ran a paw through his mane. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I don’t mind sitting on the floor.”

The yellow pegasus huffed. She hated having to settle for the least of accommodations for her guests dependent on their size. “My vegetable stew should be done by now.” She grabbed a pair of ceramic bowls from her shelf and brought them over to the pot. The stew was done three hours ago. I just got home later than... intended.

“It smells wonderful.” Torran complemented. His nostrils flared around, working their magic to entice the dragon's appetite.

“It’s a simple recipe: yellow onions, mushrooms, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, carrots, peas, and, of course, the secret ingredient.” Fluttershy recited. She held a ladle with a wing as she poured her culinary skills into generous serving portions.

“Which is…?” Torran questioned.

“I’ll never tell.” The mare said over her shoulder, playfully. All these greedy guests begging to know her special ingredient will never break her. Balancing a soup bowl on each wing, Fluttershy steadily carried them over to the table, setting the bowl for Torran down first before setting hers down. Her guest inhaled the vapors rising from his steaming dinner. Indeed, it was the familiar scent he smelled from when he first entered the cottage.

Fluttershy trotted over to a light switch on the wall and gave it a flip. All the ceiling lights in her house turned off save for the one cheap chandelier dangling over the dinner table. To her, It felt like proper etiquette to set the mood for what could be a lengthy and difficult conversation during a late-night mealtime; Rarity would be proud.

Content with the current setting, Fluttershy then trotted back over to the opposite end of the table and plopped her rump comfortably into the wooden chair. By Celestia, it's been a long time since she had the opportunity to do this.

Across the table, Torran shuffled his wings about, whether out of discomfort or aching soreness Fluttershy didn't know. He ought to be sore if he came from a desert. Still, a plethora of questions unequivocally begged to be answered, no doubt, but that would have to wait. Her own appetite begged to be satisfied.

She held her soup bowl up with both hooves and slurped. Ting! Yikes! “Ouch! Oof! That is much too hot!” Fluttershy hissed. “We should wait for them to cool before we dig in.”

“Sure.” Torran said.

His responses have gotten shorter. The mare had thought that by inviting Torran into her home and providing a warm meal would allow him to open up. But so far, he seemed to be lost in his own head. Whatever the case, Fluttershy silently hoped the coincidence that the lone wandering dragon meet with the most sweet, most gentle, most caring individual would surely help to calm and soothe his worries.

She lightly tapped her hooves together whilst struggling to conjure up an opening conversation. “So, Torran, you’re having trouble remembering things before…well…waking up in a strange place?”

“That’s right. Like I woke up from a long nap."

"Okay. You said you woke up in a desert?" She already knew what he had said before, but wondered if Torran still remembered.

"Yeah. Do you know anything about it? Maybe something happened there?” Torran inquired, perking up on his paws.

“Sorry, no. Even though I know what desert you are talking about, I’m no detective.” Fluttershy assured, feeling helpless. Rarity is the only pony who can tackle mystery cases in Ponyville head-on without a sweat. But me? I’m not cut out for this!

Torran's exuberance died a little. “That’s alright. You’re just the first sentient being I’ve talked to since waking up. I didn’t expect you to know the answers. I’m just disoriented is all.” He rubbed his neck.

Disoriented? Oh, right! “Now that is something I can help with!” Fluttershy beamed. She couldn't bare to delay introducing Torran to the land of Equestria any longer.

The pegasus left her seat and trotted over to the kitchen counter to grab her saddlebag. In it, she dug out a rolled piece of paper held shut with an elastic band. Then, she brought it to the table and unrolled the paper to reveal a large-scaled geographical map. “EQUESTRIA” in big letters was written at the top. The overall shape of the landscape appeared to be one, enormous continental island with a couple smaller islands to its right. A rocky, white mountainous image illustrated the northern hemisphere, while a dry, deserty geography depicted the south. A greener, lusher valley lay between the two hazardous biomes.

“You are here,” Fluttershy pointed at the little village-like icon on the map, “the beautiful town of Ponyville. A home for all ponies and creatures alike. It’s a small borough, but it has a big heart.” She shifted her hoof up and to the left at a series of clouds hovering next to a pack of rainbows. “This here is Cloudsdale, where I was born.”

