• Published 24th Mar 2022
  • 112 Views, 0 Comments

Starfall - RyRy

A filly able to glimpse the fate of thouse around her fights against her own.

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Chapter 2 | Wagon

Getting ready for dinner was a minor production that every family in the camp participated in. Among Noctals, the evening meal was served just after sundown and marked the end of the workday and the start of evening recreation which would last until near midnight when most families would head off to bed to sleep till past sunup.

The wagons were a bustle with all the ponies returning from foraging and finishing with their other tasks. Larger families set up multiple cook fires, or often long cook fires with multiple utensils and pots set up to cook. Water would be fetched either from the large barrel wagons near the center of the camp or from the nearby river, depending on if the pony felt like braving the line or the longer walk.

Frequently, multiple families who were friendly would park their wagons close and team up to make larger meals with less effort, sharing labor and food. Extended families often did the same. Stardust liked it when they shared with another wagon, it usually meant tasting something new, but it always meant more company to talk to while they worked on the food. Tonight however there would be no sharing, mostly because their meal would be a little early on account of Stardust and her mother’s early start to the day. But, Star’s primary concern was that there would be no need to share the blueberry pie.

The Mother-daughter pair had started by selecting some of their fresh produce. Star went to fetch their water from the barrel wagons while her mother went about getting their own cook fire ready. They both set to work washing and cutting to prep a simple stew base. Around the time the water had started to boil, Aunt Shadow fluttered in on silent felt-covered wings. The olive-colored mare had an infant colt strapped to her chest, little Shadow Agate Stardust’s baby cousin, and two large baskets suspended over her back, filled with goodies foraged from the surrounding area. Silverlight, took the opportunity to retreat into the wagon to take a nap, leaving Star and her Aunt to finish dinner’s preparation.

Evening had well and truly fallen as Stardust bent over a small, low, work table set outside the back of the family wagon. She sat with a rolling pin in her hooves rolling out the hot water crust for the top of the pie, constantly glancing back to the ceramic pie dish next to her for reference on size. The bottom crust was already in the dish, ready for filling. Piecrust was very time-consuming, but it would absolutely be worth it. Finally achieving a roughly circular shape, of an even thickness, large enough to cover the pie dish, Stardust grinned and looked over her shoulder at the dark olive green nocti with a gray mane tending to a pot hanging over the fire pit.

“Crust is done, Aunt Shadow!” Star called. Her aunt Leaf Shadow looked up from her work and grinned at the filly.

“Oh, is it now? That sure took you a while. The filling is prepped in that bowl, on the log at the back of the wagon there.” Shadow said, gesturing with her hoof. “Go ahead and pour it in, then crimp the top crust closed, and I’ll put it in our oven.”

Star carefully fetched the bowl in question, it was more of a small pot. It was made of fired clay and filled with a syrupy blueberry filling which had been reduced over the fire a few minutes before. The bowl was still hot, and the syrupy filling was still steaming. Star carefully scraped the filling into the pie dish with a spoon. Then placed the top crust down, trimmed it off with a knife, and crimped it closed before cutting a few steam vents into the top of the crust. This pie was going to be the highlight of the week! When she was done, Aunt Shadow retrieved the finished pie and carefully lowered it into a cast-iron oven she had been heating in the coals at the very edge of the fire pit. The lid was then replaced on the oven and covered in coals to properly heat it.

“Alright little star, the stew should be ready here in a bit. Why don’t you go fetch your uncle from chopping firewood, and I’ll wake up your mom from her nap, eh?” Leaf Shadow said while ruffling Stardust’s mane. Star ducked under her aunt’s hoof, quickly fixed her mane, and then beamed up at her aunt.

“Okay, Aunt Shadow! I’ll be right back.”

“Oh, no, take your time. It will take a bit to wake your mom.”

