• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 493 Views, 0 Comments

Two Sides - Venomsbite

What if using the elements wasn't so easy for Celestia?

  • ...

Chapter 1

She was here.
It's been... too long. Long enough, hard enough, that she didn't want to think about it. Oh, Faust, it was Luna! She could finally correct the worst decision she had ever made. She could finally put her hoof where her mouth is and stop lying to sweet little Twilight. Oh, please, let her fix this. She needs to fix this. The first thing to do was to put on the mask.

Turning her head towards the dark blue mass of magic, but not quite as dark as it had been just moments prior, she began to fill the canyon. "Luna! Oh, Luna, it's really you!" Princess Celestia cried out, allowing her precious sister any amount of painful space she needed, attempting to bridge that space with an outstretched hoof. Luna, her Luna, spoke to her for the first time in a thousand years. "Sister! I am so sorry, please forgive me! I promise not to be bad again, please don't send me back!"

That was not what Celestia had been expecting. She had expected rage, the divine smite of a thousand lunar phases condensed into a single magical beam. She had expected what was whispered in her ear for the last 400 years and expected to see Luna leave without a second glance. She had even expected, or more accurately prayed, that Luna didn't remember and she would be free of any trauma. She definitely did not expect... this. Her own sister, cowering at her hooves like they themselves did in the early days. Quickly shoving that memory aside with years of painful political experience, Celestia did what she does best. She pretends to be better.

"Luna-" Celestia began, and then stopped, seeing how Luna flinched away. Taking a breath to steal her nerves and calm down, she tried again. "Luna, I promise I will never send you back. I didn't send you there because of any action on your own part, but because of what you turned into." Finally, finally, she began to see Luna relax. Each word spoken acted like a soothing potion, and Celestia allowed the thought that maybe the voice in her head might just be wrong, after all. "Magic has progressed significantly since then. We no longer live in fear of ponies transforming into evil caricatures. After I banished Nightmare Moon, I spent years researching into the why, and I promise this will never happen again. Please, Luna, come back to the capital with me." Luna was so close, almost in her grasp. She just needed to bridge the final gap, and then the healing could finally start. "I promise everything will be explained. And, more importantly, righted." The solar princess finished with a deep breath and an extended hoof, waiting in anticipation that she has never felt before.

"OH MY GIDDLY GOSH DARN WHAT??? I DIDNT KNOW ANY OF THIS!!! TWILIGHT!!!! WE HAVE TO REWRITE EVERYTHING!!!" Like a bomb exploded, the once fearless princess of night and naught ran into the surrounding forests. Oh, faust. She was so, so damning close to no issues. Did the elements ever do anything besides make her life a living hell? This new iteration of the element of laughter definitely was giving the elements a run for their money by herself, though. And, Apparently, the other elements shared the sun princess' belief. After a brief and shocked silence, watching Luna fade into the distance, the elements got over their stupor. "PINKIE PIE!" The collective shout made the pink earth pony almost shrivel up into herself, once again laughing the face of every universal rule and law Celestia herself created.

"Pinkie," Twilight began, "you of all ponies should know when a situation needs to be handled carefully, and when a "Pinkie Surprise" needs to be rescheduled." Sometimes, Celestia thinks the only good thing she ever did was teach Twilight. Yet even that was born of selfish needs. But self loathing can come later. There are issues to address, after all. And there probably wasn't a better time to save what little self image the pink blob of energy has left. "Everypony, please listen." Good, Celestia now has the attention of all six blobs of warbling magic in front of her. Time for a patented Royal Speech To Lesser Beings.

"Princess Luna, better known as Nightmare Moon, has just been reformed into her better self. She is in a state of mind that even I am not quite sure how serious it is, and she has just run off into an area where she is ignorant of the dangers. Please, go back to Ponyville and spread word to those you know to not approach her in groups, and for those who can, to please be incredibly welcoming and warm and to open their very houses to her." Seeing the blobs start to vibrate in the "I can't believe this" way, she decided that maybe she should add on a few things. "That is a lot to ask, I'm aware, but please understand that Luna is not Nightmare Moon. Please, do everything you can to help my sister." She needed to really sell her point. She could feel that these elements, aside from the element of kindness, weren't so willing to help out. Celestia couldn't do this on her own. Celestia needed the princess.

All at once, the various colored ponies stood before their Sun Princess, Royalty above Royalty, a Living God, with disbelief. For Princess Celestia to lower herself to this, for her to do this.... She meant it. She meant her request, not just as a princess, but as a pony. The Celestial Princess and, for the last 1000 years, Only Ruler of Equestria, Raiser of the Sun and Moon, Bestower of Crops and Light, Bringer of Seasons and Life, The Emponyment of Peace and Prosperity, Princess Celestia Systema Solis, Bowed to a group of commoners. At this sight, this.... desecration, there was only one answer.

Of course they would help. After all, when faced with the request of a goddess, how could you not help?

Author's Note:

Hello! I hope this goes well! This is part of an au I created over the span of like... Half and Hour? I had the thought and decided i wanted to worldbuild! and after yelling at my friends on discord about it, i wanted to share it in a fic! im not gonna tell you everything, but I hope you enjoy it as I brennan lee mulligan your faces!!!!