Torran adjusted his position to get a better look at the map. “It looks like a bunch of clouds.” Quite the observation there, Torran. Admittedly, the reference to her childhood home as 'a bunch of clouds' would be considered insulting to its residents, but the mare held her tongue. Torran was new after all.

“Uh-huh. Pegasi live there. We are the only ponies with wings.” The pegasus gave a few cute flaps of her own feathered flight appendages.

“And do you all have… like... houses up there?”

“We do. It’s kind of hard to explain how living in the clouds works, but honestly, it is nothing short of a miracle.”

Scattered around the map were locations marked with unique but unclever names referencing to equestrian attributes: Filly Delphia, Los Pegasus, Manehatten, Baltimare. The trend made sense as they were all built upon the gargantuan supercontinent of Equestria. They wouldn't have nearly enough time to go through each location, but if Torran inquired about any of them, she would happily provide a brief history.

A few minutes passed as the pair discussed the local geography. Eventually, Fluttershy left Torran to view the map by himself and returned to her chair across the table. She loved talking about her favorite place in all of everything she adored, however, trying to explain the physical laws of Equestrian nature to a dragon who didn't know that pegasi lived in clouds was an exhausting effort.

“What about here?” Fluttershy noticed Torran pointing at a towering mountain at the center of the map with a royal castle attached to its side. “Who lives there?” He asked.

“Why Princess Luna and Princess Celestia of course! They are the two alicorn rulers of Equestria. Celestia, the eldest sister, uses her power to raise the sun, and Luna the moon.” Fluttershy gleefully recited. The commonest of all knowledge. Even with amnesia, how could somepony not know about the Princesses?

The words hit the dragon like a brick wall. “Princesses…alicorn.” He muttered.

Fluttershy noticed his subtle contemplation. “It just means that they have a pair of wings, like me, and also a horn to use magic.” This information came rather easily for Fluttershy. It was like telling somepony the sky was blue, and the grass was green.

“Magic…” Torran whispered, trying to process the amount of content he now had to remember. It was like the basic Equestrian terminology sounded alien to him. Is this dragon serious? But the conversation was becoming stale. Incorporating the dragon back into society, or rather, the land of the living, was going to be a rocky road. There were fundamental norms he clearly didn’t understand. Oh boy.

Fluttershy, desperate for a good impression, took the initiative. “I-I think the soup has cooled some.”

Torran blinked out of his wits. “Oh, right.” He scooted back, scooped his bowl into his paws and lofted it up to his maw. As he begun to pour the concoction into his gullet, he peered over the edge of the bowl to see Fluttershy doing the same.

Chunks of carrots, potatoes, and peas flooded his oral cavity, exploding his taste buds into a fireworks display of flavor and tang. Upon this sudden gust of satisfaction, Torran closed his eyes and tilted his head back to allow the nutritious sludge to slide into his awaiting stomach.

Fluttershy giggled at his childish demeanor. “I am very flattered, Torran. I’d imagine you would be hungry after such a long day. But you must slow down! I don’t want you to get a bad tummy ache.” That last part slipped out like holding a wet soap bar between her hooves. The mare’s verbiage in her warning utterly flummoxed her guest. Locking dinnerplate-sized eyes with him from across the table, she couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hooves, cheeks piping hot. Although, her action only added to her own shock and disbelief. At the other end of the table, Torran held his breath as the two engaged in yet another bat of awkward silence. It certainly wasn’t the kind of dinner she was expecting.

But thank Celestia, the awkwardness was short lived as the duo burst into rambunctious laughter. Joyously, Torran waggled his tail, thumping it against the wooden floor. The whole table shook as he slapped it with his paws in hysterical fashion.

Fluttershy did not stray far from the dragon’s antics. In fact, she too rocked her chair back and forth from the sheer magnitude of laughter. “I’m sorry.” Fluttershy choked out in between breaths. “I didn’t mean to talk to you like that. I meant it when I said I usually don’t have many guests. My animal friends are the ones I talk to the most these days.” The mare believed she would never be able to live that moment down for as long as her relationship with Torran lasts.