While Leaf Shadow disappeared into the family’s covered wagon, Star dashed off to find her uncle Star Quartz. He, like her, was a noctal blooded earth pony with tuft tipped ears, but he also had slitted eyes. Rounding a wagon-lined corner of the camp’s street, Stardust found a makeshift lumber camp breaking the line of wagons. There, a group of ponies were chopping up dry firewood which the Clan had piled up and left at this site last year. Still other ponies were pulling in fresh trees from the forest to replace the wood for the next time they passed through. Star spotted her uncle working with an ax and chopping block near the edge of the encampment, but he was also deep in conversation with a dark blue noctal blooded pegasus hovering off to the side. Star didn’t want to interrupt, so she settled herself to sit and wait for an opportunity to interrupt.

“I’m telling you Quartz, the rumors drifting south from the Crystal Kingdom are bad. No traders in or out of the city in months. Tales of some dark mage declaring himself king and tossing out princess Amore. We are not going to be able to winter there this year. It’s not safe to approach the city!” the pegasus was insisting.

“Alright, Nightsong. Alright! I’ll bring it up with the council and advise my mother accordingly. They were already worried enough when we first started hearing these rumors a week and a half ago to send my brother off a message to the princesses. I still don’t know why you insist on going through me though.” Quartz relented.

“Because your mother is the clan head, and you sit on her advising council, obviously,” Nightsong shot back, some of the urgency leaving his voice.

“And the reason you don’t go directly to her with your reports?”

“Because then I have to contend with her aid Shadow Ink and she hates me, I’d be lucky if Elder Nightwind ever heard my reports,” Nightsong dismissed.

“Yes, well. I’ll pass along your news. In the meantime, I’ve got more wood to chop and I’m sure my wife will be along in half a candle or so to fetch me for dinner.”

Sensing her opportunity, Stardust dashed up to the staked rope divider that encircled the logging area marking a safe perimeter. “Uncle Quartz! Aunt Shadow says dinner is ready. I helped make a blueberry pie!” Star exclaimed brightly, her tale bobbing back and forth in an excited wiggle.

Star Quartz chuckled lightly. “Ah, speak of the draconequus… I’ll speak with you tomorrow afternoon, Nightsong, have a great night.” Quartz tugged a canvas sheath over the ax head and set it atop the chopping block for another pony to use, placed a small pile of wood on his back to bring back before trotting to a break in the rope parameter and over to Stardust. “So a pie huh? Did you help make it?”

“Yep! I made both halves of the crust, rolled it out, and everything!” Stardust replied.

“I can’t wait then, I’m sure it will be great.” Star Quartz set a sedate pace back to their wagon so as not to drop any wood. “You were out with your mother today, right? Did you help with any of that?”

Some of Stardust’s seemingly endless bright energy seemed to melt away at the question. “Not really, no. I can’t help with the charging, and she only had to dig up one Hearthstone.” some of her energy seemed to come back as she looked up at her Uncle grinning. “But I sure helped with that one! It was covered with a big cap of slate, but I pushed it and the Hearthstone right up sixteen hooves, no problem!”

Quartz chucked again and reached over to pat the filly’s withers. “Sounds like you’re ready for the next step of your training then. Grounding and channeling outside magic.”

“What does ‘grounding and channeling magic’ do?” Star excitedly inquired.

“Oh, all sorts of things,” Quartz offered. “Negate a unicorn’s spells, ignore a Pegasus’s weather magic, make a wild magic area safe. All things we earth ponies can do when we use our talents right. It might even let you control your visions better” The bridge of Star’s muzzle scrunched and she hummed in thought before stopping to look back at her Uncle.

“But wait, I thought only unicorns could channel magic!?” Star said, latching on to one of her mother’s old lessons about the differences between pony tribes.

“Only unicorns can shape magic,” Quartz countered. “All ponies can channel magic, take it in, and direct it to new places. The difference is that unicorns get to tell magic what to do when it gets there. But that’s enough for now, we have a delicious dinner to enjoy. Why don’t you fetch bowls for everypony and wait by the fire?”

