• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Daring do and the quest for the phoenix gem - Starry Hope

Daring must complete a journey unlike she has every experienced in order to save Equestria from a new threat.

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Chapter 2 Daring Escape

Daring observed the message within the roof above her, curiously watching for anything that can point to a answer on what it could mean. For Daring she hated not knowing the answers to questions, but this was one that had a exception. Upon it disappearing to Daring’s amazement and she knew that she couldn’t forget what it said. Daring began to write and draw what she saw in her notebook on what she saw and upon writing it down and what it looked like. She knew that if she wanted the answers to her questions, Daring would have to take it to the one pony who could most likely give her a answer to the questions. But when Daring turned around she was met by a pony standing at the door in a black robe. Before Daring could react properly she could hear a faint humming sound coming from the pony in front of her and before she could react she noticed that she couldn’t move.

She tried to flap her wings or even turn her head but she was still like she was made into a statue. The only thing she could do was move her eyes and even then it was a strain on her to do so. The pony said nothing as they continued to keep Daring from moving or even escaping and then she could hear a bunch of hoof steps coming from the steps she took to get here. Upon this came 3 more ponies in black robes and then one came that had a golden tip and walked closer to Daring and then removed their hood. Dr. Caballeron was the one standing in front of Daring and to her utmost shock she nearly dropped down in confusion on why he was here. "Well, well, well, we meet again Ms. Do. It's been a long time since we have met each other face to face." Caballeron said as he came closer to Daring and then noticed that she couldn't speak, even if she wanted to. "Hey Mystic, let the spell down a little bit. We are here to talk to Daring, not to keep her like a prisoner.

Be civilized." Caballeron said and the pony who was apparently Mystic lowered his head and then Daring could feel as if her mouth was being opened even though she wasn't trying to speak. Caballeron came close to Daring and leaned close to her where she could smell the faint smell of.... pancakes? "Now I shall ask you this once. Where is the phoenix gem?" Caballeron asked Daring which made her look at Caballeron with complete and utter confusion. "What are you talking about Caballeron, I don't know anything about a phoenix gem." Daring said hoping that it would be good enough for him to leave her alone. But Caballeron stared at Daring eyes narrowing and he began to search her bag to her disapproval. Caballeron pulled out Daring's notebook and began to rummage through the other contents like the last of her apples from her reserves a map of Mount Aris that costed her a couple hundred bits and about half her reserves that was basically a dead end.

"So Daring, it looks like you have done some work for us. Passing those traps and even finding this place for us. We've spent even longer than you in finding this, but thanks to you we have gotten what we needed. I am surprised that it would be located here. I would've thought it would be north, as the legend said." Caballeron said and Mystic slammed his hoof on the ground to stop Caballeron from talking anymore. "You're here to get what we all have been searching for, this thief knows more than you know." Mystic said and Daring gulped at those words. If Mystic found out about the mysterious sighting on the roof and the mysterious message, Daring knew she would be in trouble.

Daring looked her eyes down once more at the black dust that was once the relic she came here to recover, but now she began to wonder if this relic was somehow what Caballeron wanted or even a means to find it. But daring knew that she couldn't let him find it or even to get near it. She knew that she had no means to escape if she was still trapped in this spell. But daring had a plan and she needed Caballeron to fall for it. "Alright you want to know where it is, let your friend release their spell so I can move, then I will show you." Daring said hoping that Caballeron would fall for a simple trick. But he turned his head and looked at Mystic. "Turn the spell off Mystic we need to figure things out and if don't get her cooperation, we will just be running circles." Caballeron said to Daring's surprised as a slight smirk formed on her face. "This is your first time in your entire 2 years searching for this thing. NOW you want to play nice. Fine, do it. But don't come running to me if things go bad."

Mystic said as he let go off the spell and Daring could feel her body falling forwards and she caught herself from falling face first. Caballeron stood in front of Daring, his face stern and he expected Daring to give him what he wanted. But for Daring she had a better idea than to give him something that even she didn't know if she had. Daring took her one hoof and leaned down to the ashes of the once relic she had and stared at it with open eyes, "If your seeking your relic, it's right here." Daring said with a slight smile and Caballeron looked with confusion as Caballeron looked at Daring once more and then used his hooves to rummage through the ashes. But for Daring, she had a plan to get out and to trap Caballeron and his companions. She looked to her right and noticed a old pillar and upon gazing at it a little closer without moving. Daring noticed it to be older than anything here and breaking it would most likely collapse this entire room. Daring took one step back and then used her front hooves and kicked the ashes into Caballeron's eyes to his worry he moved all around blinded. "GET HER!" Caballeron screamed as he tried to wipe off the ash of his face. Daring looked forwards and saw the other 3 scramble to try and grab her. But Daring wasn't going to fall for a simple capture and flew up and landed on the golden chandelier and Daring used her weight to swing the chandelier onto the stone beam cracking it and causing the room to collapse.

It snapped off it's hinges and Daring flew out of the way and watched as it drop on them, crashing on top of them and she only heard whimpering from the weight of the golden mass that was on top of them. Then Daring saw the last obstacle in her way as the place began to fall apart. Mystic looked at Daring ready to use his spell once more to trap her, but Caballeron still blinded crashed into Mystic as Daring watch him hit his head on a metal statue that was right beside the door. And Mystic landed on top of him, but Daring quickly landed beside Caballeron who was on the ground and grabbed her journal from Caballeron's robe he ad on and right before she turned away Daring noticed a golden eye on the side of his robe near his neck. "What is that?" Daring muttered to herself and then noticed the 2 of them getting up.

Daring quickly took her eyes off him and bolted out of the door running away and watching as the room fell apart and a spell going off, most likely to Daring's theory Mystic trying a spell to keep the room from falling on top of them. But to Daring she ran out and nearly was trapped also when she jumped and climbed out and barely made it before the dusty puff of smoke came flying right out. Daring coughed as she inhaled most if not all of it and walked out of the ruin, which to Daring's delight was not throwing any traps for her.

Upon this Daring looked back at her journal one more time and saw the message one more time. "What mystery do you pose?" Daring muttered to herself as she ruffled her already stiff wings from not flying. But Daring had 2 things that confused her more than anything. 1: What was Caballeron doing there and what was with the getup? And 2, what was the Phoenix Gem. This was the first time Daring had no clue, but for her delight. Daring knew the right pony to contact. Eager and fired up Daring took her start and launched upwards and began to fly to Appleloosa, the town that held the ONLY archeologist that could possibly know this stuff.... Shadow Hoof.