“That’s alright.” Torran said, still grinning ear to ear. “I can’t say that I haven’t been talked to like that before. I wouldn’t know!” The joyful moment calmly subsided as he looked down at his empty bowl.

“Feel free to help yourself with some more stew! I’m still on my first bowl.” Fluttershy said.

Torran nodded and did just that. With a single paw, he gripped his bowl under his claws and walked over to the fireplace in an offset, three-legged gallop.

In this light, Fluttershy was able to get another full-scale view of her guest. He was certainly unlike any dragon she had ever seen before. The dragons she knew stood upright and walked on their hind legs. Their muzzles also usually came to a point at the end of their nostrils in a beak-shaped nose. In Torran’s case, his nose was more rounded and smoother, like a dinosaur.

There were also dragons of much larger scale. In her earlier days with her best friends, Fluttershy was forced to confront a towering behemoth of a dragon whose thunderous snoring nearly blocked out all sunlight in Ponyville with his smoke and ash. Thus, in Equestria, most dragons Torran’s size would be considered teenage, but Torran was by no means small in comparison. He was probably a horn or two taller than Celestia herself if they stood side-by-side.

The way his muscular, yet lithe frame was built suggested that he was roughly fully grown. Though Fluttershy wouldn’t know. She and the dragon in question may never know what his actual age might be.

But what fascinated Fluttershy most of all was his mane. Equestrian Dragons typically had large fins atop their head. Her dear friends Ember and Spike each had their own uniquely colored fins that complemented or contrasted the color of their scales. Peculiarly, Torran had a silky, pitch-black mane like that of a pony. From some angles, he’d remind her of King Sombra. The dragon even shared that steel-colored coat of his. And those red markings.

Fluttershy shook from her trance when Torran returned with his bowl refilled with some of her stew. Without further delay, he immediately dug in to the healthy, filling deliciousness. She smiled at his voraciousness. Rationally enough, she couldn't possibly enforce politeness on a guest so eager to enjoy her culinary delight.

Suddenly, a little hint of white in the corner of her eye caught the mare off guard.

Angel. Oh dear.

The petite marsupial was leaning around the corner, looking on in horror at the abominable scaled creature inside his own home. Apparently, the mare guessed that recent bout of noisy laughter heard in the kitchen had roused him from his peaceful slumber. Torran noticed Fluttershy’s lingering gaze past his shoulder, in which he followed her gaze to see what gave her that concerning expression.

As soon as the dragon locked eyes with the small hare, Angel closed his own to faint backwards, generating a soft whump as his small form collapsed onto the floor. “Oh Angel.” Fluttershy scooted her chair backwards and left to go rescue her beloved companion. She scooped him up in one arm before turning towards her reptilian guest. “I better go put him to bed.”

“Sure thing. I’ll finish the last of my stew and clean these dishes up.” He immediately began licking his bowl clean.

“You don’t have to that, Torran. You are my--”

“Please, I insist. It’s the least I can do in return.” The dragon was already finishing up in putting the wooden chair and table away.

Fluttershy couldn’t argue with his forwardness. Celestia be damned, she couldn’t argue with anypony. That was a skill in constant development. “Thank you.” Was all she could muster. And she headed off upstairs.

By the time Fluttershy tucked Angel in for a good night’s sleep, she went back downstairs to find Torran rinsing the soapy suds off the soup bowls and the cooking pot into the grass outside. The water he was using came from one of her rainwater buckets. Careful to preserve as much of the liquid as he could, the dragon washed his paws off and set the bucket back on the ground.

"I'll take those off your paws." Fluttershy held out a hoof, at which Torran obliged and handed her the bowls. “If you would follow me, please.” She gestured with a wing. “I’d like to show you where you are sleeping tonight.”