The arrival at the family’s wagon brought the conversation to an end. As Quartz deposited the extra firewood Stardust scampered off to fetch bowls from one of the chests tied to the side of the wagon. Star Quartz stepped up to the back of the wagon and knocked at the door before opening it to step up and in. It was a cramped space inside, a small aisle with just enough space for two ponies to squeeze past each other. Both walls were lined with storage cupboards, with the left side hosting some counter space and a small table attached to the wall under a currently open window with some benches for seating. The front of the wagon was completely taken up by a large bed with a suspended upper bunk on the front wall. This is where he found his wife, infant son, and sister-in-law.

On the large bed atop the covers his son Shadow Agate napped quietly in a little carrying basket, protected at the back of the bed near the wall, while his wife Leaf Shadow was laying next to Silverlight, gently stroking her back and withers with a forehoof. The olive nocti looked up as her husband walked in before looking back down with a smile at Silver.

“She completely exhausted herself today. But she brought back that cart absolutely packed. We’ll likely need to trade some of it off to the rest of the clan or do some preserving work before we break camp. Wanted to let her sleep some more but now that you’re back it’s time to wake her,” Shadow said before reaching down to nuzzle into Silver’s neck and then poke her side with a hoof. “Food’s ready and everypony is waiting.”

Silver, for her part, woke readily; quickly snapping her head up to look around before resting her eyes on Leaf Shadow. “Not fair Leaf, I felt fangs in that nuzzle and thought you were Echo,” Silver complained.

“Don’t worry Silver,” Shadow replied, patting Silver’s shoulder with a hoof. “He should be back from Everfree in a day or two. He’s a fast flier and knows how to stay safe. There is a reason he’s usually chosen as the courier when we need to send something to Princess Luna.”

“Yes, I know. It’s how I met him after all,” Silverlight sighed.

“And here I thought it was because as the son of the Clan Head he’s one of the few nocti who can drag some respect from the nobility in Everfree,” Quartz scoffed from the door. “Come, let’s eat. I know there is a particularly hungry filly waiting as well.” he continued before turning back to the door to exit the wagon. Silver chuckled and she got up off the bed to exit after him. Shadow brought up the rear, smiling softly as she fetched the napping Agate and his basket from the back of the bed.

Outside all three adults were greeted by a nearly bouncing filly who had collected four pairs of wooden bowls and spoons and set them out on the log round they had been using as a work surface near the fire and hanging pot of stew.

“Everything is ready mom! Well, nearly. The pie is still in the oven but if we eat now it will be finished by the time we’re done!” Stardust exclaimed in a rush, dashing over to Silver’s side. “You’re not too tired still are you?”

“I’m much better now little star, thank you for helping your aunt finish while I took a nap.” Silver replied, nuzzling the top of the filly’s head. The group sat down in a small circle off to the side of the fire as Silverlight collected the pot in her aura and levitated it over to the rest next to the fire before lifting the bowls, ladling a healthy serving into each one, and floating them off to each member of the family present.

The meal was a simple but pleasant vegetable stew with the occasional fortification of a small chunk of what Stardust presumed was rabbit or squirrel. She hadn’t paid too close of attention when Aunt Shadow brought them back. Not that the meat made her uncomfortable, she could eat it just fine like any other pony, she just didn’t like to see the mess that resulted from the preparation. The blood made her squeamish.

The adults were quietly talking as they ate whilst Star idly daydreamed. Full night had fallen by this point but none of the ponies around the temporary wagon town seemed to pay the lack of good light any mind. Most of them had absolutely no trouble seeing in the low light of the moon and fire; even if they hadn’t inherited the distinct slitted eyes of the nocti. Star’s mind turned to who else would really enjoy this stew, the missing member of her family. “Hey, mom? When is dad gonna get back?”

