• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 1,179 Views, 42 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Rise of Twira - PoNyFICTIon12

Wanting to help her friends,Twilight creates a robot that should be the solution to all problems. But, in the end, it becomes something that can destroy all life on Earth.

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Hi guys, here I am! I know that you probably expected a new chapter on "Equestria Ninja Girls: Rise of Thira" and my full-fledged return, but I'm afraid that's not the case...bye! That's right, I'm coming home soon after serving in our mighty army! And I will say that during this time I have new plans for stories about my favorite crossover universe from Wild card 25 - Equestria Ninja Girls! And I will say that I have three new stories on my mind and I hope that one of them will affect MLP: FiM Season 9, namely the final in the confrontation with Mean Three, the Legion of Doom or the Evil Alliance from Jebens1, or rather where, after victory, the heroes take away from the villains Grogar's Bewitching Bell Grogar! And, spoiler, I hope that my villain from the old stories, who I planned and will take this bell, after the defeat of the bad guys, and I will tell you right away... This is NOT A Twira! Yes, it will be a new and mighty villain who was inspired after watching Kung Fu Panda 4 - The Chameleon with the guys on military leave! I must say right away, yes, her appearance, abilities/skills, like genius-level intelligence and everything else except her abilities to change appearance and copy will be preserved in my future history, BUT! her voice acting will change there (no offense to her original from Viola Davis, but I have my reasons for that), as well as goals and motivation, and I will say she will be worse than the Chameleon from Kung Fu Panda and you will see it! I will say right away, to those who watched, that the Chameleon from the film was a complete suck, as was her ultimate goal, even despite her stunning strength and very impressive abilities and she had a lot of potential that was not revealed and did not want to be revealed at all, but I plan to change this, with my semi-original character inspired by and bearing the name of its original source - Chameleon! And I will say that it will be a huge and indeed one of the most difficult and terrible tests for our heroes, Turtles, Rainbooms and their allies, like Foot and Mutanimals! And I hope that Wildcard will notice this and allow Chameleon to appear in her MLP S09 story, where she will ring the bell for her own purposes! And I say that I have a lot of money for this character, probably even more than for Twira!

I want to say that I am very excited and I will be very happy to start working on creating stories for Equestria Ninja Girls, which is promoted and will be mentioned in stories from Wildcard25, the creator of this entire universe! I also want to inform you that I will edit and rework the story about Twira somewhat, which I will change soon, because I have some new ideas and touches that I want to apply to this work and you will see what I mean!

Here are the planned stories after Equestria Ninja Girls:

* Equestria Ninja Girls: Turtles and Amphibians (ENG x Amphibia crossover; working title)

* Equestria Ninja Girls: Chameleon Strike (original robot; working title)

* Equestria Ninja Girls: ALIS Revolution (continued about Twira/ALIS)

I hope you will be excited by this announcement and will be waiting for new stories from me! Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

P.S. - And Wildcard, if you have read this announcement, what do you think about everything written, especially about Chameleon, the upcoming new and deadly villainess, since the days of Shredder,Kavaxas and Twira? I hope to hear your opinion if you will be here!

Comments ( 7 )

Honestly I am worried about anything effecting my plans for the season 9 finale

How about creating a crossover with TMNT, MLP EG, and One Piece with the whole storyline of God of a War Ragnarök plus with the current cast of One Piece (Luffy, Zoro, Ussopp, Robin, Nami, and Sanji but excluding Franky, Brook, and Chopper because they may not be ready to control their new power yet), TMNT, and MLP EG plus the Dazzlings to be able to use Skofnung and the new Blade of Olympus from new GOWR Valhalla update once your back?

I would like Chameleon to steal the bell of Grogar after defeating the Legion of the Horn and twilight herself gave her the bell, so that she took the form of one of her most loyal friends and revealed herself when the bell was in her clutches! But the question is, who exactly will she pretend to be? And this will be revealed when you start writing the half and finale of season 9 and allow, if possible, to participate in the Chameleon dialogue plan in "The Ending of the End", when the villainess is revealed!

As said I made plans already for it years ago so I cannot promise this will happen

I understand. I just hope for your approval and blessing to give Chameleon a chance to become the greatest villain for our heroes, after Shredder and Kavaxas, becoming their third greatest enemy of all (or fourth if Twira is the same) and also for her appearance and participation in the Season 9 finale and even in TMNT Forever! I am waiting for your reply! And I don't think it's going to affect the plans you've made. After all, she will take the bell, laugh and gloat over the heroes, especially Twilight, and leave with the bell and plans for it and its power in the Human World or on Earth! In addition, I have planned a twist with this character, or rather what she was like as a person and this applies to Equestria girls

I can only say one thing: Wait for the premiere of Equestria Ninja Girls: Chameleon Strike! And I promise you won't regret it... I hope so!

All I ask is to give a chance for the villainess as a Chameleon and her influence on our heroes and the story as a whole to you! I just hope that you will like it and it will be worthy of mention and even participation on her part!

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