• Published 13th Feb 2022
  • 1,714 Views, 36 Comments

Family of Chaos - Animalman57

A collection of stories involving the home life of Discord, Fluttershy and their daughters after the events of season 9.

  • ...

Slumber Party

It was a peaceful Saturday afternoon at the Chaos household.

Or at least it would've been if Raven wasn't pacing around excitingly by the door.

"Sweetie, settle down. They'll be here soon." Fluttershy said, though she said this with a squiggly smile on her face, amused by Raven's behavior.

Yesterday, Fluttershy talked to the parents of Raven's best friends about having a slumber party today. They agreed and since then, Raven couldn't wait. Raven had nothing but a wide smile for the whole day and seemly had a boost of euphoria.

It was so nice seeing her normally reserved daughter being so ecstatic at her friends coming over. Raven didn't have many friends as she wasn't a real social butterfly, always worried that someone will hate her if she tried to be friendly, so Fluttershy was so happy that she found a pair of friends that she was close with.

Raven stopped pacing, but she danced in place on her asymmetrical feet instead. "I can't help it, mama. I'm just so excited!" She said in an elated voice.

Fluttershy giggled, "I know, little flower. I'm happy you really want to see your friends."

At that moment, Wildflower came down the stairs and, upon seeing her sister just barely staying still, she raised her eyebrow as she looked at her mom and asked, "Is she having a sugar rush or something?"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, while the smile stayed on her face.

A knock on the door made Raven gasp ecstatically as Fluttershy walked towards the door. She opened the door and standing there was a lavender teenage unicorn mare with bright green eyes, a deep red mane and tail that were curly, and freckles that ran across her muzzle. Similarly to Raven, she wore her mane in a ponytail, while a pink bow was tied to the base of her tail. Her cutie mark was three heart shaped cookies with the top cookie having a bite taken out of it.

Her slightly pudgy mother was behind her and had similar green eyes and freckles, but her coat was coffee brown, she had silver glasses and white pearl earrings in her ears with a wavy mane and tail that were light blonde with darker yellow streaks going through it, with the mane laying over her shoulder in a soft curl, bound together with a single pink hair tie. Her cutie mark was a chalkboard with a math problem on it and a ruler next to it.

Raven's smile grew even wider. "Honey Suckle!" She yelled. The teenage unicorn smiled as she ran in and hugged Raven tightly.

"Howdy, Rave!", Honey Suckle said in an Appleloosan accent. Raven smiled as well as she hugged her back just as tightly.

Fluttershy smiled at them before turning to Honey Suckle's mother. "Hope you two had no trouble getting here." Fluttershy said.

The mother smiled. "Not at all. I wanted my husband to come, but he's still a little nervous about Discord. Nothing against your husband of course, he's just a little intimidating for him still."

Fluttershy smiled lightly. "I understand. They did seem to get along last time they chatted."

Honey Suckle's mother nodded, "Oh, yeah. He likes y'all. He's just not used to draconequi."

At that moment, the sound of flapping wings could be heard. Both the older mares entered the house as a pair of dragons landed at the door.

The young dragon was a light brown with a creamy beige underbelly and wing membranes and dark sapphire blue eyes. Her spine fringe between her white horns was a dark yellow and she also had three white spikes on each of her cheeks, with her left horn on her head being chipped at the tip. Aside from her spine fringe, she lacked any spines down her back or tail. She wore a studded black choker around her neck.

Her mother had icy blue eyes and was dark red with a lighter red underbelly and wing membranes, with light purple spines running down her back.

The teenage dragoness was soon jumped on by Raven and Honey Suckle.

"What's up, Cinder?" Honey asked. Cinder smiled as she returned the hug.

The older dragoness turned to the mares. Even though she towered over both of them (being shorter than Discord but taller than most ponies), she wasn't intimidating to the ponies, as she had a friendly smile on her face.