After Torran managed to squeeze himself through the door, this time with a little more ease, Fluttershy led him to the lounge area of the cottage. Near the bottom of the staircase lay a mishmash of blankets, pillows, and quilts she had thrown into a wide pile. Some of the furniture had to be moved around to accommodate for the floor area the pile took up. “I don’t have a mattress that’s large enough for your size, so I though I’d find all the soft things in my house and put them here.” I wish I was more prepared for guests. It’s been so long.

Torran gave a respectful bow to the little pegasus. “Thank you for putting this together, Fluttershy. You’re very kind.”

There it was again. Fluttershy grew a few shades redder at hearing his thanks. The word ‘kind’ used to describe her was a humble yet flattering complement. It gave her pride in that she was living up to her title: ‘Element of Kindness.’ “You are very welcome, Torran.” She said, returning his bow.

One by one, the dragon brought each leg into the pile of soft things. Funnily enough, this was probably the most amusing part about his size. The simple truth that the only comfortable place to for him to sleep was the conglomeration of bed toppings on the floor embarrassed her own skills in presentation finesse. One may call it lazy, but there were truly no alternatives. Fluttershy didn’t want him sleeping on the hard wooden flooring; that would be…uncouth of her, as Rarity would put it. She put a lot of faith in that fashionista.

The pillowy heap sucked the dragon’s legs into its mass, coaxing him into a prone position. “It’s comfy.” He remarked.

Fluttershy snickered. “I sure hope so. I don’t think I have anything softer in this house other than Angel.”

The mare trotted over to the far wall and performed a swiping motion on its surface with a hoof. Suddenly, the ceiling light above the center of the room shut off. Now, the interior of the cottage was lit only by the light from upstairs: Fluttershy’s bedroom.

Torran watched the pegasus as she trotted over to the bottom of the staircase to begin her ascent. “Fluttershy.” He said, stopping her in her tracks.

“Yes, Torran?” Is this going to be another 'thank you?'

He looked down at his paws. “I know I’ve thanked you a countless number of times today. But I don’t believe you understand how grateful I am to have met you.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure where this was going, but she listened in.

“You offered me, a total stranger, a warm meal and hospitality after I had frightened you out of your feathers.” The dragon’s tail swished idly in the mass of blankets. “Not only that. See, you…you trusted me. You believed me when I said I couldn’t remember anything, that I have amnesia. For all you know, I could have lied my way into your home and robbed you. Anyone could have lied about that.”

He said ‘anyone.’ Fluttershy thought. What could that mean?

“I can’t say if this has ever happened to me before. But what I can tell you is that…this whole amnesia thing…it’s…it’s terrifying.” Torran locked sorrowful eyes with Fluttershy, exchanging glances with her cyan blue gems and his green emeralds. "I just can't comprehend how lucky I am to have run into you."

The mare didn’t budge for at least a minute. She normally dealt with fairly heavy topics, because she was more adamant about engaging in a heart-to-heart conversation than many of her friends were comfortable with. But this time, it was different.

“Torran. This is who I am. This is the kind of life I choose to live. When most others don't, I see the beauty in the happiness of others. The joy I see on ponies’ faces when I wish them a good day or complement their appearance or appreciate their personality gives me the energy to become a better pony myself.” Pride reverberated in her voice. It wasn’t her usual tone, but she refused to live herself down. “I’ve been through a lot during the past few years. I have been in many terrifying situations and endured countless harrowing experiences, but I learn and grow from them. We all do. More importantly, I couldn’t have become the mare I am today without the help of my friends along the way. And you, Torran, are most certainly one of my friends.” Though confidence did not come easily for her, this was one of those 'rare' occurrences.

The dragon sat in utter silence a moment. Now officially addressed as one of Fluttershy’s friends, he looked as though he were in awe at the pegasus standing before him. “That…means a lot to me. Thank you for that, Fluttershy.” Torran finally said.

Fluttershy smiled at him like a mother at her newborn foal. “Of course, Torran. Now please, get some sleep.” The mare continued her way upstairs before turning back to her guest once last time. “Oh, and Torran.”


“I might know somepony who can help you get your memories back.” She said. And with that, she found her way to silent slumber. Goodnight, little dragon.