“In a few days sweetie, He should be nearly back from Everfree by now, it’s only a four or five days flight for him provided the weather is good.” Silver replied kindly. Star’s ears seemed to wilt and she muttered something affirmative in a dejected tone. It was clear the filly missed her father, Echo Berry. Silver quickly darted her eyes about trying to think of a distraction. Settling on Star quartz she smiled slightly. “Did you tell your Uncle what you did for me today Star?” Star immediately perked up and nodded enthusiastically.

Quartz chuckled through a mouthful of stew before swallowing and confirming. “Yes indeed, she made it sound right impressive too, lifting that much stone up through the ground is quite the feat for a filly. She is far stronger than she has any right to be for her age. I’m thinking she’s more than ready to start learning how to ground and channel at this point”

“Hmm, Then perhaps you should take tomorrow to start on that. Do you have time Quartz?” Silver inquired thoughtfully. Inconspicuously studying Stardust out of the corner of her eye.

“Yeah, suppose I could at that. Only really had more wood chopping and a council meeting early before noon. I can start training her in the afternoon just after breakfast.” Quartz confirmed before going back to his stew.

Star alternated between glances at her mother and uncle with a look of confusion on her face that slowly took on a measure of understanding. “Is there… a reason you’re always having me jump onto the next thing?”

Silver lowered her half-empty bowl of stew to look down at her daughter, a concerned expression on her face. “What do you mean sweetheart? Do you feel like we’re pushing you or something?” she questioned.

“Well it’s just, I never see the other foals training nearly as much as Uncle Quartz and I do. And you’re always teaching me to read and write and work with numbers. Things I know most of the adults in the clan can’t really do. And then Aunt Shadow is always teaching me survival stuff every chance she gets. So, it just seems like you’re all putting extra effort to prepare me for something…” Star trailed off looking confused but not discouraged. The adults all shared a look Star couldn’t quite read but if she wasn’t mistaken there was a slight bit of panic in Aunt Shadow’s eyes.

Silver’s face took on a determined but kind expression and shifted closer to her daughter, bringing a hoof over her withers to hug her gently. “Star, honey, with your… talents, your life is sure to be ‘interesting’. And that is as much a curse as it is a blessing. Additionally, while we may not talk about it much, your father and thus you are in the line of succession for Clan Head; at the very least you’ll likely end up on the council when you’re older. Reading, Writing, and Maths are important skills for ponies with that kind of responsibility to have. Why even Quarts here can read and write, though I did have to teach him after I met Echo…” Silver trailed off thoughtfully realizing she was a few seconds from rambling.

“My point is that the earlier you start learning the easier it is to learn new things later in life. Princess Luna taught me that. We just want you to have the best chance to enjoy your life we can give you, and teaching you everything we know seems like the best way to achieve that. If it seems like we’re rushing you along it’s because we…” Silver paused again, deliberately stopping herself from tracing that line of thought. “We just want the best for you.” Stardust simply nodded thoughtfully and finished off her stew by dipping her muzzle straight into the bowl.

Silver chuckled softly and ruffled Star’s mane a bit. “Well let’s check on that pie shale we?” With practiced ease utilizing her aura so that none of the others would need to bother with protective gear she removed the coals from the lid of the cast iron oven, casting them back into the fire. Then she lifted the large pot out of its coal-filled hole placing it next to the stew pot. Lifting the lid revealed a golden brown pie; bubbling with sticky berry filling, slightly burned in spots from the imperfect heat of coals it still looked absolutely delicious, and way too hot to eat.

“This is going to need to cool for a bit, why don’t you go find some of your friends and play for a candle or two Star? When you get back we can all have some pie for a dessert. Then we’ll do a bit of reading and get some early sleep. We both started really early this morning.” Silver offered.

Star looked sideways at the cooling pie with a longing look before looking back to her mother with a new smile. “Okay, I’ll go see if Skitter Leaf wants to play. I’m pretty sure her dad made her a new ball, that will be fun if she wants to share. ” Star announced, and without further ado, rushed off into the camp nightlife.