"You have no idea how excited she was. She would not stop talking about it. Not that I'm complaining." She said in a raspy sounding voice.

Fluttershy nodded. "Raven was the same way. All day, she was so elated, I'm surprised her magic didn't make her float on an actual cloud shaped like a nine."

The mothers all laughed at Fluttershy's comment. When Honey Suckle's mother stopped laughing, she smiled.

"Anyway, I'm going to get going. Me and my husband are going out for dinner since Honey's going to be here and our son is out with his friends." Honey Suckle's mother walked forward and nuzzled her daughter. "You behave yourself now, ya hear, sugar plum?"

Honey Suckle nuzzled back. "Of course, ma. I'll be fine." She replied.

The older dragoness turned to her daughter and hugged her. "You girls have fun, okay?" Cinder whined, blushing in embarrassment and trying to break out of the hug.

"Yeah, we will. Now, can you let go?" She complained.

Once the mothers left, Fluttershy lead the draconequus, dragon, and unicorn into her house.

"Hey, Wildflower. How are you?" Honey Suckle asked.

The teenage pegasus smiled. "I'm good. It's nice to see you girls."

Cinder nodded. "It's nice to see you too, Wild."

Fluttershy walked forward and said, "Alright, girls. You can head up to Raven's room and hang out." The teenagers smiled and ran upstairs at her words.

Wildflower shook her head before jumping onto the couch. She didn't want to intrude on their slumber party. Besides, they did things that she wasn't too interested in, so she'd probably be bored.

"Hey, Wild, can you take out the trash, please?" Fluttershy asked as she headed to the bathroom.

Wildflower groaned loudly. "Fine." She got up to do the trash.

Meanwhile, in Raven's bedroom, the three adolescent girls were sitting around. Honey Suckle smiled.

"Hey, Rave. Ya want me to do your mane?" She asked. Seeing Raven's hesitant expression, Honey Suckle smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Rave." She said, "I'll make ya pretty."

After a moment of thought, Raven eventually agreed.

The unicorn walked over to the draconequus and grabbed the ruby red hair band holding Raven's ponytail up, causing her black tresses to cascade downward. Honey Suckles' horn lit up in a light red glow and held up Raven's mane up as she used her hooves to style her hair.

She went through a couple of styles, eventually ending up on giving her twin tails held by purple hair ties.

When Raven looked into the mirror on her dresser, she was surprised, but pleased by the result. She wore twin tails when she was younger and she'd be lying if she said she didn't look cute like this.

"I...I like it. I think I'll wear it like this for the rest of the day."

Honey Suckle winked. "Told you I can make ya look pretty, Rave." Raven smiled back.

About half a hour later, the three of them were laughing and giggling at a story told by Cinder about her griffon boyfriend as they sat on Raven's bed.

"Geez, Cinder. He ain't too smart, is he? Seriously, how did he even do that?" Honey Suckle said, laughing even more. Cinder rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. I love him, but he is an moron." The dragoness snarked. "I told him that trick would backfire and now his wings are wrapped in bandages and his paw is in a cast. He's so annoyed because of it."

Raven looked at Cinder before speaking, "But, hey, at least Gideon's better than your ex."

Cinder nodded. "Oh, definitely. I'd prefer an idiot who is at least well-meaning than a jerky dragon who's only decent quality was having a chiseled face and muscular physique."

Someone knocked on the door and Raven called out, "Come in." The door opened, revealing Raven's mother.

"Hey, girls. Discord went out to get you gals cheese pizza." Fluttershy said before smiling at Raven, "Also, you look really cute with your hair like that, sweetie."

"Thanks, mama." Raven responded, smiling cutely while her cheeks turned pink. Once she left, they continued to talk, this time Honey Suckle talking about her older brother.

A little bit later, the door was knocked on again. Raven snapped her paw and the door opened by itself, showing Discord, wearing a pizza delivery outfit, with the pizza. There were some soda and a bag of cheese bread on top of the boxes as well.

He smiled as he spoke in a fake Neightalian accent, "Did someone order a pizza pie?" Raven rolled her eyes at her dorky dad before she got up and flew towards him and grabbed them.

"You look adorable with those twin tails, princess," he said to her, dropping the faux accent. She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed her father's cheek, catching him by surprise and causing him to blush.

Smirking at his reaction, she used her tail to close the door. She set the pizza down as the others surrounded it. She opened it and smelled it.

"Mmm, that smells good." Honey Suckle and Cinder nodded as they licked their lips. They each took a slice and started eating.

After a while, there was only a slice of pizza left, while the cheese bread and soda were gone completely.

As the three of them laid Raven's bed, out of nowhere, Honey Suckle got hit by a pillow. She looked and saw Cinder holding the pillow with a gleam in her eyes.

Honey narrowed her eyes. "So, that's how you're going to play, is it?" She challenged. Cinder smirked before hitting her again with the pillow.

After shaking her head, Honey looked over to Cinder. Her horn lit up and a pillow was lifted into the air as Honey Suckle narrowed her eyes more.

Raven simply watched as the two of them get into a pillow fight until she was hit by one of them. She shook her head from the impact and snapped her claw. Just then, numerous pillows fell from above and landed on Honey Suckle and Cinder. They yelped in surprise at the raining pillows.

Once they got out of the pile of pillows they found themselves in, they saw Raven giggling. After rolling their eyes, Cinder and Honey Suckle laughed along with her.

Honey and Raven decided to do each other's makeup, with Cinder deciding not to participate. Raven ended up with deep purple lipgloss and eyeshadow, and red hoof gloss on her claws, while Honey Suckle had green lipgloss with light pink eyeshadow and the red hoof gloss on her front hooves. The makeup on them was a little messy, but nothing too bad.

They even caught Angel who came into Raven's room a bit earlier and put him into a cute pink bow, much to the bunny's dismay.

After they were finished, the door was knocked on. Raven opened it, and her mother was there, flapping in midair and she had a tray of peanut butter cookies in her hooves.

"I made cookies, girls." She said. The adolescent girls eyes grew wide and they licked their lips. The teenagers grabbed some cookies off the tray. Fluttershy smiled before leaving to let them enjoy their party.

Raven, Honey Suckle and Cinder all took a bite of their cookies and went "Mmm" simultaneously at the taste. Honey finished her first cookie before turning to Raven.

"Your ma makes the best cookies." She complimented, "My ma isn't good at baking at all, so I usually have to make them when I want cookies."

Cinder nodded in agreement. "My mom doesn't bake at all, so we usually just go to Sugar Cube Corner when we want sweets."

Raven's face flushed in response to her friend's praises. "My mom does make really good cookies. I'm not sure about the best, but I love her baking." She said smiling.

As they ate their cookies, Honey had an idea.

"Hey, wanna play truth or dare, everyone?" She asked.

Raven answered, "Fine with me," while Cinder shrugged.

Honey Suckle smiled. "Alright. I'll ask first. Cinder, truth or dare?"

Cinder thought for a minute before going saying, "Dare."

Honey rubbed her hoof against a chin going, "Hmm..." before she said, "I dare ya to put on a dress and wear it for the rest of the game."

Cinder groaned in annoyance but begrudgingly accepted. Raven snapped up a rather puffy dark azure dress with a smirk and Cinder put it on. She sat there with her arms crossed and an annoyed expression on her face. The corners of Raven and Honey Suckle's lips wobbled into a wavery smile as they tried not to laugh.

Cinder rolled her eyes before turning to Honey Suckle. "Truth or dare?" She asked.

Honey answered by saying, "Dare."

Cinder smirked before challenging, "I dare you to dump a bucket of cold water on your head."

Honey's eyes widened before she looked nervous. "Seriously?" She moaned.

Cinder continued smirking. "You have to do it. It's the rules." Cinder said arrogantly.

Honey Suckle sighed before standing up as Raven gave her a bucket full of iced water she made. Honey Suckle held it over her head with her magic. She took a deep breath before dumping it on her head. She yelped in surprise at the shock of the cold hitting her.

She put the bucket down, showing her red mane was drooping over her face. Her makeup was running and she shivered from the cold. Cinder snickered at her. Honey looked over to Raven, who gave her a blue towel.

"Thanks, Rave." Raven nodded at Honey Suckle as she ate her cookie.

As she dried off, she asked Raven, "Truth or dare?"

"Um, truth." Raven responded.

"Hmm..." Honey hummed before asking, "What’s something weird you do in your sleep?" Raven looked away as her face blushed brightly.

"Um, apparently, I whistle when I snore." She answered, "Dad says it's cute, but he thinks I'm cute no matter what, so I'm not sure I agree."

The game continued for a while. Many of the game's highlights included Cinder confessed she secretly always wanted a rather girly little sister, Raven danced without music for a minute, and Honey Suckle revealing her first crush she had back in grade school. The game continued for a while until Fluttershy knocked on the door and opened it.

"Girls, I'm glad your having fun, but it's time to quiet down and get ready for bed." She mentioned.

Raven moaned, "Mom, can't we stay up? We're teenagers."

Fluttershy looked sympathetically but answered, "Sorry, little flower."

The teenagers all went "aww..." but complied. They briefly went to the bathroom to brush their teeth before Cinder and Honey Suckle grabbed their sleeping bags from their travel bags. They laid on their bags and Raven laid on her bed as they went to bed.

The next morning, Fluttershy was making some waffles with black and blue berries on top for the girls, while Discord made hay bacon. Wildflower was at the table, enjoying her own plate and drinking some milk. The draconequus, unicorn and dragoness teens soon walked it, with Raven's mane back up in the twin tails she had last night.

"Morning, girls." Fluttershy said while smiling widely. Her long tail swished as she brought the plates over to where they were sitting and set them down. Discord snapped up some milk and the girls began to eat.

"This is really good, Mrs. Fluttershy." Honey said.

Fluttershy's cheeks turned the same shade as her mane at the compliment. "Thanks, Honey Suckle." She replied.

Cinder ate some of the bacon. "This is better than my dad's hay bacon, Mr. Discord." Discord smiled widely as his chest puffed up and his ego went up.

While they were eating, a knock happened on the front door. Fluttershy went over and opened it, showing Cinder and Honey Suckle's mothers.

"Girls, your moms are here." Fluttershy called out.

"They're on the kitchen eating breakfast." She said to the mothers as she led them to the kitchen. The dragoness and earth pony smiled as they followed her into the kitchen.

"Hello, Discord. How are you doing?" The older dragoness asked.

"Oh, I've been fine. My last trip with Twilight and Spike was so boring, but otherwise, I've been doing well."

Honey Suckle's mom smiled. "That's good to hear." She turned to Honey Suckle. "Did ya have fun, sugar plum?"

Honey swallowed her bite before smiling at her mother and replying, "Yeah, we did, ma." Cinder and Raven nodded as they smiled.

"Do you want to stay for breakfast before taking the kids home?" Fluttershy asked and the older dragoness and earth pony nodded while smiling.

The eight creatures sat down and ate breakfast. The adults enjoyed conversation as they ate, while the teens were giggling at a joke Wildflower made. After breakfast, Cinder and Honey Suckle hugged Raven goodbye. Raven was sad to them go, but she knew they had to.

Once Cinder and Honey Suckle left, Raven turned and asked her mom, "Can we do it next weekend?" Fluttershy shook her head while smiling while Discord laughed.

Author's Note:

After a short hiatus, I'm writing again.

I made a couple of OCs that are Raven's besties. They aren't children of any character in canon and they may appear in a few other chapters. I felt like Raven should have some friends that seem